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Old 11-08-2011, 10:21 AM   #376  
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November 7

¾ c steel cut oats with a splash of cream (maybe 2 T)

Chicken-veggie soup
2 p. flax bread, 1 t. butter, 1 T PB

½ oz mixed raw nuts
Large Granny Smith apple

1 c. pasta putanesca w/tuna
Sm. Greek salad

Walked 10,456 steps.

Yay for OP, Carri -- let's do it again today, huh.
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Old 11-09-2011, 10:17 AM   #377  
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Thanks Arabella but I ended up having pizza last night so that blew that...I will have to admit I am really struggling right now...I dont know how I ever stayed so strong and committed the other times....gonna have to think about this.
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Old 11-09-2011, 11:11 AM   #378  
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It is Wednesday already?!

I have been slammed at work this week...found a little breathing room today..right now so I'm grabbing it.

Usually when it gets like that at work I find myself snacking and not eating well and eating too much but I have been so busy I just haven't had time to eat other than regular meals and when I get home I'm just tired and I choose to sleep than overeat. You know..if you really think about it, overeating can take up a lot of time.

I did get a walk in last night and since I hadn't walked since Saturday, I walked 1 hr instead of my 30 minutes...I feel it in my legs today..but it's sort of a nice feeling.

Did anyone watch the Biggest Loser last night? There was a segment where a doctor explained how and why overweight people overeat..especially when it comes to eating for comfort/pleasure.

It was very interesting and made a lot of sense. He also talked about what to do to overcome it.

Arabella: You are fighting your way back on track...keep are doing great and soon will come that feeling when you aren't sluggish from being "over medicated" with food.

Cari: It can be hard to get back on track but you have had to do it before and I know you can do it again.

Mel, Liz, Dee and Auntie G: Hi!!
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Old 11-10-2011, 10:23 AM   #379  
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Good morning All ....still fighting my way back ...had a really good OP day yesterday, so proud of that...gotta take the little victories

Susie - yes I watch B Loser and I found that segment really interesting too...funny that our pleasure sensor area in our brain gets huge when we "see" something but goes down when we are actually "eating" it ...and that a thin person is just the opposite...very interesting ...and makes sense because I know sometimes I look at something and just HAVE to have it, no way around it myself nuts thinking about it until I have it and then after I think "well that wasn't all that ..."

Arabella - here's to you and I just chugging along and trying once again to make it ...but like you always say - I know we can do it.

Hi to everybody else, hope you alll are having a good day so far ...very cold here today, only going to be in the mid 40's I think for a high ...

See ya !

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Old 11-10-2011, 01:21 PM   #380  
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Carri - YAY for an OP day yesterday and keep going for today too! Yes it is definitely getting colder out now...brrr...

Susie - Yay for an hour walk! Good workout. I don't watch BL so missed the info but sounds interesting! Off to google after this. I definitely know I got (and still get) a lot of comfort and pleasure out of eating.

Arabella - Good for you for posting your menus, it must really help with accountability. I stopped logging my food a few months ago, and just keep a running tally in my head, but I feel like I'm moving towards more intuitive eating, and keep an eye on my weight and how my choices affect it. So far, so good!

Dee - Your puppies must be so cute!! It must be hard to see them go, though. I just talked to the breeder of my shepherd the other night, my dog is now 16 months old - and when I answered the phone she introduced herself and said I had one of her dogs. I thought it was nice that she always thinks of them as her dogs!

It's really hitting me how almost everybody has a weight management strategy lately. So many people in casual conversation will start talking to me about how many calories are in things and how they need to avoid it...mostly from the moms at my son's preschool is when these things come up. It's interesting to me because before I lost weight, I don't think anyone would have mentioned the calories in something in a one-on-one conversation, just because it might be construed as a judgement on me or else something I clearly wasn't interested don't know what the reason is but I just never remember people talking to me about things like that before. And these people don't know I've lost weight (they're all new moms just this past September). Anyways I just remember thinking before losing weight "oh they're thin they can eat anything" which might be true for a few people but for the vast majority, it just ain't.

Last edited by sept15lija; 11-10-2011 at 01:23 PM.
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Old 11-10-2011, 08:03 PM   #381  
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Hey Chicklets You all R doing sooo good since the Halloween candy is gone.
I had my WI at tops today, another slowww week only -1# loss again
What R some diets that U Chicks have done that R successful? I really need some ideas.
Because of my dumm broken toe, I can't walk/exercise for 2 more weeks I need to try something, so I don't gain it back. TY Dee

1 for every 4 lbs Lost.

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Old 11-10-2011, 08:15 PM   #382  
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I Lost 2 on my prior post

1 for every 4 lbs Lost.

I wish I had a slice of strawberry pie right now My DH is
eating a hot-fudge sundae in front of me, right now. Dee
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Old 11-12-2011, 08:54 PM   #383  
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Happy to report a 1.5 lb loss at TOPS. Today I haven't eaten the best...I'm just plain hungry!

I'm also a little upset with DH today so maybe I'm not as hunrgy as I think I am. I'm thinking I just might need to go to bed and start again tomorrow. It's just been one of those days!!

