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Old 01-22-2004, 09:15 PM   #91  
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Chris is'nt it just i was earning that 10 years ago! and it was'nt good then
Wearing a slinky number? MOI? I think i'll be wearing whatever fits i hate going through everything to see what looks OK and i'd better do it tomorrow otherwise i'll end up doing it on Saturday and getting pissed off because nothing looks right I bet i end up wearing my black dress its calf length, sleeveless, loose so it hides a multitude and best of all i feel comfortable in it HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Hannah

Super, glad you are feeling better

Had another excellent day..1050cals in and 300 burnt..i know its a bit low but i went shopping and when i got back i had dinner..chickburger on 2 toasted slices of low fat bread followed by pineapples and straw/cream ice cream and i'm full now i've still got a choc peanut protein bar to eat and a mug of hot chocolate in that count so if i don't have them it will be even less so that scale better be on its best behaviour tomorrow
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Old 01-22-2004, 10:03 PM   #92  
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Hi Cathy,
Well done on your excellent day. Mine is ok, but I'm using some flex points today as I ate birthday cake with Hannah. Bless her, she's feeling really rough with a cold and couldn't quite fight it off for her birthday.
I just watched Extreme makeover, it always makes me cry at the end to see the response the people get when theri families and friends see them for the first time since they had all their work done. They look so fantastic and happy with themselves, talk about a boost of self confidence. If only looking and feeling so different was so easy hey?
Well I've been a busy bee tonight, have done laundry, caught up on most of it now and cleaned and mopped floors as they were grotty from snow and salt being dragged in. Don't actually know why I bothered as we seem to have more on the way this weekend... joy, joy, joy!
Right, am off to bed now, I am knackered.
Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow morning Cat.
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Old 01-23-2004, 12:17 PM   #93  
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Wearing a slinky number? MOI? I think i'll be wearing whatever fits i hate going through everything to see what looks OK and i'd better do it tomorrow otherwise i'll end up doing it on Saturday and getting pissed off because nothing looks right I bet i end up wearing my black dress its calf length, sleeveless, loose so it hides a multitude and best of all i feel comfortable in it

LMAO - that is me all over - lol.

I joined the gym today in my lunchbreak and have my induction at 8am in the morning.
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Old 01-23-2004, 02:11 PM   #94  
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8am in the morning? Saturday morning? i need a couple of cups of tea and a bit of tv before i get going hope you enjoy it

Well, that pesky varmint was good to me and i've lost 3lbs so i've just scraped back into the 150's 159.5lbs this morning i hope the 'do' tomorrow does'nt throw me off too much but i am planning on being an and driving cos its 20mls away so its diet coke for me

Chris, i watched extreme makeover last night because CSI was a repeat and i almost the whole show don't know if it was the one that you watched there was a coloured girl on and she had horrendous teeth that stuck out a mile and the bottom ones were all bad and she looked fabulous when they'd finished with her

