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Old 03-04-2023, 09:31 PM   #496  
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Trish, during the time when I was gaining, it was when we first started eating out so much. I was working full time and it was nice not to have to plan and cook a meal every day. In my mind, whatever amount of food was served to me was a portion. I always finished it and was stuffed. I knew I was gaining but was enjoying the food too much. I too,tend to eat too fast but I'm working on slowing down. They say not to do anything else while eating but I find I eat slower if I'm watching tv or reading.

Today DH actually requested meatloaf for dinner. The last time I made it I cooked it longer. The top was hard and the potatoes were a little burnt and crispy. He told me that was how he liked it So I did that again this time. I told him he has to allow enough extra time for that and he is usually in a hurry to eat, even when I start it early. So he waited.

I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and I hope this continues. I understand about not weighing. With the chemo treatment you will probably not get a true weight anyway. I hope the Lasix is helpful.

Prayers continue.
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Old 03-05-2023, 09:39 AM   #497  
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Scale down to 181.4. This is about the time it starts to go back up. I hope I can get back to the 170s.
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Old 03-06-2023, 12:43 AM   #498  
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Carol Sue I hope the scale will show you in 170s soon. I told DH I would like to order some new clothes but I don't know what I will weight or what size I will be when this is over.

I couldn't sleep last night until after 3 am when I took pain meds and 1/2 a sleeping pill. Then I slept really good. The only thing I hate about taking sleeping pill is it makes me groggy the next day. I will probably just take a pain pill when I go to bed because my feet are so swollen they hurt and that is what kept me awake last night. It doesn't stop them from hurting but makes it bearable so I can sleep. Only ate 1 scrambled egg this morning and nothing else. I looked up side effects of the alkaline water and it causes nausea and vomiting. So I think that may be why I can't keep anything down. Maybe with the chemo I am too alkaline. So I won't stop drinking it completely but just won't drink as much as I have been. I will drink more filtered water.
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Old 03-06-2023, 08:02 AM   #499  
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The scale stayed the same today. I went back to my 1 pound a week challenge again to see if it helps me get back on track. No one there actually loses a pound a week but some are very involved in it and do lose well. I need to set my mind to it and not go off plan so much.

Trish, I wouldn't buy new clothes just yet unless you need something to wear right now. I'm sorry you are having foot pain that keeps you awake. I hope you can get some relief. Low carb tends to relieve fluid retention. And you do have the lasix. Don't be afraid to take the pain meds.
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Old 03-07-2023, 07:01 AM   #500  
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Scale up 1 lb, to 182.4. Darn! Go down! Go down!!

Today we have to go to get out taxes done. They require that we show ID but DH lost his wallet on Sunday and hasn't had a chance to get his drivers license replaced. He's carrying his old license in the meantime. They should accept that since it shows who he is.
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Old 03-07-2023, 10:25 AM   #501  
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HI friends: sorry its been longer than I planned. I have been helping a friend who had knee replacement surgery. Can you believe its a day surgery now? But of course, that means needing a LOT of extra help at home. He was here 2 days after, and is home now (just across the street) and his wife needs lots of help, she is exhausted. I have helped a bit, but am now housebound as I prep for the endoscopy and colonoscopy tomorrow.
I stopped eating gluten after supper on Sunday, and yesterday was ok. Today's weight before full prep is 176. Highest in almost 5 years, when I was 189 after my Dad died. Then I started the elimination diet, some fasting for testing, and eventually found IF.
So in my thinking, today is the start of the new weight loss journey. For the most part, I will not be missing gluten. I have not liked how I have been feeling for the last 6 weeks.
But I will miss the ease of thinking about what to eat and where to go to eat. We ate at several restaurants (that in itself is unusual, since covid and retirement, we don't eat out that often) and didn't worry about whether they could accommodate GF etc. So it will be back to the places that do it well. and far less meals out.
this is good in the sense that this will help me lose weight as well.
I agree Carol, I tend to clear my plate in a restaurant, even if I am full. Can't leave it behind. At home its ok, I know I can save it and put it away.

Trish, I am glad you are adjusting to Chemo and things. I agree, don't worry about weight right now. Getting well is the only goal for now.

Have a good day friends. Its sunny here, but we have about a foot of snow!
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Old 03-07-2023, 10:45 AM   #502  
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Hi Mad. I didn't realize the change in knee surgery. What about someone who lives alone?

I'm wondering about your gluten sensitivity. Why were you eating it after eliminating it for so long? Are you Celiac or just sensitive?

I have gradually changed my restaurant eating. I order smaller meals when I can, appetizer instead of a full meal, sometimes just soup or a salad. When I do order a full meal I eat til satisfied and take the rest home. There are times that the leftovers are thrown out after a few days, if its beef or chicken the dog eats it. Some people don't give their dog human food.

We just got our taxes done and we owe $$$. I will need to make changes somewhere for this year.


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Old 03-07-2023, 05:24 PM   #503  
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Re Knee replacement, they say that you must (at own expense) arrange respite care either in your home or go to a nursing home/assisted living place.
In reality, this friend lives alone from the point of view that his wife has limited mobility, hearing loss and pretty much does not do much in the home, he takes care of shopping, dishes, food prep, laundry and most of the tidying. They get a cleaner in once a month for heavier stuff. So in spite of frozen meals, etc, she is doing things, including bringing him food and drinks etc. She is exhausted from it all. She didn't appreciate just how much he did.
This was similar with my parents, when my Dad had heart surgery, it was clear that Mum had dementia and was unable to do many things. Even heating up soup. we threw out many pots and went through a couple of smoke alarms. She died within 16 months of that, but Dad lived 10 years after his surgery, more than 8 after her death, with quite good quality. But we spend money on respite care and in home help. Worth it, IMHO.

As to why I am doing the gluten challenge. I was never "diagnosed" celiac with all the tests. Neither my doctor nor I had celiac in mind when I started getting this low abdominal pain. In addition to all the medical reasons, there was also IBS. SO with her permission, I did an elimination diet, and the only thing that bothered me as I added foods back to my diet, was gluten containing foods. So I told her that, and stayed off them. When I had an exposure and the extreme systemic reaction, another celiac told me it was celiac. The GI doc agreed. The testing requires you to eat gluten, and at the time I didn't want it, and did not see a need, neither did my docs.
HOWEVER: its not on my medical charts. Even other physicians ask if its "just" gluten intolerance or celiac. It does not matter from the pain and effects point of view. people with true non-celiac gluten intolerance (NCGI) get just as sick as celiacs. So this is reason one.
The other is a bit more complex: I have this dry eye disease. The testing for this one is even harder because half of the people with this Sjogren's syndrome never test positive on any test. So the blood work so far is negative, I would like to not have the lip biopsy (possibility of damage to the nerves in the mouth/lip). If I have another autoimmune disease that is Clearly Diagnosed, this will be taken more seriously. There may come a time when I need systemic treatment like Remicaid, and that is not covered without a formal diagnosis. So oddly enough, getting diagnosed with Celiac will help with this as well.
I am also going to do genetic testing as advised by the new GI doc who is doing this scope. He is doing a biopsy with the gastric endoscopy and you need to eat gluten to have that be accurate.
So that is done. Today is fasting and purging. Just took the Pico Salax and drinking my fluids. Fun.
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Old 03-07-2023, 06:23 PM   #504  
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Mad, I responded to you in the new Spring/Summer thread,

Here is a link to the new thread.
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