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Old 03-27-2004, 01:09 PM   #376  
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Hi girls,
I just booked my tickets home. I am going in August now, was planning on June, but I'll take August due to work, and now I'll be home for my Mum's birthday She's just got off the phone from me, all choked up, hope it's cos she's happy?
Aspergers is a mild form of autism, Britain is only just coming to terms that the so called 'bad' kids can now be daignoesed with different things for behaviours and such.
Cathy, you ate a DIY woman indeed, fixing broken tiles, well done to you. I'm hopeless at DIY of any sort, when we first moved to AZ, Dave rigged up a washing line for me and it fell down when he was at work, we had friends temperarily living with us until their house was ready, so me and my friend got the drill out, to put it back up, thought I had a clue what I was doing, I didn't! I tried drilling a hole in a brick wall for a hook and raw plug, with not drill bit attachments, but the little tiny bits that you can use on the drill to screw stuff in. Needless to say, I didn't even begin to make a hole in the wall, but managed to ruin all the screw bits, and didn't tell Dave, until months later when he went to use them for another DIY project OOPS!
It's stopped raining here now and is quite mild out, eve a little bit close feeling. Dave is busy outside cleaning the BBQ's and I'm in here, supposed to be finishing up that bloody laundry and cleaning....
So I had better get off here, and then we can have a relaxing afternoon together? Does that ever happen I wonder?
Take it easy girls, talk later.
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Old 03-27-2004, 02:16 PM   #377  
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Chris, you nut its the reverse here i'm the handywoman do all the painting, tiling, installing ceiling fans etc have to do otherwise i'd wait forever for it to be done hey, you might pass my BIL and his family at the airport they are coming on August 12th..hope they bring my mate with them too cos i had a good idea last night and thought that we could go to Vegas (she'd love it) and leave hubby with his Brother, Wife and 2 kids now that would be FUN
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Old 03-27-2004, 04:52 PM   #378  
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Default For those who know Teel

I received this in my mailbox this morning and I know that Teel posts here on this forum as well as in my thread.

to shad,
hope you are well.
im one of sheila's church friends simon.
&she has asked me to email you as sheila is in hospital
@ the moment with heart problems she has been in about a week
& still unwell be in another week i would think waiting to see a specialist.
if need to speak to me contact [email protected]
with best wishes from england. simon.

So just in case any of you have missed her, there is the story.

Have a good weekend all.

Last edited by veggie; 03-27-2004 at 07:59 PM. Reason: removed surname
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Old 03-27-2004, 05:08 PM   #379  
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Thanks Shad. Poor Teel. Have just sent her friend Simon an email asking him to pass on our love and best wishes to Teel and to let her know that she is our prayers during this difficult time.

Kinda makes my blood pressure and child problems fade into insignificance
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Old 03-27-2004, 05:46 PM   #380  
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Ahhhhh, poor Teel, I was wondering where she'd got to this week. Poor little lovey. I hope she feels better soon.
I e-mailed her friend as well, he'll probably be shocked as to who all these strange e-mails are coming from.
Teel, come back soon, we miss you
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Old 03-27-2004, 08:00 PM   #381  
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Get well soon Teel. Thanks Shad.
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Old 03-28-2004, 04:09 AM   #382  
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Had my friends kids staying over last night, they have known my two all their lives and all get on well, they were all a bit excited to start off with but soon got that out of their systems. But why did it take them until nearly 1 o' clock this morning to go to sleep and then where did they find the energy to be up and about just after 7 this morning. Ray is still sleeping and after they have gone home I'll probably need a sneaky hour in my bed, am quite looking forward to it

Is raining cats and dogs here today. I have to clean some of the rubbish out of my car before it takes over completely. If I leave it a while it may eventually stop raining. I want to go out and do some exercise as well, either a walk or a gentle bike ride - nothing to strenous today

Also have a house like a bombsite but hey nothing new there
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Old 03-28-2004, 04:10 AM   #383  
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Forgot to mention I have my very serious head on today, once Linda has collected the kids I'm going to do a very healthy food shop

