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Old 08-09-2009, 10:16 AM   #376  
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Ang - I'll say a prayer for dh, may he stay safe as can be over there and I hope you're doing alright with all the stress, is this his first deployment there?

Jessicado - that's fantastic! Cherries, that's how you get it done, good for you.

NSM - It's all the testosterone I tell ya, I lose fast, I build muscle fast, I'm half guy, honest. And thanks, isn't it crazy how if someone who have just said like 2 years ago, in 3 months you could not look yucky anymore I won't have believed them. And you should see the new panties, make you blush, they would, lol.

Lisa - First of all congrats on maintaining an 83lb loss, that's fantastic, it makes those last 31 look so much smaller in comparision. Second I'm not sure if it's the busiest forum here cuz I dont have time to check anywhere to find out. It's a wonderful group of woman and it's lovely to have you.

Susie - strap on those shoes and we'll see you in a bit!

Gross sleep last night, kept hearing things that weren't there and had to go look and see what was going on then couldn't get back to sleep, then repeat for about 3 hours. Nasty. Although when dh got home he kept thiinking he heard something too so at least I wasn't alone in my crazies.

Oh and it's rest day, no sweating today, that would be against the rules, and good thing too b/c I'm sore from core yesterday, I have sore muscles that I have never felt before, just love it. Going to do some stretching this afternoon to work some kinks out but maybe I'll start the packing, only 3 days left.

Oh and another 0.5lbs bites the dust, into the 182's super, cool fantastic. Have a great sunday ladies. BBL
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Old 08-09-2009, 10:30 AM   #377  
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Good Morning Ladies

Well today is my day off and I'm gonna sit my arse on the couch and take in a whole day of LOST. Should be a good one, plus my knees are in need of some much needed time off. I'll try to check in later...but with a busy lazy day planned, urg, I don't know if I'll make it back in. I'm finally down a bit but should be another lost pound lurking around somewhere, as I have not been eating enough the past week. Need to get my butt in gear and start eating on schedule again as opposed to eating when I'm hungry. At any rate, I'll talk to you ladies later. on the loss Tummy and have fun packing. Inthemidst, on your loss as well darling.
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Old 08-09-2009, 10:43 AM   #378  
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Another quick post's my day off from exercise--although I'm not going to rule out some cardio later--might need it by the time the day is done just to relieve some stress!

Off to a baseball game and a Birthday party and it's hot and sticky out today already--blech! I hate sweating for no reason!

One small victory to share...

The scale MOVED!!! 150.6 today! FINALLY!!!! I'm not going to get all spastic excited though--I have this creeping feeling it'll stay put or go back up tomorrow.

It's my WI & measurement day---so down .6 from last Sunday and down 2.5"!!! Have I mentioned how happy I am that I take my measurements? My waist is now in the 20's!!! 29.75" to be exact--but in the 20's!!! I can't begin to tell you how happy I am! An inch off my hips this week too! Wowza! And lastly, my arms decided to join the party too! So it's a good day!

Ahhh, okay, must go drink my coffee, run to Target and shop for a present for someone I've never met and look at HR Monitors!!! I'll be back for personals later tonight girls! Have a fantastic day and be sure to...

Drink Your Water!!!
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Old 08-09-2009, 01:44 PM   #379  
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Lol, every time I see that "Drink your water!" I go for the waterbottle!

Well, the scale was down another 2 pounds today (didn't weigh in am happy to see a loss!) So I am finally out of the 280s....and only 10 pounds away from my mini goal for the month of August!

I am off for a few days to see my parents. They are going to watch my daughter while I go to a 3 hr class to fill out full child custody paperwork for the separation. (For those of you who don't know, my ex has TBI and PTSD pretty bad from Iraq. He has been working on it extensively, from a month long inpatient program to religously attending counseling 2x a week. But about a month ago, despite all the work he was doing, he snapped over something stupid and started screaming at me and throwing stuff at my head (turned out to be a bag of cookies and a snack bar later, but the cookies still left a bump on my head). Then he started breaking my stuff as I drove away. I called the cops and he was arrested. Because it happened in front of our daughter, it is considered a felony. I have moved into a new house with our daughter, and am working on geting our new life started).

