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Old 03-17-2018, 10:50 PM   #241  
Trying to live below 200
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Hi Everyone!

Kelijpa I'm glad to see you checking in. You are doing a great job!

Total Approx 1370 Calories +

Breakfast (260 calories + )
Organic Valley vanilla Fuel shake 260 calories
coffee w/cream & sugar

Lunch (500 calories)
Chick-fil-a cool wrap w/a bit of ranch 400 calories
honey dew melon 100 calories

Dinner (610 calories)
Homemade salmon patty 250 calories
roasted root veggies 100 calories
cooked cabbage w/bacon 100 calories (my contribution for St Patty's Day )
cottage cheese 100 calories w/ pineapple/mandarins 60 calories 160 calories

1 hour swim
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Old 03-18-2018, 12:05 AM   #242  
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good morning! power walked to and home from church. will be shutting down in a few minutes. news was extra long tonight as both men's and women's basketball teams from the university of buffalo were in the first round of 32 teams in the ncaa tournament. the men blew the university of Arizona out of the water but couldn't get past the university of Kentucky. the women beat their first two opponents so are in the sweet 16. will be shutting down in a few minutes to go to bed.
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Old 03-18-2018, 12:57 AM   #243  
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Hi all
Going yo make this very short. Did a lot of work making cards today. I have a deadline with birthdays coming up. And I think someone will need 40 thank you cards. Probably 120 cards in all. Some designs take 45 minutes to make. But I think I have those ones completed. Just 60 more to go. Hoping my shoulders will hold out. The crunch will be over in about 12 days.

Beeps welcome. Great to meet you.

Kelijpa to see you. Glad things are going well

Hi to everyone else

Saturday's weight up .8. Samples at Trader Joe's were mercifully resistible. It was roasted previously frozen potato chunks cooked in butter. There was a teeny piece of cheese I did eat. But that could not have bern more than 20 calories. 4 would have fit in a tablespoon.

Coffee with cocoa 250
Popchips 360
Sample 20
L: Salad with BHF dRessing with chicken 270
D: chicken carrot, bone broth, green beans, cabbage and celery 300
Lemon protein going 30

Total for day 1230

Hoping you all have a great Sunday.

Last edited by flower123; 03-18-2018 at 01:01 AM.
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Old 03-18-2018, 07:23 AM   #244  
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Morning Everyone! I'm watching 4 Weddings on tv. For one wedding, you got a box to fill with pastries...Yum! Weddings are quite a production.

Flower: I love food tastings, too. Every once in a while, I get really hooked on something I have tasted. I'm not crazy about fish, so I try to taste some whenever there are food tastings. I hope that I will acquire a taste. I used to go to Sam's Club every week...but I have not been to one in a long time. I like Trader Joe's tastings. I visit that store maybe once a month because it is not close by.

My weight is the same. I am fine with that...


I have a social event today. I need to be careful I don't eat too many desserts.

Have a good day.
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Old 03-18-2018, 07:28 AM   #245  
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Good Morning, Everyone!

Teri000 Good luck with the social event. You can do it.

Flower Are you still drinking the low acid coffee? I forgot, which brand do you use? Good luck with getting the cards made. That's a lot to do, but you can do it.

Last night I added on: Full Body Stretch (standing) <-- I took a hot shower last night and stretched in the shower. That was really nice.
This Morning: Oxycise Commuter Workout

Calories for yesterday: 1370 +
Weigh In: 187.6
Up: .2 ----> I went to bed too late last night and didn't get enough sleep.

Have a Blessed day!

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

March 18

2 Timothy 1:12
. . .I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

'You can't lose weight. You've never stuck with anything in your whole life.' Those words haunt me all the time-every time I slip and eat something I know I shouldn't. I hate it when people think I'm too weak to succeed in my diet. I hate it even more when I prove them right. Still, being ashamed of failing at my diet is often good for me. If I am ashamed enough, then it helps me stick with it the next time. God has helped me a lot to conquer negative shame. I have committed my diet to Him, and He is true to help me keep on track.

Today's thought: I'll prove to all my skeptical friends that I am capable of losing weight.

Last edited by Diana3271; 03-18-2018 at 07:29 AM.
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Old 03-18-2018, 07:37 AM   #246  
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good morning again! i'll have breakfast and work out in a few minutes.
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Old 03-18-2018, 07:56 AM   #247  
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Good morning all,
144.8 this morning (meatball sub for supper last night)

Got to the rail trail yesterday, tracked all my food. Reading everyone's posts yesterday it occurred to me that I have no idea how many calories I consume on a daily basis. As a weight watcher, it's about the points, it's just a funny thing I noticed.

