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Old 01-19-2004, 02:43 PM   #76  
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You'll get your will back Super we all lose it sometime some more than others I ended up having 4 of those tarts and hubby did'nt eat that many..the bugger there are 2 left in the fridge but I CAN'T have any today ( will keep you posted on that one)

Chris, are you peeking out the window now before you leave? it sounds so cold over there..i would hate that...i'm so glad that we have such a mild climate here.

Just found our that my passport is on the way i was concerned that it would'nt arrive on time so now i can book the tix
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Old 01-19-2004, 04:00 PM   #77  
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Wahoooo for you Cathy, book those tickets Am so glad to know I gave some of you a chuckle with my accosting men in my nightwear I do peep out the gate now of having to really, don't want to scare anymore maintenece men away. My door to the loft is broken right now so I need to call them to come and fix it.
I am being an angel again today, very healthy low fat breakfast and lunch so far. I even got my kids McDonalds after we'd been out shopping and only nibbled on one small fry as I put it onto plates. Very proud of myself for that
The roads here right now are horrendous, the main roads are better than our housing roads, they are just sheets of ice. I'll have to forgo walking the dogs tonight though as it's so slippery out, and I don't want to fall and break something. OUCH!
Right, I have to go and do some more laundry and hoover up the salt that's been dragged through the house. Hope everyone has a good evening, Cathy, leave thos tarts alone! Good girl
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Old 01-19-2004, 08:51 PM   #78  
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Not touched them yet and have no plans to please, please, please let hubby eat them after dinner
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Old 01-20-2004, 12:46 PM   #79  
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Ha Ha Chris! I have visions of maintenance men sitting by a phone too afraid to answer it ("what if its her- you know the one in the nightie?").

Your weather sounds particularly bad.

My heatig and hot water were off at the weekend but luckily if was not that cold - well not compared to where you are anyway!

I really must knuckle down and start watching what I eat (well, not just watching, you know what I mean). My trousers are getting "close" round the thighs. I am used to them being tight at the waist but just as uncomfortable if there is no give in the thigh area. Some one just said it looks like I have lost weight too. Yeah right. My face is getting rounder by the minute!
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Old 01-20-2004, 02:57 PM   #80  
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Well have got through another day at work, Tusedays are not my most favourite day at the moment, I have to take one ofour kids to another pre school in the afternoon and it's just not the place I want to be, but as my boss says, I just have to go and suck it up!
I have a little break now so am enjoying a cuppa before I go out, do another two hours, then have an hour off and then go back for a meeting at the same place. Bit too much of faffing around for my liking, but they pay me to do it, so I'll suck it up (what an expression hey)?
It's still bitterly cold here, the wind has picked up, there is still an ice rink outside and by my back gate it doesn't matter how often I put salt down, the mini ice rink appears after a few hours!
I am being a super angel with my points so far today. Am very low and probably won't get to eat much before nine tonight after I get home, I had better have a snack though otherwise I'l be tempted to eat something not so good for me and it's weigh in day tomorrow Hoping to see a loss.
LOL to your remark about the men sitting by the phone dreading it might be me Peacock...that really gave me a chuckle
Cathy, hope the tarts didn't didn't sound like they were going to though, let us know.
Right, off to enjoy this cuppa.........have a good evening all.
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Old 01-20-2004, 04:02 PM   #81  
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No Tart attack Chris he ate one and there is one left and if he does'nt eat it tonight then in the bin it goes I had an excellent day yesterday and i'm planning another one today..I did an hour of Callenetics this morning and 2mls treadmill so i'm ready for anything got to go pick up my passport so i'll keep this short
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Old 01-20-2004, 05:06 PM   #82  
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Just a quickie to say Hi. I have not long finished work and so am going to bed now. Been a long day. Started work at 8:30 (after getting 2 young children ready for school and travelling the 9 miles to work), had a 2 hour lunch which I copletely filled with exercise and finished work at 9 then had to travel 9 miles home, stopping at the video shop on the way.
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Old 01-20-2004, 10:07 PM   #83  
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I'm glad I'm not the only one having long work days at the moment.I just got home half an hour ago after leaving the house for my regular job at seven thirty this morning. I feel quite good at the moment though, bet I'm dragging when that horrible alarm clock goes off at six tomorrow morning though. I have another long day tomorrow as well. It's Hannah's birthday on Thursday so between work, meetings, picking up kids from after school activities, picking up pizza deliveries that were ordered for a sponsered thingy and getting to the vets to pick up meds for Lew I have to find time to get to a shop and buy cards and wrapping paper and gift certificates. Thank goodness good old Target is open until ten at night is al I can say
I have been wonderful with my eating again today, too busy to eat really.......I don't feel as if I've lost anything though and I am wondering if I won't show a loss as I'm on a course of anti-biotics for three weeks and last time I took any sort of anti-biotics, they kept showing a gain which the WW lady said happens a lot. However, after I'd done the course and got weighed, I'd lost seven pounds, so felt very relieved and glad I was aware what some pills can do to your weight.
Ooooooooo, must get to curves tomorrow too and walk the dogs, I'll walk them straight after curves so I can see the paths, and then I won't skate and skid on the ice so much ( I hope) as it's still freezing here and the ice isn't going anywhere.
Right, off to make a cuppa before bed.
Have a great day everyone.
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Old 01-20-2004, 10:29 PM   #84  
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Chris, about the ice near your gate..have you tried mixing sand with the salt? i was watching the news over here when we had that bit of snow and in Vancouver they were mixing it with sand because they said that the salt alone won't do the trick it might be worth a try