Anyways, I'm pretty sure it is going to be really hard to go and do this whole class thing, so I am just hoping I can stick to my diet while gone. I let him see our daughter yesterday for a little bit and he just cried and held her for like 20 minutes. I haven't seen him in almost a month, and noticed he was wearing my wedding ring on a necklace......
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Old 08-09-2009, 01:56 PM   #380  
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Lisa Never too late to join, welcome to our team : ). I will ad you to the list when I get back tonight or in the morning.

Girls, I will catch up with all of your news later....I hope you all had a greattttttttttttt weekend! big to you all. I did write in the ex .thread a bit, I am now going to try to get that tail of mine in gear!!!!!

delphi, omg! lol. I saw your pic, wowwwww! You look smoking hot!!

congrats to all on the lossess and to all congrats for keeping on going! bbs, chat soon : ).
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Old 08-09-2009, 04:36 PM   #381  
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I am loving my scale these days!! I am 1 lb lighter this morning and TOM arrived 2 days ago. I am at 201.8 so the one hundreds are right around the corner.

I also just got back from Costco where I found they had P90X on sale for $99. I have to say that I am a bit intimidated by it as I am not at all in shape but I figure I have to start somewhere. I think I will play around with it for August and then start the program in September after the kids go back to school. My husband even mentioned he might be interested in it.
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Old 08-09-2009, 06:13 PM   #382  
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Originally Posted by nellonello View Post
I am loving my scale these days!! I am 1 lb lighter this morning and TOM arrived 2 days ago. I am at 201.8 so the one hundreds are right around the corner.

I also just got back from Costco where I found they had P90X on sale for $99. I have to say that I am a bit intimidated by it as I am not at all in shape but I figure I have to start somewhere. I think I will play around with it for August and then start the program in September after the kids go back to school. My husband even mentioned he might be interested in it.
Keep us updated on if you like it. There are several people on here that I think are doing P90X and seem to have good comments. My husband has actually mentioned several times that he might be interested in doing this.
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Old 08-09-2009, 06:16 PM   #383  
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Just checking in for the weekend. I went to my parents to pick up the kids and got home about noon today. Did pretty well eating other than one meal yesterday when we went and had some great mexican food. That is my downfall, it just seems that I can't say no. We are home today though, and I am back OP completely.
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Old 08-09-2009, 07:56 PM   #384  
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After dinner check in
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Old 08-09-2009, 08:07 PM   #385  
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Tummygirl! wowwwww chicky, you look awesome! I finally got to see your pics, I wasn't able to see them the other day when I tried. You look fantastic! Your leaving in a few days for your trip too! oh congrats on the shopping trip and glad wtg on finding that foam mattress. Those jumping exercises sound like they really kick butt.

Hi girls I just caught up with all of the posts that I didn't have time to read in the morning and want to say congratulationssssss on the lossess. Nellooooooo, you are so close! wtg girl .

shrinking girl, I caught up with your post regarding not drinking and I really admire you for that and I think that you are doing the most wonderful thing for yourself! bravo to you girl! So true about feeling yicky......ha! Like me today! IT's hard to workout when feeling like that and it sure has a lot of cals, etc....the list goes on. As for them saying "are you pregnant"? don't you let it bother you one bit!!!! What you are doing is so cool and your so right on about taking care of ourselves and eating healthy ....I feel the same why and pondered on that this morning after too much champagne yesterday! Keep in mind also that if some of those comments are coming from your drinking buddies (calling it that for short)...well you know how that goes. THey like company sometimes......HOld onto your reserve! High five chicky Keep up the awesome work.

LTTG, so glad your feeling better. Ohhhhhh, congratulations on your new workouts videos too!

Delphi, wtg on on the workout outdoors..even in the heat. We are due for very hot and humid weather tomorrow. Congrats on those jeans

sandyeeeeee, yay on moving that scale! and congrats on the measurements!!!! glad you found us here and I hope to see you posting when you can during this difficult time. Every bit of support right now , or anytime really, would be a good thing.

oops, Im late. NSM, ruth, susie, ang....and to all of you girls. Catch up with you soon.

Keep up the great work girls.........will tell you my news later on.
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Old 08-09-2009, 08:10 PM   #386  
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Our August members thus far... We have a sister thread titled "August Exercise Challenge" for those of you who would like to join us over there as well.

