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Old 12-28-2022, 07:14 PM   #241  
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The birthday went well. The pizza was good. Step daughter took the leftovers home. So for us, the holidays are over except for pork and sauerkraut for New Years. Then a new year with new beginnings.
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Old 12-28-2022, 09:39 PM   #242  
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Carol Sue, Happy Birthday to your DH. I'm glad the birthday celebration went well.

We enjoyed out time with DS andmDBIL. He always get appetizer and he got some kind of little fried cheese balls and honey glazed crescent rolls. DH and I halved a crescent roll and we ate a very small portion of the cheese balls. They were good but I was determined not to over ate. They didn't have the steak on the menu so I got Grilled Lemon pepper white fish along with the green beans and broccoli casserole. They serve the fish on rice, but refused the rice. There is rice in their broccoli dish and I didn't want any more. I ate one of the 2 pieces of fish and half of the veggies and sent the rest of it home with DBIL. I had a keto ice cream bar when I came and a small helping of leftover roast later. I ended with a 8 hr eating window and 1169 calories, 79 g total carbs and net carbs of 65 g. I consider this to have been a really successful day. We went to Walmart and I got what I needed and return the gifts so we don't haveto go out again until Wednesday when we go to the dentist.

I'm like you. For us the holiday celebrations are over and now tomorrow I will get back OP. I think I will do more of a LCarb along with IF and IE. I need the low carb woe to get this swelling and FBG under control again. And yes, we have a new year for a new beginning. I'm not going to commit to it for now, because I have never been able to do strict keto but I would love to be able to do it if at all possible.
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Old 12-29-2022, 10:18 AM   #243  
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I guess I really was retaining fluid from the ham because this morning scale was 179.8. So I'm back in the 170s.

Trish , Cheddars sounds like a place I would like. Lemon pepper white fish, YUM. A favorite of mine. I wish I knew how to cook fish and DH would eat it. Very few restaurants here serve grilled fish. We don't usually get any appetizers when we eat out because it fills us up before our meals,come. Step son and DIL often order 3 appetizers to share instead of ordering meals. I don't know if I could do that at Texas Roadhouse but DH would want his meal.

I asked DIL what she eats now that Covid has limited her food choices. She has a fruit smoothie for breakfast, A protein shake for lunch, and fish for dinner such as tuna, salmon or shrimp. I find this very strange, but her next door neighbor has that same side effect from Covid. How did that happen?

She was very happy that I ordered the white pizza so she could eat it. I ate it too and loved it. Unfortunately DH wouldn't even try it.
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Old 12-29-2022, 12:30 PM   #244  
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Carol Sue Great news that the gain was only water weight. I am very happy for you. I never heard of white pizza. What is it and what is on it? Interesting about how the covid affected DSD and her neighbor the same. Sounds like she is eating the way I should be eating right now.

Weight topped out at 193.4 today but FBG was 110 which is better than the 119 I had yesterday. I am sure that iis the higher carbs I've eaten lately so definitely back on lower carb today. My calories are less than 1000 right now for a 2MD, but the nice thing is the total carbs are 44 and net carbs are 37. I would like to keep things about like this for a while and make the 2MD more of a lifestyle. I've exercised 2 days this week and will have my 3rd day tomorrow. Next week I will work at adding more exercises. I want to do the bike 3 days and the othe exercised 3 days alternating them so I am exercising everyday. I need to get back on the vibe machine 6 days a week since it is suposed to be so good for my bones and circulation.

Had my SLMG toast with eggs and bacon and a grapefruit for brunch. Dinner will be pork chop and veggies.

Have a nice day.
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Old 12-29-2022, 03:55 PM   #245  
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Trish, I don't know exactly how white pizza is made but basically it is crust without pizza sauce covered with several types of cheese. I think the crust is brushed with olive oil and garlic before the cheese. Some has thin slices of tomato but I got it without tomato because DIL cannot eat tomato. It is good to me because I prefer cheese pizza without toppings.

I told DIL that I love fish and seafood and would love eating that way but she thinks she will get tired of it. Step son and grandson still eat normally. Step son is a big meat eater and grills all year round, even in winter. Grandson tends to eat like his Dad. They eat very few carbs. I hope this goes away for her.

