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Old 08-09-2009, 10:47 PM   #391  
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Good evening ladies! Well, as promised, I'm back for personals before I turn in.

~ oh believe me I used to loathe squash--zucchini I could barely tolerate, but any other kind would induce gagging. Taste buds do change and I do believe it's all in how you prepare it. I have texture issues too (hence my tomato aversion) so I feel ya! But, take baby steps--add a little zucchini to something like spaghetti or pizza--that is, when you start cooking more , but grilling it is my favorite! Mmmm! And I just figured out you can make bread out of summer squash, not just zucchini! I made a batch of some low fat/low cal muffins--Sooooo good! Woo hoo! We finished week one!!! We so rock!!! I'm looking forward to week two and I need to have hubby put the next podcast on the ol' ipod! Richard cracks me up! He's so mellow and calm sounding and then there's all that techno music he plays I dunno, it just doesn't seem to fit his calm voice.

Susie~ nice to see you checking in hun! Keep it up, and before you know it you'll be back to full force in no time!

Mom~ Armour Bra! I love it! Well, glad you found one that's working for you! I meant to tell you, HIIT doesn't have to include running--it can be all walking if you want/need it to. All that matters is that during the High Intensity part, you push as hard as you can go--so if that means a super brisk walk and then taking it down to just a face walk during your rest--so be it. So you don't have to run if you don't want to--but eventually you'll work up to it I'm sure. The workout I did was a Denise Austin workout--I can't even remember the name of it, but it was a dance party type workout and it was ridiculous. I mean, maybe someone more talented in the dance and coordination department would find it great--but as you know, I'm not one of those girls. I've heard great things about the Walk Away the Pounds workouts! On the exercise board there's lots of girls over there doing it. Hope you enjoyed your quiet morning!

twilightfan~ Congrats on the new car!!! Ahh, nothing like that new car smell! Let's see...water...well, the one thing I tell everyone who has trouble with drinking enough water (besides reminding them daily ) is to get a 64oz water bottle. Fill it first thing in the morning and keep it by your side all day long. So long as you finish that one bottle, you're good! I mean, keeping track of a bunch of little bottles is a hassle, filling up your glass over and over and over--same thing--but filling one bottle up once is easy peasy! Now, as for diet aids--the only thing I've started adding recently is Green Tea, but I'm not sure that I'm even drinking enough to do anything. I was mainly trying to help get rid of extra water retention last week--not sure it did anything though. Diet pills and stuff like that I tend to avoid, I'm just not big into taking stuff like that--call me paranoid, but I don't trust it. Lastly, I weigh every day, first thing in the morning.

~ okay, I'm now going to have to check out this Polymetrics workout you've been talking about! Swear words huh? Well, I think I could get into a workout like that! Sounds right up my Mom's alley--she's a closet cusser! It's so cute! I got a HR Monitor today! It wasn't a Polar--mainly because the only ones they had were over $70 and I'm a tightwad (plus hubby was there and I'm pretty sure he would have pitched a hissy fit right there if I had bought one of them ), but I'll talk more about that in a bit. Sorry you had such rotten sleep last night! I hate nights like that! Congrats on the loss--girl, before you know it you'll be in the 170's!!! You're flyin' through the 180's girlie!!!

Ruth~ congrats on the loss! Hopefully you didn't do any major damage with all the snacking--but really, that's what we're supposed to do--6-7 small meals throughout the day vs. 3 big ones, so maybe it's all good! I can't wait to see your new bathroom! You will be sharing pics right?

Ang~ I'll be saying a prayer for your hubby too! I hope you had a wonderful day with him today and that you'll be hearing from him often!

Jessica~ now that's willpower! Mmm! Popcorn is so goooooood! I just bought a microwave popcorn bowl--no oil or butter needed, just kernels so no added fat! Unfortunately, the first batch we popped was with old corn so it was blechy! I bought some more though and I'm looking forward to popping a big ol' batch soon! Congrats on the 2 lbs gone!!! Woo hoo! That's awesome! Aw hun, I just read about your ex, I'm so sorry that you're going through all of that. It sounds like a painful, sad situation all around. Stay strong and we're here if you need us k?

Lisan~ It's never too late! Welcome aboard! Just jump right in and make yourself at home we've got a great bunch of girls here!

SG~ so, how was the pool? It was wicked hot and humid today, I'm guessing you had the same type of weather as we did. Boo, hiss--what happened to our wonderfully mild Summer? Bravo on finishing Week One!!! Bring on Week Two!! Woo hoo!

