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Old 01-27-2010, 08:25 AM   #316  
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cant sleep...its 5:20 here and i dont have to be up til about 7:50...were gonna look at 2 houses today.....i was going to fish today, but that will wait til tomorrow....the realtor says that after superbowl sunday there will be a lot more houses on the market...i hope so cuz we need to get moving to get the 8000 dollar tax credit....anyway im walking at 8:30...i already folded laundry this morning so i think ill go back to bed...maybe ill check in later this morning...have a great day!!!
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:53 AM   #317  
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Hi y'all!

Jae - I have hips that get sore as well. I learned that doing yoga without strengthening the hip can exacerbate the problems. Do you have a doc? Can you talk to them about hip strengthening exercises? I have been focusing on weight-bearing exercises for a couple weeks now, and I have started to notice the hip soreness decreasing. It may work for you... you'll be in onederland soon!!

emileigh - Thanks!! Lower your goal, you can make it!!

david - Glad to hear your leg is better! I don't have a kettlebell, I have a squishy medicine ball. I use it for excavator squats and twists and woodchops... I think it may be helping my grip strength as well. A medicine ball might be less expensive than a nice kettlebell too. I don't know if price is a consideration for you - it is for me!

Lori - You're doing amazing! I browsed your pictures, and you are gorgeous, girl! I'm so happy you're feeling more peaceful! You deserve all this happiness, and MORE!

jules - Welcome back! Sounds like you are doing very well! What's the name of the program? I am up to 8 modified pushups non-stop... I don't rightly stop, but I am still struggling for 7 and 8. And swearing.

misspriss - Ya'know - you seem like a tough chick. I think you and yours will be OK! I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. Keeping yourself straight can be hard enough, and then life gets in there and really throws you a curveball. You can do it, you can make it through! I'm cheering for you, and hoping everything with your rent is resolved, in your favor soon! Please keep us all posted!

archie - OOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhh India! How exciting! I have only ever been as far as Montreal, I am envious!! I know you can enjoy India and it's DELIGHTFUL food while still staying on track. Curry has recently been demonstrated to have fat-burning properties!!! Have a BLAST!!

fashionjunkie - Thanks! Welcome! You can lose 5 pounds, no problem!!

orange - Welcome! You can do it!

jam - It's a shame cars don't run on motivation... My household has reduced to one car, and it's been a lifesaver in terms of cash outflow. Those suckers really demand a LOT of cash. Friday's coming, and until then, I bet those are some happy dogs!!

jdon - Are you feeling better?!?!?!

KDM - Join me on my chips and booze diet! I hope your scale is moving for you, that things just wakes up in the morning and thinks to itself: "She keeps me in the spare bathroom, near the catbox - I'm not giving her what she wants! I want a better living arrangement!"... I swear...

Did I miss anyone?!? I'm sorry! I've been breezing in and out for days now, I've had a big week so far! It's raining today, so weights and yoga it is for me! I have to save some calories for a junk dinner planned tonight. So far, I've had oatmeal, and discovered that hubs, the official oatmeal chef, has no idea what a tablespoon is. Saw him measure in my honey for the first time...

So far, so good...
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:58 AM   #318  
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workout done, did the original low impact step by Cathe friedrich then i did power yoga for strength by Rodney yee...pretty challenging. burned 380 total.

Thunda-thanks for the's one right back at'cha...have a great workout today!

David-Crossing my fingers that you get your house soon, we want to take advantage of the tax credit ...maybe it will workout for the both of us. I hear we have until april to sign and then june to move in? is that correct?

hello to everyone..have a kick butt calorie counting day
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:48 AM   #319  
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Hi everyone!

I haven't been around because I've been sick for the past two weeks My weight has stayed basically the same throughout. That's pretty crappy! I wanted it to go DOWN! My motivation has been poor as well... even though I am no longer sick these past couple of days. Where has it gone? Someone kick me in the butt! I did push myself to workout this morning, but felt yucky the whole time I was doing it, like I was going to fall asleep. Not a good feeling. I feel better now actually. Maybe things will get better.

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Old 01-27-2010, 12:55 PM   #320  
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I'm just jumping in and there are still 25 days til V-day so.....

