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Old 12-28-2002, 11:10 AM   #316  
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Good afternoon girls!!So glad to hear that folks are coming through the evils of bugs and lurgs...
Seeing as you have all owned up to the naughties in the eating list, I thought I should tell you that I too succumbed to a whole bar of the new White chocolate Dream Bar.
and no I do not mean the mini bar size (oooh! do they do one?) was a 200g one. I chomped at it all through yesterday evening and I deserved to be as sick as a dog for being such a Proper eating has not been too bad though but only the scales will tell.
Poor BPB and hubby. It is no fun having gastroenteritis at any time let alone when you are diabetic as well...and over Christmas.I hope he makes a speedy recovery.Cat90 I spend so much time doing my e-mails...I love the updated picture galleryand it is hard to pick a favourite animation.None of my friends have incredimail yet, (except my brother in N.Z.) so I am trying to encorage them into it !!
Back soon, love Teel xx
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Old 12-29-2002, 12:20 AM   #317  
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Hi all, am just off to bed. Have had a great day up until about two hours ago and I'm sorry to say I've piggied down half a terry's choc orange...oops!
I think it was cos I went and watched 'my great big fat greek wedding' and all they did in it was eat....
It was a great movie, I thoroughly enjoyed it, I was just hungry when I came home, so I ate. Oh well, tomorrow is another day, although if I'm going to be honest, I think I'll start off with all good intentions in the morning and crumple in the afternoon right up until New Years....
If I maintain, I'll be happy, I'll look at it that way for now, and if I gain, well I know I'm only to blame so maybe I'll try harder knowing I can do this....
Have a great Sunday everyone.
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Old 12-29-2002, 05:00 AM   #318  
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Whoops¬!¬!¬!¬! sp8ilt a p8int of wate5r on m7y ke7yboa5rd, keep gett8ing lots of add8it8ional numbe5rs when *I t7ype
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Old 12-29-2002, 05:16 AM   #319  
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You are an inspiration Carol!! Pints of water!! Every day this week I have said I am going to drink the water...........someone keeps turning it into wine, must be a Christmas miracle!!

Hope your keyboard soon recovers!!
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Old 12-29-2002, 01:16 PM   #320  
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Hi Ladies went out yesterday to price computers and i'm really at myself for missing a bargain on boxing day i was in future shop asking a salesman for details of one particular computer with a 19" monitor and he said they had sold out of it because they did a special 'bundle' on boxing day i'm not really tight i just like to get value for money so i'm still looking. I've not eaten any big meals the last couple of day's but i've sure pigged out on choccie's and i've still got tons to go at

Anyone else like me? prefer desserts and chocolate over food ? Another thing that has alway's got me is the aroma of food too..i can walk by a bakery and think "hmmm..that's smells so good" then i've bought something taken it home and found it does'nt taste half as good as it smelled when i lived at home it was the "chippy" smell that alway's did it and half the time they were crap. So much for the theory of sniffing aroma's to curb your appetite..just makes me want to eat it..think i'll walk around with a peg on my nose!

Carol..hope the keyboard recover's..but even if it does'nt we still know what you mean even if the screen is covered in numbers.
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Old 12-29-2002, 05:04 PM   #321  
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Originally posted by Smiling Sal
Whoops¬!¬!¬!¬! sp8ilt a p8int of wate5r on m7y ke7yboa5rd, keep gett8ing lots of add8it8ional numbe5rs when *I t7ype
Well at least it was only water, dear Carol!!
Hope everyone is well ..I am suffering with TOM...I get it so infrequently I forget how bad it can feel!!
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Old 12-30-2002, 02:30 AM   #322  
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Just typed a lovely post and lost the whole thing.

Surfice to say, I have borrowed one of the boys keyboards while mines dries out. Am very lucky it wasn't a pint of blackcurrent juice, that would have just made a sticky mess.

Am going to try and sneak a bath without waking the boys, as I am awake far too earlier this morning, probably because this house is freezing. It must have cooled down outside during the night. My shoulder is sore, think it has been in a draught all night. A hot bath, a read of my book and I'll be ready to face the day

Am looking forward to the 2nd of Jan, when I can focus myself on this weight loss journey again, am getting fed up with just playing at it and eating and drinking. Never thought I would ever say that. I would focus again from today, but I know it will be a waste of time, with hogmanany upon us tomorrow. The second is only 3 full days away, just need to stop eating complete rubbish.

Problem was yesterday I had a bottle of wine in the afternoon with a friend, well it is the holidays. And from then on the whole day went down hill. To get me started this morning, I've had a cup of hot chocolate, I enjoyed it but it is just sitting in my stomach and the feeling isn't as pleasant now.

