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Old 01-22-2010, 01:19 PM   #271  
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Lori - Super big hugs to you! You can do this. You will be OK! You have done some amazing things for yourself, and although it may not feel like it now, I have high hopes that your doctor will able to adjust you and get you skipping down the road whistling a little tune in now time!

misspriss - Hang in there lady! It sounds like you're having a few bad days too, and you'll make it through. The scale will drop soon enough! We are all here, cheering for you!

david - I am surrounded, that's true. But have you seen our hill country?!?! We just relocated here from Richmond, VA about 2 months ago, and we are already in love. Don't you drown, now...

jdonato - Thanks for the thanks. I am STRUGGLING, honestly. My body is feeling a fatigue, but I am FINISHING my week. I have no pain, so I am just trucking through. But man, oh man did I not want to yesterday.

KDM - Not to encourage wagon-falling-off, but if you're gonna jump off the wagon, jump off for mexican food! You'll have that water weight off in a hot second with your exercise.

jules - Yep, I am focusing on really dense whole wheat as well, as I notice I am full for days after oatmeal and things like that. I think I need to adjust, and take in closer to 400 cals in the morning, or 200 very very dense ones. That seems to be the ticket. Your breakfast sounds deliiiiicious... I am currently waiting on hubs with some super whole wheat pancakes. Yeeeeeaaaaah...

All y'all!! - Keep trucking gals!! Who's eating salad while her co-worker eat wings?!?! Just smirk at them - you're being a good girl, and what are they up to, huh? We can do this, we can, we are!!
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Old 01-22-2010, 01:26 PM   #272  
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I am on me anxiety meds More than ususal so I am very sleepy I am able to take up to 3 a day but usually take 1 so now I am taking 2 so I am so tired.~just wanted to let everyone know...I am Working on getting better & to tell you all thanks for all your kind words of encouragement...Off to sleep before the kids get home.(Trying to start my TOM also and seems like I have really bad breathing probs & anxiety when its TOM)
off to sleep~Keep up the good work everyone.
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Old 01-22-2010, 01:32 PM   #273  
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Hey all.

Food is as on plan as it can be...all on plan except I'm out of lean meat still, so making due with the pork chops and burger meat in the freezer. Hopefully can restock the leaner meats tomorrow. The scale is up a little, but not too much, just a pound or so.

I did hit the gym on Wednesday night, it was heavy back squats. It was okay, except the trainer that was subbing for my trainer was insisting on totally changing my back squat form/stance. My trainer teaches a totally different style, and so much of lifting is muscle memory, so I just didn't appreciate the fill-in guy messing with my form on that lift. Hopefully, I'll be able to forget it, literally, next time I have to do back squats...grumble!

I took a rest day yesterday, but did a lot of chores around the house, so wasn't a total slacker. Today will be more of the same, and my regular trainer texted me a workout that I can do at home. I'm stuck home still, saving what gas is in the truck for tomorrow, since I have to be at the gym tomorrow anyway, to do the cleaning.

Hoping to get a check in the mail tomorrow from one of my errant clients, but I'll believe it when I actually have it in my hand. One more week of lean funds, then the tax refund should be here, and we'll have some breathing room again, and the yard work jobs should pick up as spring approaches. Meanwhile, I'm going to try and get my own yardwork and some major purging/decluttering done around here, while I'm home to do it.

Lori, sorry to hear about the anxiety attacks being so bad. Hope you find a way to ease that burden today! Maybe you could try something to make sleeping easier, like sleeping propped up on pillows or in a comfy chair, like a recliner?

JD, WTG with the workout and getting back into the gym! It's been my experience that if I get out of the daily workout habit, I just have to force myself to go, every day, then after a few days or a week on track, then I find I want to go...driving to the gym is the hardest part. Once I get into my warm-up, then I'm good to go from there.

Thunda, not sure what to tell you on breakfast. I usually like to workout in the morning, so I don't like to eat too much beforehand. I get up, have a cup or two of tea for the caffeine, eat a banana, and that's it. I workout, then by the time I get home it's lunch time. I'm usually hungry after my workout, but don't really see being hungry as a bad thing, plus I'm at the gym, so it's not like I can do anything about it. A quote I liked from a book (forget the title right now, sorry)...she said hungry is "what it feels like to burn fat". Might not be true, but it sounds good, and keeps me from feeling like being hungry is a bad thing.

to everybody else!
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Old 01-22-2010, 01:50 PM   #274  
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Thundah: keep trucking girl. finish that week! You really motivate me...i'm going to work my patoot off so we can finish together.
As for the breakfast...I don't know if you saw my post before about breakfast burritos and quesadillas...lots of fiber, protein, and i'm full like no other. I have to force myself to eat like that, i'm like Jam, some coffee maybe fruit or english muffin. Not really a big breakfast eater, i'm more brunch and lunch. Hope you find some good recipes.