Some things I need to work on, getting in my strength training regularly, I changed how I was keeping track and it totally hasn't worked for me this month. Back to my old scheme. Also, I noticed I have been tracking later and later in the day, my food I mean, so there's some danger of forgetting what I actually ate. I'm in a maintenance/still want to lose a few pounds place. I've regained so many times, I don't want that to happen again. Working on balance, which reminds me, I need to get better about stretching, too.

Happy Sunday, hope everyone has a great day

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Old 03-18-2018, 08:23 AM   #248  
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Good Morning - 187.6 - New Low. Very happy as I woke up feeling a bit bloated and dreading the scale.

Yesterday I ate 1143 calories and walked 13,000 plus steps (took it off for shower and forgot to put back on for an hour of walking up and down stairs etc.). Did my glute exercises.

Today the plan is 1128 calories, walking 12,000 steps with two miles of that as fast as I can [gaah, I am still pegging out at 3.6mph sustained. I may do intervals for one pass to work on speed, there I can sustain 4-4.5mph in one minute increments but my overall speed declines. Also having trouble getting my heart rate up no matter how hard I seem to push. RHR has pretty much dropped to about 55-57 from 62-66 and has held. Also upper body exercises and as always balance and stretches.

Breakfast Uncle sam cereal, berries, milk, added flax, one scoop promix whey
Lunch chicken salad home made.
Dinner sweet and sour cabbage with tofu also carrots and onions added

Kelijpa - Good to see you again. You ARE doing great. Oh my actual test won't be until early April.
Beeps - Welcome ! If you NEED HRT and are going off, consider vaginal estrogen, I wish they had me taking that back after my hysterectomy. I now have a slight bladder prolapse and rectocele and, I think, had I used vaginal estrogen all along it may not have been the case. It is a much lower dose than oral and is local. It took 20 years for this to happen but it would take surgery to undo it. I am hoping to never need it by being careful about what weight training and yoga poses I do as well as pelvic floor stuff.
Teri - When I started walking, which is now a solid 4 miles a day plus what I do around the house, I read a book called "live younger next year" that proposes walking an hour a day. It was very motivational.

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Old 03-18-2018, 09:14 AM   #249  
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Default Candy binge

Good morning all, went off my 99% vegan diet for a double order of fast food orange chicken and a few bags of candy. I didn't eat all four bags but a bit over half. This would have been a major setback with permission to continue but now i realize its the successes that define me not only the failures. So im off to the gym.
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Old 03-18-2018, 09:21 AM   #250  
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good morning again! just had breakfast a few minutes ago. will go for a power walk and run errands in a few more minutes.
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Old 03-18-2018, 10:09 AM   #251  
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Good morning everyone, new low of 208 this morning so pretty happy. I just had breakfast and going to workout.
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Old 03-18-2018, 10:22 AM   #252  
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Default Hi! I’m new here

Good morning! I’m trying (struggling) to lose 12 lbs that have been creeping on since November. I do cardio (either elliptical or walking on an incline on the treadmill) 5 days a week. Today I’m going to start incorporating using free weights. I think I eat fairly well, but obviously not well enough as I haven’t lost an ounce. Two days ago, I started the 8 hour diet so that I stop snacking too late in the evening.
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Old 03-18-2018, 11:10 AM   #253  
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welcome to the group orion! just from your post you are doing great exercise wise. do you track your food/calorie and water in-take? I use myfitnesspal.com for that. it's helped tremendously. I just got back from power walking and running errands. will go for another power walk and run another errand in a few minutes.
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Old 03-18-2018, 04:59 PM   #254  
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Orion Hi and welcome to the check-in.
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Old 03-18-2018, 05:05 PM   #255  
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Hi Everyone!

I am having a pretty good day. Just, to explain, I have been really struggling mentally with what I have had going on the last couple of weeks. Today felt better mentally. This morning, when I woke up there was a significant improvement with my mouth since eliminating that mouthwash. I haven't had an iced coffee since going through all of this. I love having my iced coffees on the weekend. I have felt frustrated since I have not allowed myself to have one. I make them plain so it's not like they are high calorie. So today I wanted to try one to see how I would do. I just finished drinking it. I literally sucked that thing down all at one time. It was so good. Hopefully I don't react.

My friend & I went for a long walk that about killed us. You would think we never worked out a day in our lives. But I think the increased temperature took a bit out of us.

Gotta get ready to go back to church. I'll check back in later.

Last edited by Diana3271; 03-18-2018 at 05:06 PM.
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