IntheMidst~ Welcome back! Glad you had a great vacation and that the scale is being kind to you!!!

FSA~ I'll have to check out the exercise thread in a bit--hope you had a great weekend too! Chat with you soon!

Nello~ Woo hoo! Holy cow you're so close to Onderland!!! I'm so excited for you!!! And you got PX90 too? Woo hoo! Now dang it all, I didn't need to hear that! I mean, I can't get it too, but I don't wanna be the only kid on the playground without it! Congrats all around girlie!!!

khunter~ I swear there should be a Mexican Food clause somewhere in the whole healthy lifestyle plan! I could live off of Mexican food! I love, love, love it!!! Mmmm! Glad to hear your kiddos are home and that you're back OP now! Here's to another great week starting up!!

shasha~ sounds like you had a wonderful time and yes, you made some great choices! You have more self control than I do--I don't know if I could have stuck to the salad bar if I was faced with a Mexican buffet! Mmmm! In fact, I KNOW I wouldn't have! Heck I got all drooly just reading about the yummy stuff you resisted!

MsP~ Welcome back hun! WTG maintaining this weekend! That's hard to do while eating out! I bet you'll be uber busy with all the packing and organizing! Hopefully you'll burn extra 'moving calories' and see some big swooshes!! Glad to have you back hun!

Well girlies, it was a looooooooooong day! Got the kitchen cleaned and made a fantabulous pita pizza with chicken, zucchini and tomatoes--fresh basil and rosemary too boot--Mmmm, so dang goooooooood! Dare I say it...I think I love veggies!! After we got everyone fed and ready, we headed to Target, got the Birthday gift (turns out this girl has enough toys to fill a toy store--it was insane!!!) and I bought a HR monitor!! I got a cheaper one by SportLine and it seems to be pretty accurate so far. Since today was my day off of exercise I didn't check it yet during a workout or anything, but I played with it a little and plan on wearing it all day/night for a couple of weeks like Tummy did to see if my BMR is accurate. I am super excited I got one, I bet I'll find that I need to crank up my cardio a bit to be at 80% too! Still need to figure out what my heart rate should be and all that jazz...

Anyway, went to the baseball game and good gravy was it HOT! Geez! We left sometime during the 6th inning--it was just too icky out. Then we headed to the party for a bit and chatted with my b&sil. After that we left, picked up some dinner and came home.

Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day. I need to head to the boys' school, pay for book rental and pick up some more supplies, get their hair cut, hit Staples or Office Depot to get 5X7 post its--I can't find them anywhere and they both need them for school! I need to run to Walmart for my pitas and some more grape tomatoes (possibly some more apples too) and then back home. Then I need to organize their backpacks and stuff and do all the laundry. Ack! I hate the last couple of days of Summer! I wish I had another month! On the other hand, I'm ready for a little less noise in the house too!

Well ladies, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Tomorrow is the start of a brand new week! Let's make it a great one!!!

Sleep well and I'll catch y'all tomorrow!
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Old 08-09-2009, 11:14 PM   #392  
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CM4 - Yipee for the HRM!! I love seeing the numbers. What an eye opener. Your pizza sounded awesome! Veggies are the best.
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Old 08-09-2009, 11:47 PM   #393  
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Late to the game- I used to do Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds. I was actually surprised that I would get sore after it. I don't use the weights or bands she uses in many of her videos, but I find that 2-3 lbs hand weights work just fine.

Twilight- My official weigh in is every Friday, but I weigh myself every morning. I also check it at night. I know it doesn't really mean anything, any increase is due to daily fluctuations, but I do it out of curiousity. Congrats on the new car. What did you get?

Delphi- You are my hero for working out in 95 degree weather. If its too hot outside, I sometimes lose motivation to even set foot in the gym. And I can't believe that RB burns so many calories. That will create quite a calorie deficit.

ruth- a loss is a loss. Congrats! I love BBB, its crammed with so many cool things. Its funny though, I feel like I can barely manuver my cart without running into a display or someone in the way.

canadianangel- I want to see that movie. I'm glad you liked it. Sorry to hear about your hubby leaving. I get so sad whenever my boyfriend goes somewhere for a few days without me. I can't even imagine him being gone for over a year.

jessicado22- Woo hoo! Good for you for making such healthy choices at the movies. Congrats on your 2 lb loss. I'm so sorry to hear about the problems with your hubby. Keep you and your daughter safe.

