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Old 11-26-2002, 05:11 PM   #181  
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Sean has been super adorable tonight, not very often I can say that. He wanted to know why I had written "3 points" on the side of the biscuit tin. Explained all about points, it's full of penguins at the moment. Told him how many I should be eating and how I am going to lose weight. The little angel then went and got me 8 penguins, so I can eat my 24 points tomorrow and get skinny like him.

Not sure his idea of losing weight is very healthy, but his heart was in the right place.

Am going to change the way I count my points from now on. I was saying to Gail (vll) that I always struggle over the weekends. So she suggested that instead of starting my points week on a Tuesday night, I start it at 6pm on a Friday. That way I have 168 points for the entire week. I need to keep an honest count of what I eat over the weekend and then on Sunday night, tally it up and work out how many points I have remaining for the week and divide it by 5, and thats the points I have left to do me everyday that week until 6pm on Friday when it all starts again.

Figure if I don't try I won't know if it works.

Was saying to Ray earlier that I might end up with lots of veg and free salads the first week as I always over eat at the weekend. But if I end up with only 10 points a day, Monday through to Friday one week, I figure I am soon going to learn that I can't each that much at the weekend. Also I will learn how to make appetising variations on the zero point soup, like zero point chilli, zero point stir fry, zero point vegetabel stews, etc.

I need to enjoy myself this weekend but keep the head, especially if I want to eat 'REAL' food next week. At least I have to Friday to eat 24 points everyday - if I can.

Next big problem is that I am struggling to eat enough at the moment. Am sure it is only a temporary problem. I know where I am slipping. It is during the day. I am only having breakfast of cereal or toast and then lunch of a salad and a sandwich. I used to eat at least 2 other times during the day. The healthy snacks are in my desk but I haven't been hungry - I nearly forced down a couple of oatcakes this afternoon, as I know I have to eat more than I am, but common sense told me to leave it, as if I ate them then I would probably struggle eating tea. Am eating a big sensible meals, soup, fish in breadcrumbs, potatoes and veg ann sugar free jelly with a dutch crispbread and yougurt. I am eating volume but just not a lot of points.

Need to come up with something high in points which isn't cheese or wine or even chocolate, although I could always have one of Seans penguins.
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Old 11-26-2002, 05:22 PM   #182  
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hee hee.I am not sure what has happened but my puter has started singing "I'm singing in the rain "to me........!!!!!!!

I did just pop by to send you this, Smiling....
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Old 11-26-2002, 05:31 PM   #183  
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Those are the kind of penguins I like, can't eat them.
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Old 11-26-2002, 05:37 PM   #184  
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aren't they cute or aren't they cute???

love from penguin-mad in Suffolk
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Old 11-27-2002, 04:37 PM   #185  
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Those chips at the swimming we're calling my name tonight. Steven and Ray had some while Sean was swimming and I was tempted, but stuck with the diet coke. And then when Sean got his I nearly brought some. I did steal some of Seans, but for every one I stole, he took a big sip of my juice so I reckoned I was going to end up being the loser as I would run out of juice long before he ran out of chips.

Thanks heavens for fun loving and 'sharing' seven year olds.

Second time this week, Sean has spurred me on to the healthy eating. Funny how his tit for tat, you eat mine and I'll eat yours worked tonight, I finished the juice while he munched his chips.

Was busy busy at work, didn't really stop all day, but came home feeling that I hadn't accomplished anything. Tomorrow is another day.

Have a friend coming to work for lunch tomorrow, am looking forward to it, haven't seen him for 2 months. Will probably mean going to O'Neills and having chips and an O'Neill burger, dread to think how many points are in that. Will be salad for tea tomorrow night !!!!
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Old 11-27-2002, 05:52 PM   #186  
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You will be so busy catching up on each others news that you probably won't have time to eat, Smiling!!I hope you have a great time with your friend and get a few comments as to how much weight you HAVE ACTUALLY LOST!

bye for tonight
love from Teel
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Old 11-28-2002, 11:21 AM   #187  
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I have spent some time looking at the food reviews on this site and would love to try the new vanilla coke...but I have never seen it .....has any body else??? Also I cannot locate any suppliers of Lean Cuisine...the beef teriake (sp) and the newly rated honey chicken look scrummy but I don't know where one can purchase them. My local sainsburys used to stock that range but now it seems to have changed everything.....HELP!!!

