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Old 01-17-2023, 08:37 PM   #316  
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I was finished eating around 3:15. My blood sugar didn't start to climb until 7 pm. That's how pasta works for me. I used to think it didn't spike my blood sugar because it was still low at 2 hours. Then one day I tested at 4 hours and there was the spike.

I am not hungry now at 8:30 but I WANT to eat something. This is how my appetite works and I'm fighting to change that. I would often eat scrambled eggs at night, thinking its ok because its low carb. But its still food, food that I don't need because I'm not hungry. Food that will be digesting while my body should be resting and repairing. Food that will be stored as fat because its in excess of what i need. Why is it taking me til age 76 to figure this out. Eating is based on so many things other than hunger.
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Old 01-18-2023, 09:25 AM   #317  
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Scale went down 1.2 lb in spite of eating high carb meal of spaghetti. My portion was probably half of what I used to eat and I ate nothing after dinner. I slept much better last night and feel good today. Now to continue this and continue down. I know what to do. I just need to do it.

Yesterday a guy on tv was discussing the importance of sleep. DH said that's wrong. A few hours a night is all you need. Meanwhile, he's still in bed at 9:30 and he takes a nap most days.

Trish, I signed up to join a Facebook group. How will I know if I'm accepted? If its any good I will let you know.

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Old 01-18-2023, 01:11 PM   #318  
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Carol Sue, You should get a notification that you have been accepted on any FB group you join.

I think I'm learning that some carbs makes me more alert. I'm trying to find a good SF WW group again. Somehow I lost the group that I really like and hope I can find it again. So maybe I'm learning that I do need a little more carbs than low carb allows. I read some on the DASH diet in free book and decided it isn't for me. I also read heart and cancer diets and decided to just use my own WW plan along with counting calories on MFP. I'm finding that I don't eat as many calories as I need to get to 1000 but I just don't finalize the days. They will just think I'm not writing everything down.

Weight is still 189 and FBG was 125. This may be the only problem I see with this woe but hopefully that will eventually change. I have asked my doctor to call in my old fluid pill prescription because it worked better than Lasix. Lasix doesn't seem to be pulling this fluid off. I am eat no added salt but by night time, my legs are really tight. Maybe I'm just expecting too much to soon. I did get a lot of IVs while in the hospital plus the syrupy die they pumped into me and told me to drink a lot of water to flush it out. Of course, I didn't come home for 3 days after all that so it may have just taken longer to get that out. Haven't heard from doc's office as to whether he will give me the other fluid pill or not.

Have a good day.
I managed to eat 1031 calories in 3 meals within 7 hrs. today. Never heard from the doctor, but not surprised. I finally was able to go online on the hospital portal and copy what I could about tests and some results etc. Something I saw in them was also mentioned on the site where I read about the fluid pill I used to take. I think I can't take it any more because of that one thing. I'm going to have to find where I read it and see what it is and what it means.7

Eating has been good and stomach is not as sore as it has been.

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Old 01-18-2023, 11:24 PM   #319  
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I didn't hear from that FB site yet. I'm surprised it didn't ask me any questions. Just click to join and then it changed to cancel request. It still says cancel request. The site is Best Me in 2023. It says its about health. I still get tons of post from that fasting site for 40s, 50s and beyond. I don't know if I want to continue with that. I still really r it know what I'm doing on FB.

Today that had 867 calories and 77 carbs. Carbs,are higher than I'd like but I am reduced carb.

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Old 01-19-2023, 11:05 AM   #320  
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I went to bed late and slept so good! I didn't get up til 10:10. Maybe I just go to bed too early.

Scale is down .2. I expected more but down is down. Also, I usually get weighed earlier, around 7.

I still didn't hear from that FB site. Would they notify me either way?

I'm getting sick again but this,feels like a head cold.

I'm glad your stomach is feeling better. I hope you get things figured out about your fluid pill.
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Old 01-19-2023, 11:36 AM   #321  
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Carol Sue, I pray you don't get sick. Do you have something to take for it? I am still waiting for the WWSF groups to accept me on their groups too. Not sure why they are so slow. Some places seems quicker than others and sometimes when I don't hear from them for a while I decide they aren't active and cancel my request.

