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Old 10-26-2011, 10:20 AM   #346  
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Morning All ....TOM has still got me down, more cramping today and moodiness ...probably pasta for dinner ...comfort food again !!! haha ...TOM is such a hard week for me food wise feel so bad you just need something...excuses excuses

Liz - that almost put a tear in my eye when you said Jacob was not wanting to cough anymore, poor thing...hope he gets better asap...I cant wait to see the family will probably post on fb wont you ?

Arabella - I am not going to be able to have a better attitude this week with TOM, but I am sure looking forward to next start

Mel - oh no, right on the cusp of 200 ...but I wouldnt worry, the fact that you have been able to stay under 200 for so long and not really be totally OP is amazing, you will be fine...hope all the sickness is gone from your house soon

HI to Auntie G and Teri !!

Gonna be a long day for me, have to work until 6 feeling this way ...gotta be strong and get with it, and find some ibuprofen ...haha

See ya

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Old 10-26-2011, 10:20 AM   #347  
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Hello all,

I had a very rough couple of days. My Mother had her BDay and it's been so much stress. I am NOT in Onederland anymore. I was not going to come onto the site and say anything. I feel ashamed and even embarrassed.

Then I thought, no, I'm picking myself up and getting back on track yet again. I feel I really need "virtual" emotional support.

Also, I am sure everyone goes through this on some level or another. It's not the end of the world if I get back on track. I can go back to Onderland where I belong!!!

The truth is I just feel really sad about it at the moment. This too shall pass, I know.

Thanks for listening and I plan on being on here tomorrow with great news to share! That is my plan!

I"m NOT moving that ticker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Visionary; 10-26-2011 at 10:21 AM.
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Old 10-26-2011, 12:06 PM   #348  
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Sorry to be MIA for a few days. I really don't like to not check in..I need all of you here!

Work has been busy (it seems that it always is). I worked in the office on Monday until 8:15 p.m. and I came in at 7 but I got a lot cleaned up from the week before when I was putting all those new records into our database and that was all I was doing.

I'm doing well with my food this week..but have gotten away from my Lose It application. I will start using it again today.

I had a good walk last night with my walking partner. It felt good to move! Planning a outside walk tonight if the weather holds out.

Teri: No need to be embarrased...this is a place where we understand how weightloss works and the stuggles with it. You can get back to ONEderland..I know you can! Looking forward to hearing the new plan.

Mel: Glad to hear that you and DH are on the mend. Make some nice hearty soup; that is usually low cal and good for you would win in both areas. I just tried a new Winter Harvest Soup that I found a receipie for and it was so good!

Carri: I sure don't mis TOM. I hope you found some ibuprofen.

Arabella: So good to have you here and that you are comming around We all get a little "off track" in our mindset sometimes. Hang in there.

Auntie G--how are you?
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Old 10-27-2011, 10:20 AM   #349  
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Just a quick drive by to say Teri - PLEASE dont feel that way you know how many times I have got close to Onederland and then gain 20-25 pds back ...A LOT ...and even though I am GREATLY ashamed I still keep holding my head up and coming back on here please dont feel embarrassed and not come on here to let us know you are struggling, we are all having a tough time of it at some point.....hugs

hi all

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Old 10-27-2011, 12:58 PM   #350  
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Default by post for me too.

Weigh-in tonight...I hope those scales are good to me. I have been doing well, but yesterday I had more tootise rolls than I should have! the good news is that I had them instead of the reese cups!

Cari: that is awesome advice you posted.

I just love this board!
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Old 10-28-2011, 06:36 AM   #351  
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*yawn* Couldn't get to sleep last night and then DGS woke me at 5. And miles to go before I sleep -- SO much work to do. Ah well, still pretty early so I should be able to get a lot done. If only I had some energy...

Planning to walk whenever I get a chance through the day and then go to hot yoga at the 4:15 class, so it'll be fine if I'm tired after. I went at noon the day before yesterday and felt lovely and relaxed afterwards but then really lacking in energy through the afternoon.

