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Old 02-17-2002, 01:09 PM   #1  
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Default Hello from One Fat Chick in England # 9

Hello everyone - OMG - the ninth thread... and they are moving on so fast nowadays.

I've just been reading over some of the other threads. Do you think we ought to start a thread for recommending products, dieting tips, etc, etc. Sort of like a 'Which' for dieting stuff????
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Old 02-17-2002, 01:17 PM   #2  
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But I was SO looking forward to seeing a pic of you in that dress sob

When do I get to start the thread I'm off to start the 10th one NOW! or maybe not!
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Old 02-17-2002, 01:32 PM   #3  
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Just been reading a bit of the first thread of this nothing has changed I go on about alcohol Ali is the model dieter and Delaney is on about mcdonalds I havent got up to that Peachey yet!!
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Old 02-17-2002, 01:44 PM   #4  
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Red face Very depressing...

On the first thread I'm 3 pound lighter...but I'll get over it
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Old 02-17-2002, 05:27 PM   #5  
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Wow #9 already!!!

Yesterday I did something silly (again I hear you cry) I got on the scales (not my official weigh in day until Tuesday but I've been v.v. good recently) and I had got down to 17.4 - a whole stone off - yippee I cried, I got on my other set of scales (yes I have 2!!) and they said the same - I was on cloud nine, I know your sensing a but coming up.... But today I had gained the 3lbs back - WHY I have been hateful all day because I know there is no way on this earth that I could have gained 3lbs!! it just isn't possible, yesterday I had about 1,400 caolories and the day before the same or less!!!!!!!! I don't think it could be TOM, because as most of you know, I don't really get TOM more like TOY!!! Anyway tonight I went to MIL for dinner and pigged out I ate a huge chicken salad, buttered bread, sausages, new potatoes in butter, a cream egg, 2 slices of battenburg, the list goes on.........why, why, why, etc

The thread sounds like a good idea Sarah and well done on getting out of being a bridesmaid
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Old 02-18-2002, 03:10 AM   #6  
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Oh - Delaney - poor you! Its your PCOS thats causing your weight to fluctuate - it used to do that to me. Basically with PCOS your hormone levels are all shot to **** - so your hormones are telling your body that it is nearly TOM even when its not. I could gain or lose 5lbs in a day, but it usually reverts back to normal within 24 hours or so. Have you noticed that your ankles and/or wrists (or even your face) are slightly puffy? Perhaps you might be suffering with other TOM symptoms - tender boobs, cravings, etc.

Don't worry about it too much - I know its not fair but the more weight you lose the less you will be likely to have weight fluctuations.

Your eating binge was probably caused by a mixture of being miserable about the 3lbs AND the PCOS flooding your system with TOM type hormones - try to put yesterday behind you and start afresh this morning. You can do it - we are all here to help you. I lived with PCOS for over 20 years so if you want a shoulder to cry on.....

Now I haven't got to wear that awful Jane Austin type frock and hat (!) I have got to find something to wear for this wedding in July.... so in the middle of this week's Whats On TV there is a pull out Simply Be mini-brochure - which only deals in sizes 16-30. I was browsing through it and thought they had some nice stuff - then it occurred to me that while one of the models is a possibly a size 16, most of the clothes are modelled on women who are nearer a size 12! Its a shame they couldn't find larger models so we can actually get a good idea of how the clothes are likely to look on us, surely there must be some out there somewhere.
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Old 02-18-2002, 05:18 AM   #7  
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Sarah...maybe you can find a nice peach lace & silk number with matching bonnet!
I think the recommending products thread is a great idea...
Last day of half term today. HOORAY!
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Old 02-18-2002, 05:31 AM   #8  
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I hate hats of any shape or description. Somehow I have just got the wrong shaped face for a hat and when I do have to wear one I always feel like I am still wearing it for a couple of hours after I have taken it off.

OK - I have started off a new thread for product recommendations (or any kind of recommendations)... here's a link

Click here to go to the new Recommendations thread
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Old 02-18-2002, 06:19 AM   #9  
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Do you get a full week for half term down South ? My kids were off Thursday & Friday for in-service days and today is a half term holiday then they are back at school tomorrow - thank goodness normality will reign.

