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Old 03-02-2004, 12:55 PM   #211  
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Happy Birthday son of Chris
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Old 03-02-2004, 09:43 PM   #212  
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Thanks from my son Veggie I've had a good day today, point wise and exercise. Have had a slice of birthday cake though, well you have to, don't ya! After all, I deserved it, I did give birth to the boy 17 years back and it was hard work, wonder how many calories I worked off then, during labour?
It's still very quiet around here, just me and Veggie lurking about....come back girls....where are you all?
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Old 03-03-2004, 03:23 AM   #213  
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I'm here too!! Just got back from holiday last night to horrible cold england - not used to these temps as have been lying on a beach for a week! Haven't had the courage to weigh yet but will do when i shower in a bit but know that i will have a MASSIVE gain!! will post on the weigh in thread later!

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Old 03-03-2004, 02:15 PM   #214  
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Hi Girls

Tracy, i got back last night too glad you had a good time

I think i need a holiday to recover wanted to get a bit of sleep the night before we left as i can never sleep on the plane but hubbies friends had other ideas and ended up parking themselves at MIL's house drinking all night one of them even got into my bed which left nowhere for me to go so i laid on the settee, freezing if i'd had more sense i would have left the gas fire on all night but thats me all over thinking about his mothers bill instead of my comfort

Chris, I spent plenty of time at the chippy getting my fill of mushy peas, chips and steak puddings and i'm paying for it now as i'm well on the way to getting back to my all time high weight and we don't have any food in the house either at the moment until i go shopping..i've ended up eating hula hoops (potato rings) and a huge chunk of cadburys wholenut choc that i bought in England for breakfast will have to be good and only buy healthy stuff when i go out.

I had lots of fun going shopping in Manchester with Jacqui and Olivia she is such a little 10 teeth now and a bit more bum fluff on her head. I did'nt go to her home this time so not many photo op's came along as i hate taking pics of her sitting in her pram. I told Jacqui to take her out of the pram for me and the little devil was off like a bat out of ****..her Mum's feet were hurting with all the walking we'd done so i ended up chasing her around the train station which she found very amusing..she was placed back in the pram shortly after

Weatherwise it was'nt too bad we did get a dusting of snow last Thursday but it did'nt stick so that was good and it never rained once it was nice and sunny..not warm but was only on a couple of days when the wind picked up that i felt a little cold.
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Old 03-03-2004, 03:19 PM   #215  
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Welcome back Tracy, where was your nice beach you laid on then? And welcome back Cathy. Sounds like you had a great time.
It's been very quiet in here with you both gone.....LOL!
Just me and Veggie talking about lettuce!
Am dooing good on plan, forgot to weigh in this morning though, so will post if there is (very hopeful) another loss, I want to stay in wONEderland and keep going downwards
Hope you get over your hols soon and back to now drooling over the thought of whole nut choc for breakky, YUM!
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Old 03-03-2004, 03:56 PM   #216  
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Hi Chris,

Sunny beach was in Malta - we were lucky and staying right on one of only two sandy beaches on the island and being off season (although the weather was hot) there were very few people to share the beach.

Glad you had a great holiday too Cathy - sounds like my kind of breakfast lately!

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Old 03-03-2004, 04:19 PM   #217  
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Oh welcome back to Tracey (oh lucky you being in Malta ) and also hellos to cathy who I am glad to see has survived her visit to the folks !! Suffolk has finished with any snow at the moment although my parents 1 mile from the North Sea on the East Norfolk coast still have a good old covering....brrrrr!
Cathy yum yum to steak and kidney pies and chips but I have never taken to mushy peas

I did something today I never saw myself doing in a lifetime I JOINED A HEALTH AND FITNESS CLUB!!!!! (oh my goodnight!!) There is a rather nice fitness club about 10 minutes drive and I have yearned VERY slightly to go to a nice pool and a jacuzzi and an aqua-aerobics class. I have put on over a stone over the last few months and I need to have it gone. I would also like to try tone up on one of those rather awesome looking ultra gym machines with the guidance of a master! who will understand my needs and the health problems I have. It seems a reasonable price per month and has no minimum membership as far as I can make out. So next Tuesday I am going for a swim.
I rather like the look of the pool in that it has no deep or shallow is about 3foot deep all the way along. It would be good to be able to swim more than the 2 widths I managed last time I went in a pool. Rather disheartening to remember that once in my youth I did my 2 mile certificate Watch this space!!
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Old 03-03-2004, 05:10 PM   #218  
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I love Malta, Tracy. I went there years back and always wanted to return, but so far haven't made it. Maybe one day?
Teel, WELL DONE WOMAN! That's a great thing to do, you'll be shifting that stone you've put back on in no time. As for toning, that swimming you'll be doing will have you toned all over, I love swimming. I really miss my pool out in AZ, I used to love getting in and doing some laps. Then of course getting on a floaty and just bobbing around the pool soaking up the sun. Can't wait until I can do it again
I've been doing well at Curves, one machine is for the old love handles and I was talking to a trainer on Monday and told her I can only feel my right side working, so she watched me on it and told me to move further to my right and after doing that I could feel the left side working, so hopefully now I won't have one side with love and one without
I'm off out tonight to see TOPS in Blue, it's an Air Force perfomance which travels the world, all AF members are in it and they are all very proffessional. I'm taking the boy child of mine with me as he's requested to go. He's still grounded, so the grounding still stands and while we're there, he has to sit with me
Time for dinner......catch you all later.
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Old 03-03-2004, 07:01 PM   #219  
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Welcome back Trace. I'm off to see the doggies at Crufts tomorrow I should be in bed.
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Old 03-03-2004, 09:43 PM   #220  
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Oh Boy, only back one day and i've discovered that i'd somehow got that WORM BAGLE on my computer because a lot of people had been complaining about my email addy sending them junk stuff and i don't know how because i WON'T open attachments unless its from someone that i know and i tend not to do that much either anyway i've just scanned everything again and i think i've got rid of it don't know if i deleted anything that i really need in the process tho' uh-oh my email bunny has just appeared to bring me more bad news i suppose and i'm scared to look at it now
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Old 03-05-2004, 11:11 AM   #221  
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Pheew that was lucky, Cathy. I am so glad that I have a Panda Titanium Virus Scanner that I'm sure has prevented many an unwelcome visitor on my computer. It amazes and sickens me that people spend their time inventing these pathetic things that easily desicrate any system.

