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Old 08-05-2009, 07:26 AM   #226  
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Good morning Ladies!

Well, i come to confess, i didnt stay away from exercise yesterday, at 9pm, i felt bad, so i went for a a short 4km all straight up hill hike, then did 200 stairs, then came back home. But the best thing of my day, was we finnaly go results of my daughters blood work...she has a sever case of graves disease. She is so skiny and eating all the time, and has even became villont, but started meds yesterday, and they should kick in in about 1 to 2 weeks. Wich will be great for school...then once her thyroid is under control...we can work on colon problem...we think she also has crones...but i told her yesterday although she has alot wrong wiht her, its all controlled by meds and proper diet.

i was on plan perfect yesterday, and now heading for a run on the treadmill and step on the wii to weight myself, although i dont expect a big change.

have a great day everyone!

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Old 08-05-2009, 08:56 AM   #227  
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Good morning ladies!!

Okay, first of all, Ang~ Hooray for a diagnosis! I mean, it stinks that she's got so many medical issues, but it's so wonderful they're all treatable with meds and diet!!! So glad you finally heard back from them, I'm sure it's a huge weight off of your shoulders! Great workout yesterday girlie!! Whew! I got tired just reading about it!

Mystical~ ahh, he's one of those 'forgetful eaters' huh? Mine is the same way! He'll go all day without eating then on the way home he'll stop off for a giant soda and corn nuts or some such thing and well, that's not exactly healthy now is it? The cell phone reminder is a good one. I'm thinking if he has lots of small easy to grab snacks he'll be set--maybe something small every 2 hours? Bummer about the cat hair! I've btdt--I've also had rentals where there was dog hair everywhere--PU was it stinky! I had to scour my vacuum (thank goodness for removable, washable filters!) after living there! Blech! But at least I wasn't allergic! Have you tired using Fabreze allergen reducer? Maybe that would help some until all the hair is gone?

dcapulet~ Aww, poor guy! I hope the drs figure out what's wrong with him soon! I can understand how you're not OP with all that going on. Great job keeping up on the exercise though! The eating will right itself once things calm down I'm sure--just do your best and keep exercising! Keep us posted on your son too k?

FSA~ Yes, can you believe it? Me--the non cook! I'll see if I can dig up the recipe and post it later.

Delphi~ hey girlie! Awww, first day back to school...seems like only yesterday that they just got out for the Summer huh? Man, time flies so fast! Hope they have a great day and that you don't go too bananas with all the quiet! Hey, out of curiosity--how many calories does your sensewear thingie (that's the one you have right?) say you burn during the C25K workout? Man, I wish I had one of those things! I would love to know how many calories I burn daily and I'm sure it would motivate me to keep moving! Congrats on the new number chickie!

Jacque~ you're so right! Every little bit helps!

Well ladies, I'm down just the smallest smidge--but I'll take it. I was really frustrated when I saw the scale this morning. So much so that I busted out my tape measure and started measuring--talk about nutso huh? However, I did see a little drop in my arms--that's when I stopped measuring. I realized that I was being a bit ridiculous and decided to workout and come to my senses.

So, after my bout with insanity I was eating breakfast and taking a look at my weight loss. I am still making excellent progress and even though I'm stalled out right now, I've still lost an average of over 2 lbs a week. That's nothing to sneeze at! So, I'm going to keep plugging along--Delphi style--and give Darth Scale the cold shoulder. He doesn't deserve my time!

Well ladies, that's about it for me. I need to grab my water, get the dishes done, make a grocery list, write the mortgage checks and tons of other stuff so I will say good bye for now. Have a wonderful day and be sure to...

Drink Your Water!!!
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Old 08-05-2009, 08:59 AM   #228  
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Ang-How old is your poor daughter? She has a lot going on. How is she handling it? Way to get some activity in, btw!

