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Old 01-13-2004, 04:40 PM   #46  
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Thanks girls for your messages. J is doing a bit better but I'm sure he'll be down agin on Saturday as that's when the funneral is. I'm sure it'll be heart rendering for all. I'm going to offer to go to support him, however, I'm really scared in case they have an open casket (they're really big into that here) and veiwing someone who is not alive really scares the bejesus out of me.
I am pleased to say on other notes that I am back on track today, dont' reckon it will help for tomorrows weigh in though, but maybe it'll be another wake up call for me
Teel, welcome back, we missed you. And I gained too...I think it's waht happens to us all over the holidays, we just lose our halos for a while and it's ok.
Right, have to go and pick up kids.......more later.
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Old 01-13-2004, 05:42 PM   #47  
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Don't like to think about how much I put on over Xmas - lol.

Tracy there is a fantastic site in the uk called sugarlite which sells Atkins type products as they are harder to get hold of over here. I tried Atkins but it wasn't for me, however, I did find the site very useful for low carb goodies and recipes.
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Old 01-13-2004, 09:11 PM   #48  
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Am still on points, actually am well under and I'll stay that way as I'm NOT hungry at all and have eaten loads of veggies that filled me up. I figure if I'm under tonight, the increase in weight on the scales tomorrow on weigh in won't be so bad ( I think I'm kidding myself ) LOL!
Didn't get to curves today as I had a bunch of running around to do, but I got my mile and a half walk in with the dogs and had a few wresteling matches at work throughout the day, and that all counts
I start my new part time job tomorrow, another two hours added to my already busy day, but that's ok, it's another two hours I can stay away from bad foods and that should help.
We're forcast snow tomorrow night into Thursday and the temps have plummeted once again. I'm so ready for spring to arrive and right now it seems so far off
Am off for a nice soaky bath now as I ache from my wrestling matches and am well deserving to an hour to myself.
Have a great evening everyone or a great day tomorrow when you get up and read this.
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Old 01-14-2004, 04:07 AM   #49  
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super, thanks for that - will have a look later. I was told that our local Boots had started stocking the Atkins range but i couldn't see it when i had a quick look yesterday - at the moment i am managing quite well just with normal foods but i know that later on i will fancy something different so it will be nice to know what my options are.

Have been really good on plan over the past couple of days but am a bit apprehensive about today - i am off to my mum's for lunch and not sure what culinary delight she will produce - she does know about my weight loss plans but that doesn't necessarily mean that she will stick to them! DH said last night that he wanted to eat out tonight - there is a new restaurant opened locally - it is called "Two for one" and you get two meals for the price of one - we went there last week and the food was really good but all came with chips or potatoes (mind you last week, i was too full to eat all of them) but we will also have a bottle of wine if we go!

On the other hand, i have another incentive - DH was talking yesterday about trying to book a holiday for the end of Feb - nowhere exotic just abroad somewhere warm but he is looking at booking on an all inclusive basis.

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Old 01-14-2004, 02:47 PM   #50  
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Hi all, eating is good, am feeling great and am about to head off to my new job for some introduction to my client for the next two hours. Decided to come home for a quick cuppa first though. It's freezing cold here again and we're forcast three to six inches of snow starting this evening and through tomorrow morning. Hope it doesn't start coming down quickly while I'm at my meeting tonight, I don't get finished until nine and then have to drive the boonie roads home.
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Old 01-14-2004, 03:43 PM   #51  
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Have been really good since my Pizza naughties the other night - lol. Went to WW to stock up on goodies. Have decided that I like the new Peanut Crunch bars but the coconut choc crisp bars are a let down but (although edible). I have taken my vits, eaten breakfast and consumed my daily water. I weigh in tomorrow morning but am not convinced that I will have lost the 2lb I seemed to put on over the weekend.

Have not posted much over the last couple of days as I have been working long hours.

Hope everyone is well.

Tracy, I know that Boots (as a company) and Holland and Baratt (I know they used to be owned by the same company - not sure if this is still the case) were really against the Atkins way of life. Some stores were even refusing to sell products to people if they were using them for Atkins. I know that I got a real mouthful when I went into H&B for Soy Protein Isolate.

Did you see my othe post about Yates?
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Old 01-14-2004, 11:16 PM   #52  
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Do you mean Protein Powder Super? what was the mouthful about? i'm curious Atkins is everywhere over here at the moment but i don't want anything to do with it

Had 3 good days and i'm averaging 1500 cals per day i hope this is low enough to lose on...i think it will be it might just take a little longer i don't want to go any lower. Its time for my low cal hot choc..cya tomorrow
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Old 01-15-2004, 01:53 AM   #53  
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the mouthful awas about how Atkins is unhealthy and dangerous- blah blah. I had read the books and had made my choice, who was she to tell me what I could do? She tried though. I didn't last long on Atkins because I am a big fruit and veg eater and although you can eat various veg etc on Atkins it wasn't enough for me.

