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Old 11-17-2002, 02:03 PM   #151  
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Hi ALL!!Hope you have had a great weekend so far, mine hasn't been too bad, went to a neighbours last night and had a few glasses of wine, not to mention the nibbley bits!! It was good to be out of the house on Saturday night though.had a lazy day today, watched Lord of the Rings and now Harry is enthralled in Grease, it's amazing but he seems to know all the songs and he has never seen the film before, must be the school discos!!

melissa, you will be ok just keep thinking about that new outfit!!
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Old 11-17-2002, 02:59 PM   #152  
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I too watched Grease, although I was reliving my very youthful past. I too knew all the words, much to the boys embrassment

Can't believe how much I have eaten today, had tinned fruit and raisins for breakfast, a tin of soup, bread and a salad for lunch. WW zero points soup, a baked potato, cottage cheese, salad with Kiwi fruit, followed by sugar free jelly and yogurt, for tea. Still got a packet of those WW sweets that are like murray mints, some dried apricots (working on my fibre) and a bagel and spreader cheese to eat. All this comes in at only 18.5 points, am supposed to be eating 24 - will need to find something to get it over the 20 - can save the rest towards a night out on Friday.

Am feeling positively stuffed at the moment, if this is what planning and being organised can do for me, then I am all for it - although all the salads will get mundane after a while. Brought a load of frozen veg today as well, so can start incorporating that into my meals - again !!

Melissa, if you want to borrow some of my points, feel free - if only it worked like that.
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Old 11-17-2002, 04:43 PM   #153  
Wahey a loss this wk!!!!!
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For the last 2 wks I have struggled to eay my weekly allowance of calories. I am on 12,600 a wk (1,800 a day). I'm just not feeling hungry. And I can't force food down me throat. I generally have a sandwich at lunch (6 days a wk), the last fortnight I haven't really wanted it. And then I don't feel like having a cooked meal at tea time either. I have gone from eating and eating to not wanting to eat It is starting to get to me as I now I need to eat a certain amount in order to lose weight without my body going into starvation mode.
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Old 11-17-2002, 05:01 PM   #154  
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by leigh-r
[not wanting to eat

Oh Leigh-r it catching,by any chance?

I have just tallied up my eats for the day on the fitday site...aaagh! You think you have done well for tea,(making up for bought ready salad buffet bar lunch) having had 2 rolls, unbuttered or marged, but with light mayo and skinless chicken breast...only to find out each roll is so crammed with carbohydrates I have gone way over my carb. target for diabetes.
and I only did a 20 minute walk with Holly today.....

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Old 11-18-2002, 03:49 AM   #155  
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Morning from a dark and dismal morning, where is ths sunshine for those cold but crisp autumnal days. All we seem to be getting is rain, rain and more rain.

Eating went great yesterday until about 9pm, when Ray came in with a bottle of wine. This time round I am beating his(our) bad eating habits of going out to the chippie a couple of times a week. He still goes, but I have started making something quick for myself when he goes. But when he just turns up with a bottle of wine for sharing, fresh out of the chiller in the shop, it is harder to say no. A new challenge to be faced I think.

Am struggling along at the moment, think the healthy eating is just about winning over the rubbish I eat. But the big down fall is the exercise. I used to get up at 6am and work out - when I was very motivated. I was also losing then, so prehaps I need to reconsider lying in bed until 7 ????

I really want to lose this weight. Was lying in bed before the boys got up this morning and told myself there really is no contest. I want to lose weight more than I want to share a bottle of wine with Ray every night. Sounds easy when I write it down like that, but will need to break it to him gently tonight - not over a bottle of wine.

He has been more aware of being my diet sabbateur recently. He went to the chippie for the teas last night but before he went he said it wasn't much use for me. So at least he is recognising that I don't want to eat all that rubbish, I had soup and a salad last night not the chippie. But when I do lose weight it is the weeks I am watching my alcohol intake. I don't drink a lot, there are many people who drink more than me, lots more, I just drink often. Has to be less often in the future.

Lots of things to think about today. Wine and exercise. One I love the other is a necessary evil.

This journey is all about changing habits and making better choices - I am in it long haul, but I just wish I got a bit more support from Ray. He doesn't critisize me about my weight, but isn't encouraging or supportive about any loss either. Time for one of those awkward talks in my house tonight when the boys have gone to bed, I think.

Cut my finger making soup yesterday and still have the plaster on, you have no idea how difficult it is making it to type.

