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Old 03-26-2018, 08:41 PM   #376  
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Good evening to all
WI up another lb so that is 2 in 2 days 169.0 this am. It has to be sodium, and I confess yesterday eating wise was not the best processed meat and cheese

Today did not go quite as planned and had to work late so late getting home = no workout plus I put my fitbit on the charger this am and left it at the house so no steps to record either
...read all the posts hugs all around, will try to get to personals later
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Old 03-26-2018, 09:43 PM   #377  
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Default Hi there!

Had a fun weekend- went to sister and went out to school play on Fri. night "Mary Poppins" kids did an amazing job. Then Sat. went to movies and saw "I can only imagine ", with my sister and BIL This is a really good movie about the lead singer of the christian band (mercy Me) and how his abusive father changes after a life time of being abusive when he comes to know Christ.
Then we went out to texas roadhouse for dinner. So I gained 4 lbs which some I believe is salt and not drinking enough water Hopefully now back on track will see that gone again soon. Tired after working all day nd then went grocery shopping. Prayers for all to keep on plan and do well and for those having bad day. Prayers for better day tom. Have seniors group meeting tom and see friends and play cards should be fun have goodnight everyone.
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Old 03-26-2018, 10:24 PM   #378  
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Hi Everyone!

Today went well with food and I was able to get a longer workout in. My workout wasn't intense but I did the best I could. I took the longer TF workout and broke it up in shorter sections. But I got it all done.

Total Approx 1535 Calories +

Breakfast (420 Calories + coffee)
spritz olive oil in pan
2 large eggs 140 calories
300g. Mediterranean Blend Veggies 90 calories
14 g. Organic Valley feta cheese 30 calories
1 T. tomato paste 10 calories
1 slice Dave's Killer Bread 21 Whole Grains and Seeds Thin-Sliced 60 calories
Mango fruit spread 30 calories
juice equivalent to 60 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (415 Calories)
2 slices Dave's Killer Bread 21 Whole Grains and Seeds Thin-Sliced 120 calories
2 slices Applegate Farms Smoked Turkey Breast & lettuce 50 Calories
Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
Siggi's vanilla yogurt 110 calories
melon, orange, or other fruit 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)
Chicken salad sandwich on wheat & a small cookie (90 calories) that came with it (calories were posted for this) 700 calories

TF Fire 60
30 minutes treadmill
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Old 03-26-2018, 11:07 PM   #379  
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Diana, I just Google tannin content in Holy Basil and Ashwaghanda.

Beeps. U r the only one I hear say I love Mondays. I get u about the new starts though.

So my lower day turned out to be 1613 calories and already my stomach is growling. I still will try to do 500 tomorrow. I need to plan and write it today before bed.

I did some exercise by rounding up trash and taking it to the dump and cleaning and organizing.

I drove my car some more and my dash lights started flickering....think it is voltage regulator again. Actually had that problem when I first bought the car and my mechanic put a better alternator on it but not new...so I guess that one bit the dust too. Although the headlights are not flickering yet

Everybody get some rest and have an ON PLAN day tomorrow!

PLAN 531 kcal

Tea, honey, milk:59kcal


4 milton crackers, 6 slices turkey breast, 1 serving carrots, cucumbers (or save for snack)226 kcal


Can chicken, 2 cups roMaine lettuce: 231 kcal

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Old 03-27-2018, 02:30 AM   #380  
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Hey all
I lost .4 of the 1 lb I mysteriously gained. But I messed up today, at trader joes. The sample was amazing and fattening. Easter samples can be dangerous. Gad I am not going to Costco on Saturday.

Teri, thanks for the info re: Jackson Galaxy's new show. I set my DVR to record it. Dog vs. Cat. Only missed 2 episodes. " overly bodacious" on the trampo, ya I get it. But thats def. not my prob, lol. Just problematic foot. Sorry about your knee and leg. I hope it easily resolves.

Jendiet, sorry your car dashboard lights are flickering. Sounds annoying. Good though that your headlights are holding strong. Hope getting it fixed doesnt cost a lot. Oh dear, re: the sushi. That stuff is heavenly. But with soy sauce it causes me to gain water weight. Oh how amazing it is though. My favorite food... I think. Well, that and carrot cake and...... lol

doitforme Hope today is great for you !!

Nancylrmn sorry you are having sodium retention. I wish I knew a good antidote for it.

Beeps I hope your son is doing better. Poor guy. Ditto what Jendiet said about loving Mondays. Its great that you do!! Sounds good, positive, happy....

Stelrgrl Everyone will cheer you on whenever you do hit onederland. All good things come in their own timing. April, May, June. You will get there.