Jam: thanks for the support. I know what you mean, i don't want to go but once i'm there i'm all good. I just have to stick to a routine. I do very well with routines...i don't like randomness.

So today is day 2 and i went to the gym, just did cardio sticking to my routine. It was hard to resist the weights, i just want to get in there and lift as much as i can right away, but i know i will strain myself and I need more endurance. If I start slow and work my way up i'll last longer instead of giving up. My arms and pecks are very sore from yesterday, so it's good i didn't do weights today, and tomorrow is cardio and core. I'm trying to get nice long lean muscle mass. I competed (spelling) in swimming for about 15 years so i'm use to haveing a swimmers body. I have a bigger rib cage for someone mysize and my upper body is bigger than my lower body, V shape. I would love to get back into that shape again but it's expensive to find a pool to swim at here...they charge so much for the community pool Well that's enough for now, i'm finshing up my Kale and bean soup mmmmm. talk to you guys later. Have great day!
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Old 01-22-2010, 02:14 PM   #275  
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lori were all thinking about help all of us with your daily sure everything will settle down with the meds and anxiety...we WILL keep you in our prayers...its a tough time with everything going on in the world
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Old 01-22-2010, 04:57 PM   #276  
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jam and jdon - Thank y'all for the breakfast advice! I am a breakfast eater - I can skip lunch no problem, but I must eat when I wake up, or I am... how can I put this? unpleasant and low-functioning. I have a HUGE problem eating protein in the AM - I have some stomach issues that contributed to my weight gain bog-time, I now realize, and those issues make eating eggs and turkey bacon a bad idea first thing. Second breakfast, no problem! Haha. I might try a black bean and tomato and egg quesadilla - I bet I could make one and reheat the other half... The WW pancakes this morning really hit the spot, I have not gotten hungry again. I don't mind being hungry, but I tend to eat 4 hours before bedtime, so by the time I wake up, 8+ hours later, I am HUNGRY.

Thanks for the tips! Keep trucking ladies!!!
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Old 01-22-2010, 11:30 PM   #277  
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Thanks so much everyone.
I think I may have figured out something...maybe...On my own.
I keep feeling like I am gonna quit breathing Or pass out & complain about this constantly to my doctor and he usually says It is from anxiety Or my breathing probs...Even though there most untolerable during or near mY "TOM" anyways Tired of feeling like I was gonna pass out all day And Quit breathing I googled my syptoms & prayed and pressed search(I had just got back from driving one of my sons to the local Walmart to purchase some Very much needed new clothes.~I know I should have sit at home But I can be stubborn Anyways~After seeing that I could bearly even drive or Be in public I was scared so When I got back & prayed & pressed search being anemic clicked up......So I read about it...All my symptoms was right there.
I had some multi vitamins I never take Was prescribed them at one time for somethin or the other can't remember anyways Still had them. Took One In hopes if I was anemic the iron in it would make me feel better. It's been about2 hours & I swear I feel Like a new me.........So either I am anemic or low on a certain vitamin...I Am gonna go back to my doctor as soon as possible for follow-up tests ..........UGGHHHH ~sorry to be so Crazy this week everyone Just going through so much.
& thanks to all of you for listening to me & Being a friend to me.
I admit I am still a little in fear of going to sleep but Jam I tried the pillows idea earlier & nearly feel asleep /Actually may have for awhile.So I am gonna try that again.~THANKS SO MUCH

Off to get some sleep

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Old 01-23-2010, 02:51 AM   #278  
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on plan another day after my mexican disaster and the scale was back down to 185.2 this AM...just 0.4 above where I should be...didn't exercise today, just was being lazy...but right on plan with eating...

Hope all is well with everyone!! Have a great weekend! I'm off to bed
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Old 01-23-2010, 08:39 AM   #279  
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Good morning everyone,

This is early for me on a Saturday. I woke up, went to the bathroom, then tried to go back to bed but my mind going on about any and everything then my heart was racing...actually one of the things on my mind was working out, and my body was wanting to get up and work out that i go up, made some coffee and came on here. I felt bad because i hate to disturb the bf because i toss and turn alot.

