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Old 01-28-2004, 09:29 PM   #121  
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Default What is going on? I'm an addict, that's what!!!

Hi everyone. Well I weighed in this morning, no loss, no gain (that's the good thing). However, I started off my day great, eating wise and since after work it has gone to pot! In fact, as I sit here right now, talking to you all, I am eating chocolates. Granted they are low fat, but I can almost guarantee that I will consume the whole bag this evening.
I have realised this evening that I joined 3FC two years ago in February. In that time, I have lost thirty two pounds from my original weight after joining WW. I did slack off during 2002 and gained a lot back so the most of the weight came off and stayed off from the beginning of 2003. I started with a vengence on Jan first, did great for the most part on the point programme, had a few piggy moments (but who doesn't) and joined Curves in April. I LOVE the feeling of the weight coming off. I can feel my hip bones, I have gone down six dress sizes, even my feet are thinner cos a lot of shoes feel too big now. I get compliments all the time on how 'skinny' I look. Nice but not true, I don't think I'll ever be 'skinny' but slim would be nice.
So why am I waffling on I hear you yell? It seems that since Christmas 2003, although I have kidded myself that I'm on track, there's always a day or two interspersed in my week, that I've sabotaged. Therefore no weight loss/ I know why I'm not losing, cos I'm not doing things right like last year. It's now nearly the end of January and I'm actually up four pounds since Christmas eve and I haven't managed to shift it. It may well disappear one day and then I'm a bit naughty and of course it is there waiting for me the next Those pounds are sneaky ya know.
I watched Oprah today, it was a show about a housewife who was addicted to pain pills. She admitted it on an Oprah show a few weeks back and they followed her progress through rehab.
SHe thought that although she was an addict, she was a better addict than say a heroin addict, but in actual fact, Oprah explained that she was just the same, no better, no worse, not higher in the class of addicts, cos there is no class. If you're addicted to something that you don't control, you are an addict. Oprah says quote; she is an addict to food, unquote; I sat there and watched this and realised that I too am an addict. and it's to food as well. I let it dictate to me all the time and lst year I did so well fighting it, cos my body was winning the war. By the way, I haven't finished the chocolates, I was starting to feel sick, maybe this is a sign..
SO.......HERE GOES CHICKS, I WILL NOT BE AN ADDICT ANY LONGER. I CAN AND WILL BE BACK ON TRACK FIRST THING TOMORROW MORNING AS I WAKE UP AND SAY THAT I AM IN CHARGE OF ME, MY FOOD, MY EXERCISE AND MY LIFE! This addiction isn't going to win this battle, because I'm the only person that can fight it and win the battle.
So I'll end up on a great positive feeling, I love myself, I am happy with who I am and I want to thank you all for your past, present and future support in my starting a fresh journey to slimness. Thanks, you are all great people and I know I wouldn't have got as far as I have without you, and I know that with the words I read in this page every day, I will have the power sent to me to beat the addiction.
Now do you all think I'm a raving looney? Really I'm not, I just needed to spill my guts and knew this would be the place to do it
Have a great day everyone, sweet dreams to all of you already asleep, talk to you soon, thanks again
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Old 01-28-2004, 10:21 PM   #122  
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Uh-Oh shes lost it good job you can take a joke is'nt it? Chris 32lbs gone for good is fantastic just don't go and find it again like i did (wally ) its funny but i've been having a little subconscious battle with myself today i was shopping and the in me thought "go on you can have a day off you deserve it" and then the little in me was saying "but why do you want to spoil all the good work you have done" anyway you know which cotton picking varmint won because i was a i'm gonna be back on plan tomorrow with knobs on
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Old 01-29-2004, 06:33 AM   #123  
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Ohhhhhh Chris!! As Cathy said, 32 lbs is BRILLIANT and you will get back to where you were in your fight with food taking over your thoughts and life. I think you were so brave to put all that in your post and I really do applaud you.. I know I couldn't be so brave I too had lost 31 lbs up to November and then I put on 5lbs which I did not lose before gaining another 7lbs over December and into January. Of these I have lost 3 one week, gained 1 the week after. I too despair and think I am a failure. I sometimes can't leave something alone or just have a bit or one one serving. I seem to eat it all like a until it is all gone, then somehow I feel happier and get back OP. It is I suppose a life-time fight and we all have battles that we sometimes lose quite spectacularly, but we HAVE NOT LOST THE WAR!!
Oh yes, I nearly are a loony!!!
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Old 01-29-2004, 11:22 AM   #124  
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Thanks Cathy and Teel. I am ON TRACK I feel positive and happy and am eating well and helathily. I know I can do this and I WILL!
It's cold here today, but I'm not going to use it as an excuse to fuel the body, unless it's with plenty of fresh veg that I know will fill me up and is good for me.
I hope you are both doing ok. Where has everyone else disappered to again, are they hiding? Come out, come out, wherever you are..........
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Old 01-29-2004, 05:47 PM   #125  
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Just wanted to butt my nose in here real quick and say that I TOTALLY agree with the other ladies. 32 pounds - no matter HOW long it took to lose - is absolutely WONDERFUL!!

