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Old 02-07-2010, 09:51 PM   #421  
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hope you feel well soon mrslovett

I will try to download ya a pic in few Misspriss.~I just could not resist A brand new purse for 4.99 That actually looked nice! They got some great looking purses there. I use to only use tommy Hilfiger purses/handbags For years! I love that store & this is my second purse/handbag purchase from there. BTW Girl Spring Cleaning Is so lovely~Me & my hubby was doing some ourselves today!LOL

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Old 02-07-2010, 10:17 PM   #422  
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Ok here is 2 pics of the purse. It measures 17X12 Without the handles so it is a pretty good sized bag/Its summer/Spring I Love it!

Oh, By his request I also added a pic of my youngest child Daniels Valentines day box~We just got it Finished ~it's a ds system ~We made it red & black like his is...Of course he did the artwork on the Screens~Its suppose to be Spongebob with a net catching jellyfish~hehehe~It's soooo cute. I was gonna draw the pics On for him cause I can draw Really good~but he insisted...I am kinda of a perfectionist at times~So I was squirming in the chair But thought it turned out AMAZING Just cause he did it! He is 9 years old.(I came up with the idea of it ~For something different)

My other son is 12 & I need to get more aluminum full for his ~he is making a robot.(kinda a typical thing But Very fun to make)
I will post a pic of it to as soon as we get it done....I love to make valentines day boxes with the kids every year. we used granola boxes for the ds~So it's smaller and we cut a whole at the top to place in valentines.The Boys have both sit and acted like they was playing it~It was so funny to watch them.
The silly heads! Anyways hope you all enjoy it.
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Last edited by Lori259; 02-07-2010 at 10:36 PM.
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Old 02-08-2010, 07:30 AM   #423  
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LOVE THAT PURSE LORI! No wonder you couldn't put it down! OK, im for sure getting a new purse soon(you enabler). I usually buy those Vera Bradley purses, well use to before we had to tighten our budget,now im buy off brand vera bradley,LOL. She has some pretty colors this year...

I will post a pic if i find something today.

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Old 02-08-2010, 10:06 AM   #424  
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Good morning y'all!

I'll chime in on the purses - I LOVE them. I have been desperate for a new one, but I've been holding off since money has been super-tight. Now that I am working, I'll be having an accident with my credit card I'm sure. I have a Vera from back in the day, I got a set and mainly use the clutch. It's super-handy when you head out at night. I love her patterns. I'm partial to Nine West, personally. I've got multiple Nine West hanging on what hubs calls "the wall of purses" up the side of my closet.

A quick post this morning and then I'm off to work.
I expect to weigh in at 181 or maybe 180.5 this morning. I snuck a peek yesterday morning. Superbowl aside, I managed to stay within my calorie budget yesterday and was reasonably healthy too! Saturday was my higher calorie day, and I stayed at maintenance calories, and enjoyed every bite. So this week went really well, despite the big changes.
I am nervous about what will happen to my exercise routine now that my schedule has changed. I am hoping to be able to get in a minimum of 30 minutes every day, in the morning before I head out. I can split that up between weights, yoga and cardio - and on days off, I can do more and get a head start for the week.

That's me! I hope you are all feeling well and happy, and are digging out from the snow if you got some!
Big happy hugs to everyone!

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Old 02-08-2010, 01:17 PM   #425  
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Lori I love the purse. I will be mailing you $5.00 and s/h for you to send me one!

MrsLovett I hope you feel better soon. And if this is something that is reaccuring you might want to consider going to the dr. Apparently something is not clearing up like you want it to.

Well Philly ended up with 28.5" of snow and we are expecting another 12" on Tues night into wednesday. So no work for me on Wednesday.

The stupid scale is playing with my head and I am at 200.0. It just couldn't give up the 1/2lb already. But I have one more week to go. I am hoping that I can hang in there and meet goal.

Yesterday I actually ran my farthest EVER. I did 5.1miles on the TM. I am so proud of myself. I made sure to keep my pace nice and easy so it took me 81mins, but it was so worth it to see the distance. I can officially say, oh nice I can run 5miles. How cool is that?!
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Old 02-08-2010, 01:29 PM   #426  
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Lori--The purse is SUPER CUTE!!! you say it's Tommy? AND ONLY $4.99?? Dang, what a find!!!