I am hoping to go ans visit the gym today, especially after my pathetic weight loss efforts (weight gain - lol) this week.
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Old 01-15-2004, 03:20 AM   #54  
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Boots as a company now are the main uk stockists of Atkins products apparently so not sure how long ago you are talking about it - i am not actually following atkins plan but a different low carb plan - i still eat fruit and veg although i try to avoid bananas as they are very high carb on the GI index. I have a wheat allergy so am not supposed to eat bread and wheat free bread is very expensive and the same with pasta. I had lunch out yesterday and had potato with my mian course and bread and butter pudding and felt really sluggish all afternoon whereas when i follow a low carb plan i am a lot more alert.

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Old 01-15-2004, 11:25 AM   #55  
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How many pts in a Peanut crunch bar Super? i think you're being a bit hard on yourself you've definitely LOST 2lbs!! thats proven now because its kept off Anyway, i don't think you'll be on your own because my scale is being an a$$hole

Tracy, it makes me sick how the food industry exploits people with allergies or just the ones that are trying to lose weight i mean, everything is smaller..less in it and yet they want us to pay 2 or 3 times the normal price for it anyway, i've come to the conclusion that "diet" foods are only sodium anyway they have to put something in to give it i just eat regular bread but less of it instead of paying twice the price for a teeny tiny loaf of W.W. bread.
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Old 01-15-2004, 12:41 PM   #56  
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Hi all!
It is freezing here...well ok it sure feels like it After my disasterous weight gain over the last two months or so I have signed in to the eDiets which have a rather good looking Units plan.I have been trying to do the ordinary plan but am finding it very difficult to keep to their food suggestions. They seem to suggest far bigger breakfasts than I ever eat at home, for a start!! So I think counting units will be easier.
Thanks for all your little confessions that I did not have the monopoly on weight gain over Yuletide!!! I was so agast when my physio mentioned I was not as good as I had looked a couple of months ago!!
Well, dinner is certainly worth a halo(just a little one), as I have green salad with extra virgin olive oil dressing, half a and loads of mushrooms, sweetcorn and mixed peppers.
Here's to all our halos, no matter how far they have slipped!!
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Old 01-15-2004, 01:23 PM   #57  
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lol @ halos teel.

Tracy, it was only about 6 months ago that I had the problems in H&B. I know other people who also had problems in Boots etc especially when trying to buy ketostix. Funny that they are now selling the products, amazing how quickly a company will change it's policies/views when there is money to be made - lmao.

Cathy, there is 1.5 points in a peanut crunch bar and they are yummy.

I have had a WW breakfast bar for breakfast (1.5pt). Mid morning snack was a packet of square crisps (2pt). Lunch salad and seafood sticks (4pt). Sweet Treat WW Fruities (0.5). Dinner Stir Fry (0 pt) 2 turkey bacon sandwhiches on Nimble with ketchup (5 pt). Skimmed milk for decaff coffee (1pt). I have also been drinking water but forgot to take my vitamins so I will take them in a minute.

Still haven't used my bonus buddy - lol.

I am going to a meeting tomorrow with my boss but luckily we only get half an hour for lunch so won't have to eat out - lol. Will be taking a pointed lunch. Have got 3 tiny bread rolls (1pt each) from M&S, will probably have them with turkey ham and low fat mayo. Will also be sure to take snacks as there are always biscuits at these things.
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Old 01-15-2004, 01:44 PM   #58  
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Good idea Super, i can see that you are online but i'm waiting for the travel agent to call me back so that i can book my seats for my trip home wish she'd hurry up then i can natter
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Old 01-15-2004, 02:44 PM   #59  
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lol - I have turned my yahoo on just in case. Will not be round for much longer though as I am having a very early night. My boss can go on a bit and if I'm tired I will just fall asleep with his constant droning - lmao.
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Old 01-15-2004, 02:50 PM   #60  
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Hello all , I have been an angel with my eating this week I really want to see a lose next Monday, still have a long way to go to get to monday though. Am very tired, and am bored at work. Have been trying to arrange some training to relieve the boredom, feel the worst thing they can say is no.

Not a lot to say, not like me so make the most of it. Am off to put my feet up. Once I've folded the washing, hidden the ironong, (am not doing that tonight) and tidied round. Ray has gone to the shop and is tidying the kitchen

See when I have more energy
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