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Old 08-06-2009, 02:03 AM   #271  
Size 6 here I come!
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Hello ladies...I don't post much but just wanted to ask a quick question. I've been counting calories for 4 weeks now and I have to say that this last week has been horrible for me. I can't seem to get enough food, could this be because TOM will be here any day or am I not eating enough (1200-1300 calories)??

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Old 08-06-2009, 06:18 AM   #272  
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Good Morning Ladies

Just doing my morning check in, to catch up on all the news before I try to wrestle my boys out of bed and get everyone off to school. I did well last night and I think I'm getting into the swing of things again...regarding our new schedule with school in session. Yesterday was kind of nice. It was quiet and I had plenty of time to do absolutely nothing. At any rate, I'll be back later to catch up with personals and to update you ladies on the day two of out C25K. So until then, you cool cats take it easy, have a fantastic day and don't forget your smiles!
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Old 08-06-2009, 06:54 AM   #273  
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Originally Posted by mars540 View Post
Hello ladies...I don't post much but just wanted to ask a quick question. I've been counting calories for 4 weeks now and I have to say that this last week has been horrible for me. I can't seem to get enough food, could this be because TOM will be here any day or am I not eating enough (1200-1300 calories)??

After I had been counting calories for awhile and my appetite changed, I had the same problem....still do. Not sure what to do about it as I know I have some days that I eat more then I should but as long as I am working out and eating the right things and my pants fit and I feel good...It's working.

Maybe someone else has a suggestion.
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Old 08-06-2009, 07:49 AM   #274  
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I am ready to start August off with a smile. I am going to try to go from to 251 I am going to try very hard!!
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Old 08-06-2009, 08:12 AM   #275  
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Gooooooood Morning ladies!!!

jeannep~ WTG on the workout hun! I have just started posting more on the exercise thread after my first workout and I gotta say, typing out my next workout with the word 'pending' for all of you to see is a great motivator! No way I want to come back and not be able to say I did it! Love your attitude, no sense looking back and fretting about the past--just keep your eyes forward and keep on truckin'!!

~ Woo hoo! There ya go! Making the best possible choice by not going to lunch with your friends! Bravo! Hope you and the stairmaster had a sweet reunion!

wanting~ so...did you end up doing a guilt workout? I've totally done that! Sorry to hear PMS is messing with you! Stupid, stupid TOM!!!

SG~ ah yes, daily weighing definitely has it's pitfalls, but it keeps me honest and motivated. I don't think I would have upped my workouts if it weren't for this stall out--and that's a good thing because I definitely think it was time to crank things up a notch--I just needed a good push. Congrats on your muscle gain! That's awesome! I really wish I would have had my body fat tested...I'm sure I've lost a lot, I'm feeling bones and muscles I don't remember ever being there!

~ hey hun, don't sweat it! Not everyone can post every single day and get into all the personals and stuff and it's only going to get worse with school starting up soon. All we care about is you popping in to say 'howdy' and keeping us in the loop with your progress! So don't worry about not being able to post much k? I'm going to need to switch up my routine a bit for school too--which essentially means getting my butt out of bed even earlier I don't wanna!!! But, if it means getting my workout in in peace--so be it!

Darby~ sorry to hear about your computer! Glad to hear you're doing so well though! I hope your hubby can get that virus off asap!!! Keep up the great work!!!

~ well, like I told Delphi, I knew I was going to stall out right before my goal. Even when I was just .2 lbs away I never changed my ticker because I just had a feeling...dang mental games. Oh well, at this point weighing in is more of a habit vs. a need. I know I'm not gaining fat so it's all good. I would, however, like to see my goal NOW!!! I'm sick of dancing around it and I want to actually hit 149 so I can get to that much desired point of being a 'Normal Weight' (whatever that is ). Ahh well, all in due time I guess.

~ ahh bbq chips are the devil too! Evil things! Know what's even better? Those Veggie Chips by Terra--Oh My Goodness so darned good! I can't even go near the dang things! And you'd think they would be better for you than regular chips, because they're sweet potato and beets and whatever--but nope. Ugh...I could probably still polish of a bag if left to my own devices! Glad you had fun in the waves and congrats on the new suit!!! You're doing fantastic!

