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Old 02-09-2010, 07:54 PM   #436  
In the desert...
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Lori - I paint my toes but not my fingers because having a horse means never having nice nails! I keep mine super short and just buff them - it would be so NOT worth it to even put clear polish on them because it would just chip right off.

Krista - for heaven's sake, be careful if you're out there on roads covered in freezing rain! Wait - I guess freezing rain would be ice, huh? Duh me. My local pool is $2 per swim if you pay as you go, but if you prepay you can reduce that to anything from $1.33 to 85 cents per swim! I got the $1.20 per swim deal but if i get into a routine, I'll get the larger prepaid one next time and lower my price even more. Btw, on the shoe thing - I am addicted to Cole Haan Nike Air shoes, if you haven't checked them out - they are phenomenal. Again, I buy outlet styles (we have an outlet here) or online on sale, but they are not cheap even on sale - the cheapest pair I've got so far is $125. But they are SO worth it - super comfy 4 inch heels that I can wear all day for work and not have any pain.

JD - are there no city pools around you? Here, we have four indoor, year-round pools run by the city and they're pretty decent. We also have... oh... around nine outdoor fun pools, which are seasonal and VERY popular in the summer when it hits 110+ degrees. I would hope that somewhere near you is an affordable option!

Me - well, as predicted, I am SORE from yesterday's workout. Mostly my chest and shoulders (I can only swim breaststroke) and my butt! Who knew kicking could work your bum so much? Back on track with food. Thank goodness.
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Old 02-09-2010, 11:13 PM   #437  
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I am personally very proud of you ~ When I first started walking ~I struggled with 15 minutes And it wasn't running (So I again am very proud of you)
Then I built myself up to the 45 minutes 2 times a day that I do now...So Hang in there and You will evenutally get to where what you did today is a breeze And add so much more in you never dreamed possible.
Oh btw Thanks so much~I am thinking that scale should move soon~it always has its moments.hehehehehe

misspriss78~hehehehe So cool you all call dibs then take turns.Me & mine never share~Were always at each other~We have Love/hate relationship. Hope ya got your workout in for the day.HUGS!

jdonato Your Always an angel with something sweet to say.
When I am craving Food in the evening I try to Drink water ~Or drink A diet soda Cause it it zero caloires & Has flavor So I feel like I am cheating~Or if you totally cave ~Make sure you never go over 100 to 200 ~So you are not upset with yourself. cause I am sure we do not always count our calories perfect anyways On some of the measure weigh items & I always figured If I had to go over 100 to 200 Once In a blue moon then it wouldn't hurt cause I proboly have a few times that I was unaware of.~GOODLUCK~I myself have been craving later The last few days ~I think its the snow Cause I feel so stuck and helpless when It snows Even though I think it is beautiful Or well I will blame it on the snow.

julesp313~I love animals But Am So allergic to them all.
~I am gonna do my toe nails when Its flip flop wearing time.(which I hope comes fast) ~Good job With the calories & Hope the soreness goes away soon.

Well Tonight My scale says 165.8 ~Which usually means I will weigh about 2 pound or so less in the morning~I am hoping to at least see my ticker weight again soon.~But ya never know. I need to get 163.2 to reach my goal for valenintes day..5 days to go~We will see.

Last edited by Lori259; 02-09-2010 at 11:21 PM.
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Old 02-10-2010, 10:38 AM   #438  
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Just a quick check-in. Schedule changed, and I am a mess! I promise I'll be back to say a proper "Howdy" to y'all soon!

I am on-track with eating, and I think I will drop my calories since I am distracted from food by other things now. Exercise is another story. I've got 30-day Shred on the way, and I hope the 20 minute segments will be a help. This week, so far, only light yoga each day.

Back soon!
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Old 02-10-2010, 11:08 AM   #439  
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Quick update from me too. I'm still a bit sick It's getting better though. Now my nose and lips are just sooooo chapped and raw It's terrible and it hurts.

My weight is still around 112.8 and I don't know if I'll be able to lose 2.8 lbs in less than a week to finish off this challenge. I have been getting in my water though! In a gigantic cup mostly Well, hope to hear from you all again soon!

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Old 02-10-2010, 12:56 PM   #440  
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MrsLovett-Im sending you get-better sorry your not feeling good.

JD-Thank you, your such a sweet and i too believe that everything happens for a reason, will gonna keep looking for a place,something is bound to come up sooner or later.

Hello to everyone

Quick check in for me too...I got in a cardio yesterday and today was a cardio plus some upper body strength training.

