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Old 01-16-2010, 12:40 PM   #211  
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Jam~With the smoking~Hugs TO YA~Cause I know you can so do it girl~just never give up. Glad your trainer is helping with your shoulder~when I read the chop of a limb or something to see the 118 ~LMAO~I agree girl~me too!!! Jdonata Is kicking major butt!

Misspriss~Yeah being nosey rocks the older I get LOL! I have debated on facebook...But after taking a peek stuck with myspace...May get an account with them too though in the future.(then we could nose on each other~LOL!)

Rach122 ~Excellent job!!! Very proud of you!! Keep up the good work!!

jdonato ~I am happy & healthy but A far cry from sexy~LOL! So i wanna have that for me too~LOL Enjoy your day~Hopefully the BF doesn't cheat since he has lost 7 pounds~tell him Lori from 3fc said that was amazing!!

Well ttyl everyone~have A super day. I am doing well on calories~did my morning walking and saw 166.2 on the scale this morning so I am working my way back to what the old battery said I weighed. I will get back to my ticker weight before I know It & beyond.Off to myspace.
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Old 01-16-2010, 01:16 PM   #212  
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JD, he'll learn his lesson when he gets on the scale and it jumps up a few pounds on him, lol. Thanks for the encouragement on the quitting thing. I figure it's like learning to eat clean...I fell on my face a bunch of times with that, too, but I just kept getting up and trying again.

Rach, congrats on another 2 lbs!

Amelia, good luck coming your way, too, to stay on plan this week!

Well, as for me, I overslept...totally forgot to reset my was still set for "Mon-Fri" so not a peep this Saturday morning. The sleep felt good, though, and I'll still get some kind of workout in, even though I missed the group fun at my gym. I have to go in to clean, but am waiting to hear from the bossman, to see if I can clean today, or if they're going to be hanging out afterward. They were supposed to do some filming so I don't want to drive down there just to find out I can't do the cleaning today. taptaptap...(waiting)...

Okay, the boss finally texted me back...they are filming till 3, so I will just hang here at the house, and go in later to do the cleaning. They're filming strongman today,'s gonna be messy. They did a sandbag workout yesterday, and those things always leak a little, no matter what you wrap them in, and the strongman always means chalk all over the equipment and the floors. sigh...I'll be living at the gym tonight!
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Old 01-16-2010, 01:26 PM   #213  
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Hi everyone!

I've been sick the past 4-5 days, so haven't worked out as much. My weight went down to 113.4 lbs a couple of days ago and then back up to 115 lbs. this morning I can't gain any more. I still have 5 pounds to lose in this challenge. What I guess I'll have to do is exercise more and eat less, now that I'm feeling a little better. And keep on drinking that water!!!

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Old 01-16-2010, 04:24 PM   #214  
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It's Saturday and I'm working. This is my life for the next three months - gotta love being an auditor.

The good - worked out 5x this week, will also workout today, and on plan for food for six days. Am finding (and this is one of those "duh" moments for me) that when I eat well - meaning whole grains, fruit, veggies, lean protein, and lots of water and green tea - my energy level goes sky high. And working 11-13 hours a day, that is something absolutely essential. So - even more motivation for me.

The bad - I haven't run in two weeks. I miss it, but I truly can only workout in the mornings, it's dark and cold at 5am, and I detest treadmill running more than pretty much anything else. So I am finding alternatives, but nothing makes me sweat or gives me as much mental relaxation as running...

I decided not to weigh today - tomorrow will be a full week and I told myself to weigh weekly. So I'll hop on it tomorrow, which will also keep me in check today. Which is good.
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Old 01-16-2010, 11:02 PM   #215  
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Just wanted to say a quick Hello to everyone....Having high anxiety tonight So I took my meds and I am off to bed.....I am ok though just sleepy now.
I am on plan & hoping to get my 165 back within next day or so.
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Old 01-17-2010, 08:13 AM   #216  
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Good Morning

Im not sure what todays workout will be. Ive thought about doing a fullbody weight workout, But im such a cardio junkie...i always feel like i have to do cardio in every workout

I didn't sleep very well last night, for some reason my anxiety is through the roof lately. Just worried about everything.

I will bbl
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Old 01-17-2010, 12:16 PM   #217  
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Afternoon ladies! I just woke up lol late night. The wedding was beautiful, the food was great. I tried to watch my portions and eat until I was satisfied. then the bf and I went to the concert, great band! amazing vocals...I don't know if you guys know "City and Colour". I think their Canadian. I had a few beers there, not so good, then afterwards I was craving a burger and fries. to be honest...I don't regret the calories one bit. I was very happy afterwards.

