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Old 10-27-2002, 04:33 AM   #46  
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It is SO windy here there is not a single leaf left on my trees and the bird table has gone CRASH! And the door keeps shaking and making the keys jangle and scare the out of me and Holly.....

well the last night has come and gone and,yes,the m.d. did change the ending again....ggggrrrrr!and I fell big time off my plan and decided to celebrate my fee with fish and chips afterwards, convincing myself that it was realy an hour earlier than it felt like.....
Delaney I don't think much of your ww leader she does not seem very encouraging at all and I think you are doing great with steady loss!!Can't understand her attitude...

I STARTED MY IRONING PILE YESTERDAY! well it is now or never and as I am going away tomorrow I need something to put in the suitcase.....!
SmilingSal, I play the violin....or the "vile-din "as I am sure you have heard it called.....

I am all croaky and snuffly this morning..YUK!
But off to the chores I go....if you see an alert for a lost Teel you'll know I've been buried underneath it.....See you at the other end of the day.....

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Old 10-27-2002, 09:50 AM   #47  
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We've just had our 'new' piano delivered - when I say delivered it took 3 men half an hour to get it from next doors dining room to ours!!! Sprog #2 has been having lessons for several months now but I've just had my first one and now know middle c and d and my thumb is really sore!! It was great fun though.

Have been very good so far today and had about 15.5 points so far and with a trip to the gym tonight I should lose 1lb this week...oh listen to me counting my chickens before they've hatched

Going for another play on our 'new toy' now...
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Old 10-27-2002, 04:31 PM   #48  
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I used to play piano too, but never really mastered getting the left hand fingers on the right keys, could do it on the clarinet, but not the piano. The boys have a got a little tin pot keyboard, think one of the garages was giving them away years ago and Rays dad was a taxi driver at the time and got loads of vouchers .... Anyway I have been known to play a mean "doh a deer" on it and my scales are menancing

Today has been strange, unlike Deleany I haven't been counting my points, have probably gone way over plan, will never know. Big lesson always log everything

Have spent the weekend tidying the boys rooms. Did Steves yesterday, only took 4 hours, Seans took 5.5 hours today. Have been making them tidy their rooms themselves all summer, think that was part of the mistake, Sean had rubbish shoved in every nook and cranny as long as it was out of sight. So I have been ruthless and a lot of rubbish has gone from this house for ever. Just need to get rid of it now. My wheelie bin is full to overflowing already, it gets emptied tomorrow morning and I already have 4 bags of 'boyz' stuff to get rid of - family trip to the tip needed I think

Heard on the radio that the bad weather is hitting England and Wales, Scotland seemed spared at the moment, but then we had all the rain last weekend - fairs fair we need to share. Hope everyone is alright.
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Old 10-27-2002, 04:55 PM   #49  
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I would love to start this post - free to a good home, one lively 5 year old. But think some one did that a couple of years ago on teh internet and got arrested for it.

My 'darling' son has been playing up all day and then he flutters his eyelashes at me, tells me he's sorry and that he loves me and he thinks it's the end of it.

All started off in Tescos, to do the weekly shop. Well he wasn't too bad in the shop, but when we got to the till, he wanted to climb on the bit they pass the food down for you to pack in and no matter how many times I told him to get down he just got straight back up again. Not wanting to clout him one in Tescos - although all the old biiddies we're probably thinking that was what he needed. I told him he was banned from using the computers / playstations / games on the telly for the day, Not much point on grounding him with all the rain he wouldn't have been going out anyway.

So then on to homebase despite telling me he was sorry in Tescos and that he would never do it again, less than 15 minutes later in Homebase he climbed up the till thingy again. This time I was less that gentle and hauled him off and told him to make it two days no games. Then we got outside and he saw a pal next to us on the pavement and to show off he ran accross the road, just as well it is a quiet carpark, else we'd be at the hospital or worse by now.

SO we came home and I told him to go play in his room, while I put the shopping away. But he starts up he's hungry and needs his lunch, like when he asks me to do somethign I have to do it straight away, but when I ask him to do something he just ignores me. So anyway he got his lunch about an hour later - after I had de-stressed in the kitchen with the radio tuned up full, the door shut and a cup of tea.

This is just the editted highlights, but so the day went on, with Steve being totally obnoxious They were helping me by washing the plastic toy boxes in the bath, tried to push his brother in, but actually managed to slip himself and bang his head on the floor. Then when his dad came in the cheek just poured out of his mouth. he is never an angel, but today he has had on his horns in a big way. My day with him, just went on and on and on with him getting worse and worse. before bedtime - which happened at 7:30 instead of 8:30, he was warned one more telling off and it'd be no telly tomorrow.

If he didn't look so like Ray I would think they had swapped babies in the hospital when he was born. He is driving me scatty, but I tell you one thing, I am going to win the war over his behaviour. He may have won the occasionally skirmish but I am going to be the overall winning.

Today I told him that if he didn't behave Santa wouldn't come to visit him. He had been talking about what he is going to get. AS I left the room I heard Sean say to him that I meant it so he better behave.

It's no wonder I like a drink in the evenings. Just had to share my wonderful son with you. I go to see his teacher in a couple of weeks, bet she tells me he is an angel at school. He's really good for the childminder as well, just saves it all up for me. Mum always says they are worst with teh ones they love most, in that case I need to make him hate me - only joking (i think!!!)

