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Old 09-13-2011, 10:44 AM   #241  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Good morning, Women!

I've mapped out a timeframe, with date-specific goals, for actually MAKING my Onederland by Christmas goal. Quelle concept, eh? But, hey! -- it looks like it's possible. Which I find quite exciting, even though I am coming around to the idea that I'm actually going to have to work harder to get there. Full steam ahead!

My new laptop's "out for delivery" and I'm quite excited about that, too. Hope it gets here before I have to pick up DGS and that I can then work on it so he can use this computer. I should be working right now, TBH. So much to do!

Carri, darn those festivals and their food! You do your best, okay?

K. Nose back to grindstone... Let's make this a good one!
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Old 09-14-2011, 09:01 AM   #242  
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Hi Everyone,

I feel like I am burning the candles at both ends this week but I am getting my daily walking in so I'm happy about that! I have found that when I workout out I don't alow myself to "binge" or overeat.

Arabella: Glad to hear you are still doing the hot yoga. I looked at your "To be walking in a Christmas ONEderland" plan (I just thought up that name for your plan! lol what do you think?" and I see that it is a very doable plan for you--you can do it! That would be a wonderful present to give to yourself.

Liz: What a cute little boy in your profile picture. Glad to hear that you are having fun planning for the cruise.

Carri: How did things go at the doctor visit?

Hi Mel and Auntie G!
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Old 09-15-2011, 07:49 AM   #243  
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Good morning. I have a very busy day in front of me today at work--hopefully the day will move quickly and I will get a lot accomplished.

TOPS weigh-in tonight. I have no idea what the scales will show. Sometimes I can "feel" a loss or gain on my body but not today. Whatever the outcome, I feel I have been in control this week and I feel good about that.

I saw some good lunch ideas in a suppliment that came in our local paper. I know we have had conversations about ideas for lunch before so I thought I would share them. The article said that they peeked inside the lunchboxes of some of America's Top Health Experts and this is what they say.

Chris Evert's Lunch box: Peanut butter on whole wheat bread, a piece of fruit and a glass of milk.

Jillian Michaels: Shrimp with Spring Rolls, Whisk together lime juice, fish sauce, canola oil, light brown sugar, minced fresh giner and crushed red pepper. Toss with shrimp, shredded carrots, red bell pepper strips and chooped fresh cilantro. Roll in spring roll wrappers.

Joy Bauer: Fiery Chicken Salad: Comined dicked cooked chicken with reduced fat mayo, hot sauce or chopped fresh jalapeno and minced onion. Serive with red bell pepper sticks and baby carrots for scooping.

Dr. Michael Roizen: Butternut Squash Soup: Saute onion, carrots and fresh giner in olive oil until vegetables are tender. Add 9 cups of peeled, cubed butternut squash, 10 cups water and no salt vegetable boullion and boil. Simmer for 45 minues and puree.

Dr. Andrew Weil: Tuscan Kale Salad. Toss sliced, fresh kale (midribs removed) with lemon juice, olive oil, fresh garlic, salt, pepper and red pepper flackes. Toss again with grated Parmesan cheese and breadcrumbs, top with a sprinkling of cheese.

Have a good day everyone!
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Old 09-15-2011, 10:21 AM   #244  
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Morning Girls, nice cool, crisp day here today - gonna be a high of only 64, woo hoo !!! Bring on the Fall

I had a very long dr appt yesterday, they ended up doing an EKG to look at my heart since I have been having so many heart palpitations...they didnt see anything on the EKG except that my heart rate was at 100 ...but as far back as I can remember my heart rate has always been between 90-100 and so has my Mom's, we just have high heart with my stress and anxiety lately I think that also contributes...she ended up thinking that it was all anxiety related and gave me some meds I have to try for a while...I just hope they work, I want some relief, ready to relax ....

Through all this I have had some eye opening thoughts ( if that makes sense, haha ) ...I mean I am getting older ( I am 37 ), and I cant keep this weight on forever and think that I am just gonna be is slowly starting to rear its ugly head in a lot of ways and it is scaring me...I have a new resolve to get things back into gear and start exercsing ...I think that will help lower my bp ( which was quite high yesterday ) and also help lower my heart rate.
Just need to turn it around now before I turn around at 50 and am still saying the same thing and having even more problems...

Thanks for listening girls, just needed to talk a little about it ...

Susie - some of those lunch ideas sound really good.

Arabella - I am SO with you on the Onederland by Christmas quest.

Have a good day everyone !!

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Old 09-15-2011, 11:26 AM   #245  
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Hey Carri: I deal with a rapid/high heart rate--I'm going to PM you on here and share some info I have
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Old 09-18-2011, 09:20 AM   #246  
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Hi! Where is everyone? Hopfully you are out doing something active and fun!!

