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Old 09-14-2007, 05:33 PM   #136  
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Soon2BFitChick - Wow! You are one busy chickadee! Good for you for making yourself a priority, too. Great quote, thanks for sharing it.

How does everyone feel about this weekend? I know they can be a hard time to stay on plan, so I always am a little nervous!

My plan for the weekend is to get lots of homework and housework done, but also have some FUN! On Sunday I'm meeting a girlfriend to go walk the trails around our university; normally we would meet up for dinner or coffee, so I'm glad we're going to have an active meet up instead! The boyfriend will be out for a few hours on Saturday, so I think I'll take the time to do some Pilates and maybe surprise him with a clean apartment.
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Old 09-14-2007, 07:17 PM   #137  
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I need to check in more often!
Congrats to everyone who has lost some weight (or feeling positve that they will) this week. It is very encouraging!! My weigh-in is Monday far it is 3 lbs...hoping for maybe one more...which will entirely depend on how my weekend goes.
I went off plan today....I indulged in a bacon sandwich at lunch. I had a job interview this morning, and while it went really well (I found out at 4:00pm that I got the job), I was so anxious about it that I needed something comforting. I'm just glad there wasn't any Coke in the house, or I would have really been in trouble!!
Looking forward to getting in some extra exercise this weekend..if the weather clears up, I hope to get some good walk/jogs in.
Have a great weekend Blue team!!
Keep up the great work!
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Old 09-14-2007, 09:09 PM   #138  
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Good evening! I was OP yesterday and today, plus I did 40 minutes on the elliptical yesterday and today I ran 31, walked 11.

Normally, I weigh on Fridays, but I am have a digestive issue, which is causing me to push it off until tomorrow morning. I will let you all know know it goes.
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Old 09-14-2007, 09:48 PM   #139  
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Sorry I'm still not checking in, but I've been absolutely swamped this week! It's been ridiculous! Calculus Monday - Wednesday nights, Vegetarian meeting last night, grocery shopping tonight, Fun Day tomorrow... when, oh when, will I get some me time? Haha

Chellez, I take day classes. I tried to arrange my schedule so that I don't have to wake up too early or be at school too late because I found out that's a recipe for disaster for me!

Everyone else, hey! I promise that I'll eventually be here more often... I hope. I really really hope my schedule isn't going to be like this long term... haha.

Hope everyone's doing good with food and exercise! Catch you all later!
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Old 09-15-2007, 09:42 AM   #140  
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Good Morning ladies~
I slept in this morning and it was nice. I'm going to go for my walk here soon. I can't believe how cool it is outside, it's in the 40's here! I do love the smell of fall though and the colors should be changing soon.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll be back later.
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Old 09-15-2007, 11:50 AM   #141  
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Morning Ladies!

I'm kind of in a bummer but happy at the same time mood. I'm really excited about the upcoming results on Tuesday for the team and I lost weight when I weighed in today. I'm just kind of in a bummer mood because I thought I'd at least lose a whole pound this week since I planned all of my meals and everything was OP. I only lost .2 pounds Which I told the lady weighing me it was better than nothing but really it was just adding to my mini depression phase I've had the past few days. Thankfully I haven't turned to food to cure it!

I went and picked up my groceries today so I'm set for another on plan week. The meeting today was about exercise, and I realized after carrying my groceries up 3 flights of steps how out of shape I am. Even coming home from school at night I feel like I'm out of breathe coming up those things. I really need to start fitting fitness into my schedule!

I have to go tend to some things that Melissa brought to my attention but I'll be back a little later to do personals and chat some more.
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Old 09-15-2007, 11:59 AM   #142  
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Good morning ladies! Well although it is sunny here it is really really cold! I have to say though I love it! I think today the high is only supposed to be about 61! This afternoon my son has a baseball game, so I will be bundling up for that! Tonight is just chilling at home and catching up on some tivo shows! Just wanted to check in and say hi! I usually don't get here on the weekends, but since were going to be home I thought I'd stop to say ! Let's all try and stay OP this weekend and fit in a little exercise! I am going to weigh-in tommorow morning so I have my fingers that it's a good one! Have a great weekend ladies!

Dea-on getting the job! That has to feel great!

Good luck with weigh-ins girls!
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Old 09-15-2007, 12:40 PM   #143  
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Good morning!!

