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Old 01-05-2023, 12:26 PM   #271  
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Carol Sue so glad you have found your way to weight loss. It is good to learn our trigger foods that we must avoid . I have a number of those too.

I continue to improve although it isn't as fast as I want but that is true in everything we go through. DH saw Dr. Berg talking about the immune system and how to build it back up. I know I have had a lot of inflammation so that is something I probably need to work on as I come back to normal. I still will eat carefully for a while. I have beans cooking for DH and lentils for me.

Weight was 185.8 after eating more yesterday. FBG was back down to 103 and bp is good. This makes me feel like my body is healing since the vitals are better.

Hope your day goes well.
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Old 01-05-2023, 02:33 PM   #272  
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Trish, I have found my way to weight loss TODAY. I have to be sure not to forget that it could change tomorrow or the next day. It would be great if this becomes a habit every day. In the past I found that any time I eat a normal meal it can lead me down the wrong path again. I have to be very careful.

I'm glad your FBG is back down. That's a good sigh.
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Old 01-05-2023, 05:34 PM   #273  
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The lentils were delicious. I ate a nice size bowl of it but not too much. I didn't measure so figured it as 1.5 c but I don't think I had that much. I had a helping of berries with my homemade yogurt and a little cool whip for flavor. It really made me feel better.

I watched Dr. Berg on how to eat and he says be careful eating veggies right now but do eat a little but eat more carnivore for about 2 weeks until things go back into remission. It looks like I might have to eat more of a low carb/keto woe and fast at least 20 hrs. He says OMAD is best but 2MAD within 4 hrs will work as well. Probably take longer to get things back to normal. I will try to go back to my low carb 20:4 IF tomorrow. I aim to fast at least 19 hrs. So I have a plan to move forward. I definitely want to get my digestive system straightened out and get rid of the inflammation at the same time. I've done Atkins before and would smart to get back to it.

Carol Sue, I know how you feel. We have to always remember that one wrong decision can derail us. I would love to figure out how to stop letting those slips do that to us.
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Old 01-05-2023, 11:30 PM   #274  
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I'm so glad you're feeling better, Trish. It could very well have been a stomach virus. As long as you're careful getting back to eating you should do well. DH didn't want the chicken for dinner. We ate hot dogs. Not the healthiest but I stayed within my calories and don't feel that I overate. The scale will let me know tomorrow. I want a fish sandwich tomorrow but we always end up eating what he wants. There's one place where I really like the fish but DH hates to go there because of traffic. Some day I guess.
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Old 01-06-2023, 12:29 AM   #275  
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My appetite is back and I ate 1030 calories and net carbs of 67 grams all eaten without an eating window. I know according to Dr. Berg that I need to do low carb along with an IF ratio of 20/4. I will work at starting that tomorrow. I do need to keep my carbs lower for a while.

Good night!!
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Old 01-06-2023, 11:59 AM   #276  
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Trish, I'm glad your appetite is back. That's a good sign of healing, but you know to be careful. You didn't really go overboard.

My scale finally showed an up tick of .2. Barely a blip, but an up tick all the same. We went to Wal-Mart and you know how they say don't shop when you're hungry? I didnt buy crackers although i looked at them then moved on. I bought some candy but I only eat a piece now and then and DH eats most of it. DH wanted to go for breakfast but I don't really like anything they have so I said no. He asked me, so I was honest. I don't like the way they cook the eggs. I no longer like the sausage or bacon. I like the oatmeal but really I only get it to avoid the eggs.

I was looking at my drivers licence and noticed that my face was much fuller then. They no longer require a new picture if you don't want it.. I think I want one next time.

We both want haircuts so we will go there later.
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Old 01-06-2023, 01:08 PM   #277  
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Weight was up again, but I am very swollen right now. My body is very alkiline and my skin is so dry. So I'm back on low carb today. If I eat only 2 meals, I won't even get to 600 calories for today. Weight was 187.2 and FBG 115. BP is still good. So considering the stress my body has gone through, I consider myself getting better day by day.

I had a low carb breakfast of 2 eggs and 2 sl bacon. I've got chicken breast in the crockpot and will add a couple of low carb veggies to it. I am thinking about boiling some eggs to have on hand for a quick lc snack if I need it. I am going to work at doing at least a 19:5 IF ratio of eating but I also want to work with healing and balancing the ph of my body at the same time. So my eating window might have to be a little longer until my body gets straightened out.

