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Old 11-02-2011, 08:27 PM   #361  
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Hey Susie, Thanks for the Welcome. Yup I Love being in TOPS, it is a fun family, I'm our charm-awards coodinator, it's fun ordering them & giving them-out monthly. Our chapter has 28 members, we just have 5 KOPS. WI is Thurs. & I ate tooo much Halloween candy, I know I gained, but I was 4# below goal last week. Last weeks No-No was 'No chips' she refused to say 'No candy' . It will be interesting to see how many gains we get after Halloween .

Does anybody know what 'sept15lija' was talking about--her quote >I really like for a chocolate "fix" is vita tops, they're these chocolate muffin top things.< And what stores carry them? They sound yummy.

Hey Carri, I am sooo jealous of your meal that's my Fav also.

I challenge everyone here to walk 5 minutes for every meal & snack you eat, for 28 days + Lift hand weights, + eat minimum 18 grams of Fiber & eat topless sandwiches/burgers If You Bite It....Write It....I know you Will Lose when you combine all these steps
Every 2# U Lose, buy yourself something or get a massage
Time 2 get Gorgeous for the Holidays Chicks
Time 2 go watch Survivor on tv now. Bye, Dee
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:15 AM   #362  
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Good Morning all, not feeling that great today ...wish I could go home and go back to bed...maybe I could go home a little is dh's 37th we might go out tonight for that, not sure ...we will see how I feel I guess and what he wants to do ...

dh said he wants to start walking in the evenings next week but time changes on Sunday and that means we will be getting dark here around 6 and I dont get home until 5:30 most nights, so I guess I can walk in the dark as long as he is with me ...still warm enough, 50's and 60's , to walk in the evenings...

Well hope you all have a great day.

See ya

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Old 11-03-2011, 10:26 AM   #363  
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Dee - You can find out more about vita tops at's a store locator there too. They have lots of flavours! Actually I learned of a few other stores I can get them too, so I'm glad I looked it up!

Carri - How was dinner last night? Sorry you're not feeling well...hope you can knock off early and rest up so you and DH can have fun celebrating his b-day tonight. And as for walking in the dark, just do what I did and get yourself a german shepherd!! lol Not that mine is any good at protecting, she'd most likely lick someone to death...but I think she'd definitely be a deterrent to any would-be aggressor!

Susie - You are so right, the only thing we can have any control over is ourselves. DH and I try to remember that when people *ahem his mother* push our buttons....we think about the fact that she is responsible for how she acts, and we are responsible for how we act.

Well I had a kinda bad day yesterday, well a good day but a bad food day - a friend of mine and I went to a chinese buffet, and I pigged out! I am still below my redline this morning, but only time to dial it back a bit for the next few days! I had always planned to stop weighing daily but I still haven't managed to do that yet. Maybe I need to work on that in the New Year....we'll see. Anyways hope everybody has a great day!
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Old 11-03-2011, 01:57 PM   #364  
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I am praying to the scale gods to let me stay the same tonight at TOPS. I have had the worst time this week with wanting to eat more than I should.

I think it's because I have been mentally tired when I get home from work.
I was here last night until 6:30 so I didn't go for my walk. At one time in my life I would get home from work, put on those workout clothes and shoes and go workout and it would help my mind...I just need to get back to that..EVERYDAY!!

I did do something for myself today that was good for me. I was dying for something sweet and last night when I was here late a friend offered me snack size m&m's. I did turn it down, so I went looking to see if she had more. She did..and there was a co-worker from another site at her desk and I mentioned I really shouldn't have the m&m's but I had tried everything..water, gum, mints..and was climbing the walls. Well, this other gal had Fiber One Chocolate Fudge Browie's in her backpack and gave me has 90 calories and 20% of the daily value of fiber (going to buy these for me and DH since he needs to be sure his fiber intake is up) and I gave my friend back the M&M's so that they wouldn't be around "later".

Liz: If weighing yourself daily helps to keep you at goal, then why give it up?

Cari: I hope you get to feeling better and going for a walk with DH will be good..maybe when it get's cold you can go walk a mall or a store? I see people doing that at the Mall all the time and at our Lowe's store.