1.) I'm 234 today, I want to be in a new decade (under 230) by V-DAY!

2.) Start an exercise program of 45 minutes three times per week - so, in 25 days, I pledge to participate in 10 forty five minute exercise sessions.

3.) KEEP ON journaling daily!

4.) KEEP ON my eating plan of 1600 calories per day!
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Old 01-27-2010, 01:13 PM   #321  
Come on ONEderland!
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Thunda- thank god I love curry! I plan on having a reasonable portion of rice, a tofu or paneer curry, and a huge bottle of water! That, and taking a ton of protein bars! Lunch on the job site is iffy at best. Yay food safety.

Mariella, welcome! Yay, there's still 25 days to improve!

Me, I'm stiff today! Ran 3.93 miles (okay, let's just say 4 miles!) this morning. I needed it though because I went out to dinner. Darn you, restaurant week! Darn you, food network! How I love your scintillating food porn.

Today, I've got a work out at work, and tomorrow AM I'm going swimming. I worry sometimes that I'm over doing it on the exercise, but I'm eating healthy, I feel GREAT, and I just don't want to stop.

Feb. 7th I've got a 5K, and I think I *might* be able to run the whole thing.

What's funny is that this weight loss challenge has become more of a "move more!" challenge for me. I'm liking it!

So everyone! Let's move! Or we can sing "Let's Dance" in our heads and that will probably get us moving.
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Old 01-27-2010, 01:52 PM   #322  
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Thanks everyone for the warm wishes. Today I feel worse, my throat is so swollen and i'm more stuffed up. I didn't work out this morning before class, i slept a little longer. Which was ok because tomorrow is my upper body day. I had my exam today and I did very good on it, yay! I can't wait to be done with school. I have class until 9 tonight, i don't know if i'm going to make it.

The bf says thanks for the congrats on his weightloss. He feels good. He said he things our scale is off. I got on it this morning and it said 117.8...great i thought. But then i remembered what he said so i figured i'd change the battery maybe it would recalibrate it...yes i know what Lori went through but i figured it may help anyway...i changed it got back on the scale and it said 120.2! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!. So the bf has an insanely accurate scale at work, and he's going to weigh himself on the scale before he leaves and then on ours right when he gets home. If it's off then we get a new scale tonight! Ours is how hold anyway but still...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Still i'm not going to let that stop me from my goals. i'm going to keep CC and working out and not worry about the number only health. I've lost inches so far and my clothes fit better so there! *sigh*...

Well i have to get back to writing my paper and program for class tonight. I'll get to everyone individually later. Hope you all have a great day!
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Old 01-27-2010, 02:20 PM   #323  
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misspriss--sorry to hear about that mean landlord...good luck househunting!

david--good luck to you also...househunting can be SO frustrating! especially on a time limit..we did it 3months before we got married...

thundah--the scale is moving now...but it's going up...haha TOM is approaching so I'm not freakin out! lol maybe i'll see a whoosh next week?!?!? and my DH can't measure either!

mrslovett--sorry you've been sick, but glad you're feeling better "KICK IN BUTT" there's your kick! lol YOU CAN DO IT!! just read through some success stories on here and it might help ya get motivated again! atleast it helps me

mariella--WELCOME!! These challenges are so much fun! And a great motivation!!! 220s here you come!!

usc---you think you "might" be able to run the whole thing?!?! Didn't you just run 4mi this AM?? isn't a 5K only 3mi??? lol I wish I could run for 3mi straight!! I'm on the c25k program week 3 and running for 3minutes is killing me! but then again, i've never been a runner! lol i'm doing it on the treadmill and jogging at 5mph, should I be going slower? or faster? anyone know?!?!?!

jdon--hope you feel better soon!!! it sucks being sick and having class! or a freakin exam for that matter! Congrats on doing good!

jdon & lori---HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN YOU NEED TO CHANGE THE SCALE BATTERIES?!?!?!?!? how do i know if it shows a loss if it's the old battery or actually me losing weight?!?!?! my scale is only about 3months old, but was used a couple times a day at first LoL (I was addicted)

as for me, its C25K week 3 workout tonight...i'm also going to try to find some new running shoes...i've did some research and found some suggestions for flat feet...the taping is still helping, but would like to have correct shoes also...i also bought some arch supports that's basically a 3-4inch wide wrap that fits around my arch over my helped too...i'm just so tight when it comes to spending $$ on shoes, but if I want to continue exercising, I'm thinking I need to give in and buy some shoes that'll help my problem! nuttin a little overtime at work won't solve! haha

