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Old 01-21-2010, 09:48 AM   #256  
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MrsLovett~Hope you get well soon~good job staying on plan Regardless.

chubbyphotographer ~5 miles is awesome~I love to ride my bike too but It pulls my shoulder out for some reason so I aint been able to for a long time...ughhh

Off to the doctor for a checkup then when I get home I wil weigh in for the day. Take Care
Everyone & Have a super day.
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Old 01-21-2010, 10:11 AM   #257  
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jules - Welcome back!

Y'all in California need to stick close to a raft or a canoe or a dinghy or something - seriously, please be careful! The rain falling out there is newsworthy, please keep yourselves safe!

I am on track, but again have eaten "second breakfast". I can stay in my calorie count, but I am HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the morning lately. This morning, it was a serving of Special K - not the most filling, but I enjoy it - and then, about 30 minutes later (30 very hungry minutes), a slice of WW toast with - you know it! peanut butter and honey!!! I am in around 400 cals, so 1550 total is no problem, but why am I so ravenous in the mornings now? I am going to play with my morning food. This morning my mistake was certainly the Special K. That can be saved for a midnight desperation, "I am only hungry because I am still awake for some dumb reason so let me eat 1/2 cup of cereal with fat free milk so my stomach will STFU!" snack. I am going to keep trucking with some WW waffles and PB+H, or the WW toast and PB+H, or, eggs and veggies and turkey bacon. Or oatmeal. I think I just need to flip my breakfast and lunch calories, because I have been ignoring lunch lately. Yesterday, I was on the go for several stressful hours, then I worked my butt OUT, and you know, I could barely be bothered to eat about 70 cals of ham and some crackers.
Enough about my breakfast obsession.

Workouts are on tracks. Hubs worked out with me last night. He doesn't like me very much this morning. We did lower body. He can do pushups all day, but lunges?!?!

Hope y'all are well and on track!! Come on chicks (and men!), we are doing this!! Valentine's Day, HERE WE COME!!
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Old 01-21-2010, 10:31 AM   #258  
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Lori: I hope your doctors checkup goes well. I saw the 164....awesome!

Chubbyphotographer: Nice job on the bike! I know you can get your goal keep it up.

MrsLovett: I hope your feeling better . Congrats and keep up the workouts!

Precious27: Welcome

I was super excited to wake up this morning because I bought this coffee and with it came a new sample pack...Bold I brewed that....mmmmmmm...deeeeeeelish . That is my morning and checking in on my friends at 3FC. I don't know what it is about coffee that can make or brake your day but it's great! So this morning I'm back down to my low of 118.2. There is 3 weeks left and i have 3lbs to go. My problem I notice is I have one off day or night, and i'm playing catchup during the week and get back down by the end of the week. it's a vicious cycle.

I spoke to my sister, she's going to be a pharmacist in 8 months (i'm so proud of her), she used me for one of her case studies, we discussed my height and weight, BMI and what I should be at my ideal weight for my body. She said 115 is my ideal weight, I agree. Like I said before I really want to sustain health, as thundah stated...."cruise control". I was looking at calorie intake for someone my size and it showed anywhere from 1200 to 1400 calories. I try to stay around 1300 if I can, however if i'm working out then i'd go to 1500. I want to make a doctor's appt to get my cholesterol checked and blood pressure.

I want to lose lbs but health is way more important. The bf and I were driving his great grandmother home the other night and from what she said every man in his family had a heart attack and bad health. My mom's on cholesterol medication. We both are trying to make changes now before it's too late. So I want to know what everyone else thinks or knows about health stats...maybe Jam you know with training....
What is?..
1.)a good calorie range
2.) healthy cholesterol
3) good blood pressure
4) body fat percentage
5)endurance test?

Thanks guys for reading this. I hope everyone is doing well and has a great day!
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Old 01-21-2010, 10:32 AM   #259  
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It's been a couple of days since I checked in. It sounds have if a few of us have had some really stressful and upsetting situations which I am sorry to hear about.

it seems like there are some positive results for those who are working out, and also, Lori, I'm glad that you have gotten that devilish scale back into your corner.

I had my official weigh in last night and was surprised to have dropped another pound on top of what I had lost last week. Slow but steady is what I'm after!

Now off to work and some not so fun chores.
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Old 01-21-2010, 12:09 PM   #260  
Come on ONEderland!
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Some of us are well on top of our valentine's day goals! I figure weighing myself once a week is the way to stay sane.