Dee: I think your challenge is a good one and I will start it tomorrow.
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:19 PM   #365  
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Hey Chicks Today was my TOPS chapter WI & I did not have a gain, I am still 147# a turtle. I was sooo bad during Halloween I was sure I gained. But I started a game/the Challenge @ my chapter that I wrote earlier & it is working for everyone there that is trying it Basically being more mindful 'calories in - calories out' walking 5 minutes after every meal & every snack that we daily eat or divide the walking into segments. It's effortless to walk 5 minutes every time we feed ourselves. Plus the other couple of things I wrote are helping us, fiber, etc.
Liz, Thanks for the info about vita tops, I am really want to try them & put some in my car? When I crave chocolate I spread pea.butter on 2 whole-grain/fiber muffin slices & measure out some chocolate chips & melt it in the microwave.... healthier than a candy bar. R you in WW maintenance?
Carri, I play outdoors with my doggies, shoot basketball hoops, etc. at home we live 10 min. from town & can't walk at night (deer & raccoons & coyotes roaming & can run into you).
Susie, I know you R a loser @ TOPS & will become a KOP soon! Today our monthly best loser is a girl who's been in club for 1 1/2 yr & never best loser before, she also got her 10# bracelet She was sooo excited that she actually jumped up & screamed....She is 43 yr & always turtled or yo-yo'd, so she joined my Challenge on Oct.1 & I lost 3 1/2# last month...My point is, she never gave up coming to TOPS to reach her -40# goal & after todays awards her self-confidence is huge. She said my Challenge was do-able & made sense to her instead of trying another diet & failing it she told our club today. I feel like our TOPS family is like the little Engine trying to get up the hill, chugging I think I can until he 'does it'
God gave us these bodies & He trusts us to take good care of them.
DH just said it's time for 'sweet dreams' g-night Chicks
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Old 11-04-2011, 08:47 AM   #366  
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Good morning, Women! My head is back in this thing -- had a couple of chocolate-heavy days around Halloween but was doing well before and since. I've decided to track and post my food to keep me accountable. Today's challenge will be wine. Maybe I limit it to a single glass or *gasp* do without. I'm thinking of going to hot yoga late in the afternoon, which should have me mellow already. Wine really makes hot flashes worse. I think if I stopped drinking wine and coffee I'd probably be free of them. Although that seems a bit drastic...

Carri, I hope you're feeling better today! I don't know about there but here there's been something going around for about a month that just seems to last forever. I'm not totally incapacitated but just not feeling that great. Nice that your DH wants to walk in the evenings -- I actually love being out there in the dark, either with DH or solo. We've had some mild weather too -- although not as mild as yours -- and it's kind of a treat.

Liz, it never ceases to amaze me how immature older women can be -- can they possibly have gotten less mature as they age? And why is it we end up marrying so many of their sons?

Minidoodles Nice to have you on board! I like your challenge -- I think walking after eating is also very good for the digestion, which also helps us lose. I aim to get 10,000 steps a day but I think I'll make an extra effort to walk five mins or more after each time I eat. I'm tied to the computer all day so it's a really good idea to build in activity wherever I can.

Susie, nice save on the chocolate! All these little things add up. Those darn little Halloween bars are insidious -- one (for me, anyway) typically leads to more than I'd like to admit to. I probably ate 10 Monday night, and another 10 on Tuesday afternoon. Not good. THEN I gave the leftovers to my son. Barn doors and horses come to mind.

Mel, Auntie g

So, without further ado, here's my day 1& 2 report:

November 2:
½ oz. mixed raw nuts
¾ c. steel cut oats
¼ c. yogurt
¼ c. sf cranberries

3 T. coffee cream, 1 c. sf almond milk

1 c. sweet potato, red lentil & kale soup
2 p. gf bread
2 t. butter

1 oz. peanuts

1 salmon fillet w/ light tartar sauce
Roast potatoes, 1 t. olive oil
Mixed veggies

November 3:

2 eggs
2 p. spelt toast w/ 1 T cream cheese

5 T. coffee cream

Green salad with lentils and feta
½ grapefruit

Popcorn cooked with 1 t. butter
1 oz. nuts

Sm. P. light shepherd’s pie
Mixed veg

That's the report from here. Let's get out there and make it a good one!

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Old 11-04-2011, 12:25 PM   #367  
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Well ladies, I did have a small gain last night. I was up .75 lbs.
I am at peace with it because I was already turning it around before I got there. I'll take it off next week and then some!

Beautiful here in Ohio and they say more to come for the weekend. I will get out for a walk on Sunday if that is the case-- I LOVE to walk outside.