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Old 01-27-2010, 02:52 PM   #324  
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thanks KDM. My dayquil is wearing off so i just took another dose. It was so funny during my exam, i had my pen and pencils on my right side and tissues, Afrin, cough drops, and hand sanitizer on my left. My Professor just laughed at me. You can never be too prepared.

as for the scale...I looked at the battery that was in it and it said best if used by 1-2005. Well it's 2010 so i'm hopeing it's the whole friggin thing and have a nice new one.

uscarchie: nice job on the 4miles. I wish i had that endourance.

Mariella: Welcome

MrsLovette: sorry you've been sick. I know what you feel like. I wish you the best as getting back on track with workouts.

misspriss: I hope things go better for you. And you are right about having a roof over your head and healthy children and a DH with a job. we all are blessed one way or another.

Thundah: enjoy your junk dinner..i bet it's something reallly delicious!

Lori: thanks for everything. hope all is going well.

everyone else i missed sorry i will get back to you a little later hopefully before my next class.
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Old 01-27-2010, 05:27 PM   #325  
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misspriss, youre right about the tax credit...i just dont want to settle for a house i dont really like because of the tax credit...they tell me that a lot more houses get listed right after superbowl sunday
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Old 01-27-2010, 06:42 PM   #326  
grapevine fires!
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Hey everyone, it's a been a while since I posted here and I thought I should check in. I'm at 142 today...I'm almost sure I went over my caloric limit. Trouble is, since I live at home I couldn't tell you just what is in my parents house so my numbers are usually just ball parked on Fitday. But yeah, wasn't strong enough today and ate a little too much. I'd like to blame exams (wrote two earlier this week, another one later) but really, I have to take full responsibility. And I have. Which is why I will try harder! Good luck everyone else!
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Old 01-27-2010, 07:50 PM   #327  
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Misspriss~so sorry there raising your rent that sucks! And right in winter! ARGGGHHH ~Landlords can suck~but like ya said at least you have healthy kids ~hubby with a job & ect.
Me & the Hubby Lucked out 3 years ago & found a house on Owner finance that the owner was tired of trying to tend to cause he was older and sold it super cheap! 56,900 Its worth about 130,000 In todays market So we got a really good deal
Maybe look around after winter is over~cause it is so hard to move with kids and you may be able to find something as cheap as rent & be able to buy...We didn't get the tax thingy cause we bought before all that~MY LUCK~LOL~our plan is to pay it off within 10 to 12 years.
We are at 17yrs now. $454 Monthly.~Anyways~Back to my point I know how landlords can be and I will pray God Will send your family a good solid home You can buy As cheap or cheaper than rent~Then you will know what your paymet will be & they can't raise it~Dumb landords!
(Thats got me all torn up for ya~Like times aint rough enough right now!)
OK~calm down Lori Before you have anxiety attack~LOL
HUGS TO YA Misspriss!

Feels good to be told stuff like that But I still; blush about it all LOL!

jdonata,David,Kdm,EVERYONE ELSE .....Wanted to post longer but kids are needing me...Homework!UGH~~~HUGS TO ALL

Will post again as soon as possible.........Sorry to cut it short.
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:34 PM   #328  
In the desert...
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Thundah - the program I'm following is "New Rules of Lifting for Women". I read about it on the weight training forum here, and it sounded like a good place to start. I've used the machines before but wanted to get more into free weights and didn't want to pay a trainer to show me moves. So, this book is quite handy - it goes into the philosophy of free weights and cable weights. The only thing I can't quite wrap my head round is they don't advocate cardio - at least not what they call endurance, or steady state, cardio. And I would think cardio isn't a bad thing - but it's more that most cardio uses the same big muscles you're trying to work to fatigue in the weight workouts, so you want to be careful not to overdo it. We'll see how it goes, but today was workout 2 and I really enjoyed it. Except for the lunges. Don't like those.