GrannyNancy congrats on the NON obese rating. WTG !! Sorry about that bouncy scale. Mine does the same thing. I wish these things would stop being so annoying.

Diana thanks for the words to not be discouraged. I think if I did not drink the cocoa and eat the popchips I would be great. Well, I might attack strangers out of purely being hangry. But I would look great in my clothes while doing it,

Re: morning, it completely makes sense to me. I have been there. The first time a dr had me on a severely restricted diet I did mourn. I even cried at the grocery store. Feeling lost in the aisles. But I did get through that stage. And you will too. I agree with your pastor about God wanting us to have a healthy body. AND God (can) help those who help themselves. So I admire what you are doing. I understand the grieving. Maybe at some point down the road you can check out homeopathic tannin. IDK anything about it. And I know right now you rightly need to focus on the tannin diet. You are doing good, Diana.

Looks like I did all the personals. If I overlooked someone who posted since my last post, I am sending a

Like I said above,I messed up at trader Joe's. It was such a high calorie sample. Danish Kringle. And this season's version was even more fattening than normal. It had something like a pecan pie filling without those pesky pecans. Just the butter and sugar and eggs. And of course the puff pastry.

Other than that I was okay. I wish I could exercise. Even though I abhor doing it. But with this foot, there is no possibility of it. I will have more hot chocolate, lol, then I will do some Jin Shin Jytsu for losing weight. Weight loss was so simple before popchips were invented and I had discovered hot chocolate. So simple. I am lamenting

I hope everyone has an awesome Tuesday.

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Old 03-27-2018, 07:06 AM   #381  
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Good Morning. 183.6. New Low

Yesterday was 1236 calories and I ate so much fat and was completely OFF plan. LOL that's the way it goes sometimes. Did not get in my steps either but had a pretty brutal yoga session.

I have been bad with personals lately and SO MUCH is going on. Work still stressful and, even if I keep my job, I am not looking forward to the way this new group is working. I am so used to not being micromanaged and think that will change. Need to get those steps in today. It helps. It looks like another cloudy dreary day. 1106 is the plan. There is something every single night this week so DH is on his own for meals and I am making a big lunch every day and splitting between lunch and dinner for me.

Easter is looming and I pray for fortitude for all for the time ahead. Not having kids helps in that regard because we don't have the candies around the house.
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Old 03-27-2018, 07:49 AM   #382  
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Good Morning, Everyone!

Flower Thank you for the words support. It really means a lot to me. I have also had that "lost" feeling.

Last night I added on: Full Body Stretch (standing)
This Morning: Oxycise Commuter Workout

Calories for yesterday: 1535 +
No Weigh In - I'm not sure if I mentioned, but I will weigh in on Saturday, the last day of the month.

Have a Blessed day!

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

March 27

Psalm 84:11
For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

I can remember a time when I was on the verge of tears because I was so hungry. I had fasted for almost five straight days, and some friends of mine walked in eating cheeseburgers. The smell assaulted my nose, and the sight of the burgers caused my stomach to clutch and growl. I look back on that incident now and realize that I could not have made it, if it hadn't been for the Lord. When I think of God as my shield, I think of all the times I feel like giving up because I'm too weak to fight. At those times I'm all the more thankful that I have God to rest upon.

Today's thought: When my stomach attacks, God will defend me!
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Old 03-27-2018, 09:57 AM   #383  
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Hi Everybody,

I "bounce" on a stability ball and you can do it in front of the tv. I don't know if you can do it with a bad foot. I think it has helped my knee. I can now get up and down from the ball without hanging on anything. Oh, the balls are cheap, but they do take up space. My leg is feeling better than yesterday. I think maybe I should not increase my walking right now. I think I am just too heavy and should drop some weight first.

I saw someone at the Y with tape on their knee. They said it really helps support them when they exercise. I don't know if it would help with the foot. They get it at a medical supply store.

Yesterday, my diet was okay except for a half a cup of chocolate milk and too many jelly beans. I think part of the reason I have been going up and down is I have been eating some packaged Indian food. I ate smaller portions using it as something to spice up my veggies...but maybe there is too much salt and fat. Maybe I should limit myself to one pack a month. I have been flavoring my cooked food with balsamic vinegar and EVOO (no salt) and onion and garlic.

I did an easy slow 30 minute bike ride and an 50 minute swim (kicking, sculling, breast stroke arms...and I did my usual exercises on stability ball and knee exercises at home in front of the tv.