Can you guys believe that i haven't weighed in over three days..that is unheard of for meHave a good day
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Old 02-10-2010, 01:36 PM   #441  
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Thunda-I wanted to get your thoughts on some yoga workouts....i bought Rodney Yee's power yoga for beginners:Strength last week. I like it ok,its 30minutes but not a whole lot going on...alot of forward bends and downward dogs. I thought about purchasing the 'full body power yoga or the yoga burn' by him...I was wondering which yoga workouts you have? I really like his style and i thank you for introducing him to me
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Old 02-10-2010, 03:01 PM   #442  
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MrsLovett ~regardless if you lose that 2.8 or not for this challenge you have done super!!!! I hope you get well soon and everything goes better for you. Sounds like you have had a horrible cold or flu for way to long!
Sending hugs to ya!

Everyone else ~ a big hello~In a hurry cause I am looking on to buy something from my sister. trying to help her out she just started selling it & needs some extra income.
Trying to go for something cheap but got my mind on 6 different watches~my hubby said get them all cause she is willing to let me have 40% off on my first order and it would just be around 60 bucks after that~but that is expensive...Kinda...for a one time avon order to help her out And If i buy that much this time she might expect a large order from me all the time...And usually I am a 10 to 15 dollar girl with avon orders.But I am an addict to watches and there all spring/summer watches! I will just proboly have to let her know this time I may order bigger but can't always do it.Ughhhh Cause Me & the hubby save 75.00 to 100.00 on like a monthly basis in total in winter months & 150.00 to 250.00 in summer months incase of emergencies & i just can not get into that money at all.

Oh ~before I click outta here~I was 163.4 today So I am .2 From my valentines day goal of 163.2 LOL~I hope those numbers continue to go down just to make my goal at least. ~never know though.

OK ~be back online later or 2morrow.

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Old 02-10-2010, 10:49 PM   #443  
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jules: there is a community pool where I live, however the cost is too high right now for me. Where I grew up(where my parents and sister still live), we had open swim at the local High School and it was open to everyone, residents and non-residents for free. They even had adult lap-swim in the mornings which was great all year round. I'm still getting used to this community center thing that charges $ lol. but I do want to say that it is so amazing that you swim. My sister said the last time she swam it was like lifting 20lb weights when her arms were coming out of the water. Your soreness is a sign of kicking major bootie! I'm proud of you and wish you well....btw...breastroke is my fave stroke then the butterfly.

Lori: thanks for the advice on snacking. I spoke to a trainer at the gym to see what my caloric intake should be, it turns out i've been a little higher than what I should be, but that's ok. tonight I ate a good meal(i made homemade chili tonight, with venison and turkey burger to cut the calories), and I didn't snack. Oh and I like what you said about the diet pop idea, I'll keep some caf. free in the house. And only .2 away!...that diserves a bootie dance! Keep it up!

thundah: Keep it up! You are awesome at working out and even if you can't find alot of time I know you'll get to your goal.

MrsLovett: I'm very sorry you are still sick. I wish you all the rest and recovery to get well soon. As for the weight goal, I'm very impressed with how far you have come. I know it's a tough journey we all are here for you as a support system. Hope you fell better!

Misspriss: Let me know if you find a good yoga workout. The trainer said I need to start doing abs and more strength training. I hope your workouts are going well.

Everyone else I'm very sorry if I missed anyone and we are so close to the end of this challenge. No matter what happens if we meet our goals or not it's still very wonderful that we all are trying together. I'm happy for you all. Sweet dreams!
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Old 02-11-2010, 12:29 AM   #444  
Day 1 back on plan...
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Hi all,
I'm still here Dh is on vacation..Keeping an eye on him 24/7 isn't easy
On track and hanging in there! Missed my meeting on tuesday for weigh in but I plan to stop by friday just to weight in.

Lori- I will buy something from your sister ....I was going to go see what they had and I don't have a local avon lady. I used to order from a good friend in Wv but she no longer sells it. I'm trying to buy myself little NONfood rewards and avon is the perfect place for that.
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Old 02-11-2010, 09:57 AM   #445  
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Hey peeps!

No time to catch up on posts I missed, but wanted to check in anyway. My trainer certification seminar is this weekend, so I probably won't have much 3FC time or brains till after that is over.

My weight is at 165.8. I dropped the lovely mayo I was putting on my veggies with lunch and dinner, and that seems to have been the culprit. Just too many cals for this way of eating..sigh! So, 1 lb to go for my v-day goal...I could still make it!

My injured shoulder/biceps tendon is recovering nicely, and I am starting to get back to some overhead lifts, push-ups, pull-ups and other stuff I'd been off of for a while. I've lost some headway in those areas, but it feels good to at least be able to work on those again!

I bought me some weightlifting shoes...used them for the first time last them! Super comfy and much more stable than those squishy running shoes!

Cut my hair off, too. Will have to upload a pic, but probably not until after this weekend. Love the short hair, so much easier to wash and also for workouts/lifting!