Yesterday I worked out and then stayed late at work to help a friend finish a deadline. Tonight, I may skip working out (this workout hurt my knees) and go to the optometrist. I did go for a jog this am (in the gym, to stay warm and dry!). The running path near our house is flooded.
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Old 01-21-2010, 12:33 PM   #261  
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i am over my hump for my mid mark for my valentines goal. i started the challenge at 186. i am 180. hoping to be 175! now i get to have lunch eating my salad while everyone is having wings and pizza! UGH!

congrats to all those who already hit their goal! awesome!

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Old 01-21-2010, 02:02 PM   #262  
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Wahoo I finially did it, I went to the've been CC and not working out and Thundah gave me some motivation so I knew I had to start eventually. I did 30min on the eliptical and then weights on my upper body. Now before I can get too late...I have to keep this up. I can't be a one hit wonder. BTW I know I don't compare to any of you guys I know you all workout very hard and trust me I have a lot of respect for that and it helps to motivate me.

so after my cardio, i went to do the was intimidating! The guys there were lifting and pulling then there was me....10lbs. They looked at me as if i was wasting their space but there were some people who were encouraging and were very patient waiting for me to finish.

So here is the plan:
Mondays - 30-45min cardio
Tuesdays - 30-45min cardio/ upper body weights
Wednesdays - 30-45min cardio
Thursdays - 30-45min cardio/ core,abs
Fridays - 30-45min cardio
Saturdays - 30-45min cardio/ lower body
Sundays - Lazy!

Now lets see if I can keep this up. We are going for increasing lean muscle mass and increasing overall health for a nice "cruise control".

heartmyboys: awesome job on the weightloss. Keep it up you'll reach your goal.

uscarchie: hope your knees feel better. I have to use the eliptical for that because mine tend to hurt.

emileigh: congrats on another pound loss. Keep it up!

and thanks again thundah for the workout motivation.
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Old 01-21-2010, 02:22 PM   #263  
the camera adds 10 lbs
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thunda, we may have floods and earthquakes. but youre surrounded by texans!!! my brother lives in austin..round rock?? i love it there...great walk this morning....gotta get on track with the food...have a great day everyone!!!
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Old 01-21-2010, 03:40 PM   #264  
keep on truckin' momma
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Good Afternoon!

I finished my workout earlier. Did a 30min cardio then some much needed yoga. I feel better,had a bad morning(issue's with the landlord agian)

i will try and catch up later with you all...
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Old 01-21-2010, 04:22 PM   #265  
In the desert...
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A quickie, as will be my norm for the next three months!

And I'll start with a grumble gripe whine poor me. Last night, I went out with one of my colleagues who's in town from San Francisco - we had a fabulous evening, went to see "O" (I'd seen it 9 years ago, it was even more spectacular this time as I think I have a better appreciation for the artistry of the performers), but it meant eating out. I had a flatbread pizza - quite small, this was in the Bellagio so it's expensive AND small portions - with gorgonzola, fig and prosciutto. Absolutely delicious. And then a small - about half cup - gelato. Now, I never eat gelato at home, and I can't recall the last time I had it, so it was a treat for sure. I felt very satisfied and not stuffed at all.

Today, we were due to have lunch with the client so I didn't pack my cooler - and the client canceled. So I had to eat out - grr. Got a half tuna sandwich (no mayo, extra veggies) and a cup of turkey chili that is low fat (I've asked the chef how they prepare it!), so it's not horrific, but I don't like eating out! Throws me all sorts of off kilter. Bah.

AND - because I didn't get home til after midnight, I slept in til 6:30 and didn't work out. I am hoping to get home by around 8 tonight - we have California's storms now and the rain is a nightmare - and I will do an ExerciseTV workout and at least feel like I'm not a complete sloth.

