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Old 03-05-2004, 06:31 PM   #226  
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Thanks Super..i can see you and yes i am missing them all
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Old 03-06-2004, 04:33 AM   #227  
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Oh I am so stupid!!! Cathy a while back when you were packing, and getting all excited and....and...I totally forgot that Olivia is YOUR GRANDAUGHTER and not your DAUGHTER and of course I was thinking she and you were flying back to see the grandparents....and I was so confused when you said ....Olivia isn't flying anywhere!!! and it only came to my thick brain when SW said ! I bet you are missing her already" and I thought...hang on, where has she left her? and then the penny (or rather ten thousand of them) fell on my head and now I know what a muddle I have been in !!!! It's your should not sound so young on your posts!!! Oh my goodnight....
Oh I am so glad I have that sorted in my brain. ..and I hope you have understood the ramblings above and are not as I sending out the men in white in white coats to get me.....
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Old 03-06-2004, 10:16 AM   #228  
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Teel that is so thinks that those meds may be just a little bit too strong glad you've sorted it out How are you feeling today? Any Better? You sound cheerier anyway

I'm up bright and early this morning and if i can get off here soon enough i'm in the mood for some exercise just checked email and i've got 3 more 'suspect' emails in my inbox..just wish whoever does this would get lost
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Old 03-06-2004, 12:17 PM   #229  
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I have had a few suspect e-mails recently. I am paranoid and so have two virus checkers, junk mail filter and still am careful what I open - lol. Have been like this for years and luckily we have only had one virus which came from my mum. Not bad going when we have 2 PCs in the house and both are constantly connected and in use a lot of the day. I have had a few that pretend to be mail failure notifications which are a bit sneeky but never opened them.

Went to the gym this morning with my sister.
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Old 03-06-2004, 11:11 PM   #230  
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I am getting the same suspect messages girls and we have every anti virus going it seems. I just delete them, and hope for the best and Dave runs through everything every couple of days.
Well done on your exercise programme SW. Dave said he talked to you earlier? I was napping Had a nice three hour nap this afternoon, it was really mild out, I had the windows wide open and then we had a thunderstorm, it was great laying in bed all dozey and comfy listening to it.
Teel, you do sound more cheery, remember we're all here for you anytime.
Cathy, did you exercise? I went to curves this morning and got weighed and mesaured, it showed a two and a half pound loss since last month, so that's more than my scales have told me. I also lost inches off boobs and hips It's a nice feeling plus 1% body fat, so somethings working. Have had a good day on plan, am off out to a farmers market tomorrow morn to buy loads of fresh fruit and veggies.
Have a great sunday all.
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Old 03-07-2004, 03:24 AM   #231  
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Lucky you chris, I love to take naps - lol. I would nap every day if work permitted it - lol.

Not sure what I am up to today. Have said that I will do something with my best friend. It will mean taking mykids though as hubby is working.

Might go for lunch somewhere as I intend to go to SW tomorrow. I am also going to try and get hold of one of their magazines today to seee if I like the look of it.

My sister and I picked up a leaflet for race for life yesterday. It is 5km and it says that you can walk it so we are going to do that. Anyone gonna join us in doing this?
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Old 03-07-2004, 07:01 AM   #232  
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Oh good luck SSW on the Rcae For Life (ooops it looks like I've got a typing stammer!!!) when is it? My physio is running the London marathon in April so is training and looking for sponsors. I had to laugh incredulously last week when she told me she had opened up a new account to store the sponsor money in, and asked the young man dealing with her enquiry for a sponsor. Now...him working in a bank....guess how much he gave her......£1. Yep. ONE POUND. I couldn't beleive it. I said I could at least double that!!!! Cor what an insult.
Cathy I am glad you understood my muddled brain.....what there is of it anyway!
I see we have a new smilie...a coffee drinker!!! I feel as if I need a few dozen of those this morning! I still have the blessed nerve twitching.. .wonder how long before I get rid of the side effects. I need them gone like NOW.
Sorry to see you girls are having so much trouble with virus filled e-mails. That really is a pain in the you-know-where.
Thanks for you support over the last few days especially, chickies. It has been hard going. Hopefully I can see my dietician early in the week, and the weight gain will at least stop and perhaps even start moving in the opposite but correct direction, and the drop in the medication will soon start to lose the other side effects. I feel happier now I know what is causing the misery. Not that I feel more in control of it all.
Oh and to finish, thank you 3FC for all the new emoticons that have appeared....I love them all!
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Old 03-07-2004, 08:36 AM   #233  
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I hope there are no English teachers on this board. I cringe when I see how many typo's I have made. Not down to spelling but laziness. I am amazed that anyone can understand what I have written! At work I am jsut as bad but do use spell check (which isn't always a lot of use). For some reason I can never type invoice - it always comes out invlice, the is teh and London is lodnon. Well I am unlikely to type invlice here again but just so you know I live in either London or Lodnon depending on how I have typed it that day! Anyone else have a problem with typo's? - and should there be an apostrophe?!
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Old 03-07-2004, 09:24 AM   #234  
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I think we're all good on the typo's on here, I know my spelling is crap. I always try to remember the proper english spelling as I write, it does get harder, being here year after year, remembering to drop the 'u's in a lot of the American spellings. I got marks off of my papers when I took an English course in college over here, because I spelt 'behaviour' the Brit way and didn't drop the 'u'. I was peeved at that!
I've just had a lovely bubbly radox bath and am now sitting in a towel (bet you're all enthralled at that image). Will go and get dried and dressed, lotioned up for my dry skin and then head out with hubby to the farmers market. The sun is shining, it's not chilly out and I can feel spring in the air. ( I say this convieniently forgeting the threat of some more snow forecast for mid week)!!!
Later taters.
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Old 03-07-2004, 12:18 PM   #235  
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HELP!!!!! i have never ever been on a forum or chat room and had to get my 14 year old to show me how .I am 32 fat and very fed up i need tips on using this forum or any other parts of this site sorry my son just gave me a row for not signing this