I guess it's the energy from my muscles? I don't know. Yesterday my throat was slightly swollen and i started to get the icky, chilly, sicky, feeling. So i doped up on vitamin C, drank a crap load of clear fluids and went to bed early. I have only today to work out then i can rest tomorrow. I hope it's just a 24hour bug, if immune system and I are going to have a little chit chat lol

Lori: I'm glad you found some answers. And yes anemia can be the cause of the problems. My sister has low iron, and especially around her TOM, so our doctor told her to take supplements. Also she wasn't getting enough calcium....which is ironic considering she's the pharmacist lol...Also if you tend to get cold hands and every other part of your body is warm, and it's warm where you are at, that's a sign also. Keep taking the multivitamins they really do help. I hope you feel better and get some rest.

Today the bf and family are going to the Auto Show. I don't know if you guys know it or not but us Michiganders make a huge deal out of it. The bf has been working out all week and has lost more weight so he wants to have a night on the town. It seems we do this every weekend for only one evening, but considering i'm not feeling too hot i'll let him has his fun and just drink lots of water. Well that's enough rambling for now. Hope you guys have a great day.
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Old 01-23-2010, 09:33 AM   #280  
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Lori259 here's a . I hope you feel better soon. Good Luck with your tests.
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Old 01-23-2010, 11:52 AM   #281  
keep on truckin' momma
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Good morning

Just popping in..still on plan!

Lori-Crossing my fingers that the vitamins will help.

Hello to everyone have a nice weekend!
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Old 01-23-2010, 12:10 PM   #282  
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~gonna take it easy today~ But took another vitamin this morning and I already since yesterday feel like a new me........Hope it continues to work.
Got a ton of dirty dishes but its saturday so gonna snuggle with hubby and be lazy most of today~other than my exercises~cause I am on a role on weight loss~I have lost 6 pounds of my 7 for this goal~just got 1 pound to go. I am at 164.2 this morning~Getting so close to losing a 100 pounds which is exciting too.
I am hoping to officially wear size 6's soon too. Maybe within next 10 pounds of loss or so.
Anyways Feeling better today & Love each & everyone of you.
Take care & Have a safe & super weekend.
Oh & I will do those ton of dirty dishes later on LOL! (I am a neat freak and my lazy day I am wanting will proboly turn into A hectic work my butt off day.)

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Old 01-23-2010, 02:11 PM   #283  
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Lori - Leave the dirty dishes for later and snuggle with your husband. You deserve it

I started back in on running today at the gym. God, it's been a long time. I switched up between walking and running.....walk 10 minutes, run 15 minutes, etc....for about 50 minutes. I ended up doing more walking at the end though because after one of the periods of jogging, I felt really odd. Like kind of light headed. So, I wanted to take it a bit slower for the end so I didn't pull a DJ Tanner and pass out on the treadmill or something. LOL

But I am down 2.2 pounds in the past two weeks and am only 1 pound away from my pre-holiday weight. So close to being out of the 190's again...thank god!
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Old 01-23-2010, 06:53 PM   #284  
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chele~I did the dishes After I snuggled~LOL
I am feeling alot better today after resting a bit...Then cleaning like a maniac and doing my exercises....I just downloaded updated pics of 95 pounds lost on here under mini goal photo album....Not sure whey I just did a few pounds ago...LOL I look so different though with every new pound lost.
Come on 180's FOR CHELE!!!


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Old 01-24-2010, 03:24 AM   #285  
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WOW LORI!!! You look awesome!! You are such an inspiration!!!

Another lazy day here...but I'm on plan w/food...the hubby was off w/me today and I couldn't get motivated...we hadn't seen each other pretty much all I just laid around w/him! Not good, I know, but hopefully I'll kick myself in the butt tomorrow! On a good note, I tried on a pair of sz.14 jeans yesterday that I bought a while back...when I bought them, I could barely button them and not even start to zip them...well, I can do both now! But they're not "wearable in public" yet! haha But atleast I can see some improvements bc the scale has been pretty consistent the past 2 weeks (minus the 2 days after Mexican--& Today it was back at 184.8!) Even tho I worked out often over the past 2 wks, the scale hadn't moved...but this shows I'm still advancing in my journey! When I can finally wear the 14s w/my head held high, that'll be a day for celebrating!! I haven't been in that size since high school!

Come on 170s!!! (I might faint when I reach this new decade!!!!)
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