Wonder where Carol has got to again?
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Old 01-23-2004, 08:07 PM   #95  
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Well done Cathy on that three pounds gone, that's absolutely brill Yes it was the same extreme makeover last night we watched. I thought it was brill and the woman's teeth were horrendous to say the least. I loved the bit where they said her smile would light up Times Square and put her on one of the flashing billboards, she looked fantastic. And the guy was so lovely too. I loved when he went in the bar and although he was shy and unsure of himself, he got that woman's number
Have had a good day so far eating, am quite low on points actually, and no exercise cos of work and no time, maybe I'll put a tae-bo vid in in a while and see how I do.
Right, time for a cuppa, a ffriend is skating up the road to me for one.
Later all.
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Old 01-23-2004, 08:46 PM   #96  
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"skating up the road" I'm just having a beer and it tastes odd because i have'nt had one since last sunday i think i'll just leave it at the one can you imagine what that makeover has done to that womans life? she was'nt ugly but her teeth really were and now she can smile with confidence and the new boobs did'nt hurt either
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Old 01-23-2004, 09:38 PM   #97  
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Well my friend did indeed have to skate up the road. We still have ice all over the place left over from last weeks snow fall and we are due for some more this weekend. I haven't actually caught the whole weather forecast as yet but people have been saying we're expecting six inches through Sunday into Monday or maybe more. I might get a day off from work for it if that happens
I am off out shopping tomorrow, I'm taking Hannah and some friends to the mall so as she can spend some birthday money. My frined is coming with me and we're going to hit Ross and Barnes and Noble as I have a gift certificate to sepnd there. Then we're off out to lunch with the kids although Hannah has asked that we sit in a different booth to her
At Ross I'm hoping to find some trousers as I don't have many paris that fit right now, most of them are too big, it's so nice to say that
OK I had better go and get out in the cold to drive and pick the kidsup, then when I come home it'll be time to shut up shop and get in my nice warm bed and have a good nights sleep.
See ya all tomorrow, have a great weekend.
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Old 01-24-2004, 04:40 PM   #98  
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HI all,
Well I've been out shopping and bought two new pairs of trousers. SIze 16 was all that I tried on and all the one's I tried fitted perfectly, not too tight which was a nice feeling I also bought some new tops, one was the bargain price of $4.99. It's a turtle neck, someone plese help me out with the Brit name for it, I have forgotten and really need to go home.
Then I went to the book store and bought myself two new books with a gift certificate I'd received for Christmas, so I'll be well set for a good read in bed tonight.
Took Hannah and her friends to lunch at a restaurant called 'Friendlys'. Tey sat in one booth and me and my frined were seated out of sight from them. We got Hannah a cell phone for her birthday, so she called me to let me know what they were ordering... At least our minutes between cell phones are free otherwise we'd be in trouble.
I didn't go for the low fat variety of food while I was out, I ordered a tuna sandwich on sour dough bread with fries, the fries weren't as hot as I'd have liked so I didn't actualy eat all of them so I was pleased about that I just tried to look up what points the food would have cost me, but there isn't one for Friendlys so I'll just put down lots!
We all had a good time out, it's still bitterly cold though and snow is forcast to start through the night, we've had some flurries so far, and then it starts in earnest tomorrow afternoon. I really need to go to the commissary and buy a few bits and bobs for the next few days, but I don't want to. I'm deliberating as to go early in the morning. Maybe I'll move my a$s and go in a mo when I've drunk my cuppa.
POLO neck? Is that what we call it?
Right, that's about it for now,hope everyone is having a good weekend. Enjoy and all you lovely people in Blighty, get ready for you big freeze that's headed your way, wrap in layers and don't skimp on the heating. Keep warm
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Old 01-25-2004, 10:53 AM   #99  
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Hello everyone. Am I here all alone? I seem to be talking to myself How was your party Cathy? What did you wear? Tell us all about it as I don't get out much myself so I like to llive through others.
We are getting ready for our snow this afternoon. Supposed to get anywhere from three to six inches at the last check on the weather. This is then to be followed by an ice storm. I'm not too sure what the ice storm means but it doesn't sound nice. I have the snow salt and the snow shovel ready by the back door so as J can clear the path and dig us out tomorrow morning
I've had a nice chat with my Mummy this morning. Been talking for nearly three hours. I do so love our weekly chats, we catch up on everything and if we have any moans and groans, we share them and get them off our chests.
Talking of chests, i got two new bras yesterday. From Victoria Secrets no less. I haven't tried them on yet, will do that when I go and get dressed soon, they are very lovely, one is a deep plum colour with a nice flowery pattern on it and one is a nice deep blue. I do like theri bras, they are so comfy, just bloody expensive. SO with my shopping for new trousers and the tops, I got pretty much decked out yesterday And I deserve it too! Oh yes, I also bought a few new pairs of socks yesterday too, so it's just aswell that I got new knickers for Christmas, cos now all parts of my body can wear new clothing.
I am making a very nice 15 bean soup today for dinner. My friend made it last week and gave me a taste, it's very scrummy and very high in fibre and low fat. Haven't worked out the whole point thing as yet, but it can't be too much as it serves 14 to 15 people. Anyone want to come and have dinner tonight then?
Well I had better shut up for now, and go and do some bits and bobs around the house. Need to go and turn the car around in it's parking space too ready for the snow (it makes it easier to pull out when we've dug it out of the now). I had better get dressed though, otherwise I might have another accounter with the maintenece men, God forbid! AGH!!
Going now, hope to see some of you in here at some point so I don't have to keep talking to myslef again
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Old 01-25-2004, 01:56 PM   #100  
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Hi Chris Stop talking to yourself Well, you won't be living your social life through me either because i did'nt go I got all ready..wore the black dress could'nt even be bothered to try different things on and set off not knowing where the **** this place was..just had a vague idea i could'nt find it i ended up driving up and down the highway and at one point ended up in town which is completely the opposite direction! i ended up trying 3 times and using half a tank of gas and one and a half hours before i got there by then the party was in full swing..everyone was seated and stuffing their faces so i thought 'oh, just go home' then i talked myself into going inside and looking for a friendly face but i could'nt spot anyone apart from one girl that i used to sit with at lunch and she looked at me and i looked at her and she did'nt even acknowledge me (she was a little *itch anyway) and i thought 'what the **** am i doing here?' so i walked out and drove home I was'nt bothered have you ever felt really uncomfortable? well, thats what i felt like when i walked in i had no right to be there. I ended up watching Inspector Frost in bed and could'nt have cared less.
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Old 01-25-2004, 04:03 PM   #101  
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Oh no, you poor luv Cathy. I feel so bad for you. How rude of that woman to ignore you, she sounds like a *itch!
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only person on this earth who gets lost though. I have a terrible time finding places in NJ. I have no clue what dierection I'm going in, and the locals who give you directions to anywhere say stuff like, take 68 to 537 and at old man harrisons farm take the left, go up by the K-Mart (which was pulled down 12 years ago, and they forget to mention this fact) turn onto 620 going north and take a jug onto 441 and the place will be on your left.
Since we've lived here, so many people have told me it's impossible to get lost in NJ as all the roads meet at some point, and I manage it every time I go somewhere new. Needless to say, I don't go to many new places at all. I stick to where I know now, which isn't much.
I've just had a nice walk with the dogs and my friend Sandra, we went out in the daylight and still managed to skate across some patches of ice. Once the snow settles on them later, it'll be horrendous and by the weather I've just watched it doesn't look like I'll get many walks in the next few days. It was nice to be out though, cold as buggery but nice to stretch the legs. It's always nice to come in and have a good hot cuppa too
I tried on my VS bras, they are very lovely So I'm well pleased. Bargains they were on sale too, doubly pleased
My soup is all ready to go, I counted all the points for the whole lot and it's great for a serving, only one point for a cup. Wish I had some crusty french bread to go with it later on though, never mind, will just have to do with low fat italian.
Now where is everybody else this weekend? It's been so quiet in here. So glad I didn't have to talk to myself again though, might have started thinking I was going loony. Thanks Cathy
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Old 01-25-2004, 05:01 PM   #102  
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No, you're not going Chris the only thing that bothered me was going to all that trouble to get ready for nowt not to mention all the gas that i wasted i don't know why i even considered going really because most of the women were shrews they were the most back stabbing bunch i've ever met! Nice to one anothers faces and then calling each other behind their got on my nerves and the one that saw me i used to sit opposite her every lunchtime and did my best to make friends i even sent most of them Christmas cards and she did'nt even say thank you to me or goodbye on her last day (she finished the day before me for the hols) so i don't think i'll have missed much. I think she was jealous of the fact that she had to go there every day and she knew that i did'nt..i can afford to buy things while she scrimps and scrapes by..if i made conversation about doing anything she was always saying stuff like "well, i can't afford that,10 bucks is 10 bucks" Pathetic! like we all have'nt had money troubles

