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Old 02-06-2010, 04:34 PM   #406  
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Hey guys.
Sorry to hear so many of you struggling lately. I can so relate. I have been in this crazy funk for the past 2 weeks, but I am glad to see I am finally coming out.

But hopefully with time things will get better and we will be able to move on with a little more structure and less stress in our lives.

This morning I saw 200.5, but I don't know if I trust it. This is the lowest I have seen in a while, but I started TOM today, so I will wait and see. It's funny, with me I usually hold weight the week before and then when it starts the weight drops. A lot of time I read that people whole their weight during the cycle and drop after. I am sooo thrown off.
I am just sitting on the edge of Onderland. Hopefully soon!

We also got snowed in today. Around 18-20" in Philly. I am hoping that cabin fever doesn't set off the munchies. I am doing good so far. I made sure to have plenty of fruit in the house so I have been grabing for that. It's a little late now, but I am going to go and grab some lunch.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and a better week to come. Hang in there.

Last edited by Jae165; 02-06-2010 at 04:35 PM.
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Old 02-06-2010, 08:47 PM   #407  
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Jae~I agree With what you said~that hopefully with time things will get better and we will be able to move on with a little more structure and less stress in our lives.
By the way~hope they get ya unstuck soon ~Wow~that was alot of snow!

I was just having anxiety earlier~scares the crap outta me!
I can not wait for winter to be over! It is making my anxiety worse.
~On a brighter note Me & my daughter are gonna go to the grandview outlet 2morrow. It's a place where they sale brand new things for a pinch of the price. For example~Levis jeans For like 5.99 New with tags. Converse shoes for 2.99 to 5.99 & so on. Sometimes they even mark these items half price~it is a dream store to me! Everything is new~LOVE IT! I got a bench that was On there last year for 19.99 Cause it didn't come with the screws to put it together~Cost an extra 68 Cents for the screws at the local hardware store ~anyways the bench was 229.00 On! So I was thrilled! Got a Jewelry armoire for 25.00 ~they run about 200 or so in other stores.~I get panties for like 50 cents a pair!Hats for 1 to 2 dollars That run 6 to 20 in other stores. Video games for 9.99 that is 30 to 50 dollars ~like pokemon for the ds for 9.99~And new in the pack! I am so excited to go ~I hope my hubby gives me at least 20.00 ~I can get alot for that much in there~hehehee~Trying to keep my spirits up~I do not wanna have anymore anxiety attacks for A long time.
Anyways....Type to everyone again soon.
have a good evening everyone & weekend.

Last edited by Lori259; 02-06-2010 at 08:48 PM.
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Old 02-06-2010, 09:02 PM   #408  
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Wow Lori that does sound like a dream store. Where is it located? It sounds like it might be worth the effort to try and plan a trip there. I wish I could get brand new jeans for 5.99

I hope the anxiety passes soon. I am excited about spring too and sounds like you could use a little sunshine.
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Old 02-06-2010, 09:32 PM   #409  
Day 1 back on plan...
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jae- I hope your out of the house soon I heard on the news about all the snow they got in your area. Your sooo close to onederland

Lori- You need to get on facebook lady. I miss chatting with you and I can't be on myspace more than a few seconds before my virus software tells me the site not safe.
Glad you didn't lose power.....We did Friday night after a big storm...I drove home in half of it and couldn't even see the lines on the road...then had to dash tree branches scary stuff Got home and the power was out...It took 7 hrs for them to get us hooked back up...We have a lot of dead trees from a huge wild fire we had two years ago... one fell and broke something.
DD and I did some outlet shopping today too! Although didn't beat your good deals. Dd got a pair of shorts, two t-shirts , underwear and some perfume...I got a bra and a collar for one of the dogs..All for 55 bucks! We didn't find anything on clearance though. Maybe next time
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Old 02-06-2010, 09:50 PM   #410  
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Misspriss thanks for your kind words and caring. My dad is going to take the job offer for sure we all had the discussion last night. there was alot of crying and alot of opinions but we all as a family just did what we had to.

Tonight my sister and I went to go see a movie. It was nice to spend quality time I needed it. I feel so much better now.

julesp313: I understand how ya feel and I hope you feel better. We all have our depressing days/weeks and food is a comfort. I wish you well.

I hope everyone is doing alright with the strom.

Thundah: the fullbar was amazing! It worked so well, I wasn't stuffed just felt satisfied until I was able to get home and get something decent in me. I will be trying it again now maybe before lunch on my long days seeing how that works. Thanks for the tip.