Misspriss---i LOVE vera bradley also, but am too cheap to buy the real thing LoL While I was shopping w/my mom this weekend, we found a store that sold them and they DO have alot of cute prints out right now...It's so hard to choose just one! lol I just hate paying more than $20 for a purse bc I know I'll only use it for a month or 2 at the most, then I'm ready to change it out! LoL I have a purse fetish! I actually found a navy blue, & light blue paisley-like print quilted purse (VB knock off) at Family Dollar for $5! haha And it's a big one...then I found the matching wallet ($2) & cosmetic bag ($3) at Dollar General!

Enough about purses...on to my official WI....I'm back to 183.2!!!! i couldn't believe it! After coming in at 187 yesterday following days of eating whatever & not CC OR exercising, I was FOR SURE I would be in for another goal NOT MET...BUUUUUT, I actually have a chance...ONLY ONE POUND for this last week of the challenge!! I guess drinking 3.5 L of water and only 900cal for the day flushed my body of all that water I was holding onto...I should have kept count at how many times I ran to the bathroom...DH & I were watching a movie and I know w/in that 2hrs I went 5 or 6 times! LOL He had to keep pausing it! hahaha But atleast I have exactly 1lb to lose! Today I'll of course up my calories to w/in my normal range and start wk 5 of C25K (very scared to have to jog 5min straight so many times...but last week the 5min got easier starting on the 2nd day...I actually did 4 WO in wk 4 to prepare for this week...I may have to do another wk 4 WO today instead of moving into wk 5....we'll see) Now it's off to do an Exercise TV WO or 2

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Old 02-08-2010, 02:28 PM   #427  
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Lori: thanks that meas so much to me! I am super excited to hear about your purse. I love it! and the deals you kind of place! I hope all is well.

Misspriss: My sister and I saw Daybreakers(the vampire one). It was good, we had some much needed sister time. And thanks for best wishes for my dad. It's just something he has to do.

Definitely went off plan this weekend. Superbowl didn't help either. I'm drinking a crap load of water today...

KDM: I know exactly what you mean about going to the bathroom so much, for classes so far today i've had to go 4 times in 2 hours, and I haven't even started to drink as much as I will. My friends in class enjoy counting the times i leave during lecture to go...glad I can amuse them.

I was doing 10min miles and this morning i was able to do 3.63 miles in 35min, approx. 9.5 min/mile. I'm going to keep going, maybe i'll be able to switch machines and try it out. I have noticed more muscle definition and just feeling better all over.

I can't thank everyone enough for this challenge especially Lori for starting it. You all have inspired me so much. I was talking to my sister this weekend about how much of an emotional journey this is. Alot of feelings and emotions have and are coming up from the past. I've had depression and anxiety and before I got help I hurt the ones I love around me and i've made many mistakes. I realize most are from my weight gain and the hardest part is knowing I can't change the past, I just have to move forward. This challenge has helped me to change my life and deal with those changes. Thanks everyone! We have one week left and I wish you all the very best.
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Old 02-08-2010, 03:53 PM   #428  
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Hugs to all!!! I am glad you all share my excitement...hehehehe

Kdm~It is Merona brand~I use to always just use Tommy Hilfiger brand For years...But since this store opened this makes my 2nd purse purchase there.

I am In a Hurry So I will type again soon...Proboly tonight As long as the electric is on~another snow storm is moving in~ughhhh.
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Old 02-08-2010, 06:00 PM   #429  
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Hey everyone! Back from India! Survived, and didn't gain any weight, and I managed to run my 5K when I got back! Shaved 30 seconds off my time. Yay!
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Old 02-08-2010, 06:40 PM   #430  
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Hey guys, one of my workouts came today so i did that for about 35mins(step aerobics) then DH has a hair up his butt to go look at a rental property. We get there and really like it,nice yard 3br 2ba and the rent is in budget. THEN i ask if they allow pets....he didn't ask,so i call and they don't bummer

KDM-Ive seen those purses at dollar general and family dollar. I will have to go and see whats available at the one down the street. They very cute!

