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Old 02-19-2023, 12:53 PM   #466  
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My weight is up today but that is because I'm eating. Plus I had already put lotion on my legs and arms so don't kn.ow how much that was which I'm not sure it weighs a lot. I made myself get my protein yesterday and was miserable last night and evidently I didn't sleep good because I couldn't wake up this morning. My back was hurting before I ever got out of bed. So I'll eat more protein but won't push more than what I can handle.

Tomorrow I will call to make my appointment for the 1st chemo infusion and hope I can get it done Tuesday. Supposedly I will have good days until day 4 or 5 when fatigue sets in for a few days. DH has made a calendar for me to use to record each day what I am feeling. He says I might need it when I share my testimony when this is over. I want to use it to mark off the days so that I know when day 10 is because there are days 10 thru 13 when my immune system will be its lowest. So my plan is to be sure to make those days to stay absolutely to myself so I don't get any infections. Then everything starts getting stronger again on day 14 and I will have another 7 days of feeling pretty good until day 21 and then it will be time to do infusion #2 and it starts all over again.

Had 2 eggs and 3 sl bacon and tried a cup of black coffee with Stevia hoping my stomach will tolerate it so I can have a cup once in a while. Don't feel like being as active as I was yesterday so I didn't want to stand and cook so I have chicken breasts in cream of chicken soup in the crockpot.

Hope everybody has a blessed Sunday.
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Old 02-19-2023, 01:55 PM   #467  
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Trish, once you start treatment you might have days when you don't feel up to posting. That's ok. I will know why you aren't posting and understand. No need to feel that you must. I will be praying through it all!

I had trouble with my printer again today. I know it's user error because neither of us know what we are doing. Its funny, because it will print recipes but won't print my bank statement.
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Old 02-20-2023, 01:10 PM   #468  
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I was right, the 183 was water weight. I'm back down to 181 today.

We went out for breakfast and I'm proud to say I felt satisfied after eating half so I brought the other half home. Thing is, I don't know when I'll eat it. Probably for breakfast tomorrow. In the past I had no problem eating it all. I got coffee this time instead of water so that might have filled me up.

Then we went to Goodwill for senior day and then to Walmart. So I did a lot of walking. For some reason my legs started hurting overnight and now my arms hurt too. Its muscle soreness that feels like I've been exercising but. I haven't been doing enough to get this. I've had this in the past but don't remember how it went away.

I have been doing leg exercises while sitting. Some just lifting my heels or bending ankles. This is something that's been suggested in the books I've been reading. they called it ambient exercise but its added movement that isn't actually exercise. I don't think it would cause this muscle pain, especially not the arms. I noticed the arm pain when I was carrying bags in from the store.

Step daughters luck is starting to turn around. Her car got fixed no charge because it was just a bolt that fell out, but she had to pay to get the car towed. The guy who was going to build a house behind theirs changed his mind. Big relief there. Another job possibility opened up for her. I don't want them to start having financial problems again.

I hope you are doing well today, Trish. I know its scary to be starting treatment. The sooner you start the sooner it will be over.
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Old 02-20-2023, 07:19 PM   #469  
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Day started not so good as I was constipated. I have taken Miralax for days but finally had one but I ended up feeling like was going to pass out. So I went back to bed afterwards. When I got up I called oncologist office and my appointment to start chemotherapy Monday, Feb 27th. I still have my gynocological oncological appointment Wednesday.
Carol Sue I figure that weight gain was just sodium.

I went on FB Keto for Cancer and started reading again since there were some new people asking for information. I decided to read the dieticians book I bought written by the lady who had ovarian chancer. I've decided to do what she did and eat low carb and fast. I trust experience more than anything else. So as of today I am back to Low Carb Healthy Fats along with Intermittent Fasting. I had one meal today which was air fried chicken wings and mixd veggies. I have 4 more pieces if I need it but I doubt I will have them today.

Haven't been weighing, but FBG was 145. I know doctor said that FBG would be all over the place, but 145 is not acceptable to me. So I'm back on low carb and fasting.
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Old 02-20-2023, 09:13 PM   #470  
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Trish, I think if you are eating low carb and still get a higher blood sugar then its something else not within your control that's causing it Other things can cause it to be high. From what you've told me the foods you're eating are healthy.