Can't talk now, gotta make bottles but saying hi and was OP yesterday, made myself meet my walking goal, yet again. Ending up doing it at nite bc they are all sleeping, but I liked doing it in the mornings! Uggh!!!! Legs are sore bc I upped the speed on my treadmill. LOL. But a good thing.

Anyhoo, read the posts, wish I could reply to each one. I hate not having enough time for anything lately! Glad to say that although I was PMSing, I am down another .5 lbs! Yay, so 228.0 now. When I get to 227.0, that will be 50 lbs off.

Ok gotta run, hugs, Selina
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Old 09-15-2007, 02:40 PM   #144  
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Morning, Blue Team! Well...I guess it's afternoon. I slept in today. I just finished having a delicious on-plan breakfast, and the scale was kind to me today (154! --That's a 4 pound loss since last week!).

My boyfriend's going to be up till Monday morning, and I don't want to miss the weigh-in deadline, so I'm going to enter my weight today. I can't complain about 4 pounds for the team--and anything else I might lose over the weekend will count toward the week 2 weigh-in, anyway!

Have an AWESOME weekend, Blues! Don't forget to enter your weights before the deadline, and keep up your hard work!
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Old 09-15-2007, 04:20 PM   #145  
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hi everyone! This week has been aweful for me and there were times when I wanted to go off plan so I logged on and quickly read some help and I didn't totally loose it. Today is a new day and things are going better. I'm really impressed with the determination and dedication of members on this team- WAY TO GO
Think I'll take my eleven year olds (one son and two dogs) on a nice long walk this afternoon and tomorrow head to the beach for some dune climbing and playing on the sand.
Keep up the great work and it'll be great to see the weigh in results
take care
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Old 09-15-2007, 05:07 PM   #146  
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Hi all, hope everyones out having a fantastic active weekend! I just got back from another dance class, my 3rd this week! I'm feeling great about my exercise level this week and so-so about food, so i know what i need to work on for next week. i'm off to work this afternoon, so i know i'll stay OP because there won't be any food except what I pack (thank goodness!) I'll be weighing in monday morning since mondays are my official weigh in day.

My weekend mantra: STAY ACTIVE, EAT CLEAN!!!
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Old 09-15-2007, 08:38 PM   #147  
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Evening ladies~
Well I didn't go for my walk this morning, took the day off. Took one kid to a friends house and me and the other kiddo went running around. We had fun.

Selina~ you checking in is amazing with how busy you are. to you!

Chellez~ a loss is a loss is a loss. You're busy too and you'll figure out how to fit some exercise time in your day, I know it!

Azure~ WTG on your loss this week!!!

Noah~ good for you on coming here when you want to go off plan, I do that as well. I love reading everyone's posts and get motivated again.

Tina ~ I forget me and you share the same weather as we're not to far apart. I'm not quite ready for the cold yet!

Denice~ I like your mantra and will follow it as well!

Well I just wanted to pop in and say hey. Have a good evening everyone and I'll talk to ya tomorrow.

Last edited by Catsgetnhealthy; 09-15-2007 at 08:39 PM.
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Old 09-15-2007, 11:25 PM   #148  
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I haven't checked in lately and I apologize. I have been anxious and down lately.

My diet is mostly good but I have had a few days over my calorie limit .

The good news is that I am down several pounds at this point! I will officially weigh in early on Monday (I don't own a scale) and then post at school.

Monday, I am also making an appointment with the RN at school for a weight loss counseling appointment. They seem very helpful and supportive and I can always use more help and support!

Best of luck to you all and GO BLUE TEAM!!!
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Old 09-16-2007, 04:06 AM   #149  
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Night Shift Aud here - reporting an amazing 2lb loss for The Bluesters - amazing because of the crapalicious week I just endured!

Getting up early a.m. gym b4 Football Sunday. Drinking LOTS of water as I've promised in the WEED-chicks to forego alcohol for a change. Hope to also have some time to get to know everyone here a bit better.

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Old 09-16-2007, 09:54 AM   #150  
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I normally weigh in on Mondays (or Tues, or Wed), but I am going to weigh in today as tomorrow is looking to be a bit crazy. 3lbs down for the week!! I was hoping to drop one more, but no luck. I'll have to save that pound for next week.
hope everyone is having a great weekend. I personally find weekend very wise.
I got the grocery shopping done last night...lots of fruits/veggies, light snacks and stayed away from the things that are very tempting for me.
Here's to a great week Blue team!!
Does anyone have any ideas of a team challenge we could start for ourselves....extra motivation!!
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