Lisan- Wow congrats on your huge loss.

Shrinking girl- How was the pool? I wish I had a pool at our apartment complex. Oh well atleast we live close to the beach.

inthemidst- Yay for not going overboard on vacay. Where did you go? Hope you had a great time!

tummy- omg I can so relate on the sounds. I swear our apartment is haunted. We get a lot of draft in here because we have lots of windows. Whenever our bedroom doors are closed and its windy, it sounds like is shaking the door really hard trying to get out. Also the blinds in our room will rattle like crazy. I know its just the wind, but its pretty eeiry. I too love sore muscles. I finally did some weight training yesterday and now I'm wonderfully sore.

crazymama- Yay for the loss! I know you were in a little funk and I'm glad to see some downward movement for you. Also congrats on getting into the 20's in waist size. Oh and I took your suggestion and did some weight training yesterday. I'm going to start doing it 2x a week. And omg, the pita pizza sounds so yummy! I haven't bought pita in a while, but I love to dip it in hummus.

nello- congrats on your loss! You will be in onderland in no time, I just know it.

khunter- ahhh mexican food. I try not to overeat chips, but sometimes I can't help it. Also I hate it when they refill chips without asking. The other day the busboy just flew by and took the basket before it was empty and brought out more. NOOoooo

ms perception- hope you had a good weekend. All I ask of myself on weekends is that I maintain. I read somewhere that people take in an extra 200 cal on average each day of the weekend. I wish thats all I could take in. I swear sometimes I feel like I take in an extra 1000. It looks like I maintained too, so high 5!
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Old 08-09-2009, 11:50 PM   #394  
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happy pre-monday

so this was not my best week, but i was still a little disappointed that the scale went up. i was hoping for a maintaining type thing, but oh well. my psuedo TOM cravings put me over the edge, but I will say that a little bit is water. ready for a fresh start again tomorrow. what's different about me this time is that this is where i usually give up. no more, i say. i know everyone has setbacks, but the key is to move on.
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Old 08-10-2009, 06:17 AM   #395  
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Good Morning Ladies

~ The key is definitely to keep moving forward. Today is a new day and a new week and you can do this.

shasha ~ Yeah, I just think where it's me up and moving around...aka..rockin' out. How was your weekend?

Sandye ~ on the HRM. I think that will give you some numbers and better help you access what you are doing. It's all about the numbers baby. I hear ya on the peace. This house is so quiet during the days now it almost makes me feel dirty... You deserve a little peace so enjoy it love. Oh and on MEETING GOAL! You're my hero. I knew you could do it...and that waiting period is almost like a leap of faith and you took it and was rewarded nicely. So where do you go from here Sandye? Maintenance or are you gonna keep going? I'm so proud of you darling.

MsP ~ Man you guys are always busy, no wonder you are a calorie burning machine.

~ Yeah, I've just been eating as hungry and that's not gonna cut it...but I haven't been pushing myself with exercise this month due to the C25k. I can't get cardio in on the opposite day because I need that time for my knees to heal up, so I'm kind of taking it easy this month, hopeful that next month, I can get back to the outrageous exercise schedule. I guess I just feel like I don't want to introduce too much while introducing the running. I've never been a runner or a jogger and just want to make sure my knees hold up. Sounds like you had a busy day and that's a good thing...just a few more days and you'll be leaving eh? I envy your must be lots of fun. Lucky gal!

Susie ~ Good to see you checkin' in? You getting that walk in in the mornings?

FSA ~ How was your weekend dear? I hope you guys had a great time..I'm so jealous of you guys being right on the beach.

khunter ~ Good to see you checkin' in as's to another OP week.

~ You are sooooooooooo close chicky. You will see Onederland before you know it.

Alright that is it for me. Today is my ST, so I may try to fit it in right after the boys get on the bus..wish me luck. My wee one has been getting up before the boys even leave in the morning so, I end up having to wait, lets hope he sleeps in this morning. I will be back to check in later. You ladies have a great day and remember to not let circumstance dictate the outcome of your days. Cheers!

Last edited by Delphi; 08-10-2009 at 06:20 AM.
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Old 08-10-2009, 08:22 AM   #396  
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Gooooood Morning Ladies and Happy Monday to you all!!! Are we all bright eyed and bushy tailed? Ready to start a Brand New Week of healthy living and good choices? I know I am!!! Yee haw!!!

