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Old 02-08-2023, 02:53 PM   #421  
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Trish, I hope the doctor doesn't put you in the hospital but its best if that's what you need.
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Old 02-08-2023, 07:29 PM   #422  
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Thank God no trip to the hospital. By the time we got to the oncologist office and they checked bp it 128/56. So that was good.

The doctor was great and already has a suggested plan which he is recommending to the gycconologitic/oncologist which I will see on the 22nd of this month. The good news is that it stage 3 not stage 4. I see the person next Wednesday who will teach me how to handle chemotherapy and then I assume chemotherapy will start sometime after I see the gynecologist. I will have 3 founds of chemotherapy and then they will reaccess to see if I can have a hysterectomy. Then after surgery there will be 3 more founds of chemotherapy. He said this usually put it into remission. So I left with hope of recovery.

I asked him about keto diet and he said he doesn't like anything with the word diet in it, but I am not to worry with dieting for now. He said instead of worrying about weight I need to just eat healthy and exercise as he said that helps with the healing and recovery. Weightloss isn't to be on my minds at this time. It is good to have a plan. The weight will get better once I've been through the treatments.

We got fried chicken and I got cole slaw and ate all of it because I told DH that I always gain because of the sodium and I need that. So now I am exhausted so I'm going to take a nap.
The lady who wrote the book on keto to kill cancer gave an update research that says eating a keto diet with high fat actually causes the ovarian cancer cells to grow. So I don't know if a low carb low fat diet will work or not. I guess I need to look for more research on this.

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Old 02-08-2023, 10:29 PM   #423  
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I am very relieved to hear from you, Trish! Thank God your BP came up. Thank God it is stage 3 not 4. My friend who had the port in her arm was stage 3 and she is healed as far as I know. This was years ago, maybe 2011 and treatment has probably improved since then.

I understand the doctor not wanting you to be on a weight loss diet but Keto is a way of eating. I have also heard that some cancers feed on fat as well as sugar. I will do research too and let you know what I find. You know that different people will have different opinions. I have always heard that vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower fight cancer. I believe you can eat healthy and lose weight. You can just watch your carbs enough to keep blood sugar under control. Also, you may very well lose weight during treatment, so for now just concentrate on eating healthy.

I want to get back to eating more vegetables, too. I have been a bit constipated lately and I think the veggies will help. I have been craving sweet potatoes and I was going to buy some but I read an article that said they are a no-no for diabetics. I entered one in MFP and it said 25 carbs. That's too much for me for just one item. So I will limit that to when I go to Texas Roadhouse.

Most of the people in my group on Twitter are low carb or keto. There was a discussion about some other country eating a high carb diet and being very thin with no metabolic issues like diabetes. They said they ate a lot of yams and a lot of other vegetables but very little meat, eating fish. But they didn't eat carbs like sugar,bread or potatoes. Its a completely different woe than Americans eat.

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Old 02-08-2023, 11:06 PM   #424  
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Carol Sue, Thanks for helping look up how to eat. I did find one place that said plant based diet. I figure the old WW plan of low fat and no sugar would probably be the best way to go. This plant base says limit red meat. I too will continue to research on the way to eat.
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Old 02-08-2023, 11:42 PM   #425  
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Trish, I saw a lot about plant based, too, emphasising low fat. Also, even though I looked up "diet for treatment of ovarian cancer" much of what came up said for prevention rather than treatment. I think plant based can be on the low carb side and could still help with weight loss.
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Old 02-09-2023, 12:35 PM   #426  
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Weight is still 181. Yesterday afternoon I had a sugar binge. We went to Dollar Tree for a couple things and I was grabbing those little bags of candy. When I got home I ate 2 of them, then I had a Hostess snowball that DH bought. I only had half a sandwich for dinner but the damage was already done. I have it in my head that those little bags,don't have much in them and they are ok. Not ok.

I didn't go to bed til midnight which is late for me. I don't even remember getting into bed so I think I fell asleep instantly. I slept straight thru til 5 am, but didn't sleep well after that.

Step daughter applied for a good job and should learn if she got it today or tomorrow. Its close to home. She needs a job that's close to home because her car is old and not reliable for distance. She often calls,DH for a ride when it breaks down.
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Old 02-09-2023, 05:02 PM   #427  
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Carol Sue, We quit buying the small bags of chips for the same reason. We found it too easy to eat 2 because they were small.

I have only been able to find information on how to eat to prevent ovarian cancer. I'm thinking the new information is probably so new they haven't got anything on it. I think lowfat lowcarb probably would work just as well. I checked my ketones this morning and it was 1.7 which is probably pretty good although Dr. Seyfried says close to or less than 1. I think I'm going to lean on more low sugar fruits and veggies for the most part.

I didn't get to bed until 3 am because I got sick and threw up all the food I had eaten. It was one of those times when you knew you would have no relieft until you could get rid of it. Thank God not like before I went to hospital. Then I got up this morning with potty issue, but my gut actually feels better with less pressure. We had soup for dinner. BP is still low even with the sodium in the soup. I didn't get up until noon. The low BP makes me want to sleep all the time.