I am happy to report a 2lb loss when I weighed in on Thursday night. It gets me away from that number I didn't like to see at all.

I had a very busy Saturday. Had to get the visor in my car fixed; then talked a little to a salesman about a new car--we are thinking of buying one maybe in November.

After that went to the Mall for some shopping. I bought 2 new pairs of shoes for fall-it arrives Tuesday you know!! Also bought a new sweater (pull over type), then bought one of those new types of "cardigan sweaters and top to go under that.

It was my company's appreciation day at Kings Island so we went there for a little while. DH doesn't like to ride but we did watch some of the shows and looked around and shared a funnel cake.

Today is going to be packed with a wedding shower for me to attend. DH is going to go to the grocery while I"m doing that and when I return we are going to clean house. Busy, busy, busy and really I just want to sit and read a book!

Hope to see posts from you all soon.
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Old 09-19-2011, 07:43 AM   #247  
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Happy Monday, Wimmin!

Well, no happy tale on the scale today -- up .4 from last week. Last week was not so good. Horrible work pressure all week and I ate more than I needed. Jumped off my "eating only at the table" plan by the end of the week too. Today is my third day OP again and that's where I intend to stay. I can still make it to Onederland by Christmas, but not if I head in the wrong direction. Time to make progress!

Susie, congrats on the two fluffies off and moving away from that number. I swear this week I will get away from mine, too.

Sounds like we were in the same situation yesterday -- running around and wishing we could lounge and read. *yawn* Could go for some of that today, too.

Carri, you're so right to be thinking you need to tackle these health issues before you get older. Wake-up calls aren't fun but they sure can be helpful.

I feel like hot yoga is a bit of a wake-up call for me, realizing how my body limits what I can do. Even though I've always exercised, age and weight have taken their toll. However, I can already do a lot of things that I couldn't do to begin with and I bet once you get going you'll reverse a lot of your health issues, too.

Oh and... ONEDERLAND here we come! I think I'll add to my plan -- stipulation that I've got to come in and report on how I did every day, if it'll get me closer to goal or not.

Let's make this a good one!

Last edited by Arabella; 09-19-2011 at 07:44 AM.
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Old 09-19-2011, 10:13 AM   #248  
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Morning girls, new meds are starting to kick in and I am slowly starting to feel better again...heart palps have gone away ( knock on wood, haha ) and the anxiety is lessoning

For those of you not on my fb, I got new furniture this weekend, bright red leather baby !!!! haha ....we are gonna paint this week before it is delivered on Thursday I am excited about all of this...

As far as diet and food, still not doing the greatest, but hoping once all my meds take effect I can focus more on that.

have a great day everyone !!

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Old 09-20-2011, 09:06 AM   #249  
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Quick fly by post. Was crazy busy at work yesterday, DH is sick so my evenings are crazy too.

Today is a fun day at work; we have a offsite team building event at the Cincinnati Zoo! I'm going to get in plenty of walking.

Food is going pretty well. Just wish I would commit to writing it down and looking up my calories. I would just feel more in control.

Carri: Glad to hear the meds are kicking in. I hope you take pictures of your new furniture and the paint.

Arabella: Sorry those darn scales didn't go the way you planned, but you identified why they did not. I think your daily stipulation of reporting in will be a good thing for you. I'll be looking forward to your report today. to run.

Hi Liz, Auntie G and Mel!
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Old 09-20-2011, 11:28 AM   #250  
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And this is me, reporting in. Day 1, it is. 222 this a.m. (New wrinkle - requiring myself to report weight daily.)

Yesterday afternoon went badly. I was hungry, had more soup and another piece of flax bread after lunch. Still hungry, I whipped up a mini-batch of gluten-free cookies. Five average-sized cookies, lowish carb, high protein. But still... Ate them all, sitting on the couch. And then was over-full. Then too much salt in the pesto pasta at dinner and here I am UP instead of down. I intend to behave today and hope it'll be GONE tomorrow.

Excuse: I've got a bit of a cold or something and am tired. I've been reading lately about anxiety and depression being strongly corelated with weight problems and I can see that it's been the case for me. Add fatigue to the mix and you've got your formula for gaining and having a lot of trouble getting back OP. Here's to trying, though! And, oh yeah, working on anxiety, depression and fatigue and issues that lead to them. Now THAT sounds like a plan.

Carri, glad to hear you're starting to feel more like yourself again! Take good care of yourself. The painting and new furniture sounds like it'll be a perk-up. What colour are you painting? (Inquiring minds, don't you know?)

Susie, I concur, reporting in daily is a great tool. And I resolve to do it and be honest. Really, if I can't be open here, where can I?

I hope you have a good day for your zoo trip -- sounds like a lot of fun.

Auntie g, Liz, Mel Missing you!

Let's do our best with this one, ok?