When I asked the surgeon about fasting for cancer he said he had never heard of that. That was in the beginning, but he was also the one of the ones who said I could continue fasting/low carb woe. So I decided this morning that knowing the benefits of autophagy even within a 20 to 24 hr fast that it would be good for me to continue doing that. So as of day I'm going back to 1 or 2 meals a day woe. Today will be 2MD and since I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for hospital follow up, I will only do OMAD then. I am going to pray that I am one of those that fasting will help. I trust what Dr. Fung and others have said about fasting. I personally believe there is a reason so many people do it successfully for health and I believe that it can't hurt and just could help.

Scale finally moved and I am down 1 lb to 188. FBG was 119 this morning. TMI but even had a very good BM. That is very encouraging to me that things are starting to get back to functioning properly. The only thing I have now is that the palms of my hands are peeling. I'm not sure what to do about it so I will have to read up on that one and see if there is anything I can do other than ride it out.

Have a great day everybody!
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Old 01-19-2023, 01:58 PM   #322  
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Trish, I never heard of peeling of the hands but I heard of a woman whose arm peeled and that was it. It might be a sign of toxins leaving your body.

We are going to Texas Roadhouse today for my birthday dinner. My birthday isn't for another 5 days but its warm today and we don't know what the weather will be like next week. We received another email coupon. They send them for our birthdays after we signed up. We used to get more coupons but now its just birthdays. Everyone is cutting back. I think I will get grilled shrimp again. I can't get that anywhere else as most have fried.

Our weather has been exceptionally warm for January with very little snow. I'm not complaining but we're just waiting for it to change drastically in Feb or March. We bought a big bag of ice melter for the driveway and haven't even opened it yet.

I coughed up a lot of mucus and now I just have a runny nose. I hope this blows thru. Hot coffee is soothing. Tea will work too.

This FB group seems new since its for 2023. It says it has,2000+ members. Whatever. I just thought it might be interesting.

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Old 01-19-2023, 06:02 PM   #323  
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854 calories for the day total carbs 121. Not eating anything else until we get home from seeing primary doctor. He finally sent me a message to take 2 furosemide a day till I see him tomorrow. I took them after dinner and I only drink water now. In fact, since I don't drink coffee since I got out of the hospital, my fasting is a clean fast.

Carol Sue enjoy our early birthday dinner.

It has been warm here too. We have set a few high records by a degree or two. Now they say that we have a chance of cooler weather coming down from Canada next week. We will see.
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Old 01-19-2023, 07:23 PM   #324  
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Our dinner was good. Unfortunately I've been having stomach issues. This is scary for me ever since I had my bowel surgery 12 years ago. Its not exactly pain but discomfort. In most cases it ends up being gas but I go to the bathroom because sometimes its more than gas. DH thinks its being caused by eggs but I've eaten eggs for years with no issues. However he cooks them in butter and I always used Pam. Maybe its too much fat. I went to the restroom at Texas Roadhouse then I went again at Target on the way home. By the time I got home I felt like I hadn't eaten.

I had this while I was sick and wasn't eating much. I'm eating less now, too. Trish, Do you remember when we used to get this while fasting and we didn't know why?

I'm glad you are seeing the doctor tomorrow. I hope he figures out why you're getting the swelling. You might end up with a nice whoosh from this.


I might have figured out my problem!!! I have started buying sugar free Werthers. While I was researching my problem I remembered that many people have issues with artificial sweeteners. I googled the sweetener in Sugar Free Wether's and its Allulose. Here's what it said about Allulose.

"That comment pretty much sums up the most popular side effect of Allulose: Gas. Allulose is also reported to have a laxative effect on some people. Other common side effects include: Bloating. Diarrhea. Gas, because it’s worth mentioning here again"

Sometimes I just have a piece once in a while, but last night I had a lot. I will stop eating them and see if it helps.

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Old 01-19-2023, 10:38 PM   #325  
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Carol Sue thanks for sharing that about the Werther's sugar free candy. I love Werther's and thought of getting it. Those are things I will have to watch with the bowel issues I experience from time to time. I don't need the bloating.

I read about the peeling of my hands. I have a wax machine for my hands and it says to use it for peeling hands. Also vaseline is good for it. BS said she had the same thing happen when she was in the hospital years ago for dehydration and kidney infection.
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Old 01-20-2023, 07:29 AM   #326  
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I don't understand how I could be up 1 lb after all the potty issues. Whatever. I'm getting tired of this up and down. I know my carbs were too high.

Whatever was going on that made me feel like I was getting a cold is gone. I still have a runny nose but that's normal.

I was up too early so I might go back to bed.


I didn't go back to bed. We went to Walmart. We were back home by 10:25. I thought I was getting off easy not buying much but it was $93 +. Everything has gone up so much and the only meat I bought was hot dogs.