Gosh, you and Super are working long days I don't know how you manage to fit in exercise Chris..i could'nt even when i was working normal hours i just was'nt in the mood by the time i'd cleaned up and fixed dinner..well done for keeping up with yours
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Old 01-20-2004, 10:58 PM   #85  
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Well done Cathy on resisting that tart. You are a trooper I'll be ok with the long hours for a while and then I just crash and burn. I used to keep long hours a few years back when I went to college. I worked a full time job with special ed pre-schoolers, very physical work and then I did college classes Monday and Weds nights from six until nine and on Friday six to nine and back again Saturday morning from nine to noon. I did stress this weekend with taking on these extra hours but have told myself I CAN do it, it just seemed a bit daunting at first as Dave is away again, of course he left yesterday, right at the start of my busy long week and a birthday to sort out to boot.
I figure, if I'm doing all these extra hours though, it's a good incentive not to eat as one I'm not around much food and two I don't have the time to pick at bad stuff
Dave is really excellent when I do crash and burn though, I just need a few more hours in bed one weekend and he takes care of everything while I recuperate.
Have had my cuppa, best load the dishwasher quickly and then head to bed.
Night all....
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Old 01-21-2004, 03:18 PM   #86  
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Just done another long day at work. Set off at 7:30am this morning and got home at 8:00pm. I only do long days on a Tues/Weds. Other days I work approx 8:15 - 4:45.

Am knackered now though and about to go to bed. I hope that everyone is well. I got home to find the workout DVD that I ordered so might have a go at that tomorrow evening - it will probably have to wait until the weekend though.
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Old 01-22-2004, 03:13 PM   #87  
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Hi everyone, it's very quiet in here, where has everyone gone? After my long day again yesterday, I've struggled through today at work but I managed. Feel as if I could curl up somewhere comfy right now and sleep for a fair few hours. BUT....I'm off outside for a nice long walk with Pen and Lew. I figured I'd take them out while it's still light and then hopefully I won't slip on the ice that is still all over the paths. It was supposed to thaw somewhat today, but it's still all out there and it's supposed to get right chilly again tonight....I never realised it got any warmer to be honest but that's what the weather men say
I ate out last night after my meeting, went to BK with a friend and had a bacon cheeseburger on sour dough bread, it was absolutely scrummy and when I came home to add up the points, I was still in point range so it was nice to have a treat and not have to worry about it. Realised while I was sitting eating there, that it must have been over a year since I last had BK. And to be honest, I'd never even missed it
Righ am off for a good long walk's everyone elses day going?
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Old 01-22-2004, 03:51 PM   #88  
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I'm here Chris I know what you mean about crashing and burning when i took that temporary job for the first couple of weeks i thought "i can do this" meaning exercise when i got home but as the weeks went on i had less and less inclination well, on my last day (christmas eve) the boss said to me "make sure you give us a call in January to see if there is any work" but to be honest i don't know whether i want to or not because i know that my routine will go all to cock i have to leave at 6.30am and don't get home until around 5pm..a 40hr week to come home with the equivalent of 100 quid a week the pay is really poor over here. Needless to say i have'nt rung and its the annual party this saturday and i'm going if anyone mentions work i'll just tell them i've got plans to go home
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Old 01-22-2004, 04:04 PM   #89  
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Well Ladies. I crashed and burned today - lol. Had to take the day off as I was really rough this morning. I had a really sore throat and ached all over (that might be from the yoga two days ago - lol). Am feeling much better now though.
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Old 01-22-2004, 04:38 PM   #90  
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Hi.....well I've done a nice walk with the dogs, not as long as I would like but I'm glad I went out in the daylight. There are still so many uncleared paths in front of peoples houses ( I swore at them as I slid by) so we tried walking on the roads which annoyed the dogs a tad as no trees to pee up! The preveiw for the weather just said we're anticipating another big freeze here again, I'm so sick of it, I really hate this weather, I feel permently cold and feel guilty cos the dogs cant' get out I can't even poop-a-scoop cos as soon as the dogs go, it freezes and sticks in the snow).
I am off to Curves after dinner, and a slice of birthday cake, Hannah is 14 today Found out earlier from a friend that Curves is closing early tomorrow and will be shut on Saturday too for renovations, I won't be able to make it there tomorrow as I have kids to pick up late from school after I've done my therapy session after regular work, Unless I take the day off? And I could just fancy a day off right now.
SW, glad you're feeling better after your crash and burn earlier, make sure you have an early night and take some meds luv.
Cathy, the pay you got for 40 hours is horrendous, and I think I'm underpaid, which I am for what I do, but I love it. What are you wearing to the anual party then? Some slinky number? Is hubby going with you?
Right, had better go and do some cleaning and then go pick the kids up. Dave has his lazer surgery today, it all went well so he's now got to chill in darkened rooms and get check ups for the next few days before he can come home. I miss him.
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