Khunter~ Woo hoo! Congrats on the loss hun! Give yourself a huge pat on the back girlie! After all, YOU did all the work!!

~ here's hoping your scale is in a smiley mood today!! Glad to hear everything's going well! Keep it up hun, you're doing great!!

~ glad to see you checking in! Great job on the bike ride! My butt always hurts after I ride a bike--that's why I don't! It's not my muscles so much as my bones--yeeouch!

Ruth~ mmm! That chicken sounds so good! I have a confession...I've never tried goat scares me. There, I said it! I'm afraid of goat cheese! Ack! Isn't it ridiculous? I just can't get my head around it...don't know why. It's the same thing with goat milk or soy milk--it's just not...I don't know, I just can't do it! I need someone to slip me some goat cheese on the sly and tell me it's some fancy foreign cheese until I eat it and declare it delicious--then they can tell me it's goat cheese and it'll be all good. Whew, man ya know, I feel better just admitting that. Well, even though you didn't intend on working out, I bet you're glad you got some exercise in huh? WTG hun!!! I hear ya on the 30DS--same thing happened to me during some part of the workout--like the muscle in the back of my knee seized up and oooh it hurt! Not nearly as long as yours, but it a few days of limited mobility and pain--that's when I gave it up last time.

mars~ oh I go through that sometimes too. Could be hormones decreasing your appetite, could just be you're not hungry. The more you eat small meals throughout the day, the easier it will become to get all your calories in. When I first started counting calories I had trouble getting all my little meals in throughout the day--not any more! Keep at it and it'll get easier.

Delphi~'d Day 2 go? I was so tired and sore this morning I was huffing and puffing and wobbly during the first run--after that I was better though (thank goodness!). How was the boys' first day back? I bet you'll get back into the swing of things in no time! Hey, send me some Jedi dust would ya? I need to levitate Darth Scale out of the window and across the yard into a tree...

~ and good luck with your August Goals!!!

Well girls, nothing new to report here. Nothin'. Nada. Zip, zero, zilch. Scale isn't budgin' a bit. I never made it to 1500 cals yesterday but did get in a little over 1400--supposed to do the same today (based on the calorie cycling schedule) and I don't know if I'll make it. I'm so used to eating around 1250 that I'm having a hard time. Ahhh well, whatever.

I am s o r e today!!! I guess doing ST'ing, 30 DS and the EA 30 DC was a little more than the old bod expected in one day! But, it's a great feeling! I haven't had sore muscles in a long time and you know what that means? It means that I wasn't working as hard as I could have! So, I'm glad that I pushed myself yesterday. Now, I don't know that I'll keep up that pace from here on out ( Not likely) but I do know that I'm keeping Jillian and the Wii close by. I think I'm going to alternate between the 2 workouts and one of them daily.

Lastly, TOM, while cramp and pain free, is being a *#&@$#!!!! He not only brought with him the extra water weight, but a slew of zits! Like I haven't done that enough in my lifetime! I'm nearly 40 for Pete's sake! Anyway, Mt. Vesuvius is brewing on the left side of my chin and is making my chin all lopsided and wonky! It hurts like the dickens and I haven't got any kind of zit medicine in the house! Good think I don't have portraits scheduled or anything! Seriously, I'm too old for this crap!

Well girls, that about does it for me. I'm going to go get the newspaper, look at the sales ads and relax a bit before the troops start waking up. Have a great day everyone and be sure to...