I know a wonderful lady who's lost almost that much... in TWICE the time!!! (4 years)

But you know what? Taking it off that slowly - for whatever reason - only makes it that much more likely that it's going to STAY off!!
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Old 01-29-2004, 09:22 PM   #126  
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Thanks Suzi, I am proud of my achievement so far. I just want to be able to continue until I get to where I want to stop. I wrote yesterday because it dawned on me that it was the end of January and I'd got nowhere. BUT, I am so on track today it's scary I even got to Curves, had a great workout and then walked the dogs outside in the cold with my friend and I feel GREAT!
I think I just needed to wake myself up yesterday and I reckon I've done it Thanks for all the support everyone, what would I do without you, especially when I sound like a loony?
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Old 01-29-2004, 10:25 PM   #127  
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Hi Girls

Teel, what you said about not being able to have one serving or a bit of something just about sums me up I can do it for a while like when i was counting pts because it was like playing a game but otherwise not and when you said that you feel happier after and get back on track well i know that you were talking about me then I do the most stupid things like eat all the chocolate biscuits to get rid of them so they won't spoil my "diet" whats that about? eating 10 in one session is worse than eating 2 a day so what did i save myself from? and then i vow never to buy the offending food again only to buy even more "wicked things" when i go shopping and then I pig out again to get rid of them!! Its a vicious circle Anyway, on the bright side Teel you have at least kept 20? of the 30+lbs off whereas i gained all of mine back so pat yourself on the back and get back to it

Chris, glad that you are back on plan

God, i feel knackered today i took a sleep aid last night and it did'nt work but it has made me feel terrible today i'm just too tired to be bothered
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Old 01-30-2004, 08:49 PM   #128  
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Hey, where is everyone?

I'm no better today in fact i feel worse i've got terrible stomach and kidney pains so i had a hot bath to try and ease it a bit and it is a little better now I have'nt exercised again tho' hope i feel like doing some tomorrow That cotton picking piece of metal crap is trying to tell me that i've gained 3lbs in 2 days!! and i refuse to believe it i can't believe is just not fair after all the hard work that i have done. I'll see what it has to say in the morning and if its the same then i'll have to accept it. Hope Everyone is OK
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Old 01-30-2004, 09:55 PM   #129  
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I'm here. Knackered but here. Have to admit to having a crap dinner tonight, pizza and I was doing so well. It was a case of eating on the run between getting home from a horrid day at work, then doing therapy and getting home with just enough time to wolf down some pizza before running out again to go and watch Hannah is a school play. thoroghly enjoyed it but it's nice to be home and warm. It's freezing cold out tonight.......brrrrrr.
Hope you feel better soon Cathy, drink loads of water for those kidneys.
Hope everyone pops in for the weekend....we miss ya
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Old 01-31-2004, 08:41 AM   #130  
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I do the most stupid things like eat all the chocolate biscuits to get rid of them so they won't spoil my "diet" and then i vow never to buy the offending food again only to buy even more "wicked things" when i go shopping and then I pig out again to get rid of them!!