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Old 03-07-2004, 12:25 PM   #236  
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Hi Linus welcome to the forum. We will help with anything don't worry!
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Old 03-07-2004, 12:50 PM   #237  
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Hi all thanks for the reply veggie,this is going to sound very lame but read and had to log off as i burst in to tears !! too much time in a house with three males
anywaty very glad to be here have bee looking at your forum for weeks trying to actually admit i need to lose weight and after following you all for a week have decided that being fat is not the plague it seems to be and that you can actually lose weight .Does anyone know or can reccomend a good diet program i.e weight watchers to join as i am really determined to do this but as doctor and specialist both said i need to lose 7 stone i dony know where to start

thankyou all linus
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Old 03-07-2004, 01:03 PM   #238  
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Hi Girls,

Hello Linus a few of us have/are doing weightwatchers and it is a very good program they all work you just have to follow them..thats the hard part you will get lots of support here so tell us everything you want to, and i do mean everything

Chris, i did'nt exercise i was online for too long this dreaded contraption reels me in and there is no escape i always end up having to make a deal with myself to exercise first before i come online..sometimes it works more often than not it does'nt Bet you're fed up with the snow are'nt you? i get off just when it rains here like today.

Just waiting for hubby to get back from hospital, son came off his dirtbike yesterday and was seriously injured he was in surgery for a few hours having a compound fracture of the arm, dislocated elbow and shattered wrist fixed thank god it was'nt worse. Hubby says he is going to flatten the bike now and its a brand new $8500 one
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Old 03-07-2004, 01:12 PM   #239  
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HI Lunus!

Well at least your son was 14, not 4! That would have been embarrassing! They embrae all things technical without a fear whereas we hide behind the settee convinced we will blow up everything or wipe off anything important.

My advice to those wanting to start out on new regime - especialy if they want to join a club is to maybe buy a few of the magazines and see which one appeals more. Also you could look up a few of the websites. I only know of three clubs - Slimming World (which I belong to) Weightwatchers (I used to ) and Rosemary Conley.

For web sites read on.

Unfortunately I have noticed that too often you have to register before you get much info out of them. You can access a few recipes but to get into the archives you often have to be a member.,00.html

Copy and paste the above to see a list of popular diets

The above is the BBC and their take on the different diets.

Incidentally (this is For Veggie and other vegetarians not following any particular diet) Rose Elliot (well known Vegetarian cook book writer) wrote a number of books you may be interested in. One was on food combining for vegetarians and also a slimming book which took a number of well known diets such as weight watchers and Rosemary Conley but made exclusively vegetarian. I did have the book but lost it -blast it.
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Old 03-07-2004, 01:59 PM   #240  
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Hi Linus, welcome. Don't worry about not knowing how to use the forums, I myself, plod along and I'm no computer whizz
Cathy, your poor hubby. Will he be down and out and you'll have to become his nurse for a while now
I've been to the market, bought loads of scrummy fresh fruit and veg, and am now about to peel some veggies for dinner later and then settle down and find a movie to enjoy while it's all cooking.
Is warm here again today, the snow is coming though, over night, bloody typical really, as I am wearing capri's and yes they're the size 14's. I am a happy happy me
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