Drink Your Water!!!
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Old 08-06-2009, 08:50 AM   #276  
One day at a time...
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Hey Everyone!
Just checking in while I drink my breakfast... I'm sure going to miss all this leisure time when I go back to work next Friday. I'm ready, but not ready.. the same as any school year. I'm actually interested to see what it does to my weight loss as summer tends to make me lazy and work will get me up and moving and frantic again. Haha!

khunter - Congrats on the weight loss!!!

shasha - I hear ya! My DH used to work in the same town as me, and we bought a house a 25 minute drive away because it was far cheaper... Then gas prices went up.. and then they transfered him an additional half hour away! We're still living in the same location, but I often wish we could afford to live closer to where he works but man, those suburbs get expensive reallllly quickly. Hang in there and good luck with the interviews!

mars - All I can say is, when my TOM hits, I can eat everything in sight and still be like "so when's dinner???" I haven't been calorie counting long and I'm a lot heavier than you are so I really can't offer advice on if you're eating enough or not. There is a calorie counter forum where a bunch of experienced people can help you out.

cmo4 - I'm sooo glad I get my body fat % tested, it gives me something real to look at rather than the numbers on a scale... keeps me from having some wonky goal weight which would require me to lose muscle to attain.

Have a great day! I'm sure I'll pop my nose in another time or two
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Old 08-06-2009, 08:54 AM   #277  
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Cramp and pain Sandye? Me too and yet he still is hanging around. I don't have any dust, however, I can will you to do it. One good force push, should send it flying a few hundred yards though. The boys leave around 6:40 and get home around 2:40...and yeah, it was a groovy workout this morning. We end up outside around six, so we goof off out there until the bus comes and then I started my workout...and it felt so good. I kind of cheated and took two advil before I started though. I got kind of creeped out at the preachers son next door though. He was sitting in his car during my entire workout...don't know what he was doing over there, but it kind of bothered me. If you have seen those pictures on Facebook, he was kind of parked where they usually park the church was just creepy.

I'm kind of a in a hurry to get off here. I need to go get my butt in the shower while little man is still asleep. I'll check back in later ladies.
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Old 08-06-2009, 09:51 AM   #278  
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Woke up this morning to 234.0 on the scale! Woot Woot! And that was without even working out yesterday! Musta been all the dang veggies I made myself eat. LOL! So I'm still PMSing like nobody's business but still haven't even actually started... whats up with that?! If I'm gunna feel crappy then I mise well actually have it right!? It's two days late which is odd...... i'm so not even going there tho... it will come. But yahhhh for another half a lb down!

Shasha seems you are right on track! Congrats! And I know how passing up lunch out can be tough but SNAPs to you for skipping it!!!! Way to go! and the healthy snacks...great! I am SUCH a snacker so they are the only thing that get me thru this battle I swear!

Other ladies... I'm working on being able to post to everyone... which will prob be slow to start This board can get crazy busy! But keep working hard... it will be sooooo worth it!

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Old 08-06-2009, 10:36 AM   #279  
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Jeweliek- Wow, C25k. I really need to try that. I have heard a lot about it, and really have no excuse not to start. My boyfriend runs half marathons every few months and to practice he goes on runs every week. He’s going to be doing a marathon next year. He wants me to start running with him, but hes already so far ahead of me. Plus, I’m still too embarrassed to be running in public.

Darby1- Great job on keeping your exercise in check.

Canadianangel- Eating some chips is ok, as long as you do it in moderation. I’m all for that. I think it helps keep you on track rather than depriving yourself all together. Good job on getting your run in. Also, YAY on the new bathing suit. How sweet is that? The hard work is really starting to pay off.

Jeannep- You can’t change the past, just have to keep moving forward. I have days like that too, where I will just eat everything for like a week straight.

Khunter- Great job on losing 2.7lbs!!! So you are technically a little more than halfway.

Ruth135- mmmm all this talk about stuffed chicken. I love sun dried tomatoes. (actually I love all tomatoes, can’t get enough of em). Yea, 30DS kills me too. I can’t believe its only 20 minutes. I feel like I sweat more on it than a lot of my other workouts.

Mars540- I’m sure TOM plays some part in it. I know I get ravenous when its that time for me. Maybe you could up your calories to 1500 for a couple days? It might even make you lose some more since your body has been so used to getting 1200.

Delphi- Omg, I can’t believe school has started already. I swear just a couple weeks ago it was the last day of school. Time sure flies, esp in the summer.

Smileydd- Looks like we have similar starting weights.

Crazymamaof4- Sorry to hear about the zits. I get them too when its TOM. Sorry about the scale not budging. We all hit plateaus. I’m sure in a few weeks, all of a sudden you will lost like 5 lbs. That’s happened to me in the past.

