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Old 12-18-2002, 02:57 PM   #256  
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Morning Ladies I've spent the majority of the morning reading your threads and i'm happy to say that you made me smile not to mention crack out laugh on one or two occasions
I felt a bit homesick when you were talking about the 'fit' club and the 'fat' club as i don't see those programs here but i know who Tommy is..we get groundforce here..on BBC Canada don't know who the 30 stone misery is tho' you never time.. they might show those programs here...I was reading with much interest about Slimming daughter put me on to it last year when i visited her..she lost two stones with them and gave me a couple of mags to bring back home with me..i love the 'success' stories so i subscribed to the mag..EXPENSIVE tho'..
$80 for 6 mags..won't be doing that again..i would like to try it but it's rather difficult for me to find the products over here..we
don't have Tesco's and Marks and Sparks pulled out a couple of years ago i could probably follow it making meals from "basic" foods but i'd be stuck with branded products...I'll see how i make out..I've spent so much time on here that i'm behind with my treadmilling time..should be on there now while my 'soap' is on..
need a good program to watch while i'm doing that..makes the time go by faster.

leigh-r..i saw your thread 'confused' are you any wiser about the calorie thing? i'd better get going (still in dressing gown and it's noon)

Last edited by cat90; 12-18-2002 at 03:00 PM.
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Old 12-18-2002, 03:00 PM   #257  
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I miss one day and this thread burst back into life.

Hi Cathy, it's great to see you over here. We have another poster (??) from over the pond - Chris, otherwise known as BritinNJ was posting here regulary until the Christmas bug got here - hope it is nothing worse than that. Think Terry posts a lot on the WW site now.

Well eating has been a diasaster, thank goodness I have Christmas as an excuse. Worked late last night and ate junk when I got in. Was off today and got off to a really good start but am slipping, just had a McDonalds - where is my willpower ???? But that is no reason to let it slip any more today.

The play was excallent. We were allowed cameras. Edinburgh council had to back track on their decision. Luckily my council didn't follow their ruling, but I think it looks bad for being able to do it next year. They will have their legal big wigs working out all the clauses over the next year.

Need to go do some more painting in Seans room. Missed last night due to work, else tonight I would have finished it.

Is very cold here. The thermonter in the car hasn't got above freezing all day. Was -3 when I took the boys to school this morning and is already -2 this evening. Is the kind of night to sit and watch taggart in front of the telly with a hot chocoloate -I am tempted but Seanies room won't paint itself - unfortunately.
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Old 12-18-2002, 08:58 PM   #258  
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Hi girlies,
Hope all of you are well. I am fine. Just bogged down with life at the moment, as I'm sure you all are too.
I have been trying to keep up with reading posts, but haven't always managed it, not writing any either.
Work has been absolutely atrocious for me of late, up until about two weeks ago and things started getting better, so finger's crossed it now stays this way.
Sorry to report, I have not managed to shed a stone for Santa...but, good news is I' haven't gained, I have managed to maintain, and if I'm honest, I have been no angel as far as food has been passing my lips.
I have tried to eat healthy, but have found bad but oh so tasty stuff going in my gob. I am very energetic and move a lot at work so I am thinking that's what has kept me maintaining?
My bestist frined in England just sent us a Christmas care package and it was full of Cadbury's bars, but I have been good so far with them and hope to keep it that way. I have worked out that two squares is one point, so hopefully that'll keep me on the straight and narrow while it's in this house too.
Right, it's time for one of my telly programmes coming on, so I'm off to get in my nice warm jammies and settle down in front of the telly. Have a great day everyone.
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Old 12-19-2002, 07:02 AM   #259  
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It is a conspiracy! My Boss gave me big box of Tery's All Gold and my Landlord gave me a box of quality Street (yes I have started on that actually before you ask...I left the yucky cream ones though!). I wouldn't care but my Boss is weight watching too! MEN!!!!

Anyone else received unsuitable presents yet?
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Old 12-19-2002, 01:10 PM   #260  
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i am a teaching assistant and have received 18 boxes of chocs this week, lots of smellies and candles too, not to mention the 4 bottles of wine. One large tin of cadburys choc biscuits arrived about one minute ago from a neighbour (I take her child to school.....o) Oh panic panic keep those greedy demons at bay!!
It is our night out from work tonight, I plan to boogie all night to keep the glass out of my hand, will it work????
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Old 12-19-2002, 01:43 PM   #261  
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My master plan is to not have any food in the house of Christmas. Unfortunately I do not possess the "off" or "enough" switch when it comes to eating crap and junk food. The plan is to buy Count on Us crisps, veg crisp and lots of popcorn to substitute for the luverly celebrations, roses, quality street......that's the plan, reality is a different matter
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Old 12-19-2002, 03:13 PM   #262  
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I have no plan - that seems to be working. I have lots of possible plans. I want to maintain over the holiday, but like everyone I seem to be eating constant junk. I think I will be lucky to maintain if I keep going like this.

I hope no one buys me sweets this year, people know I am trying to lose weight

Had a big postive step forward today. My size 22 trousers, are too big and I needed to buy another pair to keep my modesty in place. So I went to Dorothy Perkins - a 'normal' shop and brought a pair of size 20 black trousers. I may not be losing an awful lot of weight but I have lost a lot of inches. Those trousers where very snug when I brought them for a wedding in October.