The bf only strayed on the beer, when we got food, he had a side salad and fried mushrooms, which he took off all the bread and only ate the mushrooms. He woke up this morning and didn't gain a lb! Good for him. me.....................I was 118.4 yesterday and not 120.2. And I know I didn't take in an extra 7000 calories to gain 2lbs over night. I'm a little bummed but it's ok, I made my choices and today i'm going to get back and in a few days it will be back down. I have to remember this is a life style not a diet.

As for exercise I'll get plenty of that tonight, I work retail and we have to change the store around so i'll be there until 2am. I'll bring plenty of H2O and eat a decent dinner.

Lori: I told my bf about your congrats, he was very happy and says thank you! He felt great getting on that scale this morning..good for him. glad to hear the scale is going down.. I know you'll surpass your goal!

Jam: question on clean eating....I've heard someone say they are doing that before but never knew what it was? I'm interested.

I'm off to make some sort of decent breakfast. Have a great day ladies and I wish you all well.
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Old 01-17-2010, 02:16 PM   #218  
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jdonata~Glad you had a great time!!! The weight will go right back down~So no worries. Glad Your BF stuck It out~cause you guys can be healthy together as you seem to be aiming for!!!! And a burger & a fries every now & then is OK by me~Cause you know its not everyday just ever so often...~OH and 120 to me is still a dreamy number girl!!!

~I am hoping the anxiety IS from the winter dreariness...Mine has been at an ultimate high right now too.So I know how ya feel & it is dreadful to have anxiety attacks Just dreadful~so I will keep you in my prayers.I hope you have a super sunday.HUGS

I am off to eat ~then do some added exercises I am throwing in for my thighs and tummy~Cause once there in shape I will be one hot mama naked! Right now not so much~heheheheh
ttyl ~HUGS TO ALL!
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Old 01-17-2010, 11:50 PM   #219  
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Random question - why oh why can the networks not find people who can actually interview the celebrities at the Golden Globes after parties? Seriously - I'm flipping between NBC and E! and they're all appalling. Nick Cannon should just be Mr Mariah Carey because he can't conduct an interview to save his life. "How do you feel about winning?" - how do you THINK they feel, you twit? I only had the show on to see the people I work with (my firm does the vote counting, and I know two of the three people who go and carry the results to the show - they show them for all of five seconds!).

On the CC front, I hit the scale this morning for the first time in a week and it's down, so that was good. I'm not sure if I'll go back to daily weighing or not - I don't mind seeing the ups and downs, as the ups keep me on track, but sometimes when I see a lower weight during the week than on my "official" weighing day, I get a little pissy. I know some people take either their lowest weight of the week or an average over the week and use that as their weekly weight - I may start tracking that just out of interest.

I did a resistance workout from a magazine this afternoon - it's only 15 minutes, a 3x circuit, but it kicked my butt. The walking lunges are HARD, and even modified push-ups kill my wrists - any suggestions for how to make push ups easier on my wrists?

I also cooked all my food for the week and have my lunches and snacks for work packed in the fridge to make it so easy to take all my food and not be tempted by anything. Onwards and downwards (the scale, that is!).
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Old 01-18-2010, 03:44 AM   #220  
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Jules, sometimes they bother my wrists, too, so I will tape around the wrist with athletic tape. Spread all five fingers wide while putting the tape on, that way you can put the tape on snug, without it being too tight/cutting off your circulation. About 2 layers does it for me. Another option is to find a neoprene wrist wrap that feels good.

Down two pounds this morning, but I also got up late, so I'll wait and see what it says at my usual early morning weigh-in time tomorrow. Speaking of which, I'm ready to sleep now. Crossfit workout in the morning, then I've got a 3 mile run planned for after the workout, work, then home.

JD, I don't know about anybody else, but when I say clean eating, I just mean eating on my food plan, no cheat meals or anything like that.
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Old 01-18-2010, 08:09 AM   #221  
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Good morning!

Today will be a cardio/abb workout then some much needed yoga.

The scale is slowing going back to my pre-crazy week weight.(cheated twice last week) i can't believe how much water weight i gain when i don't watch it. Still got two lbs until i can work on losing agian

Applebee's was good last night,i got the Dijon chicken w/portabella.

Lori-Spring is around the corner...lets pray its not late coming this year. Im ready to get outside and enjoy the weather. That should better our anxiety/mood up...hugs

Jules-Another suggestion about the push-ups is to try perfect push-ups. I don't own them but ive heard if your having problems with your wrist hurting they help alot.