I may have figured out why I have felt achy and off for two days. At 8pm I realized I hadn't taken my pills today. I took diabetes pills but not the blood pressure, heart or gout meds. When I went to my pill box to get them I saw that I didn't take them yesterday either. I took my bedtime pills last night but not the morning ones. So now I took my morning ones for today and will take the others when I go to bed.A. I think I am becoming a forgetful old lady. I never thought that would happen.

Another thing happened today, too. I did not get sleepy or nap!!. I have felt fine. So maybe some of my pills make me sleepy. Now that I think of it there was one pill that made me sleepy and I asked my cardiologist if I can take it at night and he said yes. So I don't know how I started taking it in the morning again. I will switch it back to night.

Last edited by Wannabehealthy; 02-21-2023 at 02:33 PM.
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Old 02-21-2023, 02:43 PM   #471  
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I fell asleep for a short while this morning but it was because I got up so early. I was hungry so I ate the leftovers from yesterdays breakfast. And a cup of coffee. So I didn't get on the scale today.

Today I'm going to do a load of laundry and get some clothes together to donate.

I hope you are doing well, Trish.
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Old 02-21-2023, 06:20 PM   #472  
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I had a rough morning but feeling well now. I have gotten used to the fact that there are going to be good days and bad days. I ate the leftover chicken wings today but it didn't settle well with my stomach. I just don't always know how some foods are going to affect me and what isn't. What I eat today may not settle tomorrow. It is a One Day at a Time kind of situation. I'm fasting the rest of the day because I have ti go see the last doctor I have to see before everything gets started and I don't want to feel like crap.

I'm glad you are feeling better.

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Old 02-22-2023, 10:23 AM   #473  
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Hi everyone: still trucking away. Had a good walk this morning, and hope to do more. I have decided I want to do a walking tour next year, and will work on training for it this spring and summer and see if I can do that. It will be a good way to help me shed these pounds I have gained eating gluten and carbs.
I confirmed my appointment for my endoscopy and colonoscopy for March 8, so only 2 weeks to go eating like this. I am fasting a bit today, as the pain has been bad and I feel quite sluggish. I tend to feel better until I eat.
Trish: check in with your doctor before getting too worried about your blood sugars. It is quite possible that cancer affects it and you might need insulin temporarily. Its not your diet at all, so no blaming yourself. Cancer and treatments have all kinds of effects on the body. Let the experts guide you.
I know Dr. Fung has discussed fasting for cancer, but not for all types of cancer and not during chemo I believe.
Up here, since cannabis is legal now, most people use CBD oil and Cannabis oils for pain and inflammation. (you can also smoke it, but I have never been a smoker). Also relieves nausea from chemo. Again, I don't know your personal situation, or the legalities in your state, so be guided by your caregivers.

Happy Wednesday friends

Carol: I am glad the gain was just water weight, and hope you can get under 180 again soon. I am almost back up to that, we can lose from there together.
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Old 02-22-2023, 10:24 AM   #474  
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Trish, hope you feel better and your doctor visit goes well.

I slept well last night but the scale was still up to 182 this morning. I want to get back into the 170s before my body gets too comfortable in the 180s. Its only a few lbs but it makes a difference.

Funny story. DH asked how GOLO works for weight loss. I looked up the list of foods you are supposed to eat while taking GOLO and I said "If you ate those foods you would lose weight without the GOLO.". He said " I eat those foods!" I said "But you also eat cakes, cookies, candy, chips , pretzels, ice cream that are NOT on the list!".
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Old 02-22-2023, 04:24 PM   #475  
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Carol Sue, That is funny.

I was in a lot of pain today going to the doctor, but I had taken 2 tylenol and it did help. The doctor would probably offer me something for the pain, but it hasn't gotten that bad yet. Hoping the chemotherapy will start working next week and some of that pain will go away when the fluid come off.

I really like the gynocological oncologist who will do my surgery. She actually explained in more detail as to how all this is working. We agreed to a total hysterectomy and she said there is a pill that I will take after the chemo treatments which I'll probably be taking the rest of my life to keep it from ever coming back. She said all this fluid will come off with the chemotherapy because that is how they know it is working. The only thing I don't like is that I'm going to have to go to some hospital in a little town north of Austin to have the surgery. Once all the treatments are over I will be seeing her once every 3 months for maintenance.

Mad Hope your tests give you the answers that you need.