Thunda-I like nine west too. I had a smaller one a few years ago and used it forever! Thats one thing about those more expensive purses..they last forever.enjoy your workout today!

hello to everyone..
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Old 02-08-2010, 06:53 PM   #431  
In the desert...
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I am sitting here watching the rain fall and instead of feeling like "ick, rain" I'm thinking thank goodness I live here and not somewhere I'd be snowbound and really miserable. So for all of you suffering this winter - I feel for you! I hope everyone stays warm and dry and safe.

Purses are, thankfully, not my issue (I am a shoe wh*re and I will admit it) - I have four, all Coach, all bought at incredible savings at the outlet store. I will not pay full price for a purse (shoes - well, yeah, that's a whole different discussion right there), but I love the classic Coach styles. Hence my outlet shopping - the most I've paid is $90 including tax. I say you can't beat that for Coach. I usually get one new one about every 3-4 years, though I did buy two last year because I only had black and I wanted a summer purse (I live in a place where it's summer nine months of the year, I needed a summer purse!).

On to (cheaper) good news - I am back on track, journaling and eating well. Went swimming this morning at 5:30am - there were more lifeguards on duty than swimmers! It was chilly when I got in but I warmed up quickly and swam for 25 minutes non stop. Which I am now starting to regret as my muscles are slowly reminding me just how much of a full body workout swimming can be! But I had a good time - very calming and meditative - and I will be going at least twice a week, if not more. I'll mix swimming with my weight training and then when the mornings are lighter, running again.
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Old 02-08-2010, 09:43 PM   #432  
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Hehehe Jules so funny! I Love shoes too~I think I would call myself the fingernail Polish Wh*re though. I am so into getting the newest color ever since I started painting my nails back in November for my 1 year anniversary Of counting calories~So dang addicted to them.

Misspriss~A true bummer~I will pray that you find an affordable Place ~pet friendly~And In perfect loaction ~With super neighbors & that is so perfect that you just adore it!! Even though I am a bit honery at times ~God Listens to all of us~hehehe~My prayers be with you girl!
Oh And sorry for being an enabler! LOL And one last thing last year I went to a yard sale with my mother(that I do not get along with) Anyways There was a Vera bradley purse ~looked like new & was so adorable for 25 cents in a box of purses...My mother grabbed it~I could have knocked her in the head for it~But I decided I would let it be her lucky day~I am too nice to that lady!
Now that was a quarter I would have loved to spend But I think knocking my mom in the head would have even been funner~hehehee~I better be good I got praying to do for you my dear buddy!!HUGS TO YA!

Thunda~Hey & BIG HAPPY HUGS BACK AT YA! My sister likes nine west purses too~SO COOL! They are Really nice But I gotta do the exact opposite Of her ~So none for me~I am older so I try to get her to copy me~I know I am pathetic~LOL But she is my only sister & we have 4 brothers (3 are older than me And 1 is younger than me and my sister)So The 3 older ones pick with me And I pick with her & she picks with the youngest brother.~ Were a messed up bunch of people~hehehehe

usarchie~welcome back from india!! So glad all went great for you.

jae~Unless they sold the others after I left they had 3 to 4 more the exact same. I would have no problem with doing that for ya. Although It's only open on weekends And were suppose to get snow for this one coming up~So not sure when I will make it back to it~good news is I am only 5 minutes fromt the store though~So no prob as long as the roads are clear about going to check when I am able.Let me know! Oh & btw that 200.0 Haunted me for days On my scale So badly I wanted to cut my hair just to get into onderland! I think it is one last reminder on how hard we worked to get to onederland~I hope you break through to it soon.Just keep on plan & your will get there.

Jdonata~HUGS TO YA! YOUR ARE JUST THE SWEETEST PERSON!!! I just totally adore ya~

KDM~Super coolness~I love the general dollar stores & the family dollars~I get most of my nail polish there!!! Called L.A. Color for 1.00 A bottle~LOVE THAT STUFF! Will check out there purses and wallets next time I go in them.