Nello~ thanks! I'm a little irked at my HRM at the moment though--it's been persnickity all morning not wanting to take a reading...we'll see how it goes. And yes, that pita pizza was delish! That's why I MUST go to Walmart to get more pitas!!!

shasha~ Mmm! Humus! That's another yummy treat I need to watch myself on! The pitas I get are Joseph's--only 60 calories 2 gms of fat for the whole pita! Granted, they're super thin, but I don't usually cut them open and stuff them so it's good. I haven't tried dipping them in humus yet, I'll have to give it a go! Congrats on the ST'ing!! Doesn't it feel good to barely be able to move the next day? Haha! Or at least sore anyway. I love me some post workout inflexibility!

dcapulet~ Oh how right you are! Keep moving forward--that's the key! I know what you mean, something is definitely different this time! I'm with you--I'm not giving up until I get where I want to be!!! Have a great day hun!

Delphi~ Aww, thanks hun! But I haven't Officially made my goal just yet. I'm not going to throw a party until I hit 150 even! Then it's party time! Once I get there I have no plans on stopping what I'm doing--I'll be revamping the goal weight and I'll keep ya posted. Yes, I'm longing for the peace now, but I know I'll miss my boys soon enough--however, stepping on Legos? Nope, won't be missing that a bit! However, I might not get a chance to miss it--the girls love playing with them too! Hey, you going to be up for a painting/paint prepping challenge soon? I'm thinking it's almost time!!!

Well ladies, no further movement on the scale, but that's to be expected. I'm just glad it didn't go back up! Got my Upper Body ST'ing and my Abs in already and I plan on doing some EA cardio something or other later today. We're supposed to be getting some storms later on so it'll be a good time to stay inside and sweat a bit!

Well girls, the troops are up and hungry and since it's the last day of Summer I'm making them a big ol' breakfast with pancakes and sausage (turkey--gotta try to be a little more healthy than the full fat stuff )and fruit and OJ! Then it's off to run hither and yon finishing up errands and stuff.

Get out there and have a fantastic day! And of course be sure to...

Drink Your Water!!!
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Old 08-10-2009, 09:28 AM   #397  
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Hellooooo everybody!

Tummy - You are cracking me up with the panties! Good for you!

Delphi - Wow, your picture is fantastic!!

cmo4 - Woo Hoo on the scale movement! Also, I am incredibly jealous of your "in the 20's" waist. Way to go! The pool was awesome! We played some volleyball and had a blast. We found out little kids are fantastic for being the ones to get out of the pool and get wayward balls. We also found out we suck at volleyball. Some wicked storms came through later in the afternoon and brought with it some cooler weather which was nice. Summer thunderstorms always remind me of being a kid for some reason so I had an evening of nostalgia and watching the clouds roll. Oooh, HR monitor... let me know how you like it!

jessicado - Good luck with the class and starting out in your new home. Sounds like such a tough situation you're going through, it can't be easy... hang in there!

nello - Congrats on the loss! I've heard an awful lot about P90X, let me know how you like it!

FSA - Thank you so much! Deciding not to drink just seems so logical to me right now. I've got more important things to focus on and it's not as though that's the only way I can have fun. You're right though, it makes some people uneasy.

shasha - Way to go on all your great food choices! It feels good to make the right choices, doesn't it? I totally wish we had our own pool now, I love being in the water... it's so much fun.

Well, I'm down to my last 4 days of vacation. Go back to work on Friday. It's always bittersweet. I love my job and I love my students but giving up all the leisure time is hard. I'm still pretty worried about what it will mean for my exercising but I'm determined to stay on track with the exercise... and dare I say... I'm beginning to enjoy it? Shocking!

Have a great day!
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Old 08-10-2009, 10:15 AM   #398  
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Sandye-I am SO jealous of the waist measurement. I am shorter and carry all of my weight in my waist-ish area, so even though we are only a few pounds apart, I'm nowhere near your measurements! Ah well, the beauty of body varieties, eh? I am defintely okay with how things are shrinking for me, too. I just wanted to say congrats...I'm SUPER happy for you that you reached that magical waist "decade"!

Delphi-I hear ya on taking everything down a notch to include C25K in your program. I am at the point where it's all running and my ol' calves just won't take a lot of other strain very well at this time. It has caused me to alter the other stuff I do to compensate for their needed rest time. You're doing great, so keep it up! P.S. I wish I had RB, I could prob talk DH into it eventually. Gotta love that you can write it off as a calorie burn!