Last edited by Arabella; 09-20-2011 at 11:29 AM.
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Old 09-21-2011, 08:52 AM   #251  
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Fly by report: 220.6 this a.m. Yesterday was OP and today is Day 2.

Let's make this a good one!
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Old 09-21-2011, 11:49 AM   #252  
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Melt down for me last night!

Several things contributed: I was overtired from the Zoo. I spent 2 hrs at the Verizon Store dealing with issues with my phone and had to end up getting another one (of course!), and they didn't have any in stock at the store. They are sending it to me and should reach me by Friday.

Then had to go to the pharmacy to pick up a perscription that I forgot to call in and have filled--so that was another 20 min wait.

Got home at 7:30, worn out!!! I didn't overeat but I didn't eat well balanced. I was so hungry and had kettle corn and grapes. I didn't want to heat up leftovers so that was my dinner. AND, I think I can't eat kettle corn as I had some last Thursday and my stomach hurt all day on Friday and it hurts again today.

After some rest and my DH being very kind to me when I got home; I'm feeling better today and more "in control".

Arabella: Glad to see your post and to see that the scales came down from the salty pesto. I had pesto on a eggplant sandwich on Monday and it was salty too..but really good!--isn't that always the way?!?

I like what you had to say about "working on anxiety, depression and fatigue and issues that lead to them. Now THAT sounds like a plan. " I know this is a root of why I overeat. I KNOW figuring out how to deal with them others than self-medicating with food would help me. I wish I could afford weekly or bi-weekly counseling on those subjects. I've read books and thing but a professional to talk to would be great!

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 09-22-2011, 10:20 AM   #253  
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Morning gals - got my bloodwork results today from last week and they were GREAT so I am very happy about that, my cholesterol is really good and low ( 137 total ), I was even able to drop my Triglycerides by 100 points, that number is usually way too high for me.. and my A1C was 5.6 and everything else was normal. I don't quite understand why all my numbers were so good when my diet has basically been crap and I am up like 10 pds but oh well , I will take it, I am a fat enigma ...haha

As far as the anxiety and stress I am feeling much better with the new meds still...gotta start a new one on Sat though and am a little leery of it, but we will see how it goes...hopefully i dont go backwards...

Susie - I have those emotional meltdowns too, and funny enough I also had popcorn for dinner last night, haha bad for me, just carbs and fat...I love kettle corn, the Earth festival is going on this weekend and we always get the kettle corn from this same woman, it is SO good...anyhow today you can get back on idenitifed the issue and can move on.

Arabella- thanks I am feeling better...I still have my bad moments but all in all I am at least 50% better lately...great job on the OP day and being down some already, I hope to join you soon

Hi Mel, Liz, and Auntie G - have a great day all

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Old 09-22-2011, 10:57 AM   #254  
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It's officially the last day of summer. I'm thinking that the time between the start of Fall and the beginning of Winter would be a good time frame to set a goal and go do it.

I currently have my 5 k goal going so I'll think of adding to that. Maybe you will see a goal listed in my profile tomorrow.

I have no idea what the scales will say tonight at TOPS--but I'm hoping DOWN!

I am interviewing today for a new internal role. We have a open job posting policy and as long as you have been in your role for a year you can interview for other positions.

My current position is ok but a little heavy on the analysis side of things which I don't like. The other role is heavy in tradtional admin work and has projects such as Budget, TownHall planning, sitting on the Business Unit Leadership board. That is more my style so I applied and got a to see if I get the job.

If I don't get it, it's cool, I still have a job and now that I've been doing it for a year, most things/days are busy but easy to handle.

What will be will be is how I'm thinking of this.

Carri: I LOVE to go to festivals...but have to be careful at those because they have such good things to eat! That is great that your numbers came back means you are getting healthy. Remember thin isn't always healthy..and you want healthy, then a lower number on the scales & in your clothing size--not neccessarly thin--you want to be at YOUR goal weight.

Arabelle: I'm looking forward to your post to see how Day 3 is going.
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Old 09-22-2011, 12:05 PM   #255  
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Yup, Day 3. Still 220.6 today but hoping to get under 220 by tomorrow. Another day here. Fall is trying to make up for the summer we never got.

Carri, I kind of think popcorn is one of the lesser evils -- at least it's got some fiber. Of course, I guess it depends on how much butter is on it. IMO, though, the worst thing we can eat is baked goods or deep-fried stuff.

Yay for the good numbers!

Susie, eggplant w/pesto sandwich sounds delish!

On the meltdown, after a frustrating day if you can come home late, tired and hungry and not overeat, I'd say that's a victory in itself. If we eat healthy most of the time, the occasional time we don't isn't going to hurt us. Besides, grapes = healthy.

Good luck on the new position!

Let's make this a good one!

Last edited by Arabella; 09-22-2011 at 12:06 PM.
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