I am getting usual "payday" stuff done today. I planned the next week's worth of meals and made the corresponding grocery list and after I'm done here, it's off to pay stuff..NOT (okay I'm showing my age there)! I'm feeling good despite being up a pound from the weekend. I am ready to make the rest of the month count.
NSV time.....I went to Savers (Goodwill-type store) yesterday and tried on some 10's for winter. I could get them all on, which is a major victory, but let's just say I'm not quite a size 10 yet...can we say muffin top? I looked at them and thought, "There's no way I can get these on. They're so small." Yet, I got them all on and fastened them with no trouble. I musta tried on like 6 pair, too. I bought 2 pair of jeans that I liked the best and figured I can get more when I NEED to. My mom says I need to get my head wrapped around my new size because any time I see a smaller size, I can't believe it will fit me. Like I still think I need the size I used to wear when I'm just eyeing it up. Is that weird? It's probably fairly common when you've been a bigger size for a while, I guess.
So, on an un-weight-related note, we are hoping to build a house once we close on this house we're selling. So, we're contacting our builder today to get the ball rolling with that. I'm SO excited! We've got our plan picked out and adjusted to what we wanted, so now it's a matter of waiting to make sure our house closes without any glitches. To whoever asked before, YES we've had our house for sale for a LONG, LONG time, so this is such wonderful news for us. The end is in sight!
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Old 08-05-2009, 09:11 AM   #229  
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MsP ~ That's excellent news darling and probably some advice from your mom, we could all use. I know I'm guilty of it as well.

Sandye ~ Yeah, we are at that point where we just KNOW we are losing. Oh and my gowearfit, registers almost a 400 calorie burn on the day one of c25k. I weigh a lot more than you do to..but I'd say you are still getting one **** of a burn as well. Especially, as we get further in the program. I'll keep you up to speed on what I'm burning each session so you can get an idea as well. I have a bathroom that needs my attention and I'm loathing it this morning, but the house is so darn quiet and I just mopped my floors so I'm kind of trapped in the livingroom at the moment. So when do you guys start back?

Ang ~ Good to hear the news. I've always said the waiting and not knowing are the worst part. At least now you can move forward.

Shasha ~ I LOVE strength training. It's probably my favorite. I just feel like wonder woman when I'm done. But I have a more structured program with the MFC, so it's actually like you have a personal trainer right there with ya. But I LOVE it.

NSM ~ I hope you get it fixed and get back to us soon. We will miss ya girly.

~ That's excellent news on the loan.

ruth ~ Way to go on that OP day. my dear.

Tummy ~ sweetie. How is your day going thus far? Did you guys have a good trip yesterday.

Merose ~ Sorry to hear about those nightshifts again. Just prepare for them, eating wise, and you should do just fine.

As for me, I'm waiting on the floor to dry so I can get something done around here. It's awfully quiet though. I miss my boys already. Got some walking in this morning while we were waiting on the bus and I should get ST in at noon. So I have the day planned out and ready to go. I hope you ladies are doing well.
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Old 08-05-2009, 09:57 AM   #230  
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MsP~ Oooh 10's!!!! Congratulations! Totally not weird at all--I do the same thing! I think it's a matter of accepting that we aren't the bigger girls we once were and embracing our and changing bodies! I don't have any size 10 jeans but I do have a couple shorts and capris that are 10s that fit (although I think they run a little big)--so I'm looking forward to shopping for some! Goodwill is the best place ever to shop while we're in transition, don't you think?

Delphi~ thanks for the info! GoWearFit--I need to start saving my pennies and maybe one day I'll be a cool chick like you and get one! The boys start back next Tuesday--lots to do between now and, the house is going to be spooky quiet!! I got the dishes done and a grocery list partially made, but here I am...back again. I'm an addict I tell ya!

Okay, I'm really, really going this time...I don't want to, but I have to! Catch up with you chickies later!!
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Old 08-05-2009, 09:58 AM   #231  
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Originally Posted by crazymamaof4 View Post
So, I'm going to keep plugging along--Delphi style--and give Darth Scale the cold shoulder. He doesn't deserve my time!
Ya know, I have been really good all summer, well for at least about 6 weeks to not get on the scale everyday...and it's been great!! Well I weighed on Friday (as usual) and was up a little. I even changed my tracker with the 2 pound gain. Well I had been feeling bloated and yucky since then, but today I felt a little lighter. So I broke all the rules, and got on the scale. To my surprise, I lost a pound. Good thing, since I'm having a cookout this weekend. Plus TOM will start to lurke around starting next week. Going to change my ticker now!!!