Jam-How did your WI go this morning? crossing my fingers for ya!

JD-I eat clean,or alteast try too,LOL. Its limiting or eliminating processed foods. Eating whole foods in there natural state.

ok,its time for breakfast...suppose to be in the 60's today,im going for a run outside...YAY!


EDA-workout Done! Decided on a 30min step aerobics dvd then some yoga....have agood day and congrats to the losers!

Last edited by misspriss78; 01-18-2010 at 03:02 PM.
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Old 01-18-2010, 08:56 AM   #222  
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Jam - thanks for the idea about tape. I'll get some and try that. Also - can you elaborate a little on the CrossFit workout? I've read a bit about it but I'm not sure how it works - it sounds like drills of some kind. I just found out there is a CrossFit studio (or whatever you would call it) in Vegas so I'm curious if it would be something interesting to try. Do you have to be super fit???

Amelia - my hubby wants those Perfect Push Up things, so maybe I'll use this as an excuse to buy them for him. I can't really do push ups that well anyway - weak! - but when my wrists won't hold up, that frustrates me to no end. I wonder if there are any workouts for wrists?

JD - I think eating clean in the commonly used sense is as Amelia says - whole foods, staying away from processed stuff. I've got Tosca Reno's book and she advocates lean protein, whole grains, lots of veg (non-starchy stuff - not potatoes and corn) and fruit. There are also some things she recommends that may or may not be of interest to you, like flaxseed and wheatgerm. I love flaxseed and have it every day. I try and choose whole foods when possible but I don't sweat processed food every now and then - I just try and steer clear of truly processed food, like baked goods, white stuff (bread, rice, pasta) - for me, I find I have way more energy when I eat as close to "clean" as possible.

Me - I was up at 5am working. This is how things go! I have today off from workouts as I did weights yesterday and rode my horse for three hours, and pretty much everything that can be sore, is. But it's a good sore - a sore that comes from having fun and using my muscles! Will be back at it tomorrow.
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Old 01-18-2010, 09:56 AM   #223  
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Hiya chicks!!

Ooooof - what a weekend. It was, in a word, awful. Stress, stress, upset and more stress. I had a great Friday night, went out with some gals, and managed to stay within 200 calories of my target calories, which was a minor miracle - and due to the fact that I tried to consume mainly liquor. Saturday I was on plan, and then yesterday - 100 calories over, with lots and lots of salt. So I am DREADING that scale. If anyone hears any high pitched wailing from the Texas area, it'll just be me, weighing in.

Exercise is on track, and this morning has started off well with oatmeal made with fat free milk and a dabble of honey. Yumyumyum, and since I wake up ready to eat a bear (or two), very filling.

Chicks, I am sorry to see that so many of us are feeling the winter doldrums. Be assured, this crap season will end soon, and we will be basking in the glorious light of summer soon enough! We are finally meant to get sunshine almost all this week, which for me, means walking - woohoo!! I love walking, and am convinced it helps flush salt, and, say, whiskey from my body.

I'll be weighing in momentarily, and will pop back to update - just for honesty's sake. I am scared, scared, scared. Why, why, why, WHY?!?!?! I controlled the popcorn portion - just not the salt.

Edited to add: 188lbs. So - I went to 189lbs at some point last week, in the midst of my scale lunacy, and then to 188lbs this week, I imagine. I MUST stay on track!! My shoulders and toosh are KILLING me - I must workout!!
Also - Did make the 7 hours of exercise weekly goal last week as well, but yep - I was walking on Sunday. Not that I minded.

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Old 01-18-2010, 10:53 AM   #224  
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Jules ~I agree Nick cannon Is soooooooooooo annoying!
Actually Mariah Carey is anymore to me too.LOL

Was glad to see GLEE Win something~I love that show! Was disapointed house never won anything...Was glad to see Sandra bullock with a win! Love the Movie proposal!

~yeah Spring will be SO GREAT TO SEE. I love flowers and I love to watch them poke outta the ground and watch them grow every year til thery bloom......Makes me feel less anxiety just thinking about it.

Well Weighing at 167.6 the last 2 days...Ate some salty breakfasts though over the weekend.
Hope everyone Enjoys MLKD
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Old 01-18-2010, 11:20 AM   #225  
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JAM IS IN THE HOUSE!!! welcome back jam!!! Hello skinny ready to join you guys...i walked everyday last week except for saturdau...i had to go catch 3 heading out right now to walk wirh my buddy...ill be checking in regularly now...have a great day all!!!!
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