It is definately winter in Suffolk today....but at least we have not got any snow yet.....

Smiling, I hope you had a great time lunching with your friend..... Has anybody heard from Delaney yet.....or spied her amongst the Christmas shoppers? Perhaps TOB gobbled her up as part of her snack during weigh-in last week.....

hehehe!! bye for now

love from me
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Old 11-28-2002, 03:10 PM   #188  
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Now I have a terrible image of Delaney and TOB, but all I can see of Delaney are her legs sticking out of TOB's mouth, kicking her feet for all her worth - sorry sometimes I have a really silly sense of humour !!!!

Lunch was great, it was really good to catch up with Stephen, we walked to town, I had a burger with no cheese or anything and I did leave one chip on the plate. We did tons of talking so surely that burned off some cals as well, it is exercise of a form isn't it ? He has losts lots more weight than me, so praise was due for both of us. Had a really good time and am still on plan - just by the skin of my teeth.

Tomorrow will be a good exercise day at work, I need to pack up all my stuff at work and organise old kit from one room until another - will give me a good work out after todays - fat full lunch.

Am very tired, had my Steven in our bed for the last 2 nights, I don't get a good sleep when he is there, he is too restless and sleep so close to me, every time I move he snuggles closer. It is nice for a while, but I am fed up with it, I have warned him he is banned from my bed tonight. Will see what happens, he has already been asleep for over an hour.

I was going to go for another bath tonight, but might stay out of it and watch the Robson Green program that is on. Decisions decisions, my life is full of choices at the moment.
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Old 11-28-2002, 03:23 PM   #189  
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hehehe ooh you are wicked.......But I can here the teeth grinding from here!!!! visions of prehistoric beasties prancing around with bits hanging out of their mouth....

Glad you had a good time with Stephen.

Be back soon love from Teel

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Old 11-28-2002, 03:34 PM   #190  
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mmmmn......this is a pelarosaurus!....apparently found in England.......and Leicestershire is in England...

And I think it is jolly necessary in this life to have a silly sense of humour....I take mine with me where ever I go.....
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Old 11-29-2002, 08:16 AM   #191  
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Hello, it is very quiet around here today. Just finishing my salad for lunch and thought I would pop in and say ' hello'
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Old 11-29-2002, 10:17 AM   #192  
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Teel - re vanilla coke, I saw some raves for it on another board. I would guess it is a recent thing in USA so will take some time coming over here.

Smiling Sal - your Sean sounds a real sweetie. Such a shame they grow up! If pnly kids logic worked in the diet world!
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Old 11-29-2002, 06:18 PM   #193  
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Have started counting my points from 6pm tonight, have 168 points to do me all week and I when they are done they are done - could be a big problem if I have none left after Tuesday - just means I'll need to be very very careful this weekend.

Is having a postive effect already. I have the munchies and instead of just diving in and eating, and thinking I will count again tomorrow. I have stopped a couple of times and thought about what it will be like the rest of the week, if eat too much tonight.

Not sure how I am going to cope with this, I will settle down to in after a couple of days. Am still doing exactly the same thing, just changing the way I measure it all, weekly instead of daily. Just this small change has brought it all back to the front of my mind, am concentrating on it again.

Hope everyone is OK, speak to you soon
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Old 11-29-2002, 06:55 PM   #194  
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Hello to I see your light is all lit up shining and bright.

I am not going to post much tonight....have journelled but failed on my 3x20 challenge this week....been fairly OP though. I will write tomorrow when I hope my normal crazy exuberance and questionable sense of humour can cut through the black depressive mode I am in at the moment.....

Night night from England

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Old 11-29-2002, 07:04 PM   #195  
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yes I'm here, have been reading through some of the threads we have created this year. Have come across lot of fimilar names and conversations, has been quite nostaglic to read what we were talking about earlier this year.

Have just been into the kitchen for some juice, opened the 'goodie' cupboard to see what there was for eating and shut it again after deciding I didn't really want anything. That doesn't happen very often to me - I am amazing tonight. If only I could be this amazing all the time, I would have lost lots of this weight.

Night night to all friends here, old and new

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