FullSteamAhead: get to last lowest weight and drop a couple of lbs.
sstolte: get below 210
jeweliek: lose 12 lbs., run 48 miles, weight training 3x/wk.
crazymamaof4: lose 5 lbs., try more new recipes, eat my fruits +veggies, try calorie cycling, + include more good fats in my diet.
canadianangel: report here everyday, be 205, minimum 50 miles running on treadmill.
UniquelyNormal: eat healthy + exercise.
TERAPET: lose 6 lbs.
Delphi: lose 10 lbs., maintain a 1, 000 calorie deficit 6 days a week.
inthemidst: lose 10 lbs., eat OP, not get sidetracked on vaca., + not let school freak me out.
dcapulet: lose 6 lbs., maintain good eating habits, start getting some work done for school, 1200 min. ex.
Darby1: lose 6lbs. to get under 190, ex. 5x/wk, work on a ST program, stay within WW points every day.
nellonello: get to 199
ajowens: lose 8lbs. to get to 158, eat all vegetable servings, + walk everday.
misspiggy408: say "buy-bye" to the 140's, wight training 3x/wk, cardio 4x/wk, + no beer during the week.
UrthWurm: lose 6 lbs., eat more fruits and veggies, exercise 3x/wk, walk 1x/day.
MissMallee: lose 5lbs., eat balanced meals, + start exercising regularly again.
NewShinyMe: eat OP 6 days/wk, journal food intake, keep track of water intake, + stay accountable on weekends.
LateToTheGame: lose 7-10 lbs., 3 days ST + 3 days cardio.
MountainChick: lose 5-7 lbs.
BlueIsis: 2x limit eating out at restaurants, no ice cream or alcohol, reach 120's.
mamatoni: lose 11 lbs. to reach onderland, ex. 5x/wk. No dessert with the exception of elephant ear at fair.
merose: lose 7lbs. to get to 174.
ernurse: lose 2 lbs. per/wk, stay within WW points, 4 bottles water daily, + give support at site daily.
MsPerception: take a multivitamin most days, get into the 140's.
Wifey: lose 10 lbs. +drink a lot of water
Pucedaisy: get down to 145.
wanting2b140: lose 10lbs. to get to 228
chunksoflove: lose 12.5 lbs. to get to 240.
Ruth135: lose 3-5 lbs.
Tummygirl: Lose 8lbs. to hit 177.
bbee: Lose 6 lbs.
Aclai4067: By Aug. 7- no longer morbidly obese--MET GOAL!! By Aug. 13- reach 10% target. No candy through Aug.21 (started July 21). Down to 255 by Aug. 31.
princess2323: start exercising again, workout 1 hr. a day, get eating in order, + get into the 140's.
iamren: lose 9lbs.
Shrinking Girl: lose 6lbs, goal weight for end of August is 217.5
Sunny Gee: lose 5.5 lbs. to get to 157.5
Jacque9999: see 125 sometimes in August--MET GOAL!! try new foods! + tone more and lose more belly fat.
susie martin: lose 10lbs. and do a daily chick check in.
ladyfyre: lose 11lbs, take my lunch to more fast food, get to the gym 3x/wk, at least a 1/2 hr. of daily exercise and never be rushed in the morning.
loriehohlf: no post weight in off plan eating, track what I eat, continue with my activity and keep losing.
HeatherEljohari: goal weight of 169.8, 3x/wk at the gym...60+mins. a pop. 40 15 lb. weights, + 40 sit-ups.
KEmery08: venture into the 150's + get involved in some sort of ex. class.
lookingtobehealthy: goal weight of 225.
nellonello: get into onderland.
khunter: lose 7lbs. to get to 145.
Mystical: lose 6-8lbs.
BKKchick: lose approx. 5 lbs. to get to goal weight of 114.5
gillychicks115: lose 5lbs, keep it off, + start strength training more.
rcrough: drink 2.5 liters of water/day, stay OP, + no mindless snacking.
mars540: lose 10lbs., fit a size 8 by Sep.1, + no excuses.
shasha17a: lose 8 lbs.
naz: lose 10lbs.
75togo: lose 8lbs. + ex. 45 min. 4x/wk.
Phenomenal Woman: lose 6 lbs. + ex. somehow everyday.
sotypical: Lose some weight.
Ja23: Lose some pounds.
smileydd: to go from 251
echo: lose 8lbs.
glutio: lose 5-10 lbs.
jessicado22: get into the 260's. Fit into small size 20 pants.
twilightfan: Lose 10 lbs.
Lisan1128: lose 5lbs.+ exercise 4-5x/wk.
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Old 08-09-2009, 09:16 PM   #387  
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Delphi - Ahh the arse sit, isn't it wonderful? A whole lot less gets done in the world on Sundays but who cares, we're just repairing muscle it's hard work! And yes, eat more! I love ya too much to see you under 1200 my dear. Enjoy your Lost marathon and back to school tomorrow, more piece and quiet for you!

