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Old 10-21-2002, 04:13 PM   #16  
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Im still around - just!
Had a difficult couple of days with dh, but he is a bit better today.
As for my eating - dont ask!!!! The least said the better - I am thinking of joining a class though, if I can get away
PS Great going Teel! Thats the sort of weight I would be very happy with
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Old 10-21-2002, 04:14 PM   #17  
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Almost forgot - we got ADSL now
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Old 10-21-2002, 06:24 PM   #18  
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hello the u.k.

forgive my ignorance,Topmonkey, but please what is ADSL ?

Smiling Sal, I am sending you a genie or three
and a wizard for good measure...
Don't lose heart, (I know you won't) and remember tomorrow is another day.After all, if we were all perfect (ha ha ) we would not need to look at this site, and we would never have met all the wonderful members in our cyber family.... are very quiet?!I hope you are o.k. and have not succumbed to the various bugs that are staying with people at the moment....
Hope to read from you all soon, love from Teel
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Old 10-21-2002, 07:23 PM   #19  
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ADSL is broadband Teel just another name for it (I think) Wish I had it aol is bad at mo I blame it on half term That's probably why Delaney is busy elsewhere entertaining the small people no doubt
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Old 10-22-2002, 07:17 AM   #20  
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Hi all

Well I've not been around as Veggie said I have been entertaining the little darlings the least said about that the better...

I'm a bit miffed with DH as well because he's had this week booked off for at least 2 months and now he's at work saying he can only have Wed-Fri off!!

I have been soooooooo bad since Saturday - I don't know what's happened - I've not stopped troughing the thing is on Friday night I beat the greedy demons and felt fantastic and then I fell apart on Saturday morning. (It's the kid's fault they wanted McDonald's breakfast).

I can't go to WW tomorrow night (which is a good thing) because we're going to take Sprog #1 to London (the usual sightseeing and stuffing face type stuff) shoved that in there in the hope that no-one would see it!!

What a miserable post - I will go and pull my socks up and come back more cheery later... Oh I could murder a twix... help...
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Old 10-22-2002, 05:13 PM   #21  
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Originally posted by Delaney

I can't go to WW tomorrow night (which is a good thing) because we're going to take Sprog #1 to London (the usual sightseeing and stuffing face type stuff) shoved that in there in the hope that no-one would see it!!

What a miserable post - I will go and pull my socks up and come back more cheery later... Oh I could murder a twix... help...
All the usual stuffing face type stuff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy it, how often do you go away. it is a treat and although we are still trying to be very healthy we still need our treats. This is my reckoning, birthdays, holidays and christmas are all treats for us slimmers as they are for the rest of the world.

Think I am still on my soap box from the obesity thread - sorry !

Today has been really good eating wise. Didn't go to WW. The weather was far too bad. I couldn't have walked the mile to the class in the torrential rain. Although it has been really bad here, I think we have missed the worst of it. Edinburgh (30 miles away) and the borders seem to have had it much worse. Was watching the news with some of the flooding, it is scary what the rain can do.

Anyway on the weigh in front, there is a class on Thursday evening and another one on Saturday morning. I need to go to one of these, no excuses. I have to weigh in. Not expecting a loss, not had a great weekend eating wise. But have been Ok for the last couple of days, so hopefully things will balance out or with just another small gain.

The rain has beaten my exercise the last couple of days. No walking in the rain for me, would have got washed away, can't say I would have fitted down the drain though - not yet

The weather is supposed to be as bad tomorrow, will need to wear my wooly jumper to work
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Old 10-22-2002, 05:49 PM   #22  
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Been on this site for ages now, so now it is time for bed, as no one else is chatting. Ray is too busy drinking a beer and watching the go cart racing

Once I've had a good nights kip , I'll be already for tomorrow. I have been an today and am going to be an again tomorrow as well as the of the pack. I am not going to be a big (or little)

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Old 10-22-2002, 06:09 PM   #23  
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hello SmilingSal, if you are still there and I think you are....'cos your lamp is still shining!!!!! I have promised myself an early night tonight....but I get so engrosed with this site the time just flies by.....
I don't blame you for not going out in the rain....yuk! and the dog gets wet feet, wet tummy, wet wet wet!!!!!!!!!!I am sure someone ought to patent doggy size wellies....! I am not really looking forward to this week... one rehearsal (dress) and three performances of this musical in a cooooold Suffolk church about 30mins drive away...I know the production will be good but I am not looking forward to the back and leg pain afterwards and the exhaustion....what a wimp I have not played in public since March this now Iam getting chilly(not quite cold) feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sleep well ta ta for now
love from Teel
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Old 10-22-2002, 06:21 PM   #24  
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OH NO!!!!

By the time I had posted,your lightbulb had gone "phut" and all was in darkness...Sorry to have missed you.... will you have to get up earlier than normal tomorrow to get the canoe out of the garage?!

