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Old 11-29-2022, 10:43 AM   #121  
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I'm all achy again. I'm afraid to take too much Tylenol. I have never been this sick in my life.
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Old 11-29-2022, 12:35 PM   #122  
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Carol Sue, I am so sorry you are so sick. Prayers continue for you and DH.

No changes here and we are headed out for our usual Tuesday routine except we have to go to Post Office to mail all the calendars out that we send to family for next year. This is becoming very expensive but is our Christmas gift to our loved ones with their name and birthdates on them DH started before we married and now we do it for my family as well.

My goal this next month is to just be as careful as possible during the holiday eating and work on which way I want to jump with my eating in the new year.

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Old 11-29-2022, 02:46 PM   #123  
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I took Tylenol and I feel a little better. I've had 400+ calories yesterday and today and I'm down to 184. I would like to hold that but I know I will gain once I start eating more. I can still taste my food so I don't think this is covid, but probably the flu. I can't remember the last time I felt this bad. DH is,feeling better today so maybe I will feel better tomorrow.

I decided to eat some scrambled eggs and toast ANF it might help me feel better.

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Old 11-29-2022, 08:15 PM   #124  
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Carol Sue, Probably you should have been able to rest yesterday when you went to Walmart, but like you said, we have to do what we have to do when we have no one to do it for us. Hopefully being able to rest now, you will feel better soon. Don't push to do more than necessary.

We had Chinese today because DH is into that again. Kind of wish I had never told him where it had moved to. Any way, I have only had the one meal and a few peanuts this evening. I'm hungry but nothing sounds good so that Io want to take time to make.

The good thing is that local store had fish that I've used before and was good. I'm not big on Tilalapia but DH likes it so I was able to get a nice size package of that and swai so we can have fish twice a week. We also found some pretty NY steaks and a bag of frozen chicken tenders. Things are getting more expensive so it is important to buy as much good quality food as possible. I also got seasoning to make stew.

We had a warm day today, but the next 2 das are to be cold. One of those days will be a good day for either chili or beef stew.

Prayers continue for your healing dear friend.
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Old 11-30-2022, 10:47 AM   #125  
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Carol Sue, Hope you feel better today but I think you should still take it easy.

Weight is up and I gained so that my weight is up almost 3 lbs this month. Not acceptable behavior on my part. Nothing to say about this except to get my act straight and start behaving. Time for some self-discipline to set in and going back to portion control. Tilapia is on the menu today.

Have anice day everyone. Carol Sue, be good to yourself to day and give yourself time to heal.
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Old 11-30-2022, 01:44 PM   #126  
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Weight is down to 182.4. but I don't recommend this weight loss method. I might look for our Covid tests and see what it says. This seems to be lasting a long time but its day 6 today and day 7 for DH. My achyness goes away when I take Tylenol but comes back when it wears off. Food still tastes ok. But I'm not very hungry. Eggs and toast are good, and I had a grilled cheese sandwich. DH got McDonalds burgers and fries but they didn't appeal to me.

I wish DH would eat fish other than fried fish. He will eat salmon in a restaurant but not at home. I buy it frozen from Wal-Mart and its not as good as fresh but I like it.

My DIL who had Covid in December can only eat certain things, no meat, no eggs, mostly carbs. So far I've had mostly carbs,but I cab eat eggs.

DH must be feeling better, he suggested the casino. Yikes! NO!
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Old 11-30-2022, 02:43 PM   #127  
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Well, DH must be feeling great today if he wants to go to the casino. What about you? Do you feel up to going? You can wear your masks but how do you feel?

DS and DBIL were exposed to covid again and their DD told them to wait until Thursday to test to see if they have it. DS has had it twice before and DBIL once. I don't think the vaccines help because they have had all of them and they have all had it and DS twice. In fact, they were exposed by the same person they got it from last year... their DSIL Dad. I saw a girl on tv say that she had all the shots and has had it several times. JMHO about the vaccines. We've taken flu shots for almost 10 yrs now, but not sure if we will this year or not.

I had really hoped your DH would give you time to heal or at least feel better before y'all went to the casino. Stay safe whichever y'al do.
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Old 11-30-2022, 05:36 PM   #128  
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DH went out to play the lottery and came back feeling sick again. That's what happens with me. I feel better when I take Tylenol but get sick when it wears off. He should not go out in the cold damp weather. I will not go to the casino until I feel 100 % better. He will be sorry if he goes. He's not ready. I feel the same as you about the vaccine but I don't tell people. I also don't think the masks help. I haven't had a flu shot since I retired in 2010 . That's a long time to not get sick.

Every day I think I will feel better tomorrow.

We are running out of things to eat because I don't feel well enough to cook a meal. Today we had a can of Dinty Moore beef stew over toast. I hope we feel well enough to go to Bob Evans someday soon because I want Chicken and Noodles Deep Dish. I'm starting to get my appetite back and that means I will start to regain.

I hope DS and BIL dont get Covid again

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Old 11-30-2022, 07:50 PM   #129  
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Carol Sue, DS orders her groceries and has them delivered most of the time. She also orders them and DBIL picks them up sometimes. Do they have that service in any of your stores there? If you can't go out maybe one of your stores would deliver or you could put in an order and your DH could pick them up when he goes to play the lottery if he feels like getting out. Just a thought.