Everyone else I wish you all well and I will post more later. My sister and I are going to spend more girl time.
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Old 02-06-2010, 10:49 PM   #411  
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Jae~its in Peebles OHIO~There is also one in the next town over In
west union, ohio.~both are super stores! I am so addicted to them!
~another example of there good deals is those bakugan toys that were popular for kids since last year~there like 20.00 to 30.00 For a pack of 6 at walmart ~I get them for 2.99 At this store for my boys~It's called grandview outlet.
I always call it the weekend store ~it Is only open on the weekends.
(Friday/Saturday/& SundayThe one in West union is open thurs/fri/sat/& sun)

Lorra~Asked the hubby about facebook and right now he doesn't want me to get into anything new~I think cause the kids are onto tons of sites and with our dial up it slows the computer down even slower....But I will keep begging him~LOL! I wish you could get on myspace~I just upoaded a bunch of new pics. 20 of my fingernails~yes I was bored!!! Posted of the different colors & styles I paint them~some was repeats though.
BTW~Sounds like a rough storm you had there & drove through ~so glad your safe.~last year we had a horrible ice storm here and we went 5 days without electric...I was nearly going crazy~We was cooking on my gas logs!
IT SUCKED! No phones~never had a cell at the time.
No nothing~just some can food there at the end cause our other food ruined & yes I was counting calories still~THAT WAS A ROUGH 5 Days!
I hope not to have anything like that again here in Ohio.
Then I think to those in haiti And think how Much worse that would have been.~Thats so devastating just to watch let alone be in.~Anyways~Cool deals you got to!! I love to Shop! ~oh & thanks for the emails~I enjoyed them!

jdonata~So glad things are better for ya.Your such a sweet person & deserve happiness!

HUGS TO ALL~~~Still working on my valentines day goal~Been close a few times then the weight goes back & forth again!
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Old 02-07-2010, 08:25 AM   #412  
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JD-What movie did you and your sister see? Im trying to get my mom & sister together to see that new movie, Dear John. It looks like its going to be a really good chic flick.I wish your father the best in Alaska...

Lori-Dang, I wish i had a store like that near me...Have a good time today shopping with your DD. Let us know what kind of deals you get!

all this talk about shopping makes me want to go out and see what i can get into I did do some online shopping yesterday, picked up some new workouts

Have a good day!
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Old 02-07-2010, 11:13 AM   #413  
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I didn't do so well so far but I did lose something with many days way, way off and was doing Weight Watchers so down 6 lbs. from day one and switching over to calories as of tomorrow. Will be starting with a new weigh in and probably 1800 cals. to get me going. I have no idea if this is an ok amount or not but it should make sense over a few weeks where I should be and I'd love to join a challenge.
So I'm going to keep my day sensible today and start tomorrow and see how Valentine's Day works out. I'd like to add maybe one more day so add it to Feb. 15th and hopefully I'll be off that day so that will give this a good full week.
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Old 02-07-2010, 11:20 AM   #414  
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Is everyone reaching their goals? I hope y'all are doing well. 1 week to go!

I just checked today and I am down 3.3 lbs from last week, so I only need .7 by V-Day!!
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Old 02-07-2010, 11:31 AM   #415  
In the desert...
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Quick post to say I wish I could find a women's football league here in Vegas. That would be English football - I used to play when I was in school and just watching Chelsea v Arsenal on TV right now, I realize just how fit you have to be to play. And I used to be that fit. Makes me want to play again!

Other than that, I'm back on track with counting, though yesterday's intake wasn't great - it was cold and rainy all day (nothing compared to what a lot of you are going through!) so I ate comfort food. Stayed pretty close to my target but still, not good choices. Cleaned the house for two hours this morning, then I'm going to ride my horse, then I'll clean upstairs, then watch the big game!
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Old 02-07-2010, 01:34 PM   #416  
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Well, the parents are gone, but the water weight is here!!! LoL Scale read 187.0 when I woke up...NOT GOOD!! But also, TOM is sticking around extra long(11th day today) so maybe that has SOMETHING to do w/it...considering my weight really didn't increase right before I started..WIERD!!! so, I'm chuggin the water today and keepin the calories low! gotta do laundry for the work week and clean up the kitchen...might ride the recumbent later during the game??!??! who knows...but I have 5.8lbs to lose by Vday--only 1 week...I know most of it is water weight from the junk i've eatin the last couple days, but it's still frustrating! I know it's my fault & now I've gotta fix it...

