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Old 02-03-2004, 08:39 PM   #136  
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Ooooh Chris your Auntie is good to you wish someone would send me chocolate but i have to buy the bloody stuff (like i did today ) i've been a let but i did manage to walk 3mls too so not all bad Got a letter today from my friend Pat in England and she said that the musical christmas card that i sent her was broke and had been opened by customs guess they were suspicious of it even though i wrote "musical christmas card" on the back MIL said her's was broke too so i wish i'd saved my money now and just sent regular ones. I was just going to write a letter back to her and let her know that i'm coming over but i don't know whether to leave it and just knock on the door like i usually do i like seeing the expression on her face especially when i say "Come on Pat where are we going tonight?"
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Old 02-04-2004, 07:58 PM   #137  
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Whassup? nobody has posted how their day has gone anyway, i've come to the conclusion that my scale is after pigging out for 2 days after the dissapointment of gaining my 3lbs back it showed one of them gone this morning don't know what it'll say tomorrow anyway, that nasty bloating and stomach pain has all gone now glad about that i hate feeling like the michelin man just trying to pysche myself up to do some exercise i'll be fine once i start but its getting me to.
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Old 02-05-2004, 06:58 AM   #138  
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I'm here.......
Nothing much going on around here though, food intake is going good, am determined to see a loss of a pound or two by next Weds. All the pills are gone so there's no excuse.
Glad to hear that you're feeling back to normal again Cathy. It's not nice feeling under the weather. Well done on doing that walk late in the evening last night too, that's about the time when I'm done for the day and I don't think anything could endear me to do anything energetic at all
Have a good day everyone, wherever you may be......come and post soon
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Old 02-05-2004, 10:50 AM   #139  
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Hello I am here too really. Glad too Cathy that you are feeling more like your healthy self again.
It is raining here and all grey and miserable . Just the day for watching an old good-feel movie I am having a bad week with eating.Lost all my will power. I must get back on it. Last week I lost 1 lb after trying really hard.1 measley little pound. I feel a right failure and am glad that I am not on celebrity fit club 'cos the panel would have had a right go at me... Gosh I had got to a loss of 31lb about 3 months ago, ow I am struggling to get as far as 19lb again. I HATE my body yet I let myself eat and gain weight and hate me even more. YUK YUK YUK!!!
I'd better go before I explode all over the screen....bye bye, take care all.
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Old 02-05-2004, 04:23 PM   #140  
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Teel i'm sure you won't explode but i know all too well how you feel I know that one "measly" pound does'nt seem much but just look at a pound of butter thats one big brick off your bum keep going you'll soon be up to the 31lbs lost again

Chris, I'm glad that you're doing well and i'll put money on you having a great loss this week

Just nipping to the mall and hopefully i'll get back in time for Corrie I know thats its on again on Sunday morning but i like to catch it during the week too
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Old 02-07-2004, 05:11 PM   #141  
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Hi girls,
Went to Curves this morning, it was weigh and measure day and I wasn't looking forward to it at all. My scales show no loss the whole of January, Curves scales show a loss of two pounds, three, if I jumped and wiggled about a bit, but they said I was cheating !
Lost inces off of my arms and legs too, but gained a wee bit on the waist and boobies, which I already knew cos my waist bands on all my trousers felt tighter. Body fat count was down too, so I'm chuffed
Have been excellent today, am only on four points so far and it's nearly dinner time. Hopefully those scales of mine will agree with Curves on Weds, to show a could happen ya know.
We had torrential rain here all day yesterday, flooding roads, pot holes opening up before you eyes. I did hit a rather nasty one and thought I'd lost the front end of the car, but it's still there, so I'm ok.
Sun managed to pop it's head out today for a bit, but although it's a tad warmer temperature wise, the wind is up and it still feels chilly.
It'll be nice to walk the dogs later though, and with most of the snow being washed away now, the dogs will be able to find some grass to do thier business on, and I won't have to clamber over hard slippy snow and ice patches to retrieve it and pop it in my pooh bag
Hope everyone is doing well. Teel, well done on your pound, I never thought about that measly one little pound being much either until Cathy mentioned what a pound of butter would look like attatched to your bum, a pound off is now a great thing to say you lost. I know some of the other girls always used to talk about piling their weight loss in pounds of lard in the supermarkets wway back when, and the shop people used to get upset with them.........
So just thinking of what a pound of butter hanging on your bum looks like and now it's gone, sounds great to me
Am off to do laundry, cleaning, hoovering, spot of polishing and such...haven't done a darn thing all day today, better do something or else it will all have to be done tomorrow.
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Old 02-07-2004, 06:26 PM   #142  
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Thats funny Chris think i'd have wiggled about too Well Done with your progress at Curves I've been going out to the mall for ages and i've only just got ready to go had a couple of emails from England one from a friend and one from my SIL who has just surprised me with the news that she may be buying a house in Germany and she is just going over paperwork which is difficult because they have different laws and taxes over there Good Luck is what i say
Its nice here again today but a bit breezy..i'm gonna get going..BBL
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Old 02-07-2004, 11:12 PM   #143  
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What have you been buying at the mall then Cathy? Lots of nice things to take home with you for that baby? Are you getting excited yet? Are you going to surprise your friend by turning up on her doorstep or did you tell her you're coming already?
I've always wanted to surprise my Mum by just turning up, up until three years ago, I still had a key to her house, until she had new doors put in, and I'd always fancied colaborating with my AUntie to have her out of the house when I was due to arrive and be in the kitchen with a cuppa ready when she came back in.
Maybe I'll try for that surprise this year when I go home, I could always give her a different day of arrival and get there the day before or something.
I'm still having a good day point wise. Not long before i head off to bed so I will be ok
See ya tomorrow.......
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Old 02-08-2004, 08:30 AM   #144  
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Hello everyone. It feels freezing here today and the wind is whipping round at gale force, making the clouds fly across the sky as fast as possible!
Thanks Cathy for the "butter" image! It is true, of course. I am suffering from a bout of collitis which started last night and is still going on now.
Where is SmilingSal? She seems to have disappeared for a while now.
Holly has just asked to go out in the garden....goodness knows why she loves to go out in the cold. I actually think it is simply to see if the cats from either side of me are out to annoy!!
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Old 02-08-2004, 02:11 PM   #145  
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Hi Girls,

