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Old 09-10-2007, 09:13 PM   #46  
It's never too late
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Hi Blue Team! I just finished my 3 mile WATP Super Fat Burning DVD - i've gotta say it was a little bit of a challenge. I've been slacking and haven't exercised since last Tuesday, so my muscles were a little off for tonight, but I'm glad I made myself do it. Leslie Sansone can be SO annoying, but I like that the walking is very brisk and the music helps me keep going. I am going to try and exercise at least 4 days this week, so tonight was a good start.

On another note I was reading a thread in another forum about trying to get your whole life together, not just your weight. I have a terrible problem of procrastinating and being lazy, especially now that I work a 40 hour a week job and own a house that needs constant attention to keep in some kind of order. I have a hard time prioritizing chores at home (I am not a big fan of cleaning, and now that I own a 2400 square foot home with my BF, there is much more to clean than just the apartments I am used to living in). I usually leave all of my big cleaning for one day on a weekend, maybe once a month or even every two months if I am being really lazy. I hate leaving chores for the weekend because I would rather spend my time doing fun things, but it is hard to get chores done after getting home at 5:30, cooking dinner, checking email, cleaning up the dishes/kitchen, and hopefully getting exercise in by 9:00 pm, then winding down for the night (I am an early bird, usually in bed for sleep by 10 pm). I have decided to start making a new list Sunday nights before turning in. This list will include Monday through Thursday (Fridays are my break day and for relaxing) and a chore I want to accomplish for each day. If i can do one thing each day I won't have such a heavy task on the weekends and the house won't get too out of order (we have a dog, so there is always fur everywhere which can build up pretty quickly, plus my BF does not view cleaning as much of a priority - he isn't a slob, but doesn't really mind there being stuff laying around the house like I do). So, last night I made my list - tonight was "start laundry" night - too many loads to do in one night. I also list "exercise" for each night because exercising can seem like a chore to me and if I write it down and get to check it off at the end of the day, it feels good. I am very big on to do lists. I know I will probably not get everything done every week, but if I can get most things done I will feel a little better. I have to get out of the habit of sitting on the couch for 3 hours after work and just watching tv before going to bed. Although I am tired at the end of the workday, I have to come to the realization that I'm not a kid anymore and have responsibilities, especially now that I own a house that needs attention and love to keep it in order. I have been putting off adulthood for a long time and I'm ready to take the leap and become a true adult, even if it isn't always fun.

I know that was a rant, but I needed to get it out there. Thanks! Hope everyone has a great night.
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Old 09-10-2007, 09:32 PM   #47  
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Evening ladies!

It's about 9:30 and the hubby is extremely grouchy cause his dinner isn't ready! I'm making WW Chicken Parmesan with salad. I'm kind of grumpy cause I'll be eatting late. It's ok though... today is only a 22 point day and I normally would be at 26. So eatting a little later wont kill me.

I'm glad everyone is getting to know each other! We are working up some good "Hot for Halloween" Goals that I think we can achieve! Don't worry about the Red Team's chat being super long. As long as everyone on our team is checking in and keeping us posted we will be fine. I think every time I've run the challenge the Red Team chat thread is longer than the Blue's. Just give it time.... we will catch up eventually!

I stayed on plan today so I've been behaving since Friday! Go me! I'm really hoping this whole plan your meals ahead pays off for me on Saturday when I weigh in. Otherwise I may have to start another game plan in the next few weeks.

Well let me bounce off of here so I can cook dinner. I'll be back before bedtime!
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:14 PM   #48  
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Originally Posted by stranger n my mirror View Post
Hi, Rhonda. This is Ronda. I just thought it very coincidental that I also telecommute for a healthcare administrator. Oh, and we are the same age. Weird. You just spell your name wrong. lol
Oh Wow! That is really cool. Hey, just a forgot a letter.
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:15 PM   #49  
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Ok, check in for today. Did good with food, have stayed OP for 16 days straight. I know it gets easier from experience but still a little trying at this point, esp. when people who live with you eat candy that you like in front of you!! LOL

I also have hit my exercise goals those 16 days, at least 4 miles a day, 8000 steps (have not used even one of my half allowances where I can do 4000 steps but might be tomorrow, taking 2 kids to doc.) But my water needs serious work. I do like it so I don't know why its so hard. How do u all get ur water in??

And I have to thank Chelle for doing all this. Seriously, it's going to help us so much and you are taking your own time to do it. I really am grateful. Thank you. I'd vote you in for moderator in a heartbeat, girly!

Anyhoo, hope u all had a great day!!

Nite nite!

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Old 09-10-2007, 10:21 PM   #50  
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My hot by halloween goal is about 175 so thats about 18 lbs...we'll see it's a bit high, but who knows, at least it gives me something to shoot for
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:23 PM   #51  
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So my Hot by Halloween challenge is 10 pounds! COME ON BLUE TEAM WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:28 PM   #52  
Accepting who she is
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1. What would you like us to call you?

2. What eating plan are you using?
Calorie counting

3. What do you do for exercise?
Walk, run, elliptical

4. What is one area you struggle with?
Night eating. I equate the freedom of sleeping children with letting loose. I graze too much. I need to get back to my 'not after 7' eating routine.