SG-Best of luck on the back to school transition! What do you teach? Do you have a good plan for making it through the days food and exercise wise? It'd be a shame to lose the momentum you have going.

dcapulet-Good for you for nipping it in the bud. You know that that's the key to success. We all "fall off the wagon", but getting back on makes us the successful ones!

shasha-The weekends aren't usually too bad for me, but this going out of town every other weekend is what gives me a real challenge. We are trying to move out of a house 4+ hours away and can only go there as our schedules permit which is, like I said, e/o weekend. I'm just thankful we finally got an offer on it, so I shouldn't complain at all!!

Today my 2 older kids go for half day summer school. It runs just M-Th this week to get the kids back in school mode. We don't start for real until Sept. 1, so this is like a trial run. So far so good. We'll see what they think of their new teachers when I pick them up today. Hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy day!
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Old 08-10-2009, 10:17 AM   #399  
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Shasha - That sounds like some amazing good choices, great job putting yourself first and I'm sure you still had a wonderful time, probably even better then you ate nasty stuff. Good for you! I get pretty spooked pretty fast, makes me crazy. Have you just started with your weight training?

Nellonello - I was going to do Lean too but it has no plyometrics and after doing that video I just want to do it everyday, so I decided on classic and then with my running I want to keep that up so darn it, it's doubles! It will really just be running in place of the CardioX video though. It'll be so awesome having someone to suffer along with. I'm still sore in weird places from the core video on saturday. How did you guys enjoy you video last night?

MsP- Oh I think I missed you dropping that pound just noticed your ticker, well if I did congrats on the 154!

CMo4 - They all do the trick, and there will be that much more money left over for you new wardrobe! I hope you're enjoying it. Ok that's one busy day! And what on earth could children need post it notes for? I managed all my years and never once needed them, strange school these days. If you can find a plyometrics workout totally try it, my butt is still slightly sore from Thursday or Friday, whenever I did it. But as you mentioned before I guess we weren't working hard enough before or we won't be sore now! And congrats on those veggies, I hid zucchini in salad with cucumbers and no even knows it's there, hehe. Enjoy your last day with the boys!

DCapulet - Excellent attitude, forgive and move on, it should be on a t-shirt or something, give yourself a pat on the back for keeping on and here's to a bright shiny new week.

Delphi - Ok as long as you're taking care of yourself I'm a happy camper and it's nice to take it easy too, I'm looking forward to this two weeks coming up with only 5 cardios, like WTF? My body is going to go into shock. But I figure it's a nice time to heal and re-grow them muscles a bit, we've been hammering pretty hard for 3 or 4 months now. I'm not usually this worldly with all this exciting travel, honest, it's just with moving here in February we have to visit everyone, and then of course fil's wedding which is not a regular thing either. It all conspired to make this summer a rather busy place. My wee one has been getting up pre-7 lately too, and that could totally stop anytime. Have fun pumping it out.

Shrinking - I do what I can And panties are just one of those things that should be nice, there's nothing like having a monster pair of grannie panties hanging off you butt to say hey hun, you want some of this? Enjoy your last week and you've definitely got some great habits started to carry you through, where there's a will

Down another 0.4lbs today, so that was a nice surprise to start a monday, got to head off to the dump so we don't have nasty garbage when we return and then maybe that swimsuit will have arrived. We might be doing a ladies night get together with the girls tonight but it's supposed to pour rain and honestly I have so much to do that it would be nice to have some extra time here to pack and get stuff ready. Then some weights and abs this afternoon. Busy busy but that's how I like them, when the days fly by packed with fun. Have an awesome day ladies!

Last edited by Tummy Girl; 08-10-2009 at 10:22 AM.
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Old 08-10-2009, 10:18 AM   #400  
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Good mornin ladies! Are we ready to tackle this Monday? I woke up this morning and I'm happy to say that I maintained my 3 lb weight loss from last week. Usually on Mondays I'm up a couple lbs, so maintaining is a victory for me. Anyways back to work for me...bleh. But once Monday is over, the rest of the work week is no problem. (funny how that works). Hope you all have a great day OP, I will check back in later.
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Old 08-10-2009, 10:29 AM   #401  
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Good morning ladies hope all is going well, I had my weigh in yesterday and I was finally down to 215 but then this morning I was back up 218 I don't know what is going on with me... It is crazy my body is like a roller coaster... I can't seem to get down under that 216 mark and stay and suggestions? Thanks! Have a great day.
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Old 08-10-2009, 10:39 AM   #402  
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Sandye ~ I just returned from wally world, with my bedroom paint and supplies in will take some major restraint for me not to get started ASAP...sooooooooooo how bout' it?

