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Old 08-03-2009, 12:30 PM   #166  
There is no spoon!
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Well we survived registration and I got all my errands ran today aside from picking up Canaan's meds. Which I can't pick up until tomorrow due to the insurance not wanting to pay for it until then. So my baby has to go all day without two of his isn't that just peachy.

Sandye, that sounds fine to me. That actually means I can get my ST in today and perhaps mow. But I had a busy morning, so I should be golden with my calorie burn today. The harder I push in the morning, the better overall burn I have for the entire day. So that will work. Tummy, how goes the day darling? I saw a bunch of bathing suits at wally world on clearance and thought about you. I actually thought about snagging one, just cause, but I refrained. Perhaps next Summer I will. Hey to all you other ladies. Jacque, I am willing to do it. I need to so bad, plus they discontinued my cigarettes due to this new FDA regulations. So lets do it together darling. MsP, no worries love. One day isn't going to it was a special occasion anyways. Shake it off darling and keep fighting the good FSA ~ Thanks for the wonderful words and I'm so proud of you for quitting. I just don't have the strength right now.

Alright, I'm sooooooo behind this morning, so I have ST to tend to and a lawn to mow if I want to watch LOST tonight. I hope you ladies have a great day. I'll try to get back on later and catch up with you ladies in a more proper, less rushed fashion. I love reading everyones news and just keeping up with all you ladies.
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Old 08-03-2009, 01:46 PM   #167  
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OH MAN .... I had a really fun, but really BAD weekend (eating wise) I had a 3day weekend, so the binge started friday and went on until Sunday. I was at a party on Saturday and a co-ed baby shower/bbq on sunday so i was eating AND drinking alcohol. I feel bloated and just gross today I'm kinda bummed because I gained about 1-1/2 lbs. But, i guess it could have been worse!

Anyway, I'm starting fresh again today! Hope all you ladies (and gents) had a good weekend!
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Old 08-03-2009, 02:06 PM   #168  
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Originally Posted by misspiggy408 View Post
OH MAN .... I had a really fun, but really BAD weekend (eating wise) I had a 3day weekend, so the binge started friday and went on until Sunday. I was at a party on Saturday and a co-ed baby shower/bbq on sunday so i was eating AND drinking alcohol. I feel bloated and just gross today I'm kinda bummed because I gained about 1-1/2 lbs. But, i guess it could have been worse!

Anyway, I'm starting fresh again today! Hope all you ladies (and gents) had a good weekend!
I'm sure its just water weight. I have come away from binge eating weekend and gained 10lbs in water before.
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Old 08-03-2009, 02:13 PM   #169  
Back at it...again!
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Yeah, I already feel better today. I had a salad with chicken breast for lunch and now I feel "cleaner" on the inside, kwim? I just had a serious lapse in judgement yesterday, but I'm moving on...
On another subject, we found out this morning that the people accepted our counter offer on our house, so we are scheduled to close on it at the end of next month! YAY!! It's as good as sold!
On yet another note, I have an incredible NSV this past weekend that I kept forgetting to mention. I went to some garage sales with my mom and aunt and found a couple sales selling size 12's/Lg. The one lady explained it was her (adult) daughter selling them since she'd gained some weight. (How nice for me to be on the other end of the spectrum!) I figured I'd be in a 12 this fall/winter at some point, so I should get a few pants and tops. They were all like really nice brands in excellent shape. I ended up getting a few pairs of pants, 2 skirts, and a few tops. Anyway, I get home and try them on and instead of squeezing into them, they all fit perfectly. All different brands from different sales! Well, actually the skirts were very slightly tighter. The funny thing was that I was actually kinda dissappointed in a way, cause I thought I was planning ahead and would be ready for winter. Now I have to go again and this time maybe get a couple 10's that might fit me in a couple/few months. Did you read that, girls ?! ...10's!!! YeeHaw! So, that was my big announcement. I can now wear 12's! It's been since before I had kids that I could say that, so we're talking major progress here. Thanks to all who have encouraged me here! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Last edited by Ms Perception; 08-03-2009 at 02:15 PM.
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Old 08-03-2009, 02:36 PM   #170  
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MsP That's awesome on the sz 12s. I've been going through my closet getting rid of stuff I don't or won't wear anymore and some of my 12's fit. I mostly still wear 14's though, can't wait to be back in to 10's.

Got 42 minutes of walking/jogging on the treadmill. Its nice to have it done earlier in the day and not have to worry about it later.