EVERYONE ELSE~ Hope all is going good for everyone~
I have been back up to 165 to 166 for a few days~UGHHHHH
No biggie though~I am on plan. If I never lose another pound I am happy with how far I have came.(remind me I said this when I complain!LOL)

Last edited by Lori259; 02-08-2010 at 09:51 PM.
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Old 02-09-2010, 01:33 AM   #433  
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WOW! I DID IT!!! Just completed Day 1 of Week 5 of the C25K program! It wasn't easy, but I did it! The first 5min of jogging wasn't bad at all, then the second 5min was a little harder, and the last 5min was REALLY difficult! But I didn't give up AND I completed the WO!!!! I think I'll do another day w/this WO, and then move onto the Day 2 WO (8min jog, 5min walk, 8min jog). Day 3 is 20min straight of jogging, so I'm thinking if I do Days 1 & 2 twice, then it'll help for that 20min straight! I just can't believe it, so that's why I had to post---don't mean to sound like I'm bragging---but I'm proud of myself! I've never been a runner and I haven't given up! (yet) LoL

Jdonata---can't wait to say I can run a mile in under 10min!!! Hope ya got all your water in! LoL I've been drinking so much, my eyeballs are gonna start floating!! LoL

USC---How was India?? What part did you go to? Congrats on maintaining AND completing the 5k....I may add that to my goal list this year...completing my first race!

misspriss---what's the name of your step aerobics??? wouldn't mind trying something like that....Good Luck apartment hunting!!

jule---it's raining AND snowing here right now! BLAH! It started between 6 & 7 and the ground/roads were covered with snow w/in the hour....and then by 9 it had turned to mostly I'm sure the roads are a mess! Especially since it's right around freezing! YUCK! i'm just getting off work...also...swimming sounds awesome! I would like to start...I found a place where you can pay daily, like $2-$3 so I may try to go 2-3x/week...I'm sure it's a great WO!

Lori & Jules----I'm also a Shoe Wh*re! LOVE LOVE LOVE shoes AND purses!! not so much into painting my nails only bc I dont have the patience AND i never keep up w/them when they start to chip! so I end up picking it all off!! haha Good Luck gettin that scale to move Lori! You've come so far and look so good!! You're such an inspiration to everyone!!!
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Old 02-09-2010, 01:01 PM   #434  
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KDM-Congrats to you...thats an awesome achievement you go girl! The step aerobics i do are by Cathe Friedrich, she is one awesome instructor! I did Imax 2 yesterday. she has a website if you want to check her out...i found her about 5yrs ago when first getting into exercising.

Lori-that is too funny about the yard sale...i will go to yard sales with my mom and we have the same problems so we call 'dibs' on the yard sales(first one,i get the good stuff,next one she gets the good stuf,LOL)

Hello to workout to report yet. Ive had a pretty busy morning but i do plan on doing a full body workout soon...hopefully
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Old 02-09-2010, 01:17 PM   #435  
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So today I figured I'd try and change up my cardio. I did 20min on the treadmil, 20min on the elliptical and 20min on the stepper machine. Then I did some abs and had to leave the gym because the storm is getting bad. We are supposed to get 5-10inches tonight and get worse by tomorrow. We will see...I hope everyone else effected are alright and are safe. I know you guys south of me are getting it worse. I'll pray for you.

KDM: This whole time I've seen you talk about C25K program and I had no idea what that was so I googled it....Holly crap you go girl! That's alot of work and your on week 5. Keep up the good work. BTW when I said I can do a mile in under 10min, I was on the elliptical and this morning I finially did the treadmil...way harder...the elliptical is less strain on my body and I think that's why I can do that because I don't think I could do a 10min mile on the treadmil. I lost 2lbs of bloat yesterday from all the water I drank. My TOM is in a few days so i'll be drinking until my eyeballs burst too!

Lori: You always make me smile thank you. And yes you have come along way and I will remind you when you need it. Everyone is very proud of you and we all coudn't be happier for you.

jules: I envy you so much for being able to swim. I miss swimming so much, I have dreams about it all the time. It's just too expensive here. Congrats on swimming for 25min that's awesome.

misspriss: I know you'll find a great place for you and your family. Everything happens for a reason and I will keep praying for you.

uscarchie: great job for not gaining any weight and running your 5K with a new time. And i'm sure your trip was amazing.

Lately I've been eating alot of calories at night, just snacking constantly, mainly the days I have my late classes, the fullbar does help but anyother suggestions for keeping calories down from 3pm on til bedtime? thanks

I hope everyone is having a great day and I wish you all the well.
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