This is all too serious for a Monday morning - no work today - hurray. Harry Potter this evening = set myself up for a fall by booking the tickets for 6, Ray 's now not sure he can be home by then, depends if he gets stuck in the traffic in Edinburgh or not. Well I am going to enjoy it anyway, with my packet of WW sweets, the ones like murray mints, don't know what they are really called and if can fit them in my handbag, a bag of salt and vinegar snack a jacks. If they don't the bag I'll have them when I get home. No pop corn for me - I am determined.

Away to find my cheerfull head, it is probably in the kitchen amongst all the washing up - does anybody else live in a tip? Am going to drag the boys out to a country park in a while, if it ever gets light and then maybe round to mum and dads for an hour or so. Need to get off this butt and go do something (besides the dishes)
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Old 11-18-2002, 06:50 AM   #156  
Wahey a loss this wk!!!!!
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Originally posted by Smiling Sal

does anybody else live in a tip?
Yep I live in a tip. I tidy hubby makes a mess 10 secs later Really annoyed this morning as we have the valuer coming round to value the house for our landlord. I'm trying to hoover and hubby is chucking sweet papers everywhere And I didn't get hoovering finished before valuer arrived.
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Old 11-18-2002, 06:51 AM   #157  
Wahey a loss this wk!!!!!
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by teel
Originally posted by leigh-r
[not wanting to eat

Oh Leigh-r it catching,by any chance?
It would be great if it was catching wouldn't it?
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Old 11-18-2002, 04:40 PM   #158  
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is really good. There are some scarey bits in it Melissa, not sure it is any worse than the first, don't want to ruin it. The boys really enjoyed it, but they don't scare easy. Sure you and hubby will enjoy it, even if once you've seen it you decide not to take the kids.

Even more fantastic was all I had to eat was a packet of snack a jacks and a packet of WW caramints (read the name of the packet) shared them with Steven so had even less points than I had planned for. No popcorn what so ever
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Old 11-18-2002, 05:16 PM   #159  
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Hi....popcorn is horrible SmilingSal....sticks to your teeth, hair, and everything else if you let it who am I kidding? Well are a glistening star... (sorry, have not got any stars.Will an angel do?)
Glad you liked the film..I think the effects must be staggeringly good as they were in the first one.Did Ray make it in time and is Stephen being a junior angel at the moment?

I am meeting my dietician tomorrow in (or should that be on ) the normal place...the scales. I haven't seen her for ages...she doesn't know about the last 4 lb loss yet so I hoping this will be an additional loss to that.
Smiling, how is your finger? Good job you did not cut it off or you'd have had to wrap it in some of those frozen veggie packs you stored up with last week.....hehehe!!

Be strong, everyone. Love from Teel
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Old 11-19-2002, 05:25 AM   #160  
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I'm glad you enjoyed Harry Potter Carol - sprog #1 really wants to see it but when I explained it was going to be a bit scary she went a bit pale! Well done on sticking to plan - I'm not so sure I could have been as good as you - when I go to the cinema I 'have' to have a big cup of peanut M&M's mmmmmmmmmm

My trousers arrived from Next - they're a size 20 and too small (only just though ) I have hung them in the kitchen so everytime I go in there I will see them and be motivated.

Went shopping to Birmingham with a friend yesterday - really disappointed though - I'm between shops!!! I don't want to shop in 'fat' shops but all the trendy shops I want to shop in like Wallis, Next and Oasis seem to only go up to an 18! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to be very good for the next couple of weeks and then I'll be in there... can't wait.

Went to my new Jazz class last night - wow - it was really hard. I was sweating buckets (sorry, was that too much information?) I reckon it had to be at least 6 ww points off! It was much harder than any aerobics session, we learned a rock 'n' roll number it was such a laugh - I'd recommend it to anyone who loves to dance. I came home and collapsed on the sofa and Dave made me a cup of tea and took my stinky trainers off for me as I couldn't even bend down - now that's love for you (sorry, if that made anyone feel sick!!)

Better go and get Sprog #2 dressed - I've been really lazy this morning...
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Old 11-19-2002, 06:33 AM   #161  
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Wow Delaney - Next trousers huh? Did you know there are a few Next to Nothing/Choice outlets -mainly that sell Next off cheap. I have managed to get some 20s and 18s in the past. In fact it is the 18s that had been too tight that I am wearing now.

I think they are only in London/Essex but may be worth having a look if ever you are near one.

