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Old 12-26-2002, 01:24 PM   #301  
Gym'll fix it!!
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Hi Ladies just having a late breakfast here and then i'm going to hit the mall to look for a good deal on a digital camera or anything else that takes my fancy he-he. Yesterday i received an email from my sis in the U.K. she attached a few pic's of them having christmas dinner that afternoon i was going to do the same but my present camera is'nt very good and the picture quality was grainy so i did'nt bother hence the digi cam search.
Hope you all got what you wanted from Santa.. and BPB hope hubby makes a fast recovery
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Old 12-26-2002, 06:56 PM   #302  
Wahey a loss this wk!!!!!
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went to the sales today - a whole 4 shops open!! Managed to spend £4. Hubby bought me the glass chess set that I have been after for awhile, but only cos it was reduced. I really need a pair of smaller trousers (clothes shops not open until tomorrow). And turkey salad for dinner. Just deciding what to do with the remaining turkey.
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Old 12-27-2002, 04:54 AM   #303  
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Morning. Have had a nice Christmas, the christmas dinner out was a great idea, we may need to do it again next year.

Have picked up a stomach bug from my friends daughter and didn't eat much after Christmas Dinner and not a lot on boxing day either. Have slept the clock round, we came home from my parents at about 7 last night and I went straight to bed, to be honest I could still be there now, but Ray is working and I had to get up with the boys. Am feeling a big bit better though, I fancy some cheese on toast but am too lazy to make it.

BPB hope your hubby is better very soon

I have no money left to go to the sales, always the case !!!!
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Old 12-27-2002, 05:02 AM   #304  
diva of the diet
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BPB hope DH is on the mend and you are ok too!

Carol, sorry to hear of you not feeling too good, after all I have eaten i could do with catching something......and quick

I am trying to 'curb it' today, started off well with chopped up fruit and yoghurt lets hope it can last. The plan is to watch it until New Years Eve and then back on track from 2nd Jan...........the plan and reality of course could well vary!! Turkey and ham salad for lunch then.....................
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Old 12-27-2002, 08:26 AM   #305  
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Hello The United Kingdom!!!

At last I am back with my pooter that died with rather bad timing a week before Christmas...of a sneaky virus. It wiped out everything...all pictures, Christmas list...addresses....
and my favourite screen savers.
But Christmas was very nice having lunch with friends and opening presents, then on St. Stephen's day my wonderful friends drove 90miles from Bedfordshire to Suffolk for the day, bringing provisions to add to my food stock for dinner and in the evening more mutual freinds arrived to swell the numbers and assortments for tea.The dog was warn out and went straight to sleep as soon as all had left and I took over the sofa. 8 more people for meals when there is only normally one is an exhausting experience!!It was great to see them all..

I don't think I have gone too astray over the Christmas season eating!Trying to get back (ish) today but I still have some stilton with apricots to use up
I do hope that everyone is better now after battling with lurking bugs and viruses ,thinking of BPB's husband and SmilingSal.

Bye Bye for now.Love from Teel xx

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Old 12-27-2002, 09:26 AM   #306  
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Have had something to eat and am feeling a big bit better, am still really lethargic though, hence the rather I am on the puter than tidying up and doing the washing.

Have the munchies now that I now I am not go to be sick straight after eating. May need to give into them today and be extremely on plan over the weekend and Monday
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Old 12-27-2002, 01:21 PM   #307  
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Hi Ladies did'nt bother with a digi-cam looks like i'll have to upgrade the computer if i want one i'm still living with windows 95..i've been thinking of getting one for a few months but they are so expensive i was looking at those really imac and emac ones..they are really nice..white and silver and everything is fitted in the monitor so you don't have a tower..not much chance of getting one of those ($2500-$4000 ) but its nice to dream

Carol..hope you feel better soon

Teel..don't know much about do you get rid of a virus? is it just a case of downloading everything again?
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Old 12-27-2002, 03:17 PM   #308  
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Hi to Cat90 and everyone else, especially to those who are at this time suffering from lurgs various!

Computer viruses are a pain in the neck, Cat90,I had to call in an IT expert who took the tower away and had to download all the dead systems! Then I have to download all the extra bits that I had downloaded over the years, like the e-mail system I use...INCREDIMAIL,and music from my audio cds, and a whole gallery of photos that people have downloaded to me. It has been a complete and utter nightmare
I know I should save EVERYTHING on to disc and I need to learn how to do that, like yesterday!!
SmilingSal, how are you doing?
I apologise for the distinct lack of seasonal (or unseasonal) piccies, but I have not restocked many yet, watch this space!!
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Old 12-27-2002, 03:37 PM   #309  
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Am doing now, thanks.

Am fed up though, should really have gone out and seen someone today, my SIL maybe, she would have cheered me up. But I stayed home instead. Did have a pool tournament with the boys, which I lost feebly, had to make them cheese burgers for dinner as their prize, don't think they are budding Stpehen Hendrys though, I won't be kept in my old age by them making a fortune at the game.