Carol Sue, I don't know how many times I walk by and look at some food that I really like and used to eat and then just walk away without it. Good for you passing up the crackers. I hope your DH can come to grips with how you like to eat.

Have a good day.

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Old 01-06-2023, 01:26 PM   #278  
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Trish, I never even go into the cracker aisle anymore but I'm aware of it as I pass it by. Off in the distance I can hear them calling my name. Today they had some crackers in an end display, but I resisted. ​​​​​​I used to eat crackers with cream cheese. No wonder I was 217.

I am not surprised that your weight was up today. Don't panic. Your body was very dehydrated from vomiting. You need this. Its fluid. The swelling isn't good but you can work it out. Your plan sounds very good. My weight went from 174 to 182 after I felt better and got my appetite back. I knew it wasn't going to stay down. Now I'm gradually getting it to go back down. We can do this. We know what to do.

I wanted something from Dollar General but I can't remember what it was.


We went out and split a fish sandwich, DH got a salad and I got a cup of wedding soup. It was filling for both of us.

Then we went and got haircuts.

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Old 01-06-2023, 07:13 PM   #279  
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Carol Sue, Glad you finally got the fish sandwich you've been wanting. I hope it was as good as you expected.

I ended up eating 760 calories, 19 net carbsI in less than 7 hr eating window. I just can't eat anything else. I had 2 of the boiled eggs with a protein shake to end the eating day, I cooked 1/2 dozen today and I am sorry to say they weren't as good as I thought the would be. I think I will just save them to eat in a salad. I did get 84 g protein. I hope this helps me get my body balanced like it should and helps me get rid of the fluid.

I made myself do 15 minutes on the recumbent bike and it sure helped with the tightness I feel in my legs. I also did 5 minutes on the vibe machine.

Have a good night.

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Old 01-06-2023, 09:23 PM   #280  
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My fish sandwich was delicious and so was the soup. But for some reason I felt queasy like I over ate and was going to throw up but I was ok once we got to Great Clips. The feeling passed quickly. I heard that it can take months to get back to normal after Covid and maybe longer. I used to eat a whole fish sandwich with sides. Today ! ate half and couldn't have eaten another bite. That's fine with me and I don't want it to change if its going to help me lose.

My hair is extremely short! I hope it doesn't get too cold out. I like it though.

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Old 01-07-2023, 09:44 AM   #281  
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I'm disappointed. The scale bumped up to 179.4. A whole pound. I hope its fluid retention. I thought I ate a really small dinner yesterday and expected a loss. I looked back and my carbs were over 100 gm. The bun from the sandwich was a big hoagie bun even though I only ate half and the soup had lots of little pastini in it, and probably sodium. Maybe that's why I felt queasy after I ate.

I don't know why I worry about little gains. like that, except that little gains add up and become big gains! I saw a comedian on tv who said. "I know someone who never eats bread. You lose 4 lbs and no one notices. Eat bread!" Small losses also add together to make bigger losses.

My step daughter got laid off. She really needs her job because they bought that house. She said she will get called back if business picks up. In the meantime she will look for another job but she had a lot on time in and just got a big raise. I'm concerned.

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Old 01-07-2023, 12:23 PM   #282  
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Carol Sue, Sorry about your step daughter's job loss. I will pray with you that she gets a better job and quickly.

I am sure the bump is just a temporary thing. I also worry when I have bump up too. I think we are going to learn more about what causes those bump ups as we go along.

I am down 1.2 lbs today, which I'm sure was water retention. I still have more fluid that needs to come off my legs and I will probably see more come down. I'm eating lo Iw carb trying to keep my carbs below 50 g. I don't know that I will always track for the calories but I do track for the carbs especially net. DH wanted know if I wanted pizza today but I told him no because I'm trying to stay low carb to get this fluid off and he agreed. I told him I was probably going to cook fish. He said that whatever I fix is good so we are have swai fillets cooked in garlic butter. I will have veggies with mine. Probably next week I will try salads again. I'm getting used to low carbing again and just may keep doing this even after I am well.
I was looking on Atkins plans and they say if you have 40+ lbs to lose to eat 20 net carbs, but if you have less than 40 lbs to lose to eat 40 net carbs. To get to 150 lbs, I have 36 lbs to lose so I will try to keep all my net carbs around 40 grams. 100 grams on Atkins seems to be for maintenance. Gives me a guideline.