So now I have a new initiative for the holidays, it is to wear those size 20 black trousers to my first weigh in in 2003 and to have the button fastened.
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Old 12-19-2002, 03:21 PM   #263  
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Welcome back Veggie - I missed your cheeful chat
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Old 12-19-2002, 03:36 PM   #264  
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Ta Carol

If I got all those chocs TQ Id say crimbo presents solved and just recycle them

Ive got loads of choc for presents to give and have had for about a month have only had one teeeny white choc orange that was at about 2 in the morning was bit drunk
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Old 12-19-2002, 08:52 PM   #265  
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Oh God, help me please, here I am trying to remove sticky lables from cups I am giving as Christmas pressies to the girls at work tomorrow, anad I have just consumed a flake, a whole one and I didn't even think about it until I read this thread.....
Veggie, I love your idea about recycling Crimbo chocs as pressies, wish I had the wil power to do it. I can just see me giving my American friends a huge bar of cadburys, and then wrestling them to the ground to re claim it back from them ( I would surely win too, as I have about a 100 pound weight gain on most of em)!!!
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Old 12-19-2002, 10:31 PM   #266  
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Hi Girls ooh..shuddup about cadbury's chocolate will ya?
i love the stuff..i can get flakes here and i sometimes make 99's with 'em Another fave is Toblerone..and i absolutely love Dark Mars who the **** started this? i did buy some choc's today..those little bottles..Chocolate Licquer's..hubby luv's 'em and i don't mind 'em either i'm hoping i don't go mad in the choccie buying division..i certainly won't be given any because i don't know anybody sometimes seclusion has it's benefits anyway..enough of that talk..i've had a pretty good day and i'm sticking with the 8 today..21 miles total..if i can maintain (if not lose) weight between now and Jan 2nd i'll be O.K.
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Old 12-20-2002, 01:20 PM   #267  
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Am going to take the recycling tip and put it too good use. I got a big hot chocolate mug with hot chocolate powder and marshmallows to dunk in it, from secret santa at work today. My sister will love it. I'm not that fond of hot chocolate, have taken to having the odd cup of cadburys highlites occasionally, but think this big mug is pushing it a bit. So I am not as good as Veggie, merely get rid of something I don't like

Was at the works Christmas lunch today and because of the change of Rays working hours due to some emergency work needing done at the power station, I couldn't have a drink if I wanted one, hence the reason I am home, sober and typing. Was a very subdued lunch, we were a quiet bunch. The food was marvellous, but far too much, had chicken broth, was a meal in itself, followed by the most lovely turkey with sausages and loads and loads of veg and of course mashed and roast potato. For pudding I kidded myself on and had fresh fruit salad and ice cream - yum yum., Have probably gained about half a stone, but at least there are no wasted cals on alcohol.

Am now off work until the 6th - this is the danger time big style. I eat more at home so will need to keep reminding myself that I want to wear those trousers after the hols.

Have finished painting Seans room, just need to sort it all out for his new bed this evening - one night I will just come home and sit down and do nothing, maybe some time about July !!!!
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Old 12-20-2002, 11:21 PM   #268  
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Hi girls,
Yippee! It was my last day at work until the second of Jan next year....I am sooooooooo happy, cos I am ready for a break. We had a great day with our kids although they were a tad on the hyper side, probably the pizza we gave them, plus all the cookies and chocs and other rubbish that was on hand din't hasn't helped me at al either.
I am so off track right now, I don't know what to do. My spare tyre is growing rapidly it feels like, I could be put on a huge great lorry and be driven from here to Arizona and still have spare tread left!
Tomorrow is our annual family get together for Christmas, pressie giving and of course loads of different nosh everyone has made...when will it all end?
I really want to be good, I've done it before anad I think I can do it again...I can, I can!
Right, I'm off to bed now, have a great weekend everyone.
Love Chris.
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Old 12-20-2002, 11:39 PM   #269  
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ooh..i am so envious of you gals with your christmas parties they may be fattening but they sure beat sitting on your own with a coor's light i won't be going to one bash this year beginning to wish i had gone home for christmas..i could have..but did'nt want to may go in "summer" then i might not have to wear a 'fur' coat all the time..i'm not kiddin'..last summer i had to go out and buy woolies..i was so cold and to think that all the brits i know think i'm wading around in 3ft of snow in winter..we hardly get any snow here the temperature is really fact..i wear t-shirts all year the sun was shining and it will be tomorrow but i think it will be raining over christmas..definitely not snowing
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Old 12-21-2002, 03:56 AM   #270  
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We have had tempertures or minus 5 here this week. All the trees have been pure white from the ice and the frost and it has been very Christmassy. It has been cold but a nice cold, no wind or rain, just a clear, crisp freezingness

It feels a bit warmer this morning, my car is still frozen, but the trees are back to normal colour. Think it was the closest we will get to a white Christmas this year. The weatherman is forecasting rain here too.

Well Seans bed was a big hit last night. It is bunk beds with the bottom bunk actually a sofa which converts. Todays busy bee mission is to fold all the washing which is lying around my livingroom, and put it away. Hopefully some of the ironing out of it can go back into the tumble dryer and then just be folded and put away - yes I am that lazy. Then it's out for lunch with a friend and her kids, McDonalds I think. And back to sort out the rest of Seans room, set up his computer and move back all his stuff from the hall. After that this house might almost look normal again. Need to go to the library as well. Tomorrow I wipe the surfaces and start to wrap ?????

Ray is working right through the holidays, he is off on Monday as we are going to the pantomime and then again on Christmas day. But that is it. There is some kind of emergency with a boiler at the power station. He will be able to get some time off in January, but as I pointed out me and the boys couldn't. Ray being Ray added that that made it all the better. I have to point out he was laughing and kidding, but we have had no time together this year. He didn't manage a summer break as he changed jobs and he has only had 2 long weekend breaks. I know for half the year he was only working Fri. Sat and Sun and rested (?) Mon - Thur, but we all need a holiday

Need to get started on this washing pile. Am going to take the radio through my room, where I'll be folding and put on a Christmassy CD to keep me in the mood, brass band, Christmas number ones or childrens carols - what a choice.

See you later, when I am better organised.
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