Originally Posted by Ms Perception View Post
I'm SO excited! We've got our plan picked out and adjusted to what we wanted, so now it's a matter of waiting to make sure our house closes without any glitches. To whoever asked before, YES we've had our house for sale for a LONG, LONG time, so this is such wonderful news for us. The end is in sight!
That's VERY exciting!! Hope everything works out for you. I know I will need to start thinking about putting my house up for sale in the next year or 2...makes me nervous. I have been in my house for 18 years!!!
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Old 08-05-2009, 10:06 AM   #232  
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Need to lose some pounds

I'm here for August
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Old 08-05-2009, 10:09 AM   #233  
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So I didn't end up working out yesterday. I had planned on it, but I had no apetite all day at work, I mean I was hardly able to eat anything. Then after work all of a sudden I started to feel a little weak/hungry. I grabbed some healthy groceries for dinner. I had a snack (some chicken, I was craving protein) and felt a lot better. Then my boyfriend came home as it was his first day of his new job. We caught up on the day and then started making dinner. I feel bummed about not working out, but I was actually a pound lighter today so yay for that!

Crazymamaof4:I haven't done the shred workout in ages, but I was always amazed that I was drenched in sweat by the end.

mystical:I have upped my water a lot and have immediatly noticed a change in my weight loss. Even if my weight doesn't go down as fast, I feel noticably lighter.

Newshinyme:Its a new month. Great time to get back on track.

dcapulet:Sorry to hear about your son, hope everything goes well.

Wifey:Wow! You are so close to the 100's. How exciting.
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Old 08-05-2009, 10:29 AM   #234  
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Shasha ~ Even without exercise we can lose weight. So don't feel too bad, but remember not to let yourself slide to often, or you just may quit altogether. I know I did a number of times before this last push.

Sandye ~ Hey, we can do that. As long as I'm not spending hours at a time on this thing I'm good. Plus getting up and down and doing this and that, has got to be good for ye ol' metabolism. So I was reading that there is a 10k training program after the 5k, so if all goes well...whaddya think dahhhhhhlin'?

Jacque ~ Don't sweat it. It's probably water and well, you know what it can be, and what it probably is, so just go with the flow and keep pushing on.

ja23 ~
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Old 08-05-2009, 10:34 AM   #235  
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Morning Ladies

FSA - I actually called my dh, "DH' to one of my friends yesterday darn abbreviations!

Shasha - When I lived in a bigger city, and I went to the gym I had issues with everything, like who does the fat girl think she is doing that treadmill or doing the weights beside this gigantic guy who grunts and sweats all over the place. I do them at home now b/c it's easier to fit into my stay at home mom schedule so I find that in the beginning it was so much easier with just me and the weights. After about two months maybe of doing them pretty consistently 3x a week I like it soo much better. I would still rather pound out an hour of cardio but it's getting better. Oddly enough now that I can see some of that hard earned definition I'm glad I started weights when I was still too heavy to see any.

MsP - WTG on the running chickie! I forgot to write that on the other thread. And a brand new house, how nice getting it just the way you want, congrats, and 10's! almost or not that's marvelous.

Mystical - How nice that your whole family can do this together, you learn so much about yourself and others while doing these changes and it's nice you can share that with each other. I like almonds, fruit, kashi tlc crackers (no funky hydrogentated crazy garbage ingredients, which for a cracker is rare!), wasa crackers, hummus, veggies. I believe those don't require refrigeration either. I think the alarm thing is a great idea. My dh likes those cup of soups that you can drink, he finds that he can sip it while driving or in the office, he's also all about the granola bars although finding a healthy one of those is challenging.

NSM - You are dedicated, on a laptop through the TV, that's awesome, LOL. If it's in your house and you shouldn't eat it throw it away, save yourself! Cravings are just cravings and they will go away, you can do it.

Wifey - You'll be there in no time, it just sneaks up on ya and then there you are!

MissMallee - I don't think I've said hi yet, so And yes it does move fast but jump in where you can and say howdy. Hope you have a wonderful time in the city!