Need to kick start my healthiy eating am having a trawl around some of the million and one healthy / weight loss / fitness sites on the web. There are so many site trying to sell 'weight loss drugs' can't believe they all get away with it.
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Old 12-27-2002, 06:44 PM   #310  
Gym'll fix it!!
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Hi Girls..Oooh! Teel what a job..i'd be alright at downloading the lost bits but that's all..i've been messing around with my computer all day trying to free up some disc space and i've deleted some things that i need but it's no biggie i'll just download them again i use Incredimail too I luv it!

Carol i'm fed up too not done a thing fact i have'nt even got dressed! i've watched tv and messed around with my computer all day and eaten nothing but junk..started off with 2 pieces of toast..5 chocolate hobnobs..a 100g bar of cadbury's orange chocolate and a box of mint sticks! i'm a little I can't be bothered to cook anything and hubby is sat at the dining room table snivveling with a cold ('d think he was dying really ) i was going to go to the mall but it's 3.45pm and Ocean's Eleven is on at 5pm so i'll not bother now.
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Old 12-27-2002, 07:16 PM   #311  
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Oh my God, I have been such a today hanging head in shame. Lovely hubby gave me a box of Cadbury's Roses for Christmas and I keep digging my hand in the box.
I also made a trifle which no one else has touched so I ate some for breakfast but I did throw the rest of it away so I won't eat anymore
Have been to the mall this afternoon with my little darlings. Hannah had her ears pierced for the third time in her life, so I am very proud of her. The past two times she had them done we have had to let them close up for various reason's so hopefully this time they'll be ok. She chose some really pretty earrings to have them pierced with, and also bought some more for when she can change them.
I went into Sears while we were there and got some bargain tops, which are actually pressies for Christmas from my Mum and friend (they sent me money). They are nice and long and big and baggy so should hide what I've stuffed my face with today!
I am determined to do something with this body in the near future, my heart wants it, my brains says I can do it, so why am I being naughty?
OK, going to go and walk the pooches now, that's a very healthy thing to do, I might wear one of the new jumpers I just bought too, so I'll be well trendy walking outside in the dark where no one will see me...
Have a great evening everyone.
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Old 12-28-2002, 03:28 AM   #312  
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Is how I am feeling (couldn't see a tired smilie - too tired). I am functioning in zombie mode. Hubby has some form of gastroenteritis - coupled with his diabetes, which means he is extremely dehydrated. Is on a drip and insulin. Has provided some "samples" (I know TMI!) and awaiting results. I nearly shoplifted two grapefruits from M&S yesterday, so it shows that the worry and lack of sleep is telling on me. If I was going to go down for shoplifting, I would head straight for Harvey Nicks and do a "Winona"

Back at the hospital in a bit - need to go and buy some pj's for him - he normally sleeps buck naked He is obviously getting better though, because he is lying on his sick bed telling me he needs a laptop, thinking that he'll win the sympathy vote. He has two PCs and two laptops (one on loan to his sister) at home - why does he think I will let another computer cross the threshold, to join his PS1&2, GameCube, DreamCast, GameBoy Advance.........

I must really him, coz I missed the first day of the sales

Understandbly the eating plan and gym visits ain't happening right now, but I am sure you'll all excuse me at this moment in time.
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Old 12-28-2002, 04:35 AM   #313  
diva of the diet
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You are well and truly excused BPB!! Hope everything is on the up at your end and may DH be home soon and feeling well and truly better.
I managed to eat sensibly at meal times yesterday and all was well until I went to the cinema to see Two Towers, I slipped into my handbag one of those boxes of seashell praline absolute favourites..............they are history the only good news is I shared them with Dh. I also had a Maltesers ice cream in the cinema, could have been worse cos my choice would have bee Haagen Daaz. Then to top it all off i came home and finished off a bag of Tortilla chips and had a bacardi breezer twister. Oh well today is another day and heres hoping for a lower calorie one than yesterday!! One week to my first weigh in of 2003, it aint gonna be a loss that is for sure
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Old 12-28-2002, 06:40 AM   #314  
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I finally got dressed at tea time yesterday and went and visited a friend, left at 1:30 this morning after drinking 4 bottles of wine between us, you know how it goes :gulp: :gulp:

BPB - hope hubby is back home with you soon.

Today I am determind to be a bit more focused on the healthy choices. I don't need to miss out on the goodies, just only have one or two at the most instead of the whole box. Am not going to kid myself on that I am going to stick to points, would be a waste of time, will get back to that on the second, is only a few days away. But I am going to maker the wiser choices today.

Think we are going to B&Q today to buy TV ariels and have a look at the bargain bathrooms, ours is completely dire and need of an enormous overhaul

I have 9 days to the first weigh in and will probably show gain as well if previous and current form is anything to go on. I am the only one who can make that gain a bit smaller though - I just need a fairy godmother to give me a hand.
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Old 12-28-2002, 09:39 AM   #315  
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Carol as long as we get back and get weighed and face up to it we aint gonna have a problem(!!). I know I will have gained a fair amount, with one week of overindulging and no exercise. Funny thing is I have only had 1 mince pie and not even a crumb of xmas cake...............the chocolate/wine/party food is another thing entirely!!
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