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Old 01-26-2004, 06:16 PM   #106  
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Hi to everyone, whether snow-bound or otherwise!!
Apologies for not being here for an absolute age. I don't know where the time has got to over the last week or so.I managed to put on 12 lbs between November and when I weighed in January. I was so ashamed that I had let myself down so badly. Anyone would think I didn't want to be on the heart transplant list. I know being on bed rest in hospital for 12 days didn't help, that and spending a week over Christmas with very dear friends, eating loads of things I don't usually and never should. Bad bad girl. The week before last I managed to lose 3lb, but on weighing today I have put 1 lb on. I know last week I could not have cared less.. I really don't understand why I get into that attitude...quite literally it could be the death of me. I WILL try harder this week, send me a few Harvey Waldrons! Is that how you spell his name?
Cathy, what an awful experience to go through at the party. I really feel mad for you at your unbelievably rude reception. I would like to punch their lights out!! Oh well m'dear.. David Jason is far better company any time.. to the people who missed out on your company. Thier loss, methinks.A big welcome to May.. hope you enjoy the site and the great people you will meet here. Ooops had a five minute break there to hug the hound, who is feeling very affectionate tonight and wanted to sit on my lap and have a huggle and her nose and ears fondled.Good job she is smallish...a West Highland White Terrier. Honestly, she is such a baby sometimes! Next month she will be 7 years old... coo! Middle-aged!!
Chris...what is a VS bra???
Do mind the ice and snow everyone who is putting up with the inclement weather at the moment...Suffolk, England, is waiting for it's fair share. Supposed to come tomorrow. Wellies at the ready!!!
Ah well I guess it is bedtime for me...Holly my dog keeps pottering in and out of the study trying to "round me up" in the direction of the bedroom..anyone would think I was a sheep!!
Night night all, take care whilst learning to skate
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Old 01-26-2004, 08:02 PM   #107  
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HI Teel, SO glad to see you're back with us. Now cheer up luvey, we know you want your transplant and we're here for you. You can climb back up on the wagon and we'll hold you up. Just try and pop in daily for any help and we'll be glad to give it
Holly sounds like such a dear. My two are babies too, so spoilt but I wouldn't have it any other way. They are very much a part of this family, they're getting to middle age too, both were six last December
A VS bra is Victoria Secrets. I don't usually buy their undies because they are so expensive, I can't be faffed to buy a bara for thirty something dollars when I can go and buy two or three for the same price in Walmart, but I treated myself to two new VS one's as they were on sale.
Well as you in England brace yourself for you rough weather it appears that we're in for some more here too. Tonight, we have it very cold and windy, with icy rain, sleet and whatever an ice storm on the door step and then tomorrow afternoon through into Wednesday, more snow which could be as much as eight inches for this area.
Right time to sit and relax and watch my telly programme for Monday evening and then it's time to fold mountains of laundry
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Old 01-26-2004, 08:26 PM   #108  
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Hi Girls,

Hiya May..good to have you with us course you can "play"

Hi Teel, thanks for making me giggle "punch their lights out" You're right David Jason was much better company Holly sounds adorable

Hi Chris, good job you beat me to answering Teels question because i would have pulled her leg and said a VS bra is a VERY SUPPORTIVE one

As for the rained quite heavily today but thats about it not really cold at all..i hope that cold spell has passed through England before i get there I'll probably freeze to death at MIL's she always has windows and the back door open!! A certified fresh air nut
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Old 01-26-2004, 08:41 PM   #109  
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Originally Posted by May63
Howdy all!!

I'm new here... new to the Internet, for that matter. My next door neighbor - nuckingfutz - turned me on to this site.

I just wanted to say hello, and can I play???
Hiya May, your neighbour has an interesting name
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Old 01-27-2004, 07:27 AM   #110  
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Hi Veggie, nice to see you around again, saw you on line last night (late for UK) hope all is going well for you. Do you have any snow yet?
Cathy, I was in hysterics over your comment about VS meaning very suportive, that is so brilliant Actually the VS bras do give a lot of support, when I tried them on, one had the straps at their tightest and my boobs nearly ended up right under my chin, it wasn't very comfortable so I had to let them dangle a bit
I am taking the day off from work today, woke up at four thirty with a tummy ache and have been running to the loo ever since Hope I don't have Madcows bug).
It's icy out this morning, and cold, but that's noowt new right now. Snow forecast for this afternoon and evening. If my tum settles down, I'll try and get the dogs out for a good walk, maybe I should plan walking by people's houses that I know in case I have to have another mad dash to the loo. Think they'd let me in?
Now where's that Carol disappeared to again? Carol, is everything ok? Let us know please, we worry about you when you don't chat. Come back soon
Ooooooooo, rumbly bum again, gotta goooooooooo...........
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Old 01-27-2004, 10:20 AM   #111  
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OOOOH CHRIS! I hope you are feeling better when you get round to reading this... leave those mad cows alone!! at the image those VS bras gave me whilst reading your post. I admit I have never heard of them M & S every time!!It is quite a decent day here in Suffolk. Very windy, I can see the clouds racing along out of the window, and the sun breaks out from behind every so often It is 3 degees at the moment but we keep being warned that the snow is on it's way. I hate it when Holly goes out in it. She loves it but I hate having to break the ice clumps from her paws and fur. I suppose I could just let her melt but I don't really want an indoor water feature!
Veggie, nice to see you!
And yes, where is Carol? Are you tunnelling your way out of the Scottish snow or too busy making snow-men with the boys??
Take care all, bye for now.
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Old 01-27-2004, 11:53 AM   #112  
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I miss M&S. They do such nice knickers. I always bought my drawers there before living here, bras too I always have my Mum or a friend send a packet of nice mens undies over for hubby too, for Christmas or birthdays. He says they're the best
My tum is feeling a tad better now. I'm a bit to eat anything at present though, I've drank loads of water so far today as I feel constantly thirsty, so must be a tad dehydrated.
We have the forecasted sleety icy drizzle here right now. Snow heading our way later on, big white cloud on the weather radar.
I have to run out and pick up Lews meds from the vets and it's only ten minutes up the road, I'll have to warm the car up for 15 before I can even drive there though.
So it's not just Lew who gets ice paws then Teel? Whenever we walk and it's snowed and he manages to always find some slush to walk in, I have to clear his paws out, Pen doesn't get them though. One time he had such a lot in one paw, my friend had to carry him about 200 yards to the house cos we couldn't get it out, and it was hurting him. They make doggy shoes over here, but he always looks perplexed when I put his jumper on to go out in the cold, so I don't think he'd go for the shoes
Right, I had better go and think about warming up the car.......brrrrrrr!
Stay safe and warm everyone
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Old 01-27-2004, 05:45 PM   #113  
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Angry My ears have been burning....