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Old 01-07-2023, 02:40 PM   #283  
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You are doing a great job of getting back on track, Trish. Good for you! I have steak out to cook for dinner but I feel queasy again and really don't feel like eating. I don't know why. It's just a leftover thing from when I was sick. I guess I can eat very small portions.

For me, 40 carbs seems to be good. I have to be concerned about blood sugar, too. When I go to 100 or more its never good. I also need to stop eating by 4-5 pm. I read an article today that you should not eat at night. At night your body is starting to produce melatonin for sleep and at night your body does not handle glucose as efficiently as it does in the day. When I lived alone I ate breakfast before work and lunch. I rarely ate dinner because its hard to cook for 1. My thinking was I was active during the day and needed calories but sedentary at night so didn't need them. And I weighed 130-135 lbs. I now try to eat brunch and eat dinner with DH, but I'm starting to realize that I should start eating a very small dinner. Sometimes when we go to Bob Evans I get a bowl of soup. DH doesn't like when I do that but I told him I need to be able to be in charge of my eating. Even the servers say "Is that all?" The alternative is to not come. I am becoming a fiestly old lady who wants to make her own decisions.
Enough is enough. I've been fat too long.

As far as the bump ups I understand it is fluid adjustments, hormone fluctuations. But when you see it on the scale its hard to look at it with understanding. Your first thought is "What did I do this time?" Thin people who rarely get on a scale get the fluctuations too, but they don't care or even know about it. I just CAN'T stop weighing. I feel as though if I stop weighing daily I will gain 10-20 lbs and then give up. I have owned at least 1 scale since I was 21. I would probably have a nervous breakdown if I could not weigh.


I felt better by dinner time and ate a small meal. Out steaks were small thin strip steaks. I made corn which DH likes and Rice A Roni which I like. I make a box last for 2 meals. If I make a whole box I will eat it all and that's too much. So I'm done eating for today. That works because I will be in bed by 10pm.

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Old 01-07-2023, 07:05 PM   #284  
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Carol Sue, I feel the same way about weighing everyday. When I was younger, I never thought about getting on the scale. Even when I went to TOPS or went to diet doctors, I didn't own a scale at home. I weighed either at the meeting or the doc's office. Now it is such a habit to weigh everyday that I just can't seem to stop it. I've tried and feel lost if I don't weigh. I know it is crazy to weigh everyday, but I do it any way because I can't stop it.

If I drink the protein shake later, I will end up with 1021 calories and net carbs of 25 g.

I had a phone call from my DD and my GGD has moved in with my DD her grandmother. I had a nice phone visit with DGD that I haven't been able to talk to since she was about 7 yrs old. Her mother took her and moved away and none of us were able to talk to her. She 20 yrs old and is moving in with her DGM planning to make a life of her own. From what she said she has really had a difficult life living with her mother. It was really nice to here from her.
I drank the shake and ate a serving of pecans and I am absolutely miserabele. I was miserable the last time I drank the shake so no more shakes and no more evening meal or snack. I think the best thing for me is to fast and eat OMAD. I just can't stand the stuffed feeling.

Last edited by pattygirl63; 01-07-2023 at 11:03 PM.
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Old 01-08-2023, 09:05 AM   #285  
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Scale is now up over 180. Its like I wasted a week of the new year. I'm going to try to skip the scale for a spell. I'm just so darn SICK of this! I understand how you felt after the shake. I know you drink them to up your protein but I guess your body doesn't always need it. Don't give up on them completely. They are good in an emergency.

Trish, I'm glad your DGD was able to move into a more positive environment. She needs this as she approaches adulthood, So nice that
you got to talk with her again. You have such a wonderful family unit.

Have to pay the bills today.


FYI. Dr Fung's Complete Guide To Fasting is on Amazon for $.99 today. Unfortunately I already own it and probably paid full price!

Last edited by Wannabehealthy; 01-08-2023 at 12:47 PM.
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