Veggie, how was Crufts? I love watching the agility and the obedience on the t.v. I always wonder what my westie would have been capable of????
Well it's off to to the g.p. for me in a while. I am having gross side effects from my pain killers for my back pain ...involuntary muscle movements and twitching, I think the advice leaflet said. Also to my horror the other pills to kill the chest painthat were doubled about a month ago, potentially cause weight gain. I should say so!! I know I put on heap over Christmas and the new year but having got back on track more or less, I expect to be losing it, not going in the opposite direction. I don't think they are killing the pain anyway so what's the use of taking the darn things???
I will fill you in later, bye for now
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Old 03-05-2004, 12:59 PM   #222  
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Awww Teel, they don't half put you through it don't they? like you say why take the damn things if they don't work have you ever tried anything else like accupuncture or anything like that? or been to see one of those chinese doctors with all those magic herbs? I used to think what a load of codswallop but i'm slowly changing my idea's about all this and i noticed at Manchester Train Station that there was a shop selling all sorts of concoctions for a variety of ailments, it all looked very interesting and they had hot tea brewing as well as one of those odd looking massage tables outside.

Well, computer virus has gone i was a bit worried there because i thought i might have to wipe the drive again and i don't want to do that unless it's absolutely neccessary

Got to pysche myself up again now to get back OP i meant to treadmill before breakfast this morning but that did'nt happen i had breakfast first
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Old 03-05-2004, 05:30 PM   #223  
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Well, back from the docs.
The only option was to decide which side effect to try and get rid of first.The weight gain or the nerve twitching. I went for the latter. So that pill that the chest pain doctor put me on just before Christmas and which was doubled a month ago has been lessened by 1/4 of the total dose. If we get that sorted then we will see if the weight gain stops and even better reverses. If it doesn't, then the other pill will also be reduced. As I am screaming with the level of pain I am in at the moment even before reducing anything, I dread to think what it is going to be like with the reduced doses. I HATE THIS. HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT. Sorry girls. Not in control of my emotions at the moment. Have just spent 30 minutes in tears down the fone to a friend. Just wanna take my sleeping pill and sleep the night away, and half of the morning too if possible. Trouble is, if I sleep brilliantly, I am so darn siezed up in the morning that I have to log roll out of bed before loosening the spinal joints up enough for me to start walking around not resembling the last Egyptian Mummy.
Oh ......darn darn darn. Think I had best go before I depress you all into next week.
Be good. Keep safe. Night night all.
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Old 03-05-2004, 06:27 PM   #224  
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Sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time teel. I hope that things pick up for you soon.

Cathy, Glad to hear that you are home safley and that you have got rid of your computer virus. I bet you are missing Olivia already.

Glad that you had a nice holiday Tracey.

Teel, I joined a gym a month or so ago and I love it (never thought I would say that - lol). I go with my sister who has breathing difficulties. Neither of us are strong swimmers and when we first started we could only just manage a short width. We did 3 lengths (25 metres each) and I did lots of widths on Wednesday which, although not much for some, was a big achievement for me.

Hope your son had a good birthday Chris.

I love your avatar Veggie. Is it a Mario character?

Not much news here. I still haven't got back on track. I start each day with renewed will power but by mid morning I am already thinking to myself that I can start again tomorrow.

Considering a change of plan.
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Old 03-05-2004, 06:29 PM   #225  
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Poor Teel, I hope the reduced meds help you out

Now, for the virus saga i have been researching this damn thing and apparently it pretends to be from admin at your web addy i.e [email protected] or [email protected] and thats how they get you to open it and then they go on to tell you that there have been complaints about spam coming from your account and tell you that you have probably got a virus and give you a password in the form of a number and then ask you to open the attached file..well, i had 4 of these darn letters and i did'nt open any i went straight to the website for information. In one of these letters it said my email account was terminated and if i wanted to carry on using it i had to resign so while at the website i tried to sign into my account but i signed in with the wrong password and then figured this mail must be legit (still with me? ) well, after finding out what form these viruses come in i went back to my website and tried to sign in again only this time i found the correct password and my email account is still valid and full of these emails..24 in total!! so i have deleted the whole lot and re-instated my email addy the thing that puzzles me is that i did a virus scan on it at this website and it detected it on my computer but how it got there i do not know but it has now gone and i'm back in please be careful girls if you get any mail claiming to be support..staff..admin etc and do not open any attachments
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