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Old 08-17-2008, 02:26 PM   #1  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Thumbs up The Onederland Express -- hop on here!

I was closing in on Onederland and then started to slip back in the wrong direction. Seems to me that I've got to keep my eye on the goal.

So that's what this thread is about. Getting under that big "2" is a huge deal to me and it's really fairly close.

Anyone else there approaching (at whatever distance!) this landmark? C'mon, let's use this thread to stay motivated.

All aboard!!!
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Old 08-17-2008, 04:10 PM   #2  
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I'm hoping to. I've got 24 pounds to go - which sounds like a lot but it's the closest I've been in years. It's a big goal for me because I want to be "not obese" anymore, which would mean about 190 pounds. I know 190 pounds is still pretty fat, and when I was 190 pounds I was really disgusted that I'd gain so much. Everything is relative though - right now I'd love to weigh 190, or even hit the landmark 199 :-)
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Old 08-17-2008, 04:26 PM   #3  
Reached Goal Sept 11/09
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Oh, Arabella,

You and I are like twins! LOL. I have 14.7 lbs to Onderland (199.9 lbs) and my goal for that is Sept 30th. I am so on board this train. Let's get to it!

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Old 08-17-2008, 06:12 PM   #4  
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I have 24 pounds to go till Onderland....Woot Woot!!!!! All aboard........

Last edited by Iwanawurkit; 08-17-2008 at 06:12 PM.
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Old 08-17-2008, 06:42 PM   #5  
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11 lbs to go for me, I don't expect it will happen as fast as I'd like, but I'd like to climb on that train!
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Old 08-17-2008, 06:45 PM   #6  
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Cn I jump on too?
I get kind of despondent, because 199 is absolutely huge for someone my height - but hey, it's 10lbs closer than when I restarted on 07/31!!

All aboard!
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Old 08-18-2008, 09:22 AM   #7  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Thumbs up Bon Voyage!

Yay! I'm so happy to see you all here. Together, we can do this thing!

Here's my plan of attack:
  • [*]
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I actually got close to 16,500 steps yesterday. Did tai chi. I was probably short on water, though.

Hotmomma, I don't think I've been under 190 since before I got married last time -- which was 14 years ago. I got down to 195 about eight years ago. And then... I stopped weighing myself. BIG mistake! That's not going to happen again. I can fool myself way too easily.

MrsWolf, twins indeed! I was a little vague about when exactly in October I want to get there but I'm aiming for the first. I've got some water weight on now, I think, from a few indiscretion. Hoping that a few pounds go quickly and I'm back down to other ticker weight

Iwanawurkit, yeah! It works when we work it! 24 pounds can be gone in a twinkling.

Auntieg, I don't lose weight very quickly these days, either, but as long as we make progress and head in the right direction, we'll get there.

Ailidh, welcome! Do I read that right -- you've lost 10 pounds since the end of July? Holy Smokes! I predict that you're going to streak through here in no time flat.

K, I started this hours ago and got interrupted by this that and the other thing, so I'm going to post and get back to work.

Speaking of which... Yeah! Let's work it, today, all day!

Last edited by Arabella; 08-18-2008 at 09:23 AM.
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Old 08-18-2008, 10:19 AM   #8  
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Default Hi Girls

Can I join? I have 28 pounds before getting to Onederland and I could sure use the encouragement...I have been there a couple of times and just slipped right back over
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Old 08-18-2008, 10:22 AM   #9  
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Wow, Arabella, you have got some serious plan there! That's excellent! I wish I could make myself get in some more fruits and veggies, but it ain't easy for me- LOL! But you stick with your plan and you'll be on the train in no time!

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Old 08-19-2008, 08:49 AM   #10  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Thumbs up Day 2, uh-huh.

Good morning, Merry Travelers!

I had a good day yesterday and the scale is beginning to cooperate. One pound of the recent uppages gone...

11,699 steps yesterday, did yoga.

Drank the water, ate the veggies...

Didn't meditate, which I should have done and will do today

Satine, glad to have you on board! This time, we'll get there and there'll be no back-sliding either. Nuh-uh.

Auntie G, no question that sticking to my plan will get me there. Now if I can just stick to my plan...

I did it yesterday. I will do it today.

K, Lovelies, I must be off and Let's make it a good one!

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Old 08-19-2008, 10:15 AM   #11  
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Default Good Morning All

here where I work we are doing a Biggest Loser competition and we weigh in on Tuesdays so I am anxious to see if I lost any this week...fingers crossed!
It really helps that I have alot of support around me since alot of my coworkers here are also doing the challenge...I cant wait to get back under 200!!! I know we can all do it !!!!
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Old 08-19-2008, 07:25 PM   #12  
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Satine, how'd your weigh-in go??? My official weigh day is Saturday, and I'm hoping to break into the single digits over the big 2 this week...

Keep your eyes on the prize!
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Old 08-20-2008, 02:31 AM   #13  
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Can I join? I have 15 lbs to lose to get there. At least that is what the scale said 2 days ago. I'll double check tomorrow. It's TOM so I might be off. My plan is to Eat Healthy and Do a version of a few plans. I just started reading The Beck book and I have My Weightloss Coach for Nintendo DS and Plus WW cookbook. I also plan on working out.
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Old 08-20-2008, 06:27 AM   #14  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Good morning! Back up to 213 this a.m. I had a pretty good day yesterday but had an extra bowl of soup at lunch and two (small) pieces of pumpernickel toast with a little Becel and raspberry jam. I know in my heart that the carbs`ll get me.

I`m going to enforce the ``ony eat at the table`` rule. Brutal, but it works. I`m much less inclined to overindulge if I can`t eat in front of the TV and veg out.

Satine, how`d WI go. (Ack! I hit some key combo that turns question marks into É. Will have to reboot to fix.)

Auntie G, love the image!

Cashew (mmmmm... cashews), welcome! I`m loving the energy here.

K, wimmins, let`s make this a good one!
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Old 08-20-2008, 07:43 AM   #15  
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Oh, girl, do I need this thread!!!

At the end of December and into January, I was hovering right there - in fact one brief morning when my scale was offguard I did slip into Onederland at 199 point something. That must have scared me because I did my worst back slide in a long time. I'm currently working me back down and was 208.6 yesterday.

I've been good in daytimes but horrible in evenings. I've gone back to my tai chi and have been hitting fitness center twice a week so that is helping w/my general overall fitness which has also suffered earlier this year.

I think I'll set a goal of November 15th so I'll be motivated as well to hang in over the holidays (made it through those in good shape last year - it wasn't until Feb that I started the uphill trip).

Special shoutout to fellow Pennsylvanian auntie g! (I'm near Harrisburg.) Love your butterfly.
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