@ the directions! I can relate to that one. I'm even worse at finding places in the dark Chris just terrible for missing turn-offs etc..i'm good with a map but not just looking for a place. I should have printed out a map that would have been the best idea and i would have done normally, i guess deep down inside i really did'nt want to go.
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Old 01-26-2004, 11:21 AM   #103  
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Howdy all!!

I'm new here... new to the Internet, for that matter. My next door neighbor - nuckingfutz - turned me on to this site.

I just wanted to say hello, and can I play???
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Old 01-26-2004, 11:42 AM   #104  
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Hi May,

Nice to see you here. Hope you are getting on with your new internet experience!! no doubt you will soon be as hooked as the rest of us!

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Old 01-26-2004, 11:47 AM   #105  
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HI everyone, welcome to our mad group May. Where has your neighbour disappered to then? We've not seen her since before Christmas I think. I'm Chris, and very pleased to 'meet' you. Hope we can help in your journey to a slimmer trimmer you. We're all in the same boat here, paddling along together furiously, but when one of us falls overboard, the rest are out there throwing us a life jacket
Well we woke up to our forecast snow this morning. Didn't get a snow day off from work, but did get a delayed opening. I got some good excercise first thing by going out and shoveling all the paths and clearing off the car. We got about three and a half inches, but more is on the way, followed by an ice storm. Maybe we'll get our snow day tomorrow
The roads are still a bit dodgy so anyone out driving behind me must think it's George and Martha out for a SUnday afternoon, but I don't want to get smushed again, so I take it easy!
Right, had better get back to work, just had my yummy one point 15 bean soup, warmed the cockles of me heart it did.
Have a wonderful Monday all. See ya later.
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