Dee: I think a 1 lb loss is good. I don't really diet, I just count my calories. I use a app on my phone called Lose It and I put in a goal weight for a time period that I want to get to that weight and it tells me how many calories I can have daily and it tracks it. I find it helpful to have it on my phone as I'm not good with getting on the computer nightly when I get home since I"m on it all day long with my work.
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Old 11-13-2011, 03:45 PM   #384  
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Hi. I'm doing better today with the food and not eating mindlessly.

Not much going on today. We are going to dinner with some friends tonight; it will be good to relax a bit. I've been dealing with a headache all day..not a bad one just those ones that are in the front...sinuses probably.

How is everyone?
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Old 11-15-2011, 09:27 AM   #385  
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It's very quiet here. I'm struggling this week to not snack...I'm talking about wanting cookies, chips, etc, not about getting some fruit or yogurt etc...

Last night it was a war between me and the peanut brittle that I bought from the little girt down the street who was selling it for her school. I did have a couple of pieces and the only way I stopped from having more is I made myself go get on the scales...that seemed to do it! However the desire is still there!!

I know I can/will get through it...I think that maybe not keeping quiet about it and bringing it out "in the light" will help me get over it.

I hope the rest of you are not struggling like this....hoping to see some posts today.
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Old 11-15-2011, 10:15 AM   #386  
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No Susie, I am struggling like that, right there with ya ...just trying to make it thru the holidays w/o gaining 10 pds or more ....hugs
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Old 11-15-2011, 01:08 PM   #387  
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Hi Girls, it's everwhere this time of year & I bought Girl Scout cookies & Boy Scout popcorn. My ex-father inlaw died Friday & all I did was cry & eat mindlessly for 3 days, I loved him as my own dad. I went to his funeral after being invited & on the 1 1/2 hr drive I ate a box of m&m cookies & then was the fattening funeral dinner afterward. The -1# each week I have lost this last month, is back on me, I am back at my kops goal wt. again, I always try to stay 4# below it.

Today is my Day #1 at being Binge-free again & eating Healthy again. I wore my only 'black dress shoes' to the funeral, a pair of 3" pumps & my 2 broken toes R throbbing (taught me a lesson to have dressy black flats or kitten heel pumps in my closet). So I can't work-out for another 2 weeks after that set-back.
We have 3 Christmas dinners, a dinner dance & 2 brunches + a New Year's Eve dance & brunch New Year's Day, I'll look sooo rude if I don't eat at each, but I will also get fat again if I don't plan ahead/strategy.
The Holidays R sooo wonderful but I wish that they did NOT revolve around eating food.
TY for letting me vent, my DH doesn't get what I deal with to look pretty The men just take a shower & toss on their clothes & thats about it, they have it sooo easy. Dee
1 for every 4 pd Lost!
:shocksn :
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Old 11-16-2011, 12:42 PM   #388  
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Hey girlies

Sorry to hear some of us are struggling....I'm struggling some with snacking too, especially late night snacking, after the kids are in bed I just want to keep eating. My weight has stayed stable but if I keep it up, it may start going up.

Susie - I use weighing as a trick to stop eating - it works some of the time.

Dee - Sorry to hear about your father-in-law. You are very right if we don't plan ahead the holidays are a perfect time to put weight back on. I like to be able to eat at those types of things tend to scrimp during the day to make up for eating a lot at dinner or brunch or whatever. It usually works - or I go for an extra run with the dog, that tends to help out too - although that's kind of difficult with two broken toes! Hope they mend soon!

Carri, Araballa, Mel, auntie g - Hi!!
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Old 11-17-2011, 09:02 AM   #389  
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I am slowly getting back in control of the takes's like going through withdraw and detoxing I think.

I think I might have a gain tonight at the scales--if so, I am looking at it as I have already taken action and will show a loss the next week.

Dee: Your toes sound painful! I know when my feet hurt, EVERYTHING hurts.
How did you My Day 1 startover go yesterday?

Liz: Any idea why you are snacking after the kids go to bed?

To the point of the planning how to survive the holiday's with all the good food around. I think it's a good thing to think about this and to start our own personal plans and in the interst of sharing I would love to hear others thoughts on this as well.

I was very successful at this one season when I made a list of the things that I just couldn't pass up..they were things that I only seemed to be able to get during the holidays and so I allowed myself some of those things..and I was very strick with logging my food and counting the calories. Doing that I think I lost 2 lbs..between Thanksgiving and New Years--I know if I hadn't I would have gained 10!

Someone gave me this advice one time about holiday's gain and struggle. "Remember it's not what you eat between Thanksgiving and New Year's but what you eat between New Year's and Thanksgiving."

Liz: Thanks for sharing how you have handled it--it's always a good idea to move more.

Dee: Thanks for bringing up the subject and getting us started thinking about it. If we don't have a plan to succeed we then have a plan to fail
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Old 11-18-2011, 12:25 PM   #390  
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I had a gain. A 3 lb gain!

I am regrouping and getting back in the race
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