I also have an obsession with fiber. I try to get in 30 g a day at least. On days when I am low, I eat popcorn in the evening....see the cycle?

5. Tell us something about yourself that you are most proud of...and it cant be kids or family.
I have never missed an election, primary or major since I was old enough to register.

6. Where are you from? *optional*
The **** that is Indiana

7. What is your FS4 challenge goal?
To get to 140 and keep it.
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:29 PM   #53  
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1. What would you like us to call you? Sara

2. What eating plan are you using? LA WEIGHT LOSS

3. What do you do for exercise?I am planning on starting BLW video, elyptical and stationary bike...rotating, hopefully 4-5 times a week if not more. I am just waiting as I am having a bad case of syiatic nerve right now.

4. What is one area you struggle with?Drinking water, exercise and the urge to have a snack between 9-11 pm.

5. Tell us something about yourself that you are most proud of...and it cant be kids or family. I am proud of having lost this weight so far and I just pray to God I continue as it seems to be going off much slower now.

6. Where are you from? *optional* Ontario, Canada

7. What is your FS4 challenge goal? To reach 160 lbs. and to work together with a team of wonderful people who all have the same goal in loose and get healthier.

My Hot for Halloween goal will be reach my 160's so lets say 169.

Today was acrazy busy day, mind you Monday's always are, right? It's been great getting to read all your info's and geting to know you all.

Tina, that is agreat idea about writing everybody's name down, as God only knows I am terrible with names! Also, just wanted to mention to you Tina, that I know how you feel about your baby and watching him struggle with the speech son who is 13 hates school and I struggle everyday with him. The thing is with him he hates it so much that he does poorly as he has such a negative attitude...he has been in core, in tutoring, etc....he is bright just hates school. Oh well...we all have our challenges, either way I wouldn't trade him for the world!

Chellez...that's actually a great idea...I think I will try to start planning my dinners as well, as it is so hard to plan dinners and make a nutrious one when you walk in the door at 6:00pm and everybody is starving!

Well, going to hit the sack to you all tomorrow.

have a grat evening and here's to another great day tomorrow!



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Old 09-10-2007, 11:30 PM   #54  
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My Hot by Halloween goal is to lose 15 lbs.
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Old 09-11-2007, 05:08 AM   #55  
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Just off work here in cooler weather MO - YAY!

Clicked "New Posts" - Red Team on Page 1 . . . Blue Team a gadzillion Threads later on Pg 4.

'Sup with that, Blueys?

Gotta crash but just wanna shout out to GirlyGirlS . . . not sure what "instant" menopause is . . . but the gradual kind is systematically driving this girl over the EDGE . . . and not far left to go!




*more tears*

*more laughter*

*more flashing*

Oy Vey! - 'Night All!

Last edited by aud; 09-11-2007 at 05:10 AM.
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Old 09-11-2007, 05:17 AM   #56  
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1. What would you like us to call you? Rebecca

2. What eating plan are you using?Counting calories

3. What do you do for exercise? WATP

4. What is one area you struggle with? eating out and I love bread

5. Tell us something about yourself that you are most proud of...and it cant be kids or family. Well, since I can't include family, I'd have to say that I feel really proud right after I exercise. I hate to exercise!

6. Where are you from? *optional* Texas

7. What is your FS4 challenge goal? 175 lbs.

Go Blue Team!!
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Old 09-11-2007, 06:05 AM   #57  
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I went out for my nightly walk last evening. I had to run back in the house and put more clothes on. I was freezing! I love the cooler weather but unfortunately when it comes so does the hay fever. **sniffle**
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Old 09-11-2007, 07:14 AM   #58  
It's never too late
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The Biggest Loser new season starts tonight! I can't wait to watch it (I may be watching the recorded version if I can't get my exercise done before 8, but I almost prefer to start the show later and fast forward through the commercials. Or I might just get on the elliptical at 8 and watch the first 40 minutes while exercising.) I hope everyone gets to watch tonight!
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Old 09-11-2007, 08:03 AM   #59  
The Weight's Coming Off!
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Ok, I did my walk yesterday at lunch - 25 minutes F*A*S*T - fast for me anyway. Eating was ok - one 250 cal slip-up. That would be .5 lbs a week though. Weight actually up to 199.5 this am. ARGHH.
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Old 09-11-2007, 08:41 AM   #60  
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Originally Posted by aud View Post
not sure what "instant" menopause is . . . but the gradual kind is systematically driving this girl over the EDGE . . . and not far left to go!
Instant menopause is when you enter the hospital with all of your plumbing and you walk out two days later without any of it. Yikes! I had absolutely no idea. Weight loss can be difficult, but I'm giving it 100% effort. I'm not letting my team down!

I did get to bed earlier last night, so not feeling the need to overdo the carbs for instant "energy." Forgot to put my steel cut oatmeal in the crock pot last night, so settled for instant this morning. Yuck! Not the same at all. At least, I didnt reach for the toast with butter and jelly. That has been my regular thing lately....and that is no way to start my days! But, today started off on the right foot, so I'm looking forward to a great loss on the scales Monday.
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