Tummy ~ Well it sounds like a groovy summer none the less. And you've managed to lose a lot of weight to, so I'd say, it was winner. So are you done packing yet?

~ Way to go on the maintenance.

Mystical ~ Hey sweetie, sounds like all went well. on the loss as well. Way to go chicky.

MsP ~ Sept 1?!?!? Really? Wow, that is a late start for you guys..well I guess it would be late to us anyways..but it does elongate the

Shrinking ~ Thank you kindly.

As for me, I'm ready to whoop up on Sandye in our little painting challenge and all ego'ed up after being out at the grocery store. Saw an old friend I used to work closely with and he was all like, WOW you're doin' I'm like, Oh yeah, with a cute little wink.. At any rate, I'm just checkin' in...I'll be back later. You ladies enjoy your day.
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Old 08-10-2009, 01:29 PM   #403  
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does anyone know a good recipe for chilli?
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Old 08-10-2009, 01:31 PM   #404  
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I'd say Sandye does..she is the queen of cookbooks...I'm sure she will have one.
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Old 08-10-2009, 02:04 PM   #405  
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Good afternoon ladies!

Mmmm, eating another super yummilicious pita pizza again today! Num-num-nummy!!!!

SG~ aww, thanks! It sounds like you had a great time swimming! I love the storms out here in the Midwest--I'm a CA girl and we didn't get many good thunderstorms out there. I'll keep ya posted on the HRM--it's been behaving this afternoon so I'm not grumpy at it right now.

~ hey, don't be jealous hun, you should see my badonkadonk bootie! I have some junk in the ol' trunk lemme tell ya! It's all good though, once it firms up I don't care how big it is so long as it's solid!! Solid as a rock...oops, sorry every time I even think of the word solid it reminds me of that song! That's neat that your kids get half days before school starts up--I would love that!

~ I'll definitely be on the look out for the plometrics workout! And yeah, I have no idea why they need the dang post its! I still couldn't find them today and he needs 2 packs of them! Thankfully my oldest needed the standard 3X3 size. Congrats on being down again! All that hard work is definitely paying off chickie!! I bet you're right, your body's going to be wondering what on earth is going on! "What? No cardio today? Huh?" But it'll be fine, you'll build some muscle and have a great time!!!

shasha~ Woo hoo on maintaining!!! Gotta love that! I totally know what you mean, once Monday is over it seems like the rest of the week is a little easier to get through. Well...not every week, but a lot of them! Hope you're having a great Monday!

Mystical~ Up and down, down and up--it's the weight loss roller coaster! Blech! I hate it when I do that! Ya know, I'm beginning to think that there are certain weights that our bodies like to hang out and stay a while. Perhaps you need a high calorie day to jump start things again? Crank up your workouts maybe? More fiber? I dunno--sounds like you're eating healthy and stuff, could just be that you gained a bit of muscle and are retaining a bit of water too. Just hang in there and don't let it get to you!!! I do have a pretty great chili recipe, I'll post it here just as soon as I find it!

Delphi Dear~ you are miles ahead of me! I still need to scrub the walls before I can paint a lick! And it won't be today either--still have backpacks to organize and fill, supplies to go through...ugh...and then there's those dang post its!!! Ah well, go ahead and start without me if you must--seeing your progress will inspire me I'm sure! And woo hoo! Nothing like seeing an old friend and having them comment on your weight loss to get you going!! Gotta love it!!!

Well, got the boys' hair cuts, book rentals paid, 99.9% of the supplies purchased, pitas, fruit and a new zester (because I can't find mine) purchased and the kids and myself fed. Whew! What a morning! Truth be told I like being active--burns more calories than sitting on my butt--but with all 4 kids it tends to be more hectic and stressful sometimes than I would prefer. I need a vacation!

I'm looking forward to my run tomorrow--I hope that now that TOM's gone that my feet are back to their normal size and I can decide if my new shoes are keepers or need to go back. They were rather uncomfortable last week.

No storms yet and I have an uber full belly so no cardio yet today--but I've got another DVD I'm going to try--maybe, I'm still undecided.

Well girls, I'm off to hunt down that chili recipe and then I need to get backpacks packed! Be back in a bit...

Hope everyone's drinking their water!!!!
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