Did I hear my name being mentioned???

It's a long story, but let it suffice to say that I have been going through a lot of $h!t, and felt it best to not say anything at all since I had nothing nice to say.

I've been helping May get her computer all set up... and helping her learn how to USE it... and she asked if there were any UK-only weight loss support groups, so I thought she might like it in here.

Oh yeah... and I had to re-register my account... got deleted.

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Old 01-27-2004, 06:59 PM   #114  
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Welcome back Suzi Nice to see you here again, well done on your weight loss so far, you've done great
Well I've just driven for 45 minutes on a journey that should have taken 20 at the most. We have to freezing rain/sleet/ice. The roads are horrendous, all covered and not one snow plough did I see! What are they waiting for? Christmas?
I feel so tense now after having to drive in this weather, it makes me very nervous
I just gobbled my dinner down, I was starving and the tum feels all better now. I made spaghetti noodles and pork chops with marinara sauce, it was very scrummy, I enjoyed every mouthul I cooked it all in the crock pot so the pork chops just fell apart, really no need to chew them
Better go and do the dishes so I can relax for the evening, there's two telly programmes I like to watch tonight and one starts in an hour.
Take care everyone, especially if it's nasty weather where you are. Have a great evening.
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Old 01-27-2004, 08:56 PM   #115  
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No snow. I'm always up late
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Old 01-27-2004, 09:00 PM   #116  
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Originally Posted by TracyLangford
Hi May,

Nice to see you here. Hope you are getting on with your new internet experience!! no doubt you will soon be as hooked as the rest of us!

Tracy! I wondered where you were You can't hide from me you know
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Old 01-27-2004, 10:10 PM   #117  
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Hi Girls

Chris talk about laugh the sight of you with your wotsits hoisted up under your chin is a classic " I had to let them dangle a bit " PRICELESS Glad you are feeling better now I don't think i've ever bought M & S knickers think i might have to take a look while i'm over there

I got a lot of cleaning and organising done today i love it when the house is spotless and everything is where i want it to be pity hubby has to come home and spoil it!
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Old 01-27-2004, 10:26 PM   #118  
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I'm glad to amuse you Cathy, do try some M&S knickers while you're home, they just fit right nice luv. They are getting expensive now though, people should't have to pay so much to cover their modesty, it's not right in my book.
Pen and Lew have just been out for their last wee, they are now both white dogs! They stayed out and raced round the garden for ten minutes having fun. If we do get to stay home tomorrow I'll take them out front of the house to play, they love it
I'll let them dry off for a few minutes more before we all head up to bed, otherwise I'll end up with a wet bed with Lew rubbing all the snow off of him before he gets comfy.
I know what you mean by having your house all nice and everything in it's place Cathy, I love when mine looks just how I like it, of course, five seconds after it's all right nice, someone walks in and dumps their stuff somewhere it shouldn't be and messes up the whole effect, but there again, it's a home so that's the way it should be I guess. I have friends who have model house type places and I've never figured out how they keep them that way. They must tie their family up or something as they walk through the door...or they just must work themselves daft keeping it all together, I give up after a while cos sometimes it's just not worth it and I like to relax every now and then.
Right, am off to my pit now, happy snoozing all. See ya in the morning
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Old 01-28-2004, 07:00 AM   #119  
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Pooh! No snow day, just another 90 minute delay. Off out to get my exercise now...SHOVELLING! We have about four inches out there, so I'll get a good work out
Be careful everyone else who can see the white stuff too. My Mum has it in SUffolk....Teel, have you got your wellies on?
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Old 01-28-2004, 09:22 PM   #120  
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Hi Girls,

I've been a BAD, BAD girl today had pizza, beer and a mars bar i knew i could'nt just have one treat i had to go all out oh well will put it behind me and start again tomorrow bought Liv a little pinafore dress while i was out its getting that i can't walk past the baby clothes anymore
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