I am VERY excited - there is a new parks and rec facility right near my house and Saturday is the grand opening. And according to the paper, after that, the aquatic center will be open for public use. From what I've read, it's supposed to be pretty impressive. I don't mind paying $2 a swim for a nice lap pool, and with it being about a 3 mile round trip from my house, I can get there before work. I haven't swum in ages but I think it might be a perfect addition to my workout program! Just hope I can get the smell of chlorine out of my hair!

V-day isn't far off now - isn't Monday February already? Yikes. I don't know if I'm going to make my 10lb goal but I figure a loss is a loss - if I weigh less on V-day than I did when I started, that is a good thing!

Last edited by julesp313; 01-27-2010 at 10:42 PM.
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Old 01-28-2010, 06:16 AM   #329  
keep on truckin' momma
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Good morning, man...i am LOVING my coffee this morning!!

im glad i stopped by this thread this morning, you guys made me feel so much better

Lori- thank you, i was hoping that monthly payments around 550 existed in a buyers world and you just confirmed that. Our real estate agent told us we could get a home( foreclosed home that is) and have super cheap payments and i just couldn't believe her,LOL. The landlord raised our rent from 240 a month to 400 a month starting in march, she is sooooo greedy. Its a 2bedroom 1969 single wide trailer that has been falling apart since we moved in 9yrs basicly its a dump! But its got us through so far. LOL, i was an emotional mess the day we found out but then i realized that i just don't care anymore. DH said were going to start looking for another place to rent...why pay 400 for a 2br when we could probably get a 3br for 500. We live in the boonies too so were bound to find something. I think the vitamins are working...yay! How did you like night at the museum 2? ok,sorry to ramble on...LOL....

David-I wonder why more houses are listed after super bowl sunday? Thats kinda weird? Good luck on the house hunting...

Jules-how cool, a new rec facility...thats going to be so much fun. We have one that is about 15mins from us and were thinking about getting the yearly fee for everyone.

JD-Sending you get-better vibes. Sorry your going through new battery blues, think Ive decided that im never changing my battery

Mawkish-glad to see see you! Good luck to you as well!

KDM-Good luck shoe shopping, i know what you mean about being tight with the shoe shopping. I too will put more money into my workout shoes(given i can find some on sale). For my everyday sneakers i buy walmart cheapo 10$ shoes

Hello to everyone i missed

Think today will be a rest day, not sure yet. Maybe i will get a sudden burst of energy and do some weights...who knows. BBL
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Old 01-28-2010, 11:27 AM   #330  
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Good afternoon everyone,

Today I'm feel much better. I didn't need a second dose of niquil and my throat isn't as swollen. I think by tomorrow it might clear up more and I dont' need to go to the doctors. So here's a little update:

Last night the bf came home jumped on the scale and it showed the same weight as the scale at work. I guess it wasn't broken...but, he too still had a little doubt, becuase how did I gain weight a minute after i changed the battery, plus our scale wasn't always giving readings. So to put my mind at ease (and his) we went to the store and got a new scale. I have the best man ever! The good news is it was marked $10 cheaper...sweet! yay Walmart! We went home set it up and hopped on was the same weight . The good news it we needed a new scale anyway and this one can measure body fat, water %, bone mass, and keep a record up to 12 weighins..the bf loves the stats so he's happy, and it wasn't that expensive. The bad news, apparently i weigh 3lbs more than what my last scale said before i changed the battery. So now i have no idea what my actual starting weight was for this challenge, it could have been higher. It's ok though, the scale said 120.6 this morning and I'm just going to keep doing what i'm doing. I still don't think the number matches the inches i've lost and how my clothes are looser on me. We have about 2 weeks left to V day and i have apparently 5lbs to lose. Well i'm not going to starve myself and go crazy, i'm going to take one day at a time and be healthy. THERE! *SIGH* enough rambling

Misspriss: thanks for the good vibes. it did help and i feel so much better. I'm giving you extra good vibes back for house hunting.

Jules: that's awesome about the facility, i would definitely pay $2 a swim. Mine is like $6 a swim...not worth it. Enjoy it!

Everyone else hope you have a good day and I will talk to you all later.
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