So, I'm trying to think how I am going to do Dee's challange with the walking for 5 min everytime I eat. I think that some days I can do it right then, but other days I will just have to keep track and maybe do 10 min when I have eaten breakfast and lunch. What do you think?

Dee: I do love the suggestion you gave for the chocolate cravings. I'm my chapters Secretary and I try to send out a "motivation email" a couple of days after our meeting, to help keep people's heads in the game so to speak, so I'm going to share it with them.

Arabella: Speaking of "heads back in the game"....we are so glad you are here! I think that posting your food will help keep you there. I did that for awhile and I did very well when I was doing that.

Carri: How are you feeling?

Hi Mel and Auntie G!
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Old 11-05-2011, 01:37 AM   #368  
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Hey Yall umm my southern roots R coming out from my childhood in Charleston LOL Actually it's the Motrin for my boo-boo. It's been a crazy week...DH truck was hit by a Buck running out of a corn field last Sat. night 1 1/4 mile from our house. We had our 3 little grandbabes, 7 yr, 5 yr & 8 months on our way homef from a pumpkin-farm, @ 9 pm. He stayed with his truck with a neighbor helping, so I carried the baby & me & the kids walked home. They practiced being monsters & growled making scarry noices when we saw shiny eyes looking @ us from the dark woods, looking @ the twinkling stars. Well the insurance co. totaled-out our truck, so I've been driving DH to his car-pool 6 miles away all week @ 5am, avoiding all the damn deer that are in 'rut'(get-laid) chasing doe's crossing the roads, through woods & fields & pick DH up again later. Ok so the week is over & we're going to buy him another truck tomorrow & everything is fine but... I broke my **** toe & 1/2 my foot is purple because I decided to teach one of my mini GoldenDoodle puppies to catch a frissbee today because it was gorgeous/64* & I ran into the grandbabies swingset in my fuzzy slippers
To top that, my DH asked to take my Honda & pick-up some ice cream for me to 'make me feel better'....Talk about knowing that your wife is an emotional eater I told him NO thank you & he went to town & came back with 2 pizzas OMG his favorite & my bacon, pineapple & black olives & he hates my pizza. Okay my foot is purple, swollen & throbing & in pain & my DH is trying to help me feel better by adding 15# of pizza to my body I laughed & just ate 2 slices. I can't 'walk- off' my calories/fat for at least a week, so I said 'goodbye' to the rest of my pizza & put it in the freezer. He gave me a pain pill & here I am reading on my laptop .
Dumm stuff happens when we don't expect it Have an Amazing weekend everyone Dee
ps: I wish I had a turtle sundae right now or a slice of strawberry pie........
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Old 11-05-2011, 08:18 AM   #369  
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Yesterday didn't work out to be ideal. I was feeling crappy and didn't walk and then made a less than perfect snack choice, had three glasses of wine, so about 500 more calories than I would have planned for right there. And that's the equivalent of a pound, if repeated daily.

Here's the report:
November 4
¾ c. steel cut oats
¼ c. yogurt
¼ c. sf cranberries

3 T. coffee cream, 1 c. sf almond milk

1 c. red lentil, sweet potato & kale soup
2 small p. GF bread
1 apple
Polenta crisps (too many – 540 cals)

2 p. GF veggie pizza
3 5-oz. glasses dry white wine

I feel okay today, so will definitely walk. I'm going to try to work in yoga -- even if at home -- every day and report on my exercise as well as food. We may be having company for dinner tonight, so that's going to take some planning.

Susie, .75 is not bad after a rough week. It really does take a lot of concentration and determination to keep our heads on straight. So much work but -- if memory serves -- it gets easier as we get further along.

Minidoodles, good job on the pizza!

Carri, Liz, Auntie g, Mel!

Let's make it a good one!
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Old 11-05-2011, 04:34 PM   #370  
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I'm back again , The sun is shinning & the doggies R luvin it. Honey Pie my Maltese is having a litter of MaltePoo puppies from River our apricot Poodle in 2 wks, it's rewarding nurturing them for their new family homes, but it's hard to sell them after Luvin them for 8 wks, but seeing them with new families is worth it.