Mel, I find the same thing -- no problem keeping the pounds on with healthy food.

Carri, I hear ya -- I've actually had the experience of eating something intentionally because I "needed something." Man, you know, if we could ever learn to make sure we got the "somethings" that we really needed, we'd have this thing beat.

Visionary, you'll be back under the 2 in no time. Seems like a big deal, but it's really just another number and we do tend to bounce around a little bit.

Susie, too much work is a drag. Sometimes I start feeling like that's all I'm doing. And then... I feel like I need "something." I vow to add good somethings into my life today so I don't feel that gap that needs filling.

Liz, Auntie g

Let's take this day that we've been given and do our level best with it!
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Old 10-30-2011, 09:22 AM   #352  
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I am happy to report a 1 lb loss at the scales this week and I met my goal of 10 lbs off by TOPS Fall Rally which was yesterday.

BUT, I have been OUT OF CONTROL the past two days so starting back today with doing what it takes to be in control. For me, that's, water, water, water, planning my food, using my Lose It app, walking and getting here.

Arabella: I believe you have found the secret to weightloss success..especially for us "emotional" eaters. "you know, if we could ever learn to make sure we got the "somethings" that we really needed, we'd have this thing beat".--Arabella

I am going to write this down everywhere so I can see it and for the next 30 days it is my focus to make sure that we got the "somethings" that I need. I do not need food to make me feel happy, relaxed, comfort, settled, is for fuel so that I can have the energy to these "somethings" by other means.

I hope everyone has a great day. I am taking a nap today, a walk and carving my pumpkins for the trick or treaters tomorrow night. The last kid that come is the lucky kid..I dump any leftover candy into their "bucket". It's not staying in this house and I'm NOT eating any of it.
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Old 10-30-2011, 02:09 PM   #353  
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Hey girlies!

Teri - Definitely echo everyone else, come here and post your struggles, everyone has times when they struggle, and we are here for each other!!

Carri - I will post them here too - Katie was a little bum (she is such a mommy suck lately) but we did get a couple of cute ones! I am looking forward to getting them in a week or so! Hope TOM has left the building?

Arabella - Hope you've caught up on your sleep? What is it with these kids waking us up in the middle of the night??

Susie - Congrats on the 1 lb loss, and also for choosing today to do what you need to to get it back together! We're carving our pumpking today too - and yes we will be generous with our candy and then with the last few kids, they'll get every last piece! The only problem is with DS' and DD's candy, but we'll just put it away. Maybe I'll get DS to count it so I'll feel badly if I eat a piece. haha

Off to the park with the kids once DD wakes up, it's a gorgeous day out there! Hope tomorrow's not too rainy for the kids, but we'll see. Have a great day everyone!
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Old 10-30-2011, 02:49 PM   #354  
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Hi Chicks, I'm on week 2 @ Fat Chicks & I am enjoying everyones posts . I have problems like I love peanut butter cup candy, etc. If I was not a KOP in my TOPS club I know I would be wearing a size 14 again, instead of my size 10 for the last 3 years. But I Need to get to my Final goal of 141# & so I came 'here' to get Help from NEW thoughts/ideas on health & weight-loss. TOPS & KOPS does work; but getting my last 10# off before Valentine's Day is my Final goal & keeping them off holiday pounds is going to be a adventure! If anyone has 'candy' or 'desserts with 5 ingredients or less' that are: Low fat, Low sugar/carbs, Low sodium, & include Fiber, Please post them or add me to your buddy list & send them to me Thanks Sooo Much. I want to enjoy the holiday like the skinny people do Thanks, Dee
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Old 10-31-2011, 11:50 AM   #355  
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Welcome Dee! I don't have any great ideas for desserts, personally I like to eat small amounts of the real stuff - so I keep dark chocolate in my fridge and have a couple of squares every day. The other thing I really like for a chocolate "fix" is vita tops, they're these chocolate muffin top things. They're yummy. 10 pounds by Valentine's day sounds like a great goal, you can do it! What kind of plan do you have?
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Old 11-01-2011, 10:23 AM   #356  
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Morning Everyone ...hope you all had a great Halloween last night ...we went out to dinner so we could avoid the trick or dog Les goes crazy and barks everytime the doorbell rings so it is not a pleasant night...he is so protective of the house and doesnt really care for kids, haha

Susie - congrats on the pound down ...get back on track so you can keep it off, haha ...