Better hit the road...workout this morning, then might go in search of new running shoes, as my old ones were toast about six months's time!
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Old 02-11-2010, 12:50 PM   #446  
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So this morning I got on the scale and it said 122.2...I don't understand because i've been working out this week and I was under calories yesterday and just right the other days...the only things I can think of is I had alot of sodium yesterday, TOM is 1 day away, or maybe muscle mass increasing from working out...either way it was a downer. So to pep my spirits up I decided to buy a new CC journal. I'm almost done with my old one. I looked up ones online and I wanted to find one that had places to put what you eat, exercise, and other stuff...but I went to Walmart and Target and couldn't find any, just plain ones. So I found a plain one I love! It is color coded with 4 colors about 50 pages per color, which i figured I can use each color to represent a month, and there's a skinny blonde chick on the front,'s one of those fashion every time I look at that it just motivates me more to keep it up. Oh and......I GOT STICKERS! lol I got stickers so everytime I lose a lb or stick within my CC range for the day I will give myself a sticker...that made me feel better. I wanted a journal that was fun and made me want to write down everything and that I can look back and keep track my progress.

losing4another: I thought of you when I got my stickers...and they are sparkly! I hope everything is going well with you.

Jam: I'm glad to hear your shoulder is healing and that you only have 1lb left! Good Luck, I know you can do it.

I'm still trying to keep on track, I'm working out more and I'm not going to give up. I may have good weeks I may have bad weeks, but each day is a new day and a new start. The bf got the estimate for his breakline to get fixed...OUCH! $543...OMG! I was ready to tighten up on groceries, gas, even though things are already tight but then his friend said he knows someone who can do it for way cheaper and that he will drive him home everyday from work as long as it takes...he's lucky he has a great friend. Last night was one of those nights where I just stayed away from him and didn't say anything...he was really stressed, but better today. I hope everyone has a great day, i'll post more later.
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Old 02-11-2010, 03:30 PM   #447  
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Jdon- Aww glad you got stickers! They are so fun! I hope to get my first 5 pounder next tuesday
My dh came in as I was reading your post about the breakline....he wanted me to tell you that is WAYYYYYY to high. My hubby just fixed his friends for 16.00 He didn't charge him anything to put it in though...only for the parts. He says even if they are ordering a top of the line copper breakline it would be max 100 bucks...So thats 443 dollars for labor guessing that your breakline is the most expensive. I bet just calling around place to place your prices will change greatly. Also if they think you don't know anything about your car they will charge more. I can call around and get a totally different prices than my dh can. Good luck hun

Last edited by Losing4another; 02-11-2010 at 03:31 PM.
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Old 02-11-2010, 03:39 PM   #448  
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JD-Wow,bummer about the price of the new breakline but I agree, shop around for prices. Im sure your scale is just showing water retention,like you said. Great positive attitude about it too..WTG on the new CC journal,im using a plan five-star notebook and had no idea there was calorie counting notebooks out there whats the name of your notebook with the skinny gal on the front...thats what i need,LOL. I use stickers too,its fun

Hello to everyone,sending out healing vibes, good luck vibes and hugs to all!

Today was some kickboxing then some yoga...ok,gotta go..have a good day
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Old 02-11-2010, 04:03 PM   #449  
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losing4another: Thanks for for the advice and tell the DH I appreciate the info too. We know it's really expensive, the bf works on cars and this is the first time in his life he has to take a car into somewhere and not fix it himself. It's not that he doesn't know how but with the snow and our garage not being fixed up for a shop he can't do it. I did talk to him about it and he knows someone who will fix it for a fraction of that cost, he thinks it will only be about $100. It does suck that he can't fix it himself. I hope you do get a 5lb sticker that would be awesome! I can't wait til after dinner where I get to see if I made my day and give myself a sticker hehe...i'm a dork like that.

misspriss: I got the journal at Target...the brand is [ Miquelrius] under it says [Barcelona, Spain: Item # 42233: Jordi Better 6 x 8 Assrt Notebook]
It's not a CC journal, but there are ones like that out there, it's just a regular notebook and i saw two with dark hair, and the blonde. They have color rimmed pages, 4 colors, green, brown, blue and pink about 35 pages per color, not including front and back. I need colors and stickers to keep me motivated and want to write in it. I hope you find it, it was $6.99 which I think that's really expensive but either I reward myself with food or 7 bucks for a CC journal to a healthier lifestyle.

I have class until 7:30 tonight so I packed a fullbar and hope it will hold me over until dinner, I'm trying not to go for Sprite and cheetos right's a crappy day out and I"m an emotional eater...
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:51 PM   #450  
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I'm In a super hurry...Kids have been home from school last 3 days for snow days! They are driving me nutty So I am handing them over the computer so they will be quiet hopefully

Lorra~My sis would love that!! I will let her know...And you can order offline and use her name to give credit too.I will email ya all the info ASAP!!!
Avon is awesome stuff!

Jam~would love to see a pic of the new do!!!


OH BTW ~I made goal today finally!
I needed 163.2 to lose my 7 pounds~weighed in at 163.0 Today~!~ WOOOT WOOOOOT ~DID IT!
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