Off for my bath, will be a lot brighter after that.
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Old 12-30-2002, 04:35 AM   #323  
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I will be joining you on the 2nd Carol. We are going up to Yorkshire for the New Year so it is pointless starting another day and failing with my regime, so just trying not to be such a gannet. I managed to have half a bottle of wine last night + 1 Baileys, looking forward to the other half tonight!!
I might walk into town if it stops raining and give myself a bit of an exercise boost, havent walked anywhere apart from around the sales!!
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Old 12-30-2002, 10:14 AM   #324  
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Good afternoon everyone!
It is so grey and miserable outside today and it seems to be as dark as ever and it is only not quite 15:00.
Loads of people were in town though, and I had to go in to meet someone for coffee. Luckily I managed to park.I also snuck in to the Barretts shoe shop and bought two pairs that were in the sales....lovely.

Been op today...the nausea that accompanies t.o.m. helps with loss of appetite! Breakfast was a yoghurt, and I had a milky coffee out, and lunch was a bowl of soup and 2 slices unspreaded bread.Dinner is planned!!Ready to eat salmon in dill sauce with potatoes,brocolli and another vegetable.I have realised I have an appointment with my cardiologist in March and it would be excellant to have lost the remainding three pounds (should be three if I did not put on any over the festivities) to reach my minimum target to lose 21pounds.
Might just persuade myself I am going to take Holly for a walk......

Bye bye, from Teel
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Old 12-30-2002, 10:33 AM   #325  
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I bought two pairs of shoes in the sale today too, size 10, (shoes not clothes ha ha ). i am well chuffed with my sale purchases this year!! it is pouring it down here too, not keeping anyone at home though the shops were packed and so were the car parks!!
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Old 12-30-2002, 10:38 AM   #326  
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Teel, hope you feel better soon and TOM gets over and done with. Carol, hope your shoulder is feeling better after your bath. I am having trouble with my shoulder again, must be going to rain. I reckon I've turned into a barometer.
I too WILL be back on track for the second. I am back to work that day, so that should help. I ate some whole nut cadburys last night, it was so yummy. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have rellies coming over in a little while, so hopefully they'll eat the rest of it and I won't sucomb (sp)? tonight.
I have been walking of late, with the dogs, Lew is on the mend now after his stroke so we walk our usual distnace each night, so I feel good about that.
Right am off to poop-s-scoop out in the back garden, well pocket hankie size thing they call a back yard here....
Have a great day everyone.
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Old 12-30-2002, 11:31 AM   #327  
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I brought 2 pairs of stockings in the sales today. One plain with a black seam and the other fishnet. It is years since I wore fishnets. Have just ordered myself a nice new basque of the net to go with them !!!! I am a tramp

Couldn't find any shoes I liked in the sales, all the size 8's were gold sandal things - not much use for the rain in December

Shoulder is better. Boys have driven me scatty. I brought them bayblades and then they were the cheekiest and rudiest boys ever and fought all the way round the town. So the bay blades where confiscated before they even got them and they have spent an hour in their rooms suppposedly tidying up. Although Sean actually built a 'mum trap' against his door out of bricks so he would know when I went into the room - like he wouldn't see me and Steven lay on the floor on his quilt asking if he could come out, he was going to be good.

BOYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you went for the walk Teel, you know you'll feel better for it if you do go
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Old 12-30-2002, 12:28 PM   #328  
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You are absolutely right, SmilingSal, I did feel better for going for a walk with was just getting to dusk and was quite windy as we strode up the hill, but the wind must have been behind us some of the way 'cos the usual 20 minute circular (more of a strange rectangle really) only took us 15......

All I want for Christmas ....are more than a size 2 foot!!!!!
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Old 12-30-2002, 02:08 PM   #329  
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Hi Ladies...Carol..what are bayblades? I'm out of the kid's fad's now that i don't have little one's are a tramp! what is the basque for? a New Year's Eve treat for Ray

I was surfing the web yesterday looking at other sites to get motivated for the 2nd..what a load of old codswallop you can find out there..have you ever seen that site "bodyweightloss" dot you know what? the claim's that they make are incredible..lose 10-27lbs in a week or something like that they even have before and after pictures of people..i think one say's that she lost 42lbs in 3 weeks..there are pictures of Tom Cruise and Mariah Carey as clients how do they get away with it
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Old 12-30-2002, 04:12 PM   #330  
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by cat90
[B]Hi Ladies...Carol..what are bayblades?

Mmmmmn.....Now I have heard of bayblades....let me think now....oh yes...I think you use them to "blade round the bay in!"
You are right , cat90, in that you can find a load of codswallop on the web about weightloss and the like. the sad thing is people actually believe what they promise, like "lose weight whilst you sleep" and so on....or go for colonic irrigation....WHAT!!!!!Not on your life!!

Hope you all like the was a Christmas card a friend sent me. She is also a typical psychiatric nurse, as daft as a brush!And she is only 4 days older than me so I can be fairly "rude" about her....
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