What do you guys think about the Healthy Choice frozen dinners with the desserts? I've been getting them when they are on sale and eat them sometimes for lunch. I'm wondering if I shouldn't get them because of the dessert portion. They average 260-340 cals I think. I wonder how many calories the dessert is.

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Old 08-03-2009, 03:51 PM   #171  
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Originally Posted by FullSteamAhead View Post
Delphi + I think you already know, I went cold turkey Jan 1. I was also here on the boards at that time. It was really tough at first because I was not only trying to not gain weight but to lose weight too. I did go on to lose weight! That same very day I also started exercising 5-6 hrs. a wk. to make up for the metab. slow down and for all the benefits of course. I have a money jar girls...sev. hundred dollars in it already.
I am getting ready to do it...but of course it won't be for awhile. The jar is a great idea. If I told you how much I spend on those darn things, you would die. Let's put it this the end of the month, I could pay for a one night in a 4 star hotel.

Originally Posted by Delphi View Post
Jacque, I am willing to do it. I need to so bad, plus they discontinued my cigarettes due to this new FDA regulations. So lets do it together darling.
Alright, I'm sooooooo behind this morning, so I have ST to tend to and a lawn to mow if I want to watch LOST tonight. I hope you ladies have a great day. I'll try to get back on later and catch up with you ladies in a more proper, less rushed fashion. I love reading everyones news and just keeping up with all you ladies.
You're on...but not till January. What part of LOST are you at? Don't you just LOVE it?!!!!

Originally Posted by misspiggy408 View Post
OH MAN .... I had a really fun, but really BAD weekend (eating wise) I had a 3day weekend, so the binge
Well today is the start of a new week so get right back on track and forget all about the weekend. You will probably drop a bit before the week is over.
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Old 08-03-2009, 04:16 PM   #172  
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Hi girlssssssss, ,,, quick check in before I jump in the shower.

It turned out to be a nice day and I did laps for 30 min. Puttered around outside and watered the plants, etc. I didn't really feel like getting too much sun. Dh and I are going for a walk in a bit ....hopefully at the beach as it's a bit oppressive on land.

Delphi.....ty...and you have amazing strength my dear girl You have been and are an inspiration to us all! Have a great time watching LOST tonight

MsPerceptionnnnnnnn,,,,, congratulationsssssss on getting the house sold and alsooooooooo congratsssss on the 12's and your new clothes! Wishing you a beautiful dayyyyyyyyy. Keep on truckin' chicky hugssssssss.

mystical....hope your having a great time at the cookout ...wtg on pre-planning

Tummygirlllllll,,,, hope your enjoying that beautiful weather today! wtg on that run. Have an awesome time with DH on your vaca together. MIne is taking tomorrow off, it's supposed to be hot and sunny! Have fun girl

Hi ruth..........I used to eat chinese once a week! I quit last fall when I started eating healthy again anddddddd watching my salt intake. I would gain 2 lbs. every time I ate's extremely salty (the americanized version anyways). I'm sure it's fluid that your carrying ...just hang in there and with a good OP day or so it should come right off. I typically weigh once a week as that works best for me ( I get too frustrated otherwise as my weight fluctuates a lot) but plenty of the girls weigh daily and it works great for them. It's a matter of what works best for each of us. I did cut back on weighing out of frustration butttttt not good to go real long without weight either...I totally agree. HOpe your having a great day.

shrinking girl and miss....hope your having a better day today. Try not to be too hard on takes some time sometimes to get into a pattern and we started on a weekend. Behind us now.......and onto a new day! Let's keep at it speaking of which girls...I need to make sure to sip on my water, I feel extra hungry today for some reason.

Hi Jacque....yeah , the jar is fun! lol. HOpe your having a great day jacque...keep on shining

OH I have to go get ready..........a big hello to you all. Catch you soon girls. We will keep at it!
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Old 08-03-2009, 04:19 PM   #173  
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Hi Ladies -- I found something interesting about my weigh-ins this last week. Typically when I get up in the morning I head to the bathroom and then I weigh myself. I always thought that I would find my lowest weight with that routine. Well about a week ago I was in the bathroom right before lunch and stepped on the scale. I was a pound lighter than that morning. So this last week I have weighed myself twice a day and I really do weigh less right before lunch than when I first wake up (with empty bladder). I eat a pretty decent breakfast of an english muffin with peanut butter, a banana and some yogurt and drink 40 oz of water in the morning. Maybe I just am flushing more out during that time period. Don't know but I am sticking with it!