DH wants to go to the casino. I told him I want my Christmas present to be no casino til after New Yeat. That's only 3 more days! He is not happy but he will get over it I hope. There are many times that I go but I'm not happy about it. I made big plans for 2023 but until then I just want to relax.

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Old 12-30-2022, 10:36 AM   #246  
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Weight is down .4. To 178.4. I had chocolate ice cream for dinner last night. DH couldn't decide what he wanted so he ended up making French fries. That ice cream has been calling me since he brought it home. It was either eat something healthy or eat the ice cream. Calories came out good, around 1100 but carbs were high and blood sugar spiked. In my heart I know he bought it intentionally because I said I wasn't going to eat it til after the new year. I think he enjoys seeing me lose control. I just have to live with this the best I can.

I am hungry for fish but I don't know what DH will want.
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Old 12-30-2022, 01:59 PM   #247  
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Carol Sue, It was probably good to eat it because now the craving is satisfied. So glad your weight is staying below 180 as you have worked hard to get there.

I've been sick since we ate dinner yesterday. I bought greens for a small salad because I thought it was just the iceburg lettuce was causing me problems. It is a good thing I ate a very small one I hurt so bad around my middle even my back hurt. I finally got some relief when I threw up, but still not back to feeling well. So I guess my salad eating days are over. The GERD was horrible and even now i have lingering belching. I told DH that I would cook for him but for a few days I am going to fast to get this completely out of my system. So I'm on my first EF of 24 hrs. I will fast until I start feeling normal again.

Weight was back down to 192.6 this morning. FBG was 128 but I think that is more from the stress my body feels from all of this because I haven't had any high carbs or sugar or starches and I lost what little carbs I did eat. BP was 95/49 so that is just from the ordeal as well. So I slept until almost 10 o'clock a rare thing for me and then got up dressed and have been sleeping in my recliner jusgt letting my body heal up.

I read what you said yesterday about the casino. I can understand not wanting to go until after new year. My BIL with DH#2 used to tell DH#2 "she will get over it" when he would talk him into doing something I didn't like. So I guess that applies here.

Have a nice day.
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Old 12-30-2022, 05:07 PM   #248  
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I'm sorry to hear that your salad days are over. I wonder what's causing that all of a sudden. I hope you feel better, soon.

DH doesn't feel well today. He checked his blood pressure and it was sky high so he's working on getting it down. I wanted to go out for fish but I guess we can't. I don't know what we will eat. He wanted to go to the casino!! What if this happened while we were there? I made the right decision by not going. Maybe we will eat our sauerkraut and pork on Sunday instead of tomorrow because he might not want to eat sauerkraut after the high blood pressure.

I just want things to go back to normal.


DH felt well enough to drive so I ordered take out and we went and picked it up. So I got my fish sandwich and it was delicious. Now to pray that she mood pressure stays down.

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Old 12-30-2022, 09:06 PM   #249  
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Carol Sue Glad you got your fish sandwich. Sorry your DH is feeling bad. Strange he still wanted to go to the casino.

I felt better for a while and decided to drink a cup of green tea which felt good going down but I've had indegestion ever since. I made DH a salad and he had a bowl of soup. I wanted some chicken noodle soup but was afraid I might get sick like I did last night. I want completely free of this before I eat anything. I ihave fasted mpw fpr 27 hrs. I have been sipping water all day as it doesn't bother me. Do so hope I feel a lot better tomorrow.
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Old 12-30-2022, 09:15 PM   #250  
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Trish, you should feel better tomorrow after the long fast. I hope so.

DH wanted to go to the casino before he got sick from his blood pressure. I'm going to have to push him to check it twice a day from now on.

My blood sugar is up high now from the sandwich bun. I hope things are better in 2023.
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Old 12-31-2022, 08:41 AM   #251  
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Scale is the same today 179.4. On Jan 3 2022 I was 189.2 so I an down 9.8 lbs, which is actually because I had Covid and I've been able to hold below 180 by a hair. I guess the end justifies the means but I am not happy about this. In reality, I have lost nothing this year. The year before I lost 3 lbs and 3 lbs the year before that. At this rate I will be 100 years old + when I reach goal. Somehow I don't think that is going to work. I need to get serious about this instead of fooling around.

