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Old 02-11-2010, 08:05 PM   #451  
Day 1 back on plan...
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So the Dh bought me TWO chocolate filled hearts for V-day...Well early v-day anyway I got into one and ate way more than I should I have the points for them but I didn't plan to use so many.....Chocolate is sooooo evil

Jdon- That sucks that your BF can't do it. We live in FL so snow is never a problem. The only time we have to take it somewhere is when dh is to busy to fix it himself. Although last time we took it somewhere they broke a hose and a clip trying to get to what they were trying to fix , then I had to get the car towed cause dh was out of town for business. After that he said he always would make time Not sure if it was the broken hose or the extra 100 dollars to get the car home
Thanks for the idea for the journal...I bought a small note book from the dollar store and some gel glitter pens to track points in. The 3 month WW trackers are 15.00 and I made my own for a whole 1.25 Can't beat that!
STAY STRONG!!!! Cheetos are evil too!!!!

Misspriss- great workout

Lori- I went online last night and there was a few little goodies I got my eye on I agree avon rocks! All the little stuff to make us girls happier
I bet the kids are happy about that time off. Do they get next Monday off? Dh has this week off then DD has Monday off....No alone time for me until TUESDAY HELP!!!!!!

Last edited by Losing4another; 02-11-2010 at 08:08 PM.
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Old 02-11-2010, 09:03 PM   #452  
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Quick post while I get ready to do more work (ick).

JD - that's a shame that your pool isn't more affordable - or free, which would be even better! I have star stickers (think I got them from Kmart) that go on the calendar on the fridge every time I workout. Filling the month up is very motivating!

Lori - congrats on making goal! Always great to see people meeting their goals (hopefully I will be one of those people one day!).

Thundah - sorry to hear your routine is messed up. Hopefully you'll be back into the swing of things soon.

Cheryl - I hear you on the short hair! Mine is about 4 inches long all over now and that is way too long for me with horse riding (helmet head), swimming (pool head) and working out (just plain sweaty!). In the summer, I chop it down to about an inch or two all over, and I love it. It's very heroin chic, my husband says - not sure if that's a compliment or not!

MissPriss - on the yoga, do you have Netflix or the Exercise TV on demand on cable? I've found many workouts on both, and I love some and detest others. I think if you can try before you buy, you may find a really good yoga workout that suits you well.

Me - meh. Just hanging in, working long, long days, but still making sure I bring my lunch, dinner and snacks, 64oz water bottle, workout 3-5 times a week... I won't make my V-day goal but I am down just over 6lbs so far and I am happy with any loss. Slow and steady but heading in the right direction!
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Old 02-12-2010, 07:32 AM   #453  
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Well,crashed and burned last night...but back on the wagon today. The past two weeks haven't been very consistent, time for me to get re-focused. Atleast my workouts are kicking butt,LOL

Jules-We use to have netflix but canceled it, we have talking about getting it back again. The reason we canceled was because the slow process of getting the movies, think our post office is just slow. Thanks for the reminder

gotta run to the grocery store, a winter storm is coming and need to stock up. bbl

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Old 02-12-2010, 09:45 AM   #454  
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losing4another: Nice job on the journal, it's funny I always shop at the dollar store(most of my xmas decor. are from there) and I didn't think to go there. I like the gel pen idea. I did stay strong and didn't have the cheetos last night. I stayed within my calorie range so I was able to put a smilely sticker in my journal .

jules: Thanks for the idea about puting a sticker for every workout. That is really motivating, I'll put a heart sticker for every day I exercise. I'm anal and color-code and sticker-code everything lol. And awesome job on losing over 6lbs so far!

misspriss: I hope you and your family stays safe from the storm.

today I weighed in at 120.4 which is .2 less than my ticker, I'm still not down to my lowest but that's ok. I think alot of bloat came off from not working out yesterday letting my muscles heal and I tried to watch sodium intake. I got to put 2 starts next to my weight for every lb I lose! I know I'm a dork but it helps me.

I'm about to head to meet with my advisor about graduation this may and make sure everything is in order...or Lord I pray so much everything is in order. I pray for the same three things every night...Graduate, Health, Job. Let's just hope there's an Angel on my side. I hope everyone has a great day and I'll pop back in later.
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Old 02-12-2010, 03:32 PM   #455  
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Amelia - that's a shame about the Netflix speed. I always get mine on time, except that one time during the great Netflix crash... I love Netflix, because I refuse to spend $10 on going to the movies, so Netflix is well worth it for me!