So today I weighed in pre-lunch at 204!! At this rate I should make Onderland for my August goal.
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Old 08-03-2009, 05:08 PM   #174  
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Just a quick post...this board is chatty! Congrats to all for surviving the weekend. Anyone who fell off the wagon seems to be jumping right back on. Hurray to all! Let's stick with it!

Going to (join) the gym today after work. Was mostly good myself over the weekend with the exception of some buttery popcorn at the Ice Age movie on Saturday.

We will do it!
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Old 08-03-2009, 06:26 PM   #175  
Ready for final round!
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Yes!!!! I love me nuts. But, cutting down and increasing fruits and veggies might be my game plan. I try to stay optimistic about this whole thing becoz I think its how our mind frame is going to be thats going to carry us through. This is a lifelong journey so there will be days we give in to temptation. And I think thats ok. I heard once what we do 10% or the time wont hurt what we do 90%. On other hand ive had alot of 10% times!!!!! So that will be a break on those days! God bless everyone.
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Old 08-03-2009, 07:32 PM   #176  
One day at a time...
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I'm back on plan no problem today.
I was really worried about going out to eat and the cake yesterday because all last week I really hadn't craved anything. I didn't want more to eat, I didn't want things I couldn't have and generally... I found I was preferring my healthy foods to the crap I'd been eating before. So, needless to say I was worried about it all going away... but it didn't!
Today's been great!

I hope everyone else is doing great!
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Old 08-03-2009, 07:35 PM   #177  
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MsPerception I love when that happens! You try on everything in the same size, different brands, but it still all fits! Congrats on your progress!

ruth 135 I eat the healthy choice lunches sometimes and i thought the dessert portion was included in the cal count? Maybe not ...?

Jacque9999 Thanks for the encouragement! It's always hard to get "back on" but i'm doing awesome so far todaY! Woo-hoo!

FullSteam Thank you! i AM having a WAY better day today. It feels good to be back on track!

nellonello Yeah, i always thought we weigh less in the morning too. I hope you make your ONEDERLAND goal!!

Well, i'm off of work in about 20 mins, so I will chat it up with you ladies tomorrow ... unless i have a moment of weakness later on tonite, and need some encouragement! LoL Take care
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Old 08-03-2009, 07:37 PM   #178  
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Good evening all you wonderful souls...I can't remember all the names and comments but everyone sounds like they are doing their best, each day at a time...

ms perception, congrats on the house selling and on fitting loosely in size 12....I'm not even going to hint at my size, it's still wwwaayyyy to bbbiiggg.

Heather --I know exactly what you mean about nuts...My solution is that I buy individual portions or at the beginning of the day, measure out portions..I can't have more than what I measured out in the morning.

mountainchick -- I wish I had the energy to join a gym......go girl...

nellonello -- I agree, I pee before I weigh friday mornings...and sometimes I do more, I know it doesn't work but in my makes me feel better...gross I know, sorry.

hugs to everyone
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Old 08-03-2009, 07:43 PM   #179  
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Evening Ladies,

Don't have time for the personals tonight, gotta run and pick up dh from work shortly, but I had to catch up on the news. Tomorrow's gonna be busy too so I got in a couple (count them, four!) workouts today so I only need one tomorrow and still be on track. And going to finally bite the bullet and pick up some protien powder tomorrow, gosh that stuff's expensive but I'm trying to be a temple so it's only the good stuff. Just finding I can't possibly eat the amount of protien I should be with all the weights and running and stuff. Does anyone else have any ways of getting enough protien in?

Oh and Sandye I'm picking up some cookbooks tomorrow and if they turn out to be good I'll pass names along! Oh and Delphi, lol, on the swimsuits, I may, just may, take pics when mine come in but i'm warning you know if I do I will be sucking in, hard!

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Old 08-03-2009, 09:26 PM   #180  
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Here are my three goals and my progess so far:

1) Drink 2.5 liters water/day- Wasn't a problem (I had a UTI this weekend and comsumed gallons to get rid of it)
2) Stay OP -- Success, I allow myself 6 extra points/weekend day to account for drinks and extra eating and I allow myself to bank these. Helps me keep control.
3) No mindless snacking- I've been eating on a schedule to keep myself from grazing and mindlessly snacking.
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