Merose - Glad to hear you've got your groove back and what fun, a friend from down under!

Sotypical - It's great you've decided not to stress yourself out about the minutes, that wouldn't make this any fun at all.

MIsspiggy - Congrats on school! That's fantastic news! And doing so well otherwise too, you're rockin it.

Khunter - that your scale shows your hard work.

Ruth - I meant to say if that's your dog, s(he)'s beautiful, I just love the puppies, awww.

Cmo4 - Staples?!? OMG americans are cruel! LOL Up here we do dissolving stiches that go away all by themselves. But then again they do leak sometimes. Tomatoes are wonderful, I'm gald you're coming around. I get freaky if I'm low on the red guys around here. Taste buds change, I never believed it before but I can eat some pretty crazy healthy things now and they taste great. It's a good thing too cuz if they tasted like they used to I'd be gagging all the time. Have fun shreding, if I could just borrow Jillian's abs for a day to try them out... You could always go with a heart rate monitor, it doesn't have all the bells and whistles that Delphi's has but it tells you how hard you work, how fast you recover and how many calories you burn and it's cheaper! My other thought was maybe you're not eating enough calories, since you're getting close to your goal weight, from what I've read you have to eat at your BMR and just lose though exercise for the last 10-20 lbs and not calorie restriction. Hang in there!

Dcapulet - that's terrible, I hope things with ds turn out ok and take care of you so you can take care of him

Delphi - Look at you skinny mini! Rocking that 188 That's you rocking it if you were a carrot! That would be weird, all quiet and lonesome but think of all that extra time for YOU! We had a wonderful, but long day yesterday, I think I needed MsP's mom's advice too, I actually pulled an 18 to try on, honestly, I think I went crazy for a minute there.

Ang - Thank goodness, an answer! wtg handling the stress of it all, and the exericse wow!

ja23 -

Have I caught up, really, wow, what a feeling. And speaking of feelings, you know when you try on clothes at the store and they have to bring you smaller sizes three times! Now that's a feeling! So it turns out I'm a 14! who knew, but everything, minus a skirt (which was 15) was a 14 or a large, there was not one X anything bought yesterday! not XL, no XXL, nothing baby. But the best part was looking in the mirror and not seeing rolly bits, I mean I'm thicker than I intend to be but it's all smooth (in clothes, hehe) Soo I got lots of underwear, a new bra, 36 band, crazy talk! new pj's, a skirt, a pair of jeans, some new tank tops, four new shirts, a vest and a new pair of shoes (smaller size too!) It was liberating, first shopping trip in the regular ppl stores, there's so much more to choose from it was sort of overwhelming.

And just b/c, down another full pound this morning, 183 How marevelously fantastic. I didn't get my p90x yesterday as it was 10:30p when we got home and everything was closed so off today to do that and some (more) groceries, i didn't do my menu up b/f we went shopping yesterday so I'm all bass akwards today and I don't have everything I need for the week. Busy busy, but at least I get to go to town looking like I'm not wearing someone else's clothes! TTFN.

Last edited by Tummy Girl; 08-05-2009 at 11:15 AM.
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Old 08-05-2009, 10:48 AM   #236  
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Good morning chicks....just caught up with all of your news. Wishing everyone a great new day!

Sotypical and Ja23, hi good to see you again sotypical, I will put you in the list following this post and will you be joining us in the ex. thread? ( I can post your minutes over there as well if you like).

Angel, I am glad that you got the test results back and your little girls condition/s are controlled w/ medication must be releived. Congrats on a great day angel...keep on shining Your girl is absolutely adorable Give her a hello from me please.

dcapulet, know that we are here for you girl. Keep us posted ok?