Chris, No i'm not letting on to Pat that i'm going back i'm just going to knock on her door she'll be used to it by now tho' she gets all giggly and excited and when i leave she gets on the blower to tell the other girls that i'm back
We were going to pull that stunt on MIL last August but we were afraid that she might keel over and hubby did'nt want that on his hands so we let her know the DAY was hilarious he rang her up and she was nattering on and on (as usual) and at the end of the conversation he just said "OK, See you tomorrow then" she almost keeled over at that
I resisted buying anymore for Olivia at the Mall yesterday i did wander around the baby section tho' but talked myself out of buying anything. I've already got a dress, snowsuit, backpack with matching slippers, a yellow teddybear and a pink one. I had my eye on a white kittycat yesterday but resisted it.
Got an email from a friend yesterday and he said " I would'nt say it is cold here but i just saw a monkey looking for a welder" he's got a way with words Billy I don't want to freeze my butt off while i'm there i'm definitely taking my longjohns cos i never get to wear them here! I've also got a fun fur that i'm going to take, its camel coloured and reversible pvc on one side and fur pile on the other with a hood. I had my fashion show yesterday and put all the things i want to take at the front of the racks its a bit early to put them in the suitcase does that tell you how eager i am to go

Last edited by cat90; 02-08-2004 at 02:14 PM.
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Old 02-08-2004, 04:56 PM   #146  
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Cold here too, I don't personally wear long johns myself but my doggy walking partner wouldn't go out without hers on at the moment. Mind you, she has skinny chicken legs as I call them and I have a bit more fat on mine so they stay warmer
I have been a very busy bee today, have cleaned this house from top to bottom, three bathrooms, swiffered, swept, dusted and mopped and it all looks very spiffy. Have also done all the bedding, re made all the beds and done other laundry as well.
Just peeled the veggies for dinner, nice roast beef for us tonight and I'm ready for it.
Dave took my car down to the car wash so I can recognise it again, it was so filthy after all the snow, salt and rain and mud on it, if it weren't for my union Jack antenna ball, I'd have had no hope of finding it when I parked in one of the parking lots while out shopping.
I can't believe the weekend is nearly over and it'll be back to the grind of work again tomorrow Mind you, only four days this week as it's a four day weekend for Presidents Day so that meants two four day weeks, I can handle that
I love your friends expression about the monkey......I've always had a chuckle at people saying about the weather being brass monkeys. Read the real reason as to why it's that a while ago, something to do with what the cannon balls on ships used to be rested on to stop them rolling about.
When do you actually fly back Cathy? How long is the flight for you? Is hubby going this time as well or are you leaving him put?
Right, best go mash the swede, talk later
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Old 02-09-2004, 09:45 PM   #147  
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Hi girls,
Got whacked in the face today at work, have a nice swollen cheek under my eye, and all by a four year old tantruming! Ouch!
Have had a great day eating wise, am proud of myself, plus curves, and a lovely non freezing walk with the dogs for a change
Hope everyone is feeling as good as I am at the mo.........have a good one
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Old 02-09-2004, 11:03 PM   #148  
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Ouch Chris hope it is'nt hurting too much

The trip home is quite the nightmare Chris we have an hours drive to the ferry then a 1.5hr ferry trip another hours drive to the airport then a few hours sitting in the bar then a 9hr 40min flight to London about an hour wait for our connector to Manchester which is another 1hr flight then we get a train which is about another hour or so We will probably leave at lunchtime and get there the next day at night cos we have to add on 8hrs time difference as well

I'm eating Chocolate like there is no tomorrow i've had 2 mars bars and 2 creme eggs so far and i'm not stressed about flying i'm looking forward to it don't know whats up..must be boredom as usual
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Old 02-10-2004, 10:04 PM   #149  
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All better now, just a little tender round the old chops, but I'll survive
Cor, blooming eck Cathy, that's some travelling time to do, with all the stops and ferry crossings and such. At least when you connect though, you're already close to home,t hat must be nice. I hate taking connecting flights, I always run into some sort of trouble......have never made an actual connection as yet and if I can I try to fly straight through.
Have had a good day point wise tomorrow, we'll see if the scales are good to me in the morning. Cross everything for me please, thanks
Am off to bed now, it's been my two long days of work...
Have a great evening.
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Old 02-10-2004, 10:53 PM   #150  
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Arms and legs are for you Chris i'm sure you'll do great

Its hard to get a direct flight from Vancouver Chris..we can either get 3 flights or take the ferry and 2 flights and seeing as we are not flying until evening we decided to take a nice relaxing ferry ride when i went on my own in 2001 tho' i took a helicopter off of the island and that was fun even if i was up to my eyeballs in tranq's

Walked another 2mls pumping hand weights this morning but thats the only good thing that i've done for myself
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