JD - the stickers really help me see how I'm doing. If I have a week with only one or two stickers, I know I need to do some formal workouts on the weekend, not just ride my horse. If, like this week, I hit Friday with four stickers, I can use my riding as my workout. But I need the visual for it to really hit home.

So - the lovely new pool that has now been open two weeks? Closing for a WEEK for maintenance. What??? Yeah, the manager told me the decking around the pool was not up to standards and it's got low spots where water puddles - clearly a safety hazard when you're in wet, bare feet. So they're having the deck redone and also the diving boards refinished as they weren't up to standards. So I will be able to swim next week through Thursday and then not again until the following Friday! Luckily I'm out of town for two days and I can use the gym but I was bummed - just as I get into a routine, someone buggers it up for me. Grr.

I am SO craving Chinese food right now. TOM and dying for salt. Ugh.
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Old 02-12-2010, 06:18 PM   #456  
grapevine fires!
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Ugh, two days and one pound left. Being realistic here: don't think I will make it. Still proud of what I have done though. Congrats to everyone else.
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Old 02-12-2010, 07:57 PM   #457  
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Lorra~sent ya the avon Info By email.~My kids had school Monday then was home for Tuesday,Wednesday/& Thursday~Then had a 90 minute delay this morning but had school at least...Just found out they do not have school Monday cause Of presidents day or tuesday cause Of teacher conference Or something or the other~LOL~So I am with ya~Except I gotta wait until Wednesday now ~Unless its snows again then I will have t wait even longer! hehehee

Jules~HUGS TO YA!! over 6 ponds is awesome by the way!!

misspriss~hope your warm,cozy,& Happy during the storm~they make me so depressed..Sucks to get snowed in. STAY SAFE

Jdonata~Graduate, Health, Job~3 super prayers! OH & Sweety I dream of 120 from Ohio~So Hang in there~YOUR MY DREAM NUMBER IN WEIGHT!!!!

Mawkish Mo ~Do not be disouraged even if you do not make your goal~we always start up a new challenge for the next holiday~So make sure to come back oN valentines day And check for the next one too~And ya just never know that last pound may come righ off there for ya!! I am proud of ya too!!!!

My day~Went to grocery Incase we get weekend snow & to stock up since the kids are basically on vacation and eating me outta house & home~hehehe
My hubby bought me a watch set off SHOPNBC~That looks Fabulous for another last minute valentines day gift~I decided I can not compete with him~LOL So I am handmaking him a Valentines day card Like I use to do when I was a kid~I use to love to make my own cards~I think it will be ugly proboly but more special & He will be more likely to remember it~Plus I have the other idea still on my mind...I may even add some coupons in the card ~for back rubs~Alone time~Anything I can think of he may enjoy.

My kids said everyone liked there valentines day boxes today at school ~My oldest won 2nd place with his robot box ~they didn't judge them in my other sons class~He had a ds box.(I actually hate when they judge them Kids end up with feelings hurt) I do however enjoy making them with the kids ~its something fun to do every winter.
When they get to old I will have to Help my sisters kids or something ~LOL!

Well still weighed 163.0 even today!! I am soooooo close to losing 100 pounds! Just 3.2 pounds away!! That will definetly be one of my next holiday challenge goals~well logging out not checking for errors...My kids want the computer...UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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Old 02-13-2010, 12:37 AM   #458  
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Jdon- I love the dollar store for stuff like pens and quick pick ups like toilet paper and shampoo. It seems to be the only place I can get in and get out...hmmm thats not completely true even there I can lose track of time for stuff I don't need

Misspriss & julesp- I have works just like netflix but you can also return to the store for a in store rental as well. I only do that during the summer so the kids always have a movie. Misspriss maybe you could give them a try and see if you get them sooner. The prices are about the same. I usually get mine with in the one business day.