Perhaps you aught to take a few extra provisions in case the road turns into a riverlet.....

oh dear I don't think I am being much help, really.....

love from Teel xox
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Old 10-23-2002, 03:56 AM   #25  
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Morning all...

I can't believe I lost 1lb this week - that's put a smile on my face - wasn't I having a bad day yesterday? Thanks for the advice Carol I needed that I didn't even comment on the obesity thread as it wound me up too much...

Yesterday I said about DH supposed to be on holiday this half term that he was only having wed-fri off - now it's thurs-fri!!! Why is it that men think that the world will collapse if they're not at work?

The kids have just arrived and are demanding breakfast which is a cheek I think...
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Old 10-23-2002, 04:23 AM   #26  
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well done on the weight loss Melissa, you are a superstar.
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Old 10-23-2002, 12:20 PM   #27  
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hello to everybody!

Well done Delaney on your loss and I hope you still have a smile on your face! how was the London sightseeing?and just remember....eating involves muscle activity which surely must burn up calories!! ok ok just a tiny thought for this time of day

Tonight I have to go to a dress rehearsal for the musical in a Suffolk church for the next three nights....I need to whip up some enthusiasm to go out in the freeeeeeeezing cold and I really do not know what to have for dinner ...mmmmmn.
so I guess I'd better get a wriggle on cos time is leaving me behind.Smiling Sal wrap up warm as I think its colder in Scotland than it is here....bbbbrrrrrrr!
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Old 10-23-2002, 12:22 PM   #28  
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Default Wednesday - Already !!!!!

Am having an amazing day eating wise. I have been so good I should have wings.

If only everyday good be this good.

I'll let you into a secret though - I was absolutely starving when I got in from work. had forgotten to take half my lunch with me today and I didn't discover this until I went into my bag to get my crisps mid afternoon. Good thing is my office doesn't have any sweet or juice machines, so it was water and sugar free chewing gum to get me through until I got home. Have never made and drank a cuppa soup so quick.

Tonight is the boys swimming night. Steven starts lessons tonight - Sean has gone for about 18 months. So I'll be in the water from about 7:20 until 8:30 - am not going to wear my band so if they shout my colour out, no one will know I should have long gone. Need to stay in the water until Sean comes out of his lesson. Then it will be the dreaded chip test. I have told Ray I am not having chips tonight after the swimming, so he won't order them up for me. I am about to go and make a baked potato with ham and veg, to fill me up. Just letting the cuppa soup settle down a bit.

Once the boys are in bed, I will have a bagel and a large glass of diet coke so I don't too deprived for missing my chips. If I have the chips, i have made a deal with myself to get up really early tomorrow and go for a walk - probably in the rain. The thought of that should keep me on the straight and narrow.

The rain seems to have stopped here, thank goodness. But apparently it was snowing just outside Edinburgh this afternoon - heard it on the radio. All we need

Best go get fed, else those chips will beckon.
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Old 10-23-2002, 05:11 PM   #29  
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Default Am a happy bunny

I didn't give in to the chips. The plan came together, I am a cool dude

We were very active in the water. Steve had his lesson first and me, Ray and Sean had a really good carry on in the water. Swimming under the water through a tunnel of legs, doing roly polys in the water and just generally larking about and enjoying ourselves. Then Steve joined us and Sean went to his lessons and this time Ray and Steve were jumping in, I didn't, too scared I would cause a tidal wave and all the water would jump out. But again it was fun and we were exercising and moving our butts instead of sitting on them watching telly.

Then we went to the cafeteria, 3 lots of chips 4 drinks and I only had one of Steves chips

Now munching my bagel and spreader cheese - becoming a habit for supper. Think I will be smiling in my sleep all night

Baby steps is the only way I am going to do this. Small changes will make big differences to me.

Am hoping to manage to WW tomorrow night. There is a class not far from me, depends on whether or not Ray is in. TQ could you not go to a different class nearer to your mothers (if you wanted to that is) the details are all on the WW website - sorry to nag - you know I don't mean it.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that I haven't gained this week. I did eat far too much at the weekend, but I am hoping it has gone by now - no harm in dreaming. I was dreaming I won the lottery tonight but that didn't come true, maybe the weight one will.

Need to go, am rambling now and I really want an earlyish night
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Old 10-24-2002, 08:43 AM   #30  
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WAY TO GO CAROL - good for you

As you know we were going to London today but we're going tomorrow now as Sprog #1's new boots didn't arrive from Next and she doesn't want to go in trainers - I have pointed out that new boots are bound to rub, but its been pointed out to me (quite clearly) that I don't know as much as a 7 year old don't you know? Carol you are lucky having boys...

Teel - this production of yours sounds good what is it? Have you been doing this long?

I went to the gym this morning - boy it was hard work getting out the door when it's freezing out there and I sat on that bike watching MTV thinking 'I could murder a bacon sarnie' I got back and had the next best thing - M&S low fat sausage sandwhich and even though I'm not hungry Dave is downstairs with the kids eating fish and chips... Got to be good as tomorrow I'm not likely to be... oh why is this so hard?
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