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Old 03-12-2018, 08:30 PM   #166  
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I met my steps for the day. Pushed up to 3.6mph on one mile , 3.5 on another mile and just walked for the other 2 miles.
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Old 03-12-2018, 09:59 PM   #167  
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Hi Everyone!

I updated my foods.

Total Approx 1535 Calories +

Breakfast (420 Calories + coffee)
spritz olive oil in pan
2 large eggs 140 calories
300g. Mediterranean Blend Veggies 90 calories
14 g. Organic Valley feta cheese 30 calories
1 T. tomato paste 10 calories
1 slice Dave's Killer Bread 21 Whole Grains and Seeds Thin-Sliced 60 calories
Mango fruit spread 30 calories
juice equivalent to 60 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (415 Calories)
2 slices Dave's Killer Bread 21 Whole Grains and Seeds Thin-Sliced 120 calories
2 slices Applegate Farms Smoked Turkey Breast & lettuce 50 Calories
Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
Siggi's vanilla yogurt 110 calories
melon, orange, or other fruit 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)
2 grilled chicken breasts, 2 orders steamed veggies 700 calories

JS Stepping Strength workout w/3's, 5's, & 8's
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Old 03-12-2018, 10:24 PM   #168  
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grannynancy, congrats on getting your steps in today. I also got mine in today. power walked to the funeral home for calling hours after supper.
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Old 03-12-2018, 11:28 PM   #169  
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Still did not get 500 kcal. Hmmm. I didn't feel well today and developed a cold sore...

Wed March 7 1677 kcAL
Thur Mar 8 633
Fri Mar 9. 1178
Sat Mar 10 1191
Sun Mar 11 1231
Mon Mar 12 979

I've been definitely cycling.

I think I will go ahead and do a normal day before my body resets my metabolism. I want to do a little higher days and much lower days.

Granny, great job on those steps. Diana your food looks delicious.

I am going to go ahead and get a weight tomorrow just so I know where I am...goodnight ladies
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Old 03-13-2018, 12:23 AM   #170  
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Hello all
I wrote yesterday. But lost it all when I called Dell to see if they could help me with the highlighting problem. Then I lost all that I wrote.

Diana, I so admire your “experiment”. How you are taking charge of figuring this all out. You will be able to teach about it by the time you get done. I notice that while I was gone you switched bread. Now Dave’s Killer Bread. Cant remember what it used to be.

Novangel, congrats on the 1 lb loss.

GrannyNancy congrats on getting in your steps. You are amazing calculating calories, carbs etc. That’s dedication !

Ciecie So sorry for your loss You continue to amaze me with your dedication to power walking

Jendiet I hope you have gotten your car back. AND congrats on your pants fitting looser.

Teri “down a tad” is maybe good considering you were not feeling well for so long. Hope you are feeling much better now

Stlrgrl Hope your back is doing much better

Nancylrmn great that you got to go to the beach. Must have been great. Expecting snow tomorrow and Wednesday where I live. Beach sounds amazing.

Hi to anyone I missed saying hello to.

Bracing myself for the third round of snow. Where I live, the last storm lasted many days with “wrap around” snowfall. Only three days were a problem. Now Tuesday and Wednesday the next storm.

I have been up and down by a couple of ounces. But the caloric intake, around 1100 remains the same. I have a lot of inflammation. So I suspect that is some of what is going on. I need to stop drinking the low calorie hot chocolate. Stevia and cocoa powder cashew milk… I am burning up with acid. Yet I still persist in drinking it. It is my addiction, and I am not proud of it.

Clothing is fitting looser. But still have many lbs to lose before April 13th. I think I can do a sprint before i go, if I am not where I want to be. Today I was craving something good to eat. But I made it home without giving in.
I hope everyone has an awesome Tuesday

Last edited by flower123; 03-13-2018 at 12:24 AM.
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Old 03-13-2018, 05:24 AM   #171  
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good morning! i'll have breakfast and work out in a few minutes.
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Old 03-13-2018, 07:18 AM   #172  
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Good Morning, Everyone!

Science experiment still going well. I did notice that my beloved lip balm contains avocado oil and a couple other problematic ingredients (experiment). I bought a new lip balm yesterday that is free of all problematic ingredients. But it isn't a natural or organic product. But I will have to do what I have to do. I only used that product last evening and my mouth feels even better, so I will stick with that for now. ETA: This may be a coincidence, but I have noticed that my hot flashes and night sweats have decreased since removing the "problematic" stuff. Time will tell.

Flower Previously, I used Rudi's. It had gotten to be a problem finding it locally. Hang in there with the next storm. Hopefully Spring is around the corner for you.

Last night I added on: Full Body Stretch (standing)
This Morning: Oxycise Commuter Workout

Calories for yesterday: 1535 +
Weigh In: 187.8
Down: .4

Have a Blessed day!

I love today's devotion!

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

March 13

Proverbs 1:33
But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

Jesus faced many terrible experiences in His lifetime. The Bible tells of many incidents where crowds of people sought to kill our Lord. Whenever the pressures got too great, Jesus withdrew and spent time in prayer. That is an important lesson for us to learn. There will be times when the pressures build up while we try to lose weight. When the pressures get too much for us to handle, we should turn to the Lord in prayer. He will comfort us, strengthen us, and give us the courage we need to face every new day.

Today's thought: Jesus will take my mind off my diet!

Last edited by Diana3271; 03-13-2018 at 07:59 AM.
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Old 03-13-2018, 07:22 AM   #173  
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Good Morning 188.6 drop but not new low. Walking and an hour of yoga but not dehydrated. Much work to put the food intake on autopilot and ramp up on the exercise. The time change has put some limits on before work walking.