Mawkish Mo- Congrats to you as well....Just one pound off from your goal is awesome...Do stick around for the st patty day challenge....I think that will be the next one...right Lori

Lori- I got the email.... thank you I did some save a lot shopping too today I was going to get dh some more chocolate too for v-day but then decided we have enough in the house. I think I will go pick up something else sweet from him on v-day from a bakery. Then try to avoid that until it's gone

I was thinking of you last night when I was doing my online shopping. Sears is having a SALE...I bought DD two hoodies ( the thick ones) a pair of jeans and 3 tops for a total of 50 bucks...thats including the 6.95 I paid for shipping. Poor DD needed a thicker hoodie and was in heaven when I seen they were having a sale...Lots of the jr size tops are 4.49 cents. You have to put them in your shopping cart before you see the total % off ... I about fell on the floor when I seen that. One of the hoodies was only 7 bucks! They have the name brand hoodies the teens are into 67% off...They are regularly 60 and they are down to 19 dollars. Was going to buy one but decided on the better deal of buying two hoodies for under 20 bucks. I may go back before the sale is over and buy dh and I a few things.
School holidays are over-rated We don't get snow days but do get hurricane days...This year is out for hurricane days though, season starts in June.

Oh most forgot to add that I didn't get to weigh in today. They decided to take lunch a half an hour early and wanted me to come back a couple hours later. Didn't happen though it was to nasty outside raining and cold to go back....I'm a little upset my weigh in book will have a empty spot for week 3

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Old 02-13-2010, 10:56 AM   #459  
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Good morning everyone,

jules: I see what you mean about keeping track. Just looking at visuals I will be able to see if I need to add a workout or cut back a little on calories. Sorry to hear about the pool being closed but like you said you're out of town. My TOM is today or tomorrow and I craved Taco Bell last night so I made brown rice, turkey burger, corn, FF cheese, wrapped up in a Whole Wheat actually tasted exactly like Taco Bell! I even got the bf to think he was eating TBell too! Fight the chineese craving you can do it!

Mawkish Mo: That's still a huge accomplishment! 1lb from your goal you should be very proud...we all are proud of you here

Lori: I love you! you are such a great person and very inspiring. thank you. And btw I'm stealing your coupon idea for V-day! I'm a broke a$$ college student and only can work part-time and I didn't know what I can do for V-day besides cook a dinner so that in a card he will love! I'll put in things like cut the lawn one day, get out of jail free card, and the usual.......... Now I feel better knowing I can get him something. And no matter what you get your hubby...your hot!...and i'm sure that's enough for him I hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!

Losing4another: Last time I went into the dollar store to get a dusting spray and ended up with a cart full of stuff...woops. Those are some awesome deals are they online or instore? I think I have a gift card there.

I hope everyone else is having a great Saturday. This morning I got on the scale 119.6 but we will see the official weight tomorrow on V-day! The bf is down to 225.8...his HW was he's not wanting to screw it up! I think he's secretly doing the V-day challenge lol. He left with his dad for a while so I have time to get the coupons done.

So I thought of what Lori said and this morning I took a little time to reflect. Everyone has an item of clothing they want to fit into, my first one was a pair of jeans, now they are loose on me, then a pair of shorts, again fit amazing, a white blouse which buttons up and no gaping or pulling...and now there is a pair of capris from like 7 years ago and today I tried them on they zip and button up just a lil (tuggie) haning I know I've accomplished alot and I need to just relax and hang in there. I'm happy for everyone and so proud of all of our goals. We did a good job this challenge and we can keep it up together!

Have a great day everyone
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Old 02-13-2010, 11:51 AM   #460  
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Whoah. What a week. So, I'm on a later schedule, and it's WEIRD! I have been getting home shortly after 8pm, and I get NOTHING done because, in my mind, it's "nighttime" and a time of minimal activity. Even though I'm not going to bed 2 hours later, but at 1amish, I have only managed a little bit of yoga after work. In the mornings, yoga as well. So my plan, to help me continue to plummet towards my goal, is to do 20-40 butt-busting minutes in the mornings, and then 20 minutes of gentle yoga at night, to help me relax. On weekends I'll walk. It's not as much as I was doing, but hopefully with a reduction in calories, it'll get the job done.

I do need to let y'all know that I have eaten 4 cookies this morning.
(So, apparently today will be my higher-calorie day, instead of tomorrow.)