Delphi, hope the boys have a great first day at school. Keep on shining

sasha, congratulationsssssss on the lb. lost

Mystical, hope your allergies are better and the move is going well. Sure must be a busy time for you. Regarding DH snack ideas, crazymama covered a lot of ground there : ). I watch my b.p as well (tell u the story sometime but got it back to normal last I checked). I stopped adding salt altogether (until sea salt recently ). My dad can't needs to watch his salt intake (keep it within 2000 mg/day) and I helped mom and dad find low sodium products. In the meantime, I did the same as well and it really helped. Watch out for tomatoe sauce (some are loaded w/sodium) pastene ground peeled tomatoe sauce has no added salt and I love it. I add spices, etc. You may already know the drill, frozen and canned foods are typically high in sodium while fresh is always best. Ham, bacon, hot-dogs..very high in sodium. Cheeses are typically high. Condiments such as mayo, barbq. sauce, soy sauce (awful) are high. It was a battle getting dad to give up chinese food but we managed . Oh I am not sure if this is info you asked for ...I am a bit of a . Anyhow, hope this helps in some way. HOpe your having a great day

ruth, yw wtg on getting a workout in.

Sandye (crazymamaof4), that is great that your eating and liking tomatoes. We have some tomatoes growing on our deck and putting them in our salad, love them! Your starting to like them now? Ohhhh your zuchinni sounds dynamite girl. I love it on the grill, very thinly sliced and cooked well. It goes good with salad, etc. You just reminded me to do that sometime. That nice veggie salad you made sounds yummy too! wtg on trying new things chicky

NSM, so great to see you back. Sorry to hear about your p.c. I hope you get it fixed okay. We miss you. Glad your getting settled in with the move and all. hug.

MsPerceptionnnnnnn, congrats on the 10's and on the house. OH I'm so happy for you. Keep us posted okay? hug.

khunter, wtg on an OP week good luck with the WI, keep up the great work.

miss, congratsssssss on getting the financial aid and going back to school! wtg! That is awesome news! .

Mallee, I once read a trick about having a h.b egg before leaving the house to go to eat. THe protein helps fill us up and take the edge off. I agree w/crazymama regarding filling up on water,,, great idea! Sounds like you will be getting plenty of exercising walking at the docks, have fun .

Oh boy, just saw the time...running late. Merose, Jacqui, and all of our other girls.......a big hello. Wishing everyone a great day.

I have much to do today. Dh is taking tomorrow and friday off. I have many chores to catch up with here. Need to get my workout in , clean, etc. Chat more soon. Have a great new day everyone. Sotypical and ja , I will update the list later this afternoon or tonight. Hugs
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Old 08-05-2009, 10:49 AM   #237  
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Lol TummyGirl! I hear you on that! I said OP to a friend and they were like, what's that? It's funny ha HOpe you had a great time with DH. Catch up with you later
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Old 08-05-2009, 11:12 AM   #238  
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Hi Girls,

Scale is back down to Sunday's weight, 176. I felt pretty light when I got up, was hoping for a bigger drop but that's ok.

Tummy Yeah, that's one of our dogs, his name is Mannie. He's great.

Looking forward to another OP day. Check back in later
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Old 08-05-2009, 12:08 PM   #239  
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Originally Posted by FullSteamAhead View Post
Sotypical and Ja23, hi good to see you again sotypical, I will put you in the list following this post and will you be joining us in the ex. thread? ( I can post your minutes over there as well if you like).
HAHA See, that's how tired I am I didn't even realize I was in the wrong thread! LOL - I totally ment to post in the exercise thread.

I still didn't even realize I was in the wrong thread until I read that!

But hey, while I am here... I don't typically set weight loss goals anymore because I don't lose very much - if at all. So I will just say, I would like to just lose some weight this month haha. Last Friday I weighed 174.4 - so I just hope by the end of month that it is less.

Last edited by sotypical; 08-05-2009 at 12:13 PM.
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Old 08-05-2009, 12:27 PM   #240  
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Tummy ~ That is fanflippintastic. I wish I had money to go shopping. It must be a great feeling. I'm so happy for you..too bad we all don't live closer so we could go revel in regular stores together. Though, I'm quite the character, you ladies would probably be tellin' people I forgot to take my medication or something. I'm so proud of you. Have I mentioned that? I just think it's a shame we are all a world apart. Man, I'm just so happy for you, I think I'll go do a cartwheel and try not to break my freakin' neck..then post the video on youtube for kicks. You constantly inspire me.

sotypical ~ Hey I do the same thing from time to time. aboard.

FSA ~ Good luck with your chores. However, any time on our feet means the metabolism is kicking good, so enjoy darling.
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