Today is planned for 12,000 steps - after my dog re certification, I am going to push it up to 14,000 which is one more lap.
Food is planned for 1130 calories.

This sure is hard work and I have to remember that! Tonight, Friday night, and Saturday are all tied up with dog training. Both dogs on Saturday. I will be so glad when this test is over and I settle into a more normal rhythm. Looking at other ideas but whatever I do, do, the plan I am using is working and has worked for many before me so any fine-tuning will be within the constraints of the plan (I have stepped outside of some of the rules very carefully though)

LOL, now that I weigh less than my husband, who has gained 10lbs this winter, he is "doing the Cronometer" and logging his calories. Of course, he needs to push it on the walking but I know that with his being a man it will be so much easier for him to drop the weight. No fair! His 1600 calories a day looks like a feast to me. I am glad he is interested in logging , though and seeing the nutritional value of what he puts into his body. It really is a temple.

Jendiet - Hope you get to feeling better.

I like your calorie changing. Is that 5:2? I am doing 16:8 but am looking into reading Dr. Jason Fung.

The interesting thing is years ago I read (and have somewhere) A book called "Things that Make for Peace" and in it, fasting was central for spiritual reasons and certainly supported by the Bible and other religious disciplines. I found the series on the web as audio files you can listen to and am going to revisit it. A minister shared it with me years ago (when I actually was lean but it was not about weight it was more about emptying yourself so you could receive) http://audio.holdenvillage.org/node/3124.

Flower - congrats for making it home and not giving in. I know how tough it is when your calories are low and you are not dropping as fast as you would like. Oh the Cronometer does all those calculations and is easy for me. Every morning with the first cup of coffee I plan the food for the day and adjust when things get too high or when I need more of a certain nutrient. Then I put it on an index card and make adjustments during the day if things are not quite what I had planned but try to keep the relative amounts the same. It is becoming 2nd nature, really.

Ciece - Your walking is an inspiration. I mean, New York? I am grumbling about going out because it is in the 30s here. My limiting factor seems to be my legs-I am doing the shorter steps, heel to toe roll, pumping my arms, and moving as fast as I can, and not getting as much aerobic benefit because even though my legs feel like jelly the heart-rate is not going up enough even with the hills. Maybe the speed will come with continued pushing.

Teri, hang in there. I know it has been tough and it can take awhile after being sick for everything to get sorted and to get back on solid ground. You have got this!

Last edited by grannynancy; 03-13-2018 at 07:24 AM.
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Old 03-13-2018, 07:40 AM   #174  
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had breakfast and did 2 miles leslie sansone. will be getting ready to go see dad in a few minutes.
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Old 03-13-2018, 09:28 AM   #175  
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Good Morning everyone flower, thank you. MY back seems a little better but I haven't exercised since Friday, I have been well under on my calorie limit. I am going to start stage 2 of NRLW today and see how that goes.
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Old 03-13-2018, 04:14 PM   #176  
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good afternoon! just got back from seeing dad a few minutes ago. will power walk to and home from my meeting tonight.
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Old 03-13-2018, 05:12 PM   #177  
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Hi all. Quick post for
Diana. I called someone asked her to muscle test me for inflammation. She said I need liver detox support. It got me thinking of you and the tannins. I wonder if you are detoxing while eliminating the tannins from your system. Then I wondered if liver support while you are doing this "experiment" would be beneficial. I am not talking about a radical liver detox. Because idk what times of year those should not be done. But maybe reduced glutathione or milk thistle... idk if you even need anything. But it seemed to me that your body might be detoxing with all the clearing of tannins you are doing. Just a thought.

Will write a regular post later on when I am on my pc. Signing off from my iPad.
Hope everyone is having a great day.
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Old 03-13-2018, 06:46 PM   #178  
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power walked home from my meeting tonight. my fitness goals for today have been attained.
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Old 03-13-2018, 06:52 PM   #179  
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Good afternoon/eve to all
WI was still up this am 169.4 I was really hoping some of this water would leave me but ....it just likes me to well?????

Did not meet my step goal today it has been pouring down rain and I just have not have the engery to get out. I did not not sleep well last night and finally at 3 am just got out of bed. I tried to be very quiet but it still work DH and made him restless. So by 6 am I was wondering the asile of Wal-Mart how sad is that???

I will force myself to stay awake until my normal bed times and hope to sleep tonight. However I did paint a new rock at 4pm a nice silhouette of an elephant and tree and lovely pink, blue, green sundown.

I hope to get to personals soon....

thank you for posting todays devotional
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Old 03-13-2018, 09:40 PM   #180  
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Hi Everyone!

I had my ladies church meeting tonight. I was in a rush and it was easier to put uncured ham chunks in the salad rather than making grilled chicken.

Total Approx 1535 Calories +

Breakfast (420 Calories + coffee)
spritz olive oil in pan
2 large eggs 140 calories
300g. Mediterranean Blend Veggies 90 calories
14 g. Organic Valley feta cheese 30 calories
1 T. tomato paste 10 calories
1 slice Dave's Killer Bread 21 Whole Grains and Seeds Thin-Sliced 60 calories
Mango fruit spread 30 calories
juice equivalent to 60 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (415 Calories)
2 slices Dave's Killer Bread 21 Whole Grains and Seeds Thin-Sliced 120 calories
2 slices Applegate Farms Smoked Turkey Breast & lettuce 50 Calories
Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
Siggi's vanilla yogurt 110 calories
melon, orange, or other fruit 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)

salad w/uncured ham & BHF's ranch 700 calories

JS 15 Minute Calorie Burst (running short on time)
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