From here on in there will be no stopping me
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Old 03-28-2004, 04:24 AM   #384  
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Just realised the clocks went forward an hour last night so I guess the kids really slept until 8. Took me until I heard Grant on the radio and I wondered why he was on at 9 instead of 10, so I checked the time on the 'puter

duh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 03-28-2004, 02:54 PM   #385  
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Hi girls,
Carol, you sound more like your old self again luv, good for you
I've been busy since my 'date' around the commissary with hubby, it was so romantic, us both pushing trolleys side by side. We spent a fortune, but once again, there's loads of healthy low fat foods in the house.
The clocks don't go forward over here until next weekend, I wonder why that is?
I've been busy since unpacking all the groceries, it took me nearly an hour to get everything away. I've done more laundry, swiffered and mopped and cleaned two bathrooms, the third one is still waiting on being done. Bought new pine oil for washing the floors today, it smells orangy, very pleasant to smell and it is supposed to drag the dirt to the bottom of the bucket so as you're not using dirty water to mop every where once you've dipped the mop in for a refresh. The water still looks filthy to me, but what do I know about all these scientific inventions
Right, must clean loo number three. Am eating reat, am only on four points so far
Veggie, I tried your SW chips, bloody loverly they are, thanks.
Going now...........
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Old 03-28-2004, 02:55 PM   #386  
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Hi Everyone

A big for Sheila think i'll send an email to Simon too he'll probably receive more mail than he's ever had

Carol, you are as bad as me if your's have gone forward this week then ours will next week..thanks for the heads up

Succumbed to Hawaiian Pizza last night and it was'nt so long ago that i did'nt like the stuff i also picked up a couple of bags of chocs at the mall, Resens choc caramels and Cadburys chocfuls and stood there debating for a couple of minutes which bag to buy then decided that they would go straight to my hips so put them both back on the shelf so a mini victory there i was'nt an tho' cos i bought hubby a small box of mini Oh Henry bars and ate half of them will be having the rest of the pizza this afternoon while i help hubby do firewood, no doubt there will be beer involved too

Hey Chris, we were posting at the same time

Last edited by cat90; 03-28-2004 at 02:59 PM.
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Old 03-28-2004, 03:01 PM   #387  
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hi all chris how old is your son ?doesnt sound too old the assisstant head is probably just as concerned as you are about sean and none of this im a bad mother you want to hear about a bad mother a kid in my sons year got caught shoplifting and wouldnt tell the police where he came from so they took a chance and went to the local high school and they identified him it turned out he didnt want to tell them who he was because when he left for school that morning his mum was high it turned out his mother hadnt filled in the up to date free school meals form and this kid had had no lunch for nearly six months the other kids had been feeding him but the poor lad was so embarreessed he wouldnt let them do it anymore when the police went to his mothers house she told them to contact his social worker as she couldnt be bothered and only contacted social services when the dhss stopped her benefits thankfully the kid is now with a set of fantastic foster parents hes doing really well at school and loks great whenever i slip in to the im a bad mother funk i think of that ***** and think im not so bad after all cat i do all the decorating in my house but i wont do anything that requires a drill as im terrified of them my dad was a painter and decorator and as he had all daughters he made sure one of us could do it so now i decorate his house as hes disabled with only a few HELPFUL tips brit wheres home? well ladies im not looking forward to tomorrows weigh in as ive had a terrible week food wise so ill pop back on tomorrow and tell you all the gory details
speak soon
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Old 03-28-2004, 03:09 PM   #388  
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Kirsty, my ex-husband was a painter and decorator also so i'm a dab hand at that too comes in handy does'nt it? Gosh, that woman was a right i'm so glad that that kid was "rescued" and is now living a normal life
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Old 03-28-2004, 03:27 PM   #389  
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hee hee i just read the rest of the posts and on focussed and my god poor tels friends email in tray must be over loaded i sent a message too cat ican lay carpets tiles and im a pretty mean digger of ponds too
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Old 03-28-2004, 04:11 PM   #390  
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Kirsty, maybe we should open a business sounds like we'd be pretty good at almost every chore
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