Been at the dentist this morning - was bad planning as the boys had to come with me & I was getting root treatment done & I am not very brave . But the worse bit is all done now - just got to go get my crown fitted next week. All this because half of my tooth fell out half way down a hill at New Year. Even worse it's going to cost £150. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have done really well with my eating all weekend. On Saturday night we had friends over and I stuck to my plan of one vodka one soft drink one vodka one soft drink. I am going away with my friend & kids in April & she couldn't believe how little I drank - the pair of us are well known for demolishing all of a 3 litre box of wine & some more once we get started putting the world to rights - not anymore - I have to make some changes. Anyway Linda said she is going to buy me one bottle of vodka while we are away at it will last me the whole week - some how I think not - but you never know.

Worked out everyday over the weekend. On Saturday I fixed up the old telly in our room and did 40 minutes of my areobics video. Then on Sunday we went for a walk at a reservior, up a track and down a muddy path. We all had a good time, but I got stuck on the mud, stinky bog mud inside my boots and up my trouser legs
Trust me.

Then this morning I got up early and did my Tae Bo vid again. It was a bit easier this week but I still struggled. Had to open the windows when I'd finished as they were all steamed up - I had been doing Tae Bo honest

Need to go fill my glass up. I'm drinking water out of a John Smiths extra smooth pint glass, through a barbie pink straw - dead classy me

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Old 02-18-2002, 07:50 AM   #10  
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Thanks for that Sarah - just what I needed Have weighed myself 3 times this morning - still the same HUH!!! Must stop jumping on the scales!!

Carol which reservoir did you walk around?? We used to cycle round one near Stirling I think - it was beautiful.
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Old 02-18-2002, 08:12 AM   #11  
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Mmm 3 litre wine box could do with one of them right now...have been sticking to one bottle of lager but have not lost any weight have been eating too much am totally sick of TOM which has been awful

Delaney stay off the scales!!!!

I tried on a woolly hat yesterday mans size would not fit on my head! Bought a little black rucksack instead barely big enough to fit anything in...but I like it!
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Old 02-18-2002, 10:00 AM   #12  
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Melissa it was Carron reservoir, which is near to Stirling, up the back roads & by a big dam ??? Very pretty - we didn't walk all the way round as we had the kids, but we have done it all before.

oh no nobodies scales are moving despite our cut backs on the booze - suddenly I'm not looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow. I thought cutting out the alcohol would make a difference to our weights - shows what I know. Well I'll find out tomorrow

Veggie where are you going with the black wooly hat & the backpack? If you're off back packing round Europe wait for me - I can be with you by tea time.....

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Old 02-18-2002, 10:08 AM   #13  
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Yes just off round the world backpacking see ya!

Seen as my rucksack can only fit a wallet brolly hairbrush and probably pushing it TOM things might be a short trip...

Just had a mac bought for me shh dont tell anyone its a secret my birthdays not till march...officially a goth again in my new black mac scary fat woman dressed all in black...
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Old 02-18-2002, 10:08 AM   #14  
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Me too! I want to back pack round Europe as well!!!!! I can make Cumbria by mid evening!!!

Cutting back on the booze has got to work when you think that the average pub measure of wine has got about 90-100 cals in it and who sticks to pub measurements at home? I've got some really nice ENORMOUS wine glasses which I try and kid myself contains only a normal wine glass full - trouble is you only get 4 glasses out of a 75cl bottle.

Cutting right back on wine (or any booze) has got to be the hardest thing about dieting for me.... sob! Oh - and of course Kevin stuffing his face with white chocolate creme eggs.
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Old 02-18-2002, 10:12 AM   #15  
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White Chocolate Creme Eggs - I am not a chocolate fan but they sound lovely.

How come it's started raining when Ray is due in for work & I can go for my walk

My back pack is old & can hold my library books or swimming stuff - don't think either would be that useful half way round the world.

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