Wanting2b140- Congrats on the loss. I have been peeking at the scale for tomorrows weigh in and so far I’m smiling too.
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Old 08-06-2009, 10:44 AM   #280  
Back at it...again!
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Well, the scale did smile at me this morn. I'm down a pound so far this month, which doesn't sound amazing, but since it includes a weekend out of town and my anniversary...I'll take it! I hope it continues!

mars-That amount of cals sounds about right, but what are you using them on? I don't know what your diet cosists of now, but veggies/fruits and whole grains are low in cals and very filling. Also, lean meats are excellent at filling you up for a long time without too much fat or calories. It's easy to use calories, but it's what you use them on that matters. I have a very healthy appetite and couldn't eat like bird and stay OP, I've just learned to make food that's filling and healthy. Hope that helps.

wanting -Congrats on the scale victory! Don't ya love to see progress?!

Sandye-WTG on "feelin' the burn"!! I know I have had days lately when I am sore pretty much all over and think, "YES! I'm doing it! I'm getting healthy!"

Ruth-That sounds delicious, when's dinner? I don't know what I'd do if DH didn't like chicken. I use some form of chicken about 2/3 of the time. I can get mighty creative with it, though! And I love coming here and getting new ideas.

Delphi-Smart move with the advil. I never think to do that, but it's not a bad idea on those tougher days. I'm one who forgets about medicine...thus my problem with remembering my multi-vitamin. It's a work in progress!

Jacque-I'm SO looking forward to getting to the point (at the maintenace stage) when I can just base things off my clothes continuing to fit nicely. THAT is when you know you've arrived! I'm, of course, still waiting to see what my end size will be. Oh, what a shopping spree I will go on then!
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:02 AM   #281  
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CrazyMama no i did not do a guilt workout. lol. But how bout it is still weighing on me so i was thinking of doing two today to make up for it I think this proves that I have had a successful brain change! Stressing out over missing 1 day! And I still even lost a 1/2 lb even!! But I love it! That's tough about the scale as well for ya tho. I have heard that this is to be expected...we all hear that... but that doesn't mean it sucks any less when it happens to you. I'm sure you'll go back to losing sooooon and you'll be able to give us all advice on making it thru a "stand still"

Shasha thanks! and you're funny... I know all about the lil "peeks" of the Keep it up today and you'll be thrilled in the morning!!!!!

OKay I'm off to put DS down for am nap which means workout time for me!(we are 20 minutes behind schedule!)

Happy Losing Ladies!!!

August Minigoal:

Long Term Goal:

For EVERY 5 POUNDS LOST!!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:19 AM   #282  
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No longer morbidly obese by Aug 7th- MET

Reach 10% target by Aug 13- 1.4 lbs to go!

No Candy through August 21 (I started July 21)- On Track

And, hmm, lets say down to 255 by Aug 31- On Track
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:30 AM   #283  
making progress again!
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hey everyone, I haven't checked in since I posted my goals, this thread gets HUGE, fast! I have bad news and good news to report...I hurt my lower back on Sunday and have spent as much time as possible laying down. I was feeling good enough yesterday that I could have gone for a bike ride or walk to keep up my goal of exercising 5 days a week! yay! BUT...the forest fires are so bad (there is a huge one 17 miles from our house and the city is surrounded) that the air quality is listed as very unhealthy and there is a fine layer of ash on everything. needless to say, the kids and I stayed insidel

Doing well on the weight loss part though! I am hoping we get a whole lot of rain this week so I can get back outside and exercise!!!
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:48 AM   #284  
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Good morning ladies. Well, I had cookies for breakfast which was obviously a bad decision. I really need to get my head straight. Does anyone have an inspirational book they could recommend? I'm not too interested in a specific "diet" book, but more someone's story that will get me psyched up.
I'm jogging after work again today. (I know this isn't the exercise thread, but it's all I can do to keep track of one thread.)
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:53 AM   #285  
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Shrinking Girl- How are you liking the C25K? I've never been a runner, but when I was getting near the end (before I fell off the metaphorical wagon) it was SO empowering!
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