Lori Thanks for the encouragement! You are a MAJOR inspiration! And I know what you mean about not wanting what your sister has - I have no sisters, but this actually happens between my brother and I - and he doesn't even carry purses!! Really, if he does something one way, I do it another... It's just part of being a family...

jules Hey hey! Have you tried a light buff or pink on your nails? I don't do mine with color either, like you, but the light buff tones don't show chips. Or, we can just keep doing what we're doing... Heh. The swimming sounds amazing. I won't be seen in a bathing suit - so I have wait for that lap pool in the back yard of the house I don't have... You're doing amazing, keep up the good work!!

jdon Congrats on the capris!! The journal sounds fun, the stickers sound amazing! You've done a lot of tough, hard work! Congrats!!!! Thank you for cheering for me! It really helped motivate me when my butt was just BURNING from the day before...

misspriss You're always so encouraging!! You're doing so fabulous, you'll be at goal and strutting around before you know it!!! You are SO CLOSE!! Go girl!! As for Rodney Yee - I have the yoga burn, and it burns. It's not "intense" - just go as hard as you can, and you'll FEEL IT! I also have beginner morning yoga from him, which is 15 very easy minutes and just warms me up for the real exercise routine. I would recommend you try any intermediate level stuff from him. He's less about sweat and more about control and strength, it seems to me, and you are in great shape anyway - so go intermediate. I think you said Total Body as well - which I have. If you like Rodney but want a little more, try to find a guy on Oxygen called "Steve Ross". You may hate me for that. He lights your butt on fire.

Last edited by thundahthighs; 02-13-2010 at 04:08 PM. Reason: Edited to add: I weighed in this morning before showering and heading to the salon, and I was at 180 even. Woohoo!!
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Old 02-13-2010, 01:26 PM   #461  
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I just finished a 55min circuit dvd,LOVE that workout. We got about 3inches of snow which is huge for Georgia the kids are having fun, me not so much...i forgot to get coffee yesterday at the store and where are officially out...ARG!

JD-Great news about the scale this morning,crossing my fingers that it will be the same tomorrow,or possible lower

Thunda-You crack me up, i will check out this 'Steve Ross' fella, im sure my butt will thank you.

Jules-If your craving Chinese food try Kahiki Chinese meals, there in the frozen food section and there really good. My favorite is the general tyso chicken. its SO GOOD and only 370 for the whole package. There egg rolls are only 80calories a piece and not overly processed either. I love chinese the only one in my family that appreciate it,LOL

Losing-We had block buster online a few years ago and loved it at first,but then they kept raising our rates guess we rented too much(and turn in too much for another rental at the store) thats when we went to netflix. Now we go to the redbox at the grocery store and rent.

Mawkish-Congrats on your weightloss so far, thats awesome!

Lori-Great v-day present! Yay on your go girl!

Hello to everyone! Congrats on the losers, im hanging in there. Back on track! Maybe i will have a weightloss next sunday

later gators

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Old 02-13-2010, 04:26 PM   #462  
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LorraI totally gotta check out sears!! Thanks for letting me know!!
~btw girl I so badly want some chocolate~Sounds great But I eat a icecream bar with it about 3 to 4 times a week~(150 calories~taste good but aint really worth 150 calories)~Oh & yep girl the next challenge with be st. pattys day!!

JDonatahehehe~those are always a classic gift that just takes a little time and some left over paper! hehehehe~So I hope he enjoys it!
GOOD JOB On 119!! YOU LITTLE WOMAN U! And congrads to the man ~my goodness he is shedding those pounds aint he?! Tell him to feel free to join these challenges anytime~& that I said congrads!! You all are the fabulous Couple!

~hehehehehe~So funny~One year to torment my brothers I got them a Sports illustrated Swimsuit VHS With Some Brut cologne (been years ago Obviously~Since it was brut & VHS TAPES ~LOL) Anyways ~one it pissed there wives off imediately cause they didn't want them to watch the vhs~Which got them in the dog house~then the brut Was say hey y'all stink~then I wrapped each of them up a box that said Penis enlarger on the outside And when they opened it there was a huge magnifying glass in each!) SOOOOOOO FUNNY! ~Classic family Fun at the holidays for my nutty family.
I Am Horrible I know But it was hilarious! I got them suckers good that year!
& My dear daddy is gone/passed away now But I even gave him same thing~LOL~he thought it was a blast)

Misspriss~Thanks girl!~I am so hoping I didn't forget anything I needed from the store ususally I do too. Were suppose to get 6 more inches of snow Again starting 2morrow~I have had to cancel 1 dentist apointment already~UGHHH And looks like I will have to cancel Another one for Tuesday & Reschedule it too~UGHHH~I so wanna have a pretty smile!
Maybe a nice neighbor can spare alittle coffee~Ya never know.

Well still at 163.0 today~Have had to not exercise though since yesterday~my shoulder is giving me problems again today.So I gotta rest it. Even my walking hurts it.
No biggie though At least it isn't going back up. I got so bored today Since I couldn't walk that I got out the embroidery String And made a Friendship bracelet to match my outfit~it was kinda thick about 1/2 inch so It took me 2 hours ~But its done and It is Pink/yellow & Brown~LOL~(PICS BELOW)
I know when Spring gets here & I am more active outside I will drop those pounds imediately!! CAN'T WAIT!