I just wish he wasn't so constantly naughty and cheeky and a pain in the bum. If I can't sell him on the internet, do you think I might get away with moving all his stuff and him into the garage, could be quite cosy with a gas heater in there ?

Off to find some sanity now that he is asleep. Hopefully tomorrow he will be slighty better behaved.
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Old 10-27-2002, 06:00 PM   #50  
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The wind in Suffolk is just awful and there is only one road out of the village that remains clear of a tree blocking it....tomorrow I am off to Derby!Yippeeeee! I just hope the railway companies have cleared all the trees off the line.....:

To "celebrate" the end of the musical and my finally getting to Derby, I have got a cold....I HATE COLDS!!!! A tickly dry cough and a sniffley nose is all I need to stay with friends in a part of England I have never been to before.

Ah well, less of the grump! I hope everyone has a good week and life is not too stressful I hope to log on whilst I am away but if I don't, I look forward to reading all the posts next weekend.
Oh I nearly forgot this important announcement.....I HAVE FINISHED ALL THE IRONING...!!!!!!!!!
Bye bye,wrap up warm

love from Teel
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Old 10-28-2002, 04:54 AM   #51  
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Poor you Carol - sounds like we've got the same problem only you've got boys and I've got girls - good luck

Off to they gym to work off the two ww muffins I ate last night that I know I shouldn't....
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Old 10-28-2002, 08:31 AM   #52  
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OK the gloves are off, it's time for some serious work.

I am sick and tired of working hard at this healthly eating Monday until Friday tea time and then blowing it all over the weekend. No more I say, do you hear me NO MORE.

In future the weekends are going to be treated like any other normal day - eating wise. I need to do this.

I want to be lighter as I would love to go aborad on my holidays next summer and look half way decent in a pair of shorts.

It is time to get very very serious ................
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Old 10-28-2002, 10:02 AM   #53  
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Default Whinge Alert

I am not feeling well. What was just a sniffle has now turned into a full blown cold, with a rattling chest, streaming nose and a fear of coughing (in case my chest explodes). I haven't been to the gym for nearly two weeks and I believe I am eating for everyone on this board.

Talk about Self Pity City - currently residing there for the foreseeable future. Anyone wanna help bail me out! Want chocolate, but can't even taste properly, so that would just be a waste. I mean if you're gonna gorge, may as well taste what you are eating otherwise wasted effort(!)
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Old 10-28-2002, 10:38 AM   #54  
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I'm ill, yet I want to roller blade indoors - sheez must be really sick
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Old 10-28-2002, 12:51 PM   #55  
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Was going to reccommend snuggling up under the duvet and watching all the soaps on the telly with a hot drink and a healthy stew.

Roller blading sounds more fun
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Old 10-28-2002, 05:45 PM   #56  
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Good to hear from you BPB (sorry you've got a cold) I always fancied roller blading and I figure as there's so much of me it wouldn't hurt when I fall over

Carol - that's fighting talk - good luck, I decided about a month ago that Friday nights (which are always my downfall) are going to be 'good' nights - it's mainly working I just have the odd slip up...

Going to bed now I'm absolutely whacked - must be all the scoffing I did at lunchtime (sorry did I not mention that before??)
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Old 10-29-2002, 10:10 AM   #57  
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I have just been out for lunch with a friend - it turns out we have a lovely pub at the bottom of our road (only lived here for 3 years!!) I had the most delicious gammon steak with chips and friend egg and peas Mmmmmmm I finished off with spotted dick (or pudding as we had to say at school!) and cream - now I've blown it
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Old 10-29-2002, 10:11 AM   #58  
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friend egg, what's a friend egg?
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Old 10-29-2002, 01:07 PM   #59  
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Am being a little angel today. Have decided that my 'offical night off program' has to be a Saturday night - I am not committed enough to stick to plan on a Saturday, so no more Friday nights off. It is just one more night of the week. Saturday night I can have a couple of drinks - points allowance permitting - and let my hair down a bit.

Talkin gof har !!! I need to do something with my hair. It is past my shoulders but is a mess. Fancy getting it cut chin length and some highlights in. I am 36 and have never had highlights or lowlights (whatever they are) think it is time to change all that. Need to hunt out a few styles. A good chop will do it the world of good and if it is chin length I can still tie it back if the notion is on me. Decision is made, (if only I could make all decisions like that) tomorrow I make the appointment, I get paid on Friday so what better weekend to do it. Just need to decide on the exact style, not sure I just want it bobbed, will maybe throw in a few layers as well for good measure.
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Old 10-29-2002, 04:26 PM   #60  
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Brought my first 'stock' from my WW today. A pack of Fruities, a whole tube of sweeties for 0.5 points. Wish I had brought enough for the whole week now - will know better next week - they could be life saver over the weekend.

Am having a lazy night, the dinner dishes are still lying in the kitchen, we had chilli so it will be smelly by the morning. I am going to leave it, yes I am a slut. Ray usually tidies up after the meal, but he has had a hard day and I offered to do it but now can't be bothered - that's life for you.

Am going to have to get up early in the morning and do it as there is no worktop space to make my salad up on. Who cares an early night beckons
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