CMo4 - Yay, it moved! Finally! And don't forget be optimistic, your scale and your fat cells are listening! Woohoo on 2.5 inches and that teeny tiny waist, good heavens girl! Hope you found a HRM, you're gonna love it!!! Like a week from now you'll be, how did I ever live without this, yup it's true, the bomb it is.

Jessicado - You can do anything you set your mind to hun, if you want to stick to it, you can and will just make a plan ahead and you'll be fine. That sounds like some pretty intense stuff over there and you're doing the best ya can keeping everyone safe and in the best situation, that's a least a small comfort.

Nellonello - I'm loving that scale too, I think we're all coming to your house! And don't be intimidated it hurts in a good way and so far, other than pull ups and chin ups, I can do everything on the videos and the cardio are great workout but not impossible. It definitely takes some time commitment for sure. I'm starting August 31 with the full program, I'm going to do "doubles" so we can do it together!

Khunter - I think my dh is the only guy who isn't interested in this program, he doesn't like the concept of structure I guess. I thought all the man muscles would sell him but nope appears not.

Susie - hope you're doing good.

FSA - Awww shucks, you're sweet. Yup, leaving in three days and starting to get excited! We've got some hiking and some white water rafting planned so it should be a hoot, I hope the weather isn't all rainy but we'll make the best of it anyway.

I'm a bit ahead of schedule today, I guess that's what happens when you don't work out. Menu is planned and entered for tomorrow, dishes, laundry, done, wow, this is weird, what is a girl to do, maybe a jump in the whirlpool tub and off to bed early for a great start to the week, I think that just might be it. Well have a great night ladies and I'll catch up with all your marvelous news tomorrow.

Last edited by Tummy Girl; 08-09-2009 at 09:20 PM.
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Old 08-09-2009, 09:32 PM   #388  
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Just got home from my trip to Santa Barbara. I made a lot of good choices. At the beach bbq, they had these really yummy turkey sausages. I had 2, but no hamburger. I know I should have only eaten 1, but they were just too good to resist. Then at night we went out to sushi, and I ordered 2 rolls, but didn't eat all of it (about half). Luckily my boyfriend left his ID at home so we weren't really in the going out to the bars and drinking mode. I was kinda irritated at him because it was our friend's bday, but in the end it saved me a lot of calories. Before we left this morning they wanted to go to this Mexican buffet for breakfast. I am happy to report that I only ate from the salad bar and made some veggie tacos. I also skipped the all you can drink mimosas (which wasn't hard because I detest champagne and orange juice, together orseparate, doesn't matter) It was hard to resist all the hot entree items though because they had ground beef, enchilladas, rice, refried beans, fried pork, omelets, waffles,sausage, bacon, etc. But I realized I would rather not eat that stuff since I would be too embarrased to report back on here. You ladies keep me in check with all your wonderful progress so far. Anyways, hope everyone had a great weekend and I will try to check back in after dinner for some personals.
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Old 08-09-2009, 09:45 PM   #389  
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TUMMY - I am all for doing this together. I think the 31st sounds like a great time to start. I am not sure if I will be able to do the doubles and am thinking about doing the lean but would love to have a virtual buddy! My hubby and I are getting ready to check out the first video.
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Old 08-09-2009, 09:51 PM   #390  
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Hey girls! Back from yet another out-of-town weekend...packing up the old house to get it ready for our lovely buyers! It's getting done in stages, so this weekend my mom helped me box some stuff up and figure out what needs to get done next trip. I am happy to say I think I maintained this weekend~~not easy since we ate out almost every meal! Anyway, back to the old grind tomorrow. Should be a good day. I will be putting in a boat load of exercise minutes and keeping busy most of the day (except coming here and reading/responding ).
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