Hey Arabella please share your recipe for 'red lentil, sweet potato & kale soup' & 'Polenta crisps' with the nutritional info. You R inspiring me with 'your menu', Thank You!!! I agree about wine, I Luv Moscato wine, goes with cheese & chocolate candy, LOL. What does: 'GF' mean?
Hi Carri, I agree with Liz, a doggie does make you feel safer. Mine are small & cuddlie, but strangers R leary of all doggies biting them & mine bark @ danger too. Sundae laid down beside me & stayed with me when I fell down last winter until I got back up.
Hey Susie U R doing goood with your loss, Halloween is really a hard holiday. Any week that I don't gain, is a good week for me. I will have a LOT of walking to make-up for with my broken toe, silly doctor tried to make me use crutches, not this girl, I'll just limp & use a cane to balance. I painted some & sold them @ a festival & saved 1 for myself. I Luv that you send e-mail tips to your club U R sooo thoughtful.
Hi Liz, You R doing fantastic with your goal, pleasse B happy. Look at me this week, remember dumm stuff happens to us. U R a role model to all of us being on maintenance.
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Old 11-06-2011, 06:09 AM   #371  
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I didn't fully prepare myself for the dinner party and ended up eating/drinking more than I should have. I noticed that I still ate less than the normal weight people I was eating with, though.

Anyway, here it is:
November 5
Steel-cut oats with apple and yogurt

3 T coffee cream

Salad with tuna, lentils & feta
2 sm. p. GF bread, 1 t. butter, 1 t. honey, 1 T PB
½ banana

15 potato chips
Veggies w. 1 T dip
1 baked chicken leg
½ c. brown rice
Greek salad
2.5 tiny baklava
4 5-oz glasses dry white wine
(Note: That is 2 and a half tiny baklava, not 25, and 4 glasses of wine that were 5 oz each, not 45 glasses of wine)

Got 8,387 steps. Not 10,000, but not too bad. No yoga.

I'm going to plan to get off the wine at least until the weekend when we're going to Toronto.

Minidoodles, here's the soup recipe:
Bake or boil a sweet potato and puree it.
Saute 2 chopped onions and 2 minced garlic cloves in olive oil in a big pot.
Rinse red lentils and add them, sweet potatoes and enough water to fill the pot up about 3/4.
Stir in a big tablespoon of curry powder. I also add ginger, extra cumin chilies and other spices depending on my mood. I like spice!
Bring it to a boil and then simmer for about a half hour.
Add chopped kale (or spinach) in desired quantities.
I add other veggies depending on what I've got. Latest batch had cauliflower, carrots and peppers in it.

We're heading to Halifax this afternoon so I've got lots to do today. Off for a long walk soon though and will BEHAVE today.

Let's make this a good one!

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Old 11-06-2011, 06:10 AM   #372  
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Oh -- GF is gluten-free.
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Old 11-07-2011, 11:04 AM   #373  
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Morning Gals ....yesterday was dh's and I's 18th wedding anniversary, we went out and had a huge expensive meal !! We both woke up full still this morning ...but it made me be able to wrap my head around this eating better thing, was our last hurrah so to speak hopefully we can do this thing now...I want to be good until Thanksgiving and then give myself a week around Christmas ...because I am gonna do it anyway so might as well just set it up, haha ...I know that probably sounds bad, but hey I wanna enjoy Christmas...

Well time changed last night back to normal so now we have this drastic change of it getting dark at 6:00 - so depressing ...

Well I have missed too much to do inviduals, but hi to all and have a great day !!

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Old 11-07-2011, 01:30 PM   #374  
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Hey Y'all! Monday's half-way through.

I thought I was doing bad yesterday but it turned out okay (except for eating some wheat, which is making me feel tired today):

November 6
3/4 c steel cut oats with ¼ c yogurt, ½ banana
1 2-inch sq. piece of semolina cake

3 T. coffee cream

2 poached eggs on 1 p. spelt toast w. 1 t. butter
1 p. spelt toast with 1 t. butter, 1 t. honey, cinnamon

1 sesame crisp candy
1 c. rice cracker snacks with 1 oz mixed raw nuts

1 bowl seafood chowder with 1 sm. p. cornbread
1 beer

I walked 12,383 steps. Didn't manage yoga but... maybe later. Tomorrow for sure.

I was also more carb-heavy than usual yesterday, addressing that issue today.

Carri, congrats on your anniversary! Now, yeah, let's go!

Everyone! Let's make it a good one!
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Old 11-08-2011, 10:15 AM   #375  
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had a good OP day yesterday, no soda, was a little over calories but I find that a success since I will still probably under 1000 of what I have been eating...

have a great day all

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