I pray your step daughter will get the job since it is convinient being close to home.

Hope everybody has a good day.
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Old 02-09-2023, 06:20 PM   #428  
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Trish, I am going to list sites that I've found.

This one discusses diet during cancer treatment in general.

This one relates to late stage but may have info elation you can use

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Old 02-09-2023, 06:58 PM   #429  
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According to MFP my daily diet should have me down to 174 in 5 weeks, but in order for that to happen the scale would have to go down, which it's not. Apparently they are wrong about MY needs. Everyone of us has different mind visual requirements.

When DH went out today to play the lottery he stopped at the meat store and got ground beef and we had hamburgers. Homemade are the only hamburgers I Iike. Some restaurants have good ones made with Angus beef but they are costly. I was surprised that it was on sale for under $4 per pound so I will get more tomorrow to make stuffed cabbage rolls over the weekend. Both of us have been craving them.
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Old 02-09-2023, 07:58 PM   #430  
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HI Friends: I left 3FC because it took so long to read and post, everything loaded really slowly. Today seems to be good.
Trish: I am sorry to hear about this diagnosis. I hope you do well with treatment and there seems to reason for optimism. You have lots of loving family who need you!

Carol: you are doing well now too. the weigh looks good.

I am not doing well. I gained a bit over the summer, and since Christmas have gained more. My pain in the low abdomen that I had 5 years ago, before I went off gluten returned about a year ago, and slowly go worse. I have an endoscopy and colonoscopy booked in a month, and in the mean time I am doing a gluten challenge as I want the formal diagnosis of celiac disease. I am less worried about the CD than about the Sjogren's syndrome. I want it all documented on my medical charts, and a presumptive diagnosis apparently doesn't show up in the charts. If the CD is positive, that will mean that the Sjogren's will be diagnosed as well, because having another autoimmune disease means a lot.
So I am really gaining weight with all the carbs, and blood sugars are not great. After the tests in March, I will be working full time to get the weight down and the blood sugars under control.
I am noticing some shaking from low blood sugar from time to time, that I didn't get when I ate lower carb. With only a couple of exceptions, I won't be missing the gluten much.

Blessings and love to you both.
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Old 02-09-2023, 08:02 PM   #431  
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Carol Sue, Thank you for both the articles. I saved them because I may need them in the future especially the one concerning side effects.

Today has been okay. I haven't had much to eat but will work at some ot th advice I read about. I had a small amount of applesauce for a snack. The main thing I want to do today is keep from feeling stuffed.
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Old 02-09-2023, 08:23 PM   #432  
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Mad!! Great to see you posting! We were very happy to have the site up and running properly again and hope it stays that way.

I'm sorry to hear of your weight gain and health issues. Hopefully after your upcoming tests you can get back to losing. I hope the issues are manageable.

Are you working at all or are you completely retired now? How has your weather been? Our winter has been mild and warmer than usual but we are waiting to see if we get hit.
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Old 02-09-2023, 10:44 PM   #433  
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fatmad So good to hear from you. Sorry about the weight gain and healthy issues. I will praying that things will get worked out for you and you can get back to your weight loss. I've been told the weight gain and inability to lose is due to the cancer but should resolve itself when as I have treatment etc.

I finally did 5 minutes on the recumbent bike. I told DH I needed to start somewhere as it is going to be helpful with my treatment and recovery. DH had to help me get my left foot on the peddle which means I will have to wait until he is up to help me until I get the fluid off my feet and legs.
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Old 02-10-2023, 08:34 AM   #434  
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Up early again today. My weight is creeping up by tenths daily. Its not a lot but then it takes me a few days to get back down. 182.0 today. Its a few extra carbs here and there.

Trish, I agree its important to concentrate on healing the cancer more than weight loss. I think the exercise will help with the fluid and maybe give you more needed energy. I plan to do some exercise today.

Mad, are you still doing any extended fasts? That always worked for you. DH is still enabling me. I have to accept it. Its up to me to be strong and just say no and mean it. He recently bought some things I Iike but shouldn't be eating. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, they say.

Well I did my exercise! 35 minutes. It was hard getting started but by the time I was finished I felt like I was getting my second one wind. I can't believe I finally did it.

We went out to eat and had salmon. I love salmon.

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Old 02-10-2023, 07:02 PM   #435  
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I got up this morning with potty issues and hoping it would stop till I got back from getting blood draw. Blood pressure still low too so it was a chore going to have it done.

DH went to the store and got me some fruit and some Fritos I've been craving as I decided I was craving the sodium on them. I decided I wanted tacos so we got Taco Bell without lettuce since it seems to bother my stomach. So I had a good meal for dinner. I will have some grapes and berries later.

I also realized that I'm drinking about half the amount of water that I should be drinking so working on drinking more today. The lady that drew blood told me that when I have chemo that it is important to drink water even if I can't keep it down. She said it still seeps into the system and eases up some of the side effects. I also got an email from oncologist office on education concerning chemo and what to eat when having chemo. Plant based diet seems to be the way to eat during this time.
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