My eating has been pretty good today. I reset my goals as far as the calories etc not really worrying about the balance like I used to. I'm just going to work at keeping the calories around 1200 a day give or take a few. I did end up with 2 meals but they were about 6 hrs apart. I decided to just go with that once I realized that DH eats 2 meal 12 hrs apart. I am pretty much eating what I want but stick to portion control. I hope you will continue to feel better.

I slept 8 hrs last night and woke up only once to go to the toilet. I hope I can rest like that tonight as

BTW did you tell me that you get your hair cut at Great Cuts? That is the name of the place by the Chinese restaurante.

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Old 12-01-2022, 10:22 AM   #130  
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Trish, the place where I get my hair cut is Great Clips, not Great Cuts.

I have good news and bad news. The good news is I feel much better today. I slept good. I am still achy but my headache is gone. I felt so good I found the Covid tests. Bad news is I tested positive. DH won't test but he says if I have it so does he. He mistakenly thinks once you have it you can't get it again. It says if you test positive to call your doctor but I don't want to.

​​​​​Walmart does store pickup but its hard to get a time slot. I think some grocery stores deliver but you have to reach a dollar limit. We are not supposed to go out but DH will do it if he feels ok. I have things I could cook but I don't want to cook yet.

Weight is still 182. I hope I can hold this. I've been averaging 500-600 calories but I don't think I can keep this up for long. I can only try.

I got on the scale again and now I'm down to 181. Every cloud has a silver lining. The last time I was this low was when DH was in the hospital in 2018. I hit 179 for about a minute. I kept saying I would do anything to lose, but I don't think I meant this..

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Old 12-01-2022, 01:53 PM   #131  
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Carol Sue So sorry you tested positive and hope you will continue to improve and will get over it quickly. I wonder if someone at the Thanksgiving dinner had it.

DS & DBIL tested themselves last night and they tested negative. I personally believe that people need to build up their natural immunity at this point. I have often wondered throughout this situation what happened to the old medical thought I grew up with that you couldn't treat a virus. I remember when you had a virus and was told by the docs to go to bed and rest and drink plenty of liquids and ride it out. Just wondering. Maybe something has changed that I don't know about.

Weight is back to 182.6 this morning which is 1.7 lbs gain from October the 1st. I guess that isn't so bad. FBG was back to 102 this morning so that was good too.

NY steak on the menu today. Had to struggle on MFP to reach 1000 calories so not sure I am really eating that many today. Should be a 2 meal day within 4 hrs eating window.

Have a great day everybody and continue to heal dear friend.
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Old 12-01-2022, 04:37 PM   #132  
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Trish, DH started feeling sick when we got home from step daughters on Thanksgiving. That would be too soon for us to get symptoms. If anything we would give it to them but no one has mentioned it so far.

When my Tylenol wore off I started to feel sick again. I took another one and should be ok now til 11 pm. My headache came back and my nose is runny but no achy muscles. It just takes time.

I have also heard that you can't treat a virus but now they have antiviral medication but you only have 5 days to take it or its too late.

My appetite really came back today. I know I'm below 1000 calories but carbs are over 100. I'm going to have to get back to eating eggs to keep my protein up and watch carbs more closely.

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Old 12-02-2022, 12:30 AM   #133  
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Well, I've been sick all evening. Something I ate has made me deahly ill. DH and I ate about the same thing and soI can't figure out what I ate that made me so sick. Now my stomach is so sore from upchucking. I never hurt so bad in my whole life as I did tonight. I lost everything I ate all day today.

Hope you are feeling better Carol Sue.
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Old 12-02-2022, 11:28 AM   #134  
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I guess I'm a little better today but stomach still iffy. I think I must have eaten something that was bad, but not sure. I could have picked up a virus when out at the store. Who knows. No covid symptoms so that is good. Today will be broth day no solid foods. Weight was down to 179.4 this morning but like you said Carol Sue this isn't he say to do this. FBG was 112 but I think that must be from the stress my body is experiencing with whatever this is.

Hope your feeling better Carol Sue.

Hope everybody else is having a good day.
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Old 12-02-2022, 12:19 PM   #135  
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Trish, I'm sorry to hear you are so sick. It must be you and not the food since DH is ok. I hope its over and you start feeling better.

Yesterday I weighed 181.4. This morning I weighed 177.8. I knew there was no way! I drank a cup of coffee and weighed again and it was 182.0. That's more like it. I had so many carbs yesterday. Noodles are such a comfort food and go down easy. I slept great last night and feel so much better. I just had scrambled eggs and want to stay away from carbs. I will wait to see how long I can stay feeling good without getting symptoms or feeling the need to lie down. Then I will try not taking the Tylenol. I want to test again too because I don't want to go out again until I test negative.

Even when I feel better I will not tell DH because I am in no hurry to go to the casino. That may sound unfair but he is often unfair to me. A girl's got to do what a girl's gotta do.

He went to get Arbys. I want to eat the meat without the bun. My body is used to eating less. I don't want to regain this weight.

I still feel pretty good but tested again and I'm still positive. There's a lot of different information online because Covid keeps changing. It says you are ok to go around people 10 days after symptoms start as long as there's no fever. I never had fever but DH did. I don't think he is putting anyone at risk at the,drive thru. When he plays the lottery he goes to the self serve kiosk.

Last edited by Wannabehealthy; 12-02-2022 at 02:50 PM.
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