Liz - great, cant wait to see the pics ...I do that too with dark chocolate ...I have seen the vita tops but never ordered any ...what are the calories for one of those? And are they that good?

Cant believe October is over and we are heading into the whole holiday season...I am already planning my thanksgiving menu, haha ...

Hope you all have a good day, hi to everyone !!!

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Old 11-01-2011, 01:37 PM   #357  
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Carri - I really like them, but I'm not going to say they're amazing or anything - but they're only 100 calories and I feel like I'm having a treat so they're a mainstay in my house...I actually went through a hard time when costco stopped stocking them, I had to find them somewhere else!! DH thought I was funny with my mission to find them, haha.

Halloween was good for us, I might have had a few more pieces of candy than I planned on but oh well! DS & DD were very cute, of course...haha...will have to post pics later (they're on my other computer). Hope everybody is having a great day!
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Old 11-01-2011, 09:25 PM   #358  
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Hey sept15lija Thanks for welcoming me here Tell me what are they/where do I buy them??
>> 'The other thing I really like for a chocolate "fix" is vita tops, they're these chocolate muffin top things. They're yummy'. What kind of plan do you have?' 'but they're only 100 calories and I feel like I'm having a treat so they're a mainstay in my house' <<
I'm in a weight-loss support club/chapter & we eat nutritionally.
Thanks for your reply about your snacks I'll have to hide them from my thin DH Dee
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Old 11-01-2011, 09:36 PM   #359  
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So nice to see all the posts. I haven't had any "down time" at work and so I haven't been here for a couple of days and I seriously have withdraw when I am not here.

I did pretty well with the Halloween candy. I had tried to challenge myself and not have one piece and while I did have 4 pieces when we were handing it out last night, I didn't have any before that event and that is a BIG change for me because I'm usually into it before then.

I got a walk in on Sunday and one tonight. I know I need to start kicking up the workouts and I've told myself that I will start that next week...I'm going to increase my walk time by 10 min (at least).

Minidoodles; I am a TOPS memeber too. I'm not at goal but I will be there one day. I hope you will continue to post on our would be fun to have a fellow TOPS pal here.
I'm sure that if someone had a dessert recipie that meets the criteria you ask for they will share it. If you find something, you should share it here with us as well. Maybe you can set out to find that our TOPS groove we say "if it's to be, it's up to me".

When I read Liz's comment about counting her kids candy to help her not eat it, I thought that would be an excellent idea! So, I shared it in my TOPS encourement email to my TOPS group and also told them that eating it would be like "stealing candy from a baby"! lol. I hope they find it encourging.

Anyone watching the Biggest Loser? Tonight they had to change trainers and wow was that a challenge for them--it reminded me of when I have something change in my routine and I just know I will loose my focus and not be able to lose weight--i know this without even trying and it's not that this challenge came along that knocked me off my focus but rather that I choose to not focus.

Things, times, and issues will come and go...but it's always our choice on how we react to it. That is going in my journal for sure for future wisdom when I need it...and I hope someone will remind me to look for that when "those times" come.

See you all tomorrow.
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:49 AM   #360  
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Susie - I always watch B Loser and I thought that was crazy that they changed it up like that, but with all the great losses i guess that is what they needed.

I am going out to dinner tonight with dh and his parents for dh's bday dinner ...going to my favorite Mitchells Fish Market , seafood place, I am gonna get my usual king crab for dinner ...cant wait ...dh's bday is actually not until tomorrow but we are going with his parents tonight so we can go out alone tomorrow I guess...

Hi Arabella, Auntie G, Mel, and Liz !!! Hope everyone has a great day !!

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