Thundah - I have found the ONLY way to eat breakfast and make it last is to have a lot of protein. My breakfast now is 340 calories - oatmeal with cinnamon and flaxseed, Egg Beaters omelet cooked in olive oil (1 tsp) with 1/8c 2% cheese, mushrooms, onions, red peppers, and spinach. It's filling, it's a lot of food, and it sticks with me - the oatmeal takes a while to digest and the protein gives me steady energy. I eat that around 6:45am and I'm good til about 11am, when I have a piece of fruit and maybe some egg whites (hard boiled) and then I'm good to 1pm for lunch. I know this isn't for everyone, but it is truly the only thing that works for me. I think once you find what works for you, it'll be one of those "aha" moments!
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Old 01-21-2010, 11:02 PM   #266  
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Went to the doctor~he is having me get my thyroid checked.(however you spell it) Anyways...Not in much of a thinking mood. Took A nap earlier and woke Up unable to breath Screaming to my husband for help. I was trying to gasp For air & finally managed too...My heart was pouding the hardest I ever felt it pound in my life. I Thought I was dying ~My husband brought me one of My anxiety pills And I took it and I fell back to sleep within a few minutes.
Scared to heck out of me though. I am now officially scared to go to sleep~Which is super bad for me Because I have an anxiety disorder that causes me to wanna avoid everything I think caused me an attack and now that is sleep And I am aware I need sleep But afraid if I go to sleep I will die.
(I think I am having anxiety in my sleep from that guy dying~it scared the crap outta me cause he was so dang young) Ughhh sorry to carry on everyone~keep me in your prayers.
If I miss a few days on here(Which I will try not to do) Please keep me in your prayers...Sometimes I have a really rough time with my anxiety disorder and can bearly function. I AM SO SICK OF ANXIETY~It started when I was 27 (7 years ago) And I have the attacks everyday since~not one day without an attack for 7 LONG years. I can't even be a part of my kids life Like I would like to be~I mean I am here for them But Not like I could be without these crazy attacks. Thats why I quit smoking and went on to lose weight to be healthier for them In hopes I would get better.
I am crying my eyes out~So I am logging Off. I am such a nut case.
I just wish God would take this Anxiety away from me. I Wanna Live And live Anxiety free And without Always having the fear I am taking my last breath with every breath I take.
(sorry to Be depressing~having a really hard day Healthwise.)
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Old 01-22-2010, 02:24 AM   #267  
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lori--i'm so sorry to hear about your attacks...i dont know how i'd deal w/'re a very strong person to quit smoking AND lose so much weight all the while dealing w/anxiety you think maybe your dr. can re-evaluate your meds?? maybe try a new one or a combo of 2? i hope you start feeling better

as for me, i totally fell off the wagon yesterday...went out & ate mexican...did NOT control myself! up 3lbs today, but it's probably mostly water....was totally back on track today and rode the recumbent for 50min(11.7mi) while catching up on desperate housewives! hope to be good this whole weekend
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:56 AM   #268  
keep on truckin' momma
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Good Morning

(((Lori))) your in my thoughts and my prayers. So sorry your having a hard time with your anxiety right now

KDM- mexican sounds good right now, i always get nacho's when i eat mexican

Guess i'll do a cardio today then some abb work. The scale is still up two lbs, why? I have no on plan very frustrating....


Back to report my workout. Did 30minutes of bootcamp then 40mins of yoga.

Last edited by misspriss78; 01-22-2010 at 12:08 PM.
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Old 01-22-2010, 10:09 AM   #269  
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Lori, I am really sorry about what you are going through. If your heart is pounding it could be thyroid. I am low thyroid myself and was prescribed a thyroid supplement. Unfortunately, when I took the supplement regularly my heart would have periods of beating out of control. Now I do not really take the pills like I was supposed to. My doctor retired and I just haven't found another one. But without the thyroid pills I hardly ever that rapid heartbeat issue.

Of course, I know it must be worrisome to you that you are having to take the pills to deal with your anxiety since some pills themselves have the potential of making the problem worse. (My daughter had that issue before getting off everything altogether.)

Whatever it is, I just hope that your doctor is able to find the source of the problem and help you.

I hope everyone has a successful day and weekend with healthy eating.
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Old 01-22-2010, 11:09 AM   #270  
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Good morning ladies (and gentlemen),

Lori: I am so sorry your going through all of that. Before my meds I had a bad anxiety disorder that made me go to a complete panic attack when someone would come near me. If i was stressed and someone tried to give me a hug I would shake and hyperventilate (spelling). one would think it was phycological problems or underlying issues, but I didn't have any, it was just my body and uncontrolable. I finially realized that and got the help I needed. So on a positive note, it's a good thing you are aware and are trying to find solutions. Maybe it is thyroid. But no matter what we are all here for you. 24/7 whatever you need. I will pray for you and hopefully you will be able to get some rest. I normally bake for my friends when they are having a tough time. I hope you feel better .

KDM: that's so funny you got mexical last night because on my way home I was craving mexical and made nachos last night. They were healthy nachos (I would have prefered real mexican). I found a way to make homemade tortilla chips using whole wheat tortillas(80 calories per tortilla) cut into 16th's, lightly brushed with olive oil (and i mean lightly), little garlic powder, sea salt and pepper. I bake them and 400 degrees for 6 to 8 min. I chopped up 2 chicken breasts, one for the bf and one for me, used only 1/3 of the taco seasoning packet, then some lettus, green onions, jalapenos, tomatos, onions, and FF cheese. mmmmmm it was good. My problem is the sodium..i crave salty food, probably why i crave mexican. So i tried to cut out as much salt as possible. And Im sure it is water weight, it's the sodium, it will go away in a day.

I'll post more later on. going for day two of cardio. hope everyone has a great day!
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