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Old 02-07-2010, 04:29 PM   #417  
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I am Back from shopping.
My daughter got 2 pair of converse One star shoes~(there a little cheaper version of the all star converse & they cost about 30 to 40 bucks online~But are still converse and Just say one star instead of all star) For 3.99 a pair! So 7.98 Plus tax for 2 pair!
I got A hat for 1.99 that is light purple & super cute~Cost about 6 to 10 dollars elsewhere proboly Maybe a little more. I got 2 Bangle bracelets ~1 for 49cents(yes 49 cents!) & the other for 1.99~The 49 cents one was originally $2 Just a cheapy thing~the other was about 10 to 15 in other storesI also got a choker necklace for 99 cents It would cost about 10 to 12 dollars at other stores.~I also got A Merona Purse~For 4.99~In beautiful Spring colors! LOVE THAT PURSE! May post a pic of it later to show y'all! It was soooooooooo Cool!! And totally me! Not sure what type of saving I got on it ~but I would have paid 50 Bucks for it in another store ~cause I like it that much! I got the boys Some pencils they needed for school~About 40 in a bag for 1.49 And a set of bakugan erasers for 1.99~ I spent 24.00 & some change.Had a blast and can not wait to go back there again soon
OH and they had a sky blue fuzzy type angora hat there for 1.99 that I forgot to get~UGHHHHH~Makes me sick cause those are like 20 some dollar hats! And it was soo pretty & I freaking love hats! If that baby is there next time I go it is mine!~LOL

Anyways~off to exercise....Gotta do my 2nd time of walking .

Last edited by Lori259; 02-07-2010 at 04:35 PM.
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Old 02-07-2010, 06:19 PM   #418  
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Well, only managed to lose .4 lbs. last week. Not even half a pound! I have been strength training more! My mom discovered some online videos and I tried them out about a week ago, along with some other ones that I found on my own. So now I'm doing about half an hour of strength training most days. May not seem like much, but all I was doing before was little bits here and there. Mostly crunches and push-ups. Now I work with my resistance bands and some dumb bells. Then I do some cardio! Cardio is my favorite

I'm sick again I've been sick with a cold/bronchitis at least once a month for the past 4 months. What's up with that? I know it's that time of year and I'm around kids (my nieces and nephew), but geez... I've never been so sick so often in my life! This morning I was so dizzy I had to sit down! Now my mom has the same thing. She said she was dizzy too. My exercise was kinda lame this morning because of this, and then I sorta slept all day. Good thing it's Sunday AND a snow day!

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Old 02-07-2010, 06:55 PM   #419  
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MrsLovett...first let me say, I hope you feel better soon, and take care.
I'm kind of new here so pardon me for just popping in on you.
Your stats are amazing...did you lose your weight counting calories?
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Old 02-07-2010, 07:44 PM   #420  
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Originally Posted by Lori259 View Post
I am Back from shopping.
My daughter got 2 pair of converse One star shoes~(there a little cheaper version of the all star converse & they cost about 30 to 40 bucks online~But are still converse and Just say one star instead of all star) For 3.99 a pair! So 7.98 Plus tax for 2 pair!
I got A hat for 1.99 that is light purple & super cute~Cost about 6 to 10 dollars elsewhere proboly Maybe a little more. I got 2 Bangle bracelets ~1 for 49cents(yes 49 cents!) & the other for 1.99~The 49 cents one was originally $2 Just a cheapy thing~the other was about 10 to 15 in other storesI also got a choker necklace for 99 cents It would cost about 10 to 12 dollars at other stores.~I also got A Merona Purse~For 4.99~In beautiful Spring colors! LOVE THAT PURSE! May post a pic of it later to show y'all! It was soooooooooo Cool!! And totally me! Not sure what type of saving I got on it ~but I would have paid 50 Bucks for it in another store ~cause I like it that much! I got the boys Some pencils they needed for school~About 40 in a bag for 1.49 And a set of bakugan erasers for 1.99~ I spent 24.00 & some change.Had a blast and can not wait to go back there again soon
OH and they had a sky blue fuzzy type angora hat there for 1.99 that I forgot to get~UGHHHHH~Makes me sick cause those are like 20 some dollar hats! And it was soo pretty & I freaking love hats! If that baby is there next time I go it is mine!~LOL

Anyways~off to exercise....Gotta do my 2nd time of walking .
I wanna see the purse if you get a chance...i LOVE purses,as a matter of fact its time for me to get a new one. Im thinking something in spring colors too. Sounds like you got some really good deals today. I wish we had an outlet store like that around here.The only store that comes close to that is Ross or maybe Kohls...maybe i will drag my DH over there tomorow while the kids are at school Have a good walk!!

ok,just popping in...i have no workout to report today besides some spring cleaning..YES, I SAID SPRING CLEANING...i wish it would get here already

Last edited by misspriss78; 02-07-2010 at 07:45 PM.
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