Cathy...ARE YOU MY TWIN SISTER??? You have put my thoughts into words exactly!!
I actually put on 12 lbs.... which meant I had gone down to a 19lb loss. The first back on plan week I managed to lose 3 lb only to gain 1 of them back the next week. Still, 10lb to lose to get back to where I was, is better than 12lb!! I am actually looking foward to Monday's weigh-in..(a bit!) as I have been good so far with only 1 meal out which was a brunch with chips and fried everything.....Knowing my luck I won't have lost a thing....
Cathy how are you now? Really hope those kidneys and your stomach are feeling much better. I shouldn't beleive your scales.....perhaps you are a bit bloated with your inflammed insides at the moment
Coo Chris... you had a bit of an energy spurt the other day rather!! Hope Pen and Lew enjoyed their walk in the freezing cold. Holly loves the clean, frosty air! Often goes out in the moonlight to have a roll around in the grass!!
Have a good weekend wherever you are...wrap up's blowing a is a picture of Holly wearing her wet weather gear that friends brought back from the Niagara Falls. She hates it!But it does keep some of the wet and snow off. She will only go out in the garden in it...NEVER wears it out in public!!!

Last edited by teel; 01-31-2004 at 08:45 AM.
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Old 01-31-2004, 12:24 PM   #131  
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Teel............Holly is gorgeous Give her a treat for me will ya.
I've had a good day so far, been to curves and had a good workout. I signed Hannah up today and she enjoyed it. She'll be coming along with me at every chance she gets.
It's minus ten here right now, blooming cold and I've cranked the heat in the house up.
I have to go out later to get some birthday cards but I'll not be out long and I'll walk the dogs before it gets dark so as I can see the ice patches and also maybe it'll warm up a bit before long. I doubt it though, even though the sun is shining and the snow looks lovely everywhere, it's very decieving until you open the door BRRRRRRRRR...
Hope you're feeling a bit better Cathy, and where is everyone else? No Carol? And last we heard from SW was her joining a gym/ Did she become addicted and won't leave theplace after exercising?
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Old 01-31-2004, 08:23 PM   #132  
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Have had a super day today. Even took a nap, that quelled three and a half hours of bad eating for sure. Not that I wanted to eat. I am well within my points now and am about to go and have a nice soaky bath, legs akimbo up the wall of course, and then watch a movie with the family.
Curves this morning and a nice cold walk with the dogs this evening so I'm geeling great
Seem to be talking to myself this evening though...everyone is hiding again?
Have a great Sunday
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Old 02-02-2004, 02:55 PM   #133  
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Hi Girls

Teel, so you do the same thing do you? glad that i'm "not alone" Holly is so cute

Chris, i've had a few emails from SW (jokes) but no word has to how she is doing i'll send her an email and ask her "whassup?" as you know i have'nt been online for a couple of days and when i checked my mail this morning i received the same 36 emails 3 TIMES and my duck notifier has just walked across the screen to tell me i have mail..just hope it is'nt the 36 again hope to god it is'nt that virus because i would'nt know what to do if it is

Have'nt exercised for 4 days and i know that i've gained i can "feel" it i wanted to do so well too before i went home but i've only got 2 weeks now so can't make much of a diff..i'll just get back to exercising and hopefully it will start to make a diff when i get back

Chris, its sleeting/snowing here have you sent this horrible stuff to me? cos i don't want it.
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Old 02-02-2004, 06:50 PM   #134  
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it WAS the 36! I've deleted them again and i think they've gone now i got an email from SW too and she say's she's been bad but is going to get back on plan and back posting here too

I've just made a rice pudding for after dinner made with fat free carnation milk and sugar always turns out good too having roast beef dinner tonight can't wait.
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Old 02-02-2004, 09:18 PM   #135  
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Hi Cathy,
So glad you're feeling better. Your rice pud sounds nice. I hate the stuff, although while my Mum was over here in the summer we went to the Amish market nearby and bought some of there's and it was blooming delish
I've been an angel all day long and when I got home after work I found a parcel from my Auntie in England with a huge box of tea bags , and two big bars of cadburys, plus some bags of malteasers. Now of course I had to sample and I just enjoyed a fair few chuncks of the bubble one with my cuppa after walking the dogs. I've been to Curves today too, so feel ok about haing something naughty. I've also been on the go since six this morning and still have dishes to do...gah!
Going to try and stay up to watch wire in the blood, but don't know if i'll make it.
Right, dishes are shouting, gotta go.
Have a great Tuesday.
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