My blood sugar was sky here by last night so I took extra G to get it down. Still too high this morning so more G. I know its going down because I'm starving. A rapid drop in blood sugar makes me hungry, but I don't plan on eating until noonish.

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Old 12-31-2022, 12:08 PM   #252  
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Carol Sue, At least you lost. I looked back and on January 1st 2021 I weighed exactly what I weighed today and according to what I weighed on Januay 1st 2022 I've lost less than 1 lb. This is ridiculous. All I have done is spin my wheels so to speak. I've just maintained. To keep doing what I've always done expecting things to be different is stupidity.

My getting sick and then fasting since then, my weight came back down to 190.8 this morning. I will try to eat either chicken noodle soup or scrambled eggs today after a 47 hr fast. I feel so different not having that full stuffy feeling so I have decided to continue fasting. I will eat just one meal today and plan to continue doing OMAD for a while to get my weight down. Except for the cup of green tea I had last night I have drank nothing but water. So I have a clean fast. The results have been impressive to me. I haven't taken any meds or supplements either. Won't go back on those for a while. Don't think I need my bp med either since it was 95/52 this morning. I'm sure it may come back up when I start eating again but not sure. I had bad heartburn after the green tea so I'm not sure I can have anything green right now. I read that collagen helps with the digestive problems. I had stopped taking it but have some coming in Tuesday and hope it will help all this settle down when I start taking it again. FBG was back down to 108 this morning so that was good.

Otherwise, I am feeling better, but feel weak after standing for a bit. I will get back to exercising again Monday and work myself back up to where I should be. I intend to go back to using my bike 5 days a week but may have to work up to that.

Have a good day.
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Old 12-31-2022, 01:02 PM   #253  
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Trish, I'm so glad you are feeling better and had a successful fast. Fasting is healing. I really don't feel that you have spun your wheels. You were losing very well and were down to 173 very recently I think something is going on. You have been having the swelling, digestive problems, elevated glucose and weight gain all out of the blue. You made a few changes to your WOE but I don't think it was,drastic enough to cause these changes. I'm hoping that starting again after this fast will shake things up and get you losing again.

DH doesn't want pork and sauerkraut until tomorrow. I don't know what we will have today. So far I had SL French toast around 11 am and I'm hoping not to eat again until dinner, whatever that might be. So far today his blood pressure and my blood sugar are good.


At 2:30 DH decided he wanted pork and sauerkraut. Luckily its thin cut boneless loin chops so they will cook quickly in the sauerkraut. I put hot dogs and kielbasa in it too, one for each of us, and I like mashed potatoes with sauerkraut too. That's our dinner. I was up at 5 am so I will either take a nap or else I'll be in bed before the New Year arrives. I do like to stay up.

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Old 12-31-2022, 11:56 PM   #254  
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I have had 558 calories, 66 g carbs with a net 62 g. I actually had the chicken noodle soup and crackers around 3 and 3 hrs later I 2 scrambled eggs. So that was within 3 hr eating window.

Not sure what we will eat tomorrow, because I don't want to put heavy food on my stomach yet. I probably will go back to 2 meals a day if needed.
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Old 01-01-2023, 09:47 AM   #255  
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Happy New Year! I didn't stay up til 12. We both went to bed around 10:30 but DH was still awake watching tv at midnight. I slept through fireworks outside and woke up at 12:15 to say Happy New Year.

Scale is at 180.2 to start the new year. My goal for the end of the year is 150. That is 2.5 lbs per month. Very doable. That is still overweight for me but I feel its a good weight for me. If I get to 150 and want to lose more I can adjust my goal. Its been years since I weighed that. I want to eliminate the slip ups that have prevented me from reaching my goal in the past.

Trish, you ate like I was eating when I was sick and went from 187 - 174. Its smart to eat light after a longer fast. I hope this helps you heal your digestive tract and feel better.
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