There's choice in Barkingside, Essex and one in Basildon I think, some others I cannot remember where but also one in the exchange in Ealing (Next to Nothing) and another in Golders Green.

Of course most stuff is size 8 (because whatever Shop assistants say about big sizes not being bought well how come in sales there are scads of size 8s - or in these anorexic times is an 8 now big?!)

The jazz class sounds great. I wish I had more money to be able to go to gym etc. Your bit about sweating- it never takes much for me to sweat! Everyone else just has a healthy glow and my exercise mat is awash! (That is when I have afforeded to do aerobics)
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Old 11-19-2002, 09:37 AM   #162  
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Hello everybody and thanks for the welcome back. As some of you may remember, I moved from north Devon to London back at the start of August. The whole thing has been incredibly stressful and my sister got very ill just as I moved away. I am glad to see so many familiar “faces” still posting and hope you are all doing well. I have come back for some of your expert advice. Since moving to London I have put on nearly a stone The problem is that my boyfriend is a postman who has to get up at 4 am. He likes to go to bed very early, usually after we have eaten. Also, he doesn’t like me going out in the evening without him so I have been missing the walking I used to do as exercise.

I haven’t explained it very well, but I just feel fat and fed up. A few years ago, I lost a lot of weight (nearly 7 stone) and so far I have put on about 3 stone back again. What a waste, why do I do this to myself??

Sorry to come back here and vent but I knew you would all understand my frustration.

Have a good day everyone,

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Old 11-19-2002, 10:32 AM   #163  
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Hi Pheobe - I know exactly where you are coming from. I lost over 3 stone after having son number one, only to put it all back on and a lot more by the time I feel pregnant again 2 years later. At the time I was totally disgusted with myself, but have learned to live with me and my fat and am doing something positive about it - very slowly - like you are. Pposting here shows you are still committed to being healthy. You haven't gained it all back, a bit of effort and it will soon all be gone again. We are glad to have you back.

How about walking at lunchtime from work, or if you are going to bed early, with your boyfriend, get up early and walk in the morning instead of the evening - just an idea. No matter how it goes we're here for you. Hope you sister is better

I put on weight very easily. Was chatting to a friend earlier and admitted that one thing that spurred me into WW in October was the fact that if I didn't the closer it got to Christmas the more eating I would do, and then over Christmas I would just eat whatever I wanted as I would be starting a diet in January, as usual. But I made the choice that I wanted this year to be different.

Better get of my soap box.

Am having a lazy day, have a lot of stuff to do but can't be bothered. Really fancy just finding myself a good film on the telly and curling up and watching it - but I wouldn't get peace from the boys. Back to school and work tomorrow - normal routine will soon kick in.
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Old 11-19-2002, 02:13 PM   #164  
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Hi Phoebe and welcome back - you've come to the right place! I hope everything settles down soon for you and that your sister is ok now.

Well I'm so hungry I've just chewed off my nail extensions!! How many ww points in acrylic??
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Old 11-20-2002, 04:56 PM   #165  
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Am struggling today - to eat enough. I am cutting down in preparation for some extra calories in the form of a curry on Friday night and a few glasses of wine. So me and a friend sat down and worked out we'd need to save about 30 points to cover us, and maybe cut down again a little for a couple of days after to compensate any over spend - have I already told you this it seems very fimilar ??

Anyway, for dinner I had zero point soup and a variation on a theme, zero point vegetable curry. Just made it like the soup but didn't add any water and left the vegetables chunky and of course added garlic and curry powder. Had that with pasta and coleslaw - no accounting for taste.

So I ate loads for very little and I am not very hungry, but I still had 6.5 points to eat to get me to 20 points - thank goodness I wasn't aiming for 24 today. So have just had a bagel and spreader cheese and will try one of those WW all day bar thingys to take my points unto 19.5 - then need to find something quick for 0.5 points. Was supposed to be taking a packet of fruities to the swimming with me, but forgot them !!!!

No chips again there this week - am on a roll with that.

Am looking forward to the indian night on Friday, I am working hard so it will not make a big dent in my healthy eating. Have never done it like this before. Previously I would have cut down a little, like 4 points over the entire week and then ate well all day and stuffed myself all night. We are going to a buffet night, so guaging what I eat will be difficult, but I am determind to enjoy myself and not go too much over the score.

Never thought I would say that

Sorry if I am being repetitive, it's this worry of having to eat all this food so late at night - seems like a fimilar old habit I used to do.....
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