Time for a nap. Hope everybody is having a good day.
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Old 02-22-2023, 06:59 PM   #476  
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Mad, we must have been posting at the same time. I hope your tests give you good results that will resolve your issues.

I think CBD is legal here but a prescription may be needed. I don't know anyone who uses it.

Trish, it sounds like your treatment plan is all falling into place. Its good that you like the surgeon but I'm sorry you have to go to Austin. Hopefully all will go well and you won't have to spend much time in the hospital.

Are you still drinking the alkaline water and the other water? I was reading that cancer can't live in an alkaline environment, but I'm not sure what that means.
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Old 02-23-2023, 10:15 AM   #477  
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The scale,wiggled around 183 so I jumped off. This is very annoying.

According to my Fitbit I had my best sleep ever last night. I got a score of 90, excellent, the highest I've ever had. I was up twice for the bathroom but went back to sleep.
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Old 02-23-2023, 11:16 AM   #478  
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Carol Sue, So sorry that old pesky scale just doesn't co-operate with us does it? It is good that you got a good nights sleep.

Yes, I am still drinking the alkaline water, As bad as I feel these days I do hope tha it does help until I can get my chemotherapy stated. Strange how things work, but I was so scared of chemotherapy because of all the possible side effects the known and unkknown possibilities, but now I am so ready to get with it. I kn it is going to take the chemo to get all this fluid off and I know that after so many treatments I will have surgery and then the other round of therapy and the hard part will be over so I can get back to feeling good again. Just praying and taking one day at a time.

I'm not going to have any problem fasting because I'm so afraid of the pain when I eat something that causes me problems. So it will be easy to get around that one with my cancer team who thinks you should eat especially carby/sugary foods that I've learned is a bad idea especially for me.

Mad My primary doctor did warn me that my blood sugar is going to be all over the place during all this and told me not to worry about it. The highest I've had so far 138 but today and most days it stays under 120. I figure the fact that I am eating only OMAD and that is only if I can keep it down, it seems to be taking care of itself.

I do find it difficult to stay low carb all the time when I don't feel like cooking. Yesterday DH was going to get Chinese because I told him I could have (per the dietittian I'm reading who had ovarian cancer) Chinese beef broccoli no rice or noodles, but he forgot about it until we got almost home so we got McDs. I decided to get a fish sandwich and ate it with a few fries. I don't think it caused me any problems but it was hard to tell because I got up with pain yesterday and had it all day. Somewhat better today, but I am very tired. I am at the point where I feel like I'm ready to give birth to a 10+ lb baby and chemo is the only thing that is going to change it.

I pray everybody has a nice pleasant day today.
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Old 02-23-2023, 03:21 PM   #479  
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On Tuesday I had a really bad day for pain, so yesterday I did not eat any gluten. I was good from the pain point of view all day and into this morning, but had trouble getting to sleep. Today I have had gluten for brunch, but am done with that now. I think I will stick with lunch/brunch having the gluten and not supper, perhaps the pain will not wake me. But once I got to sleep, I slept well and DH left me to sleep late, so overall I am sure I slept enough, even though I have lots of fatigue.
Trish, I hope your pain improves. Don't wait for it to get overwhelming before taking something or getting a prescription. Its good to have meds on hand for when they are needed. Getting rest is am important part of healing, and that can't happen if you have much pain. Also, the meds work better if you take them when you have a little pain and don't wait for it to get bad. I am sure your caregivers tell you the same. This advice is true for basic over-the-counter pain meds, so I am not giving specific medical advice.
Carol: I am glad if you can get good sleep. It makes a difference to one's outlook for the whole day, I find.
I posted on FB today, as I read over my FB memories each day, I rarely repost them, because so many are complaining about insomnia, or being tired after working all night etc. The lack of sleep took over my life, I think, and likely left my body fighting auto-immune disease.
On the bright side, Buddy is getting me outside for walks and the daylight time is longer now. Even though we just had another freezing rain event, I am feeling like spring is not so far off.
Have a good day friends.
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Old 02-23-2023, 09:42 PM   #480  
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Mad, I was going to have DH call the clinic to get me some pain meds but he had some here and gave me 2 of them. I can only take 4 a day of them and my dear niece told me how to alternate it with ibuprofen and Naporazen. So I have been mostly pain free all day. As soon as I started taking something as soon as I felt pain start to come on. I'm feeling sleepy but at least I am pain free.

I hope your pain is gone and you are feeling well.

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