Also just Added a new avatar pic~I made the bracelet to match that shirt I have on.~IN PIC BELOW! ~(i actually have another shirt Exact same style same but is yellow where the pink is and pink where the yellow is SO I will wear it 2morrow)
I painted my nails to match also~And here is some close up pics of my nails~(although I painted them a day or 2 ago) for those who are also bored ~to view Just click them to make them bigger.I HAVE BEEEN TOOO BORDED!~I think they look like candy ~but the pics made them look a little duller than they actually are and a little less detailed than they really are.~ALL DONE WITH BRUSHES~No stickers~no fake nails~No stencils.HARD TO DO!


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Old 02-13-2010, 10:11 PM   #463  
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Back again to post...Just had to share....
I made my hubby his card...Added 2 coupons in it ~1 for a 30 minute back rub & another for a whole day the t.v. is his~Yes I am a t.v. HOG!LOL
I also downloaded Bryan Adams song ~everything I do(I do it for you) On the computer with a note left for him to play it while he reads his card which says......
You are the Person I will Love For the rest of my life. You Always Make my heart skip a beat. You are the sweetest person in the world. I am so happy to share another valentines day with the person I love. I love you
Happy valentines day.
Yours Always & Forever ,
(coupons are on other side & the card is completely homemade )

OK ~The songs meaning to me/us ~When we was age 16 & 18 My parents decided we could no longer see one another~NO REASON REALLY~just said he wasn't good enough for me basically~We ran off a few days later~we was gone for 3 days in the woods Hiking Our way miles~LOL~Anyways I climbed a fence on the second day & cut my arm and it left a scar. Anyways I did everything this song says including walk the wire for him~Except die for him~But I would.
It has alot of meaning to me ~I think this will make his day~He spent quite a bit of money on me this year And I hope this is Super special for him...He knows this song is memories for how hard we fought to be together...And 18 years later I still have the scar!(we have been together for 19 years~Our anniversary is on the 25th and will be #17 for us in marriage) JUST WANTED TO SHARE!
Hope everyone has a great valentines day.

Oh Heres the lyrics to Bryan Adams song for those that doesn't know it or forgets the words....

~Everything I do~
Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

Look into my heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all - I would sacrifice

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way

Oh - you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - ya I'd die for you

Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

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Old 02-13-2010, 10:50 PM   #464  
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Oh my just can't stay out of that chocolate....Thankfully it's about gone =) TOM is around the corner so I know why it's like a drug right now

Lori- Your nails totally look fake.....before I read your post thats what I thought. My dd would love you! She tries to do stuff like that but it's always that one that messes up the whole hand. Lets just say we go through a lot of remover.

Misspriss- They did up the prices of the plans that included in store rentals but the mail only are the same price as netflix with the one, two and three at a time. I use to use red box too but I kept getting broken DVDs or ones I had to spend half an hour to clean before they would work. It's not a good deal if you can't watch the movie and no money back. Blockerbuster also has those red box like machines too! I'm not sure if you have a publix in your area but just about everyone we have has a machine in it. They have a bigger list of movies

Jdon- My dh and I had a talk tonight and he wants to get back on the heathier diet...must be going around. He doesn't need to lose any weight but his diet could improve greatly. I'm happy to hear.... that makes staying on track easier when there isn't junk all over the house.
Great idea on the coupons! I'm treating dh to taco bell (his favorite place to eat out) and a cake for v-day before I sweep the house of junk
I'm not sure if the sale is in store too or not. You can use the gift cards on line though if it's not.

HAPPY Valentines Day everyone and their other halves !!!!!!
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Old 02-14-2010, 12:17 AM   #465  
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Lori, love the Valentine you sent your dh...hope he does, too!

I posted the pic of the new hairdo, finally. Survived day 1 on my trainer cert today. It was pretty taxing on my shoulder, since it is just coming off a tendon injury, but otherwise wasn't bad. One more day tomorrow, which will hopefully be a little more on the skills/fun stuff side, now that we seem to have the fundamental movements out of the way. I ate about twice my normal amount of food today, but all good food, so I'm alright with that. I'm wiped out, but trying to stay awake long enough that I don't wake up at 2am, so another hour or so and I can go to bed.
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