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Old 01-20-2023, 01:04 PM   #327  
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Weight down .8 lbs today making 1.8 lbs down since uping the Lasix which I hope that means the fluid is starting to come down. I hope the doctor will let me keep taking it that way until it comes off then I want to start back on low carb because low carb helps keep the fluid off. Legs still feel tight, but I can see a slight difference although small. I look forward to seeing what doc has to say today.

I'm fasting today until we get home. Not sure what we are going to eat today, because DH wants to get take out and I am not sure what my stomach can tolerae besided the sodium in it. May get chicken and remove the batter and skin and add my home made soup. Today is a OMD.

Carol Sue, you eat out almost everyday so you don't know what you get in the food so I would think your 1 lb up is temporary.

I know what you mean about going to the store to buy groceries these days. They can say that economy is better all they want but the grocery bill says it isn't.

Hope everybody has a great day.
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Old 01-20-2023, 05:46 PM   #328  
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Trish, eggs went down $.20 in Walmart. It would be nice if they were going to gradually go back down. We found out that a guy DH knows has chickens and sells the eggs. DH said he would be afraid to eat them but I would like to try them. I don't know how much he charges.

The reason we eat out so often is because we don't like the same things. I am learning to order things without seasoning. And smaller portions.

I think I got all the things done I had to do. I scheduled my taxes. I made DHs doctor appointment and ordered his meds. DH called the cable company and took care of that. I get stressed out about things.

I called my friend and she was not home. She called me back and she's ok. She was worried about me too because for some reason our emails have not been going through. We have to figure out why.

I'm glad you are losing again and getting rid of fluid.
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Old 01-20-2023, 08:54 PM   #329  
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I had a good doctor's visit although news wasn't all that good as far as diagnosis goes. The biopsy shows ovarian serous carcinoma is favored. I asked if it coould be removed but it has spreed somewhere else, but he stressed "You do not have colon cancer". He said once he found out that I was in the hospital and I had the byopsy that he kept watching for the results so he could be the one to tell me the results because he did not want me to hear it from a doctor I had just met. I cried and told him that I was so thankful he was my doctor and was telling me himself. I told doctor I had done everything right to keep from ever having cancer and he said to me there is nothing you could have possibly done to cause this. It just happens. m= I told him I still am going to continue to be optimistic and stay in faith that God is going to bring me though this because I am going to fight it. He emailed the oncologist while I was in his office and told him to treat it for urgent care.

I talked to him about my diet and asked him if I could continue doing low carb with intermittent fasting and he said yes. In fact, he told me to eat anything I felt comfortable eating, but to remember that my protein was low and that I need to eat plenty of protein. He said that my protein being so low is one reason my body was holding on to the fluid like it is. So instead of getting pizza we got chicken and I ate 2 pieces of chicken and had coleslaw. I also had my 0% milk and DH got some ice ream when he went to get his meds and we had that for dessert. I had a lot of calories for lunch (what I get for not planning in advance). I finished the day with a protein shake. So my OMAD turned into 1 meal and a snack. 1169 calories, 58 carbs with 54 net carbs. Protein could have been higher but it was good for today eaten within about 3 1/2 hrs. So tomorrow I will start my day off with a more protein and healhier carbs than what I had today. I am to continue taking 40 g of Lasix until the fluid is gone. I hope the protein will help so I won't have to take it much longer.

Overall it was still a good day.

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Old 01-21-2023, 10:02 AM   #330  
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Trish, I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis but we both trust God to help us and its best to put it in his hands. He knows you have praised him all of your life and he will take care of you. . My friend went through treatment for cancer and it was hard,but she has been clear for several years. Treatment has come a long way.

When I was being treated after my bowel surgery I was reminded that protein is necessary for healing and told to have protein at every meal.

Yesterday I was not hungry for dinner but DH coerced me into going to Rodneys and earing half of a fish sandwich. It was delicious but I ate when not hungry and felt I had had enough food for the day. I should be the one to decide what and how much I eat but marriage is a compromise. I was rewarded with a 1 lb drop on the scale, so I assume I was retaining fluid yesterday. I recall previously when we would go out to eat and I would eat a whole fish sandwich myself. That was when I was gaining and weighed much more. I now know that I don't need that much food to be healthy and well fed. Although I am eating less now I rarely feel hungry. I think of all the years I over ate but thought it was normal. Things could have been very different.
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