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Old 03-27-2018, 10:12 AM   #384  
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Good morning to all

WI down 1 of the 2 I gained so 168.0
WO yesterday did not happen as I got home late from work, but today I will do yesterdays planned workout and try and play catch up

Granny congrats on that new low again

I have an exercise ball (actually 2) I think I will bring it into my home office and start to use it

flower I avoid trader joes and costco during those tempting hours sometimes the food samples are so overwhelming

how is your mouth today?

jendiet stay strong you can do this it is just one day!

what an awesome weekend you had! I love HS plays

IF I missed any of you hugs and kisses
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Old 03-27-2018, 01:11 PM   #385  
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Nancy, don't despair. Drink more water. Water releases water. Thank you. Yes I can do one day! Being up since 5 am...makes it harder...

Terri,I am flatfooted and if I walk the wrong way I roll my ankle and I have to hobble...I understand about bad feet
As. Long as you are using major muscle groups that is considered aerobic. Quads are what you used to bounce.I like bouncing...

Flower I don't know what the heck that was bUT I was drooling over the description. One little delicacy is not going to hurt things. Look at Granny's success despite being off plan. Successful dieters cheat.

Diana, I lived in a food prison of my own making. I ate Kosher, organic and vegan and nothing else. I felt assaulted by grocery stores on so many levels....I hope your mouth is well today

Granny congrats on the NEW LOW!!! I was at that weight before my last 2 sons.

Doitforme, my cousin operates the Chocolate Factory now based in Queens. I love plays. Sounds like fun.

I was up since 5 and I had my breakfast tea way earlier than I planned but I have not attacked the food in the kitchen. In my head, I'm saying "just one day"
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Old 03-27-2018, 01:19 PM   #386  
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Congrats granny, on your new low! Nicely done!!

Hello jendiet and flower!

Hello everybody!

I did get in my cardio workout last night...too much stress going on and I seriously need all the stress-management I can get. Even with a good workout, I only fell asleep at 3 am!! (And I went to bed at 10 pm and just lay there...) So, I am operating on 3 hours sleep. Not good.

I thought I was too tired to get in my lifting workout, today, but I decided to go to the gym anyway. Even a jacuzzi would feel nice! But, ran into a couple of my gym friends and so I did a lifting workout after all! Not heavy, heavy, but certainly did medium-heavy and I am really proud of myself for going.

I have to work, now, but also wanted to say that I did weigh myself yesterday and I have lost 9 lbs since January 1. So, even if I can lose 9 more by summer, that is actually good enough (...another 5 lbs below that would have me saying "GREAT!")

I should try and do my measurements this weekend. Sigh, easter chocolate could be AWFULLY TEMPTING!!
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Old 03-27-2018, 01:35 PM   #387  
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I just ate lunch and have been on plan, but I had to add one of my real sugar Pepsi because I'm dragging today
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Old 03-27-2018, 02:48 PM   #388  
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So I ran across this article and found it interesting because I had read a while back that cumin is a weight loss booster and wondered about it myself. I got to thinking after reading this article that a couple weeks ago, I had lost over 6 lbs in one week and I did not do anything different EXCEPT, I decided to add cumin to my food for about 4 days in a row. I have to wonder if that helped or was I just due for a whoosh. I have decided to try to add it or mix it with something and ingest some every day and see if it makes a difference. I am not sure how true this article is but it is interesting none the less. I thought yinz might find it interesting as well.


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Old 03-27-2018, 03:19 PM   #389  
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Hi Everyone!

I had my follow-up with my Endo today. She is aware of the angioedema and my struggle with the whole mouth thing. She remembers how bad it was every time I came in and was impressed with the improvement I have made. I printed out a summary about what has taken place since December. She took the time to read it. I asked if she thought I actually had angioedema and she said yes. She saw the results from the allergist. I asked if she thought I should go back to get some type of testing for the tannin allergy. She didn't see any reason for me to do that since I have narrowed it down myself and the reactions have subsided. But she did say that she has never seen anyone react like me to tannins. She mentioned again, that the angioedema is related to my autoimmune disorder. She said that there are a lot of new studies going on about angioedema. She said there are some new meds that are very expensive ($4000 a month). I'm not in need of anything like that. I didn't ask, but I think I will continue with the antihimtamine for now. Before, I had a lot of issues with hives, etc. That seems to be controlled now. We discussed my 3 year old, inner brat, who was struggling with not being able to eat some of the foods I could previously eat. She was very supportive and said that my feelings are very understandable. I think I am feeling better about it all right now. Also, my thyroid numbers were good, so she is keeping my Synthroid the same. I felt good about my apt. today and I am feeling better about my situation over all.
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Old 03-27-2018, 04:41 PM   #390  
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Diana. I am glad you had a good visit with the doctor. At least you have also found a group that struggles with tannins like you!
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