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Old 12-15-2011, 10:52 AM   #466  
One Day at a Time...
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Carri- I don't have insurance so I'm just going to wait out for now
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Old 12-15-2011, 05:31 PM   #467  
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I had my WI @ TOPS today, I turtled...No loss=No gain Hmm the cheesecakes & Banana's Foster I didn't eat Sat. @ the dinner/dance really sounds 'delish' right now since I did Not loose anything this week. I hope my TOPS friend that ate w me had a Loss, I gotta go IM her soon to find-out.

Carri TY 'I Luv Y'all & I'm staying put' as my southern grammy would say I Need Y'all to help me B good & reach 141# by Valentine's Day....Plus everyone HERE is tooo Amazing for me to tell goodBye I'd genuinely miss Y'all here. We're forever bonded by our desires for: chips, ice cream, Reeses p.butter cups, & wishing we still had our cute teenage bodies

I think we should take a Vote & see who all wants to go eat w Arabella in 2012 in Canada. oops, I don't have a passport to leave the US yet, put-it on my 2012 Bucket list, 'must get passport' to go eat-with friends & tour Arabella's city w her

It's getting dark, time to turn-on our Christmas lights
B good or Santa won't find your house this year, Dee

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Old 12-16-2011, 09:33 AM   #468  
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Hi All.

My TOPS weigh-in was last night and I had a .50 gain. I'm not upset a bit by it as I ate most of my meals out this week and that is all the gain I had..I feel I'm doing ok. Now, I will work really hard this week to get that off and then some!

Busy weekend for me. I haven't wrapped anything so that HAS to happen this weekend.

Dee: I know the bannana foster sounds good especially when you passed them up and then the scales didn't show the effort but your body don't have cravings out of control and you feel in control that you didn't eat it. Remember that being in control is where we win this battle!

As for meeting Arabella for lunch in 2012 I really am up for it. I do have a passport. I think that Mel and Cari live not that far away from me, I'm near Cincinnati, OH where we could meet somewhere and rideshare. would be so fun!

Arabella: Did you hear that? We want to come have lunch with you in 2012! and maybe we could do hot yoga with you....although I thnk it would kill me!

Cari: I don't walk outside now in the evenings; I go to my YMCA and they have a indoor walking track. I hope you get some good workout wii games for Christmas. I have some DVD's that I use when I just don't have what it takes to pull myself out of the warm house in the winter and go to the Y.

Mel: I am pretty sure that you are dealing with swollen lymph nodes from the infection you have.
I know you don't have insurance but I think you are at the point that you need a antibodic.
Sometimes my doctor will call something in for me and not make me come into the office. Any chance yours would?

Have a great day everyone. I hope to pop in here on the weekend.

Last edited by MyChoice2bfit; 12-19-2011 at 12:37 PM.
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Old 12-19-2011, 07:08 AM   #469  
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Back again. Wow, so busy last week. I'm sure everyone is but I was feeling stretched right to my limits. DH's party on Friday night was the major event and I'm feeling like I can cope from here on in.

So -- I'm back. Last week was hit and miss, food and even exercise-wise. Didn't get my 10,000 steps on several days and had a few overfeeding incidents. I did well eating most days though and yesterday had lost my appetite (!) which is not a common occurence, no way. Hoping it lasts until Christmas, returns for a day and then goes away again.

I'll post my food again, starting with today's.

Carri, I just sprinkle the pomegranate seeds on top of the oats and then spoon plain yogurt on top of that. I don't even like any sweetener. But then sometimes I just want the oats & yogurt.

Susie, this time of year a .25 gain is a triumph, I say. Yup, looking forward to lunch with y'all. Hot yoga first, though, and may I suggest summer?

MiniD, I must say I wondered why someone who'd never been anywhere close to 200 pounds would join the Onederland thread. I assumed you just started reading it and found us irresistable.

Mel, I hope you're feeling better soon! Take good care of yourself!

Auntie g, Liz!

Let's make this a good one!
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Old 12-19-2011, 12:43 PM   #470  
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Got a lot done this weekend but ran out of wrapping paper and Christmas cards. I have two more cards to send and 5 more presents to wrap and one more batch of cookies to make.

The cookies are for DH's work mates. I was fearful that I would eat them but just knowing I have made enough and if I eat them then I have to make another batch is enouch to stop me!

We are pretty clear this week until we get to Friday...then it's full on again!
However after Sunday, we have a couple of down-time days.

Arabella: Did you take pictures from DH's party? What did you wear? I worked for a smaller company (about 120 employees) years ago and I was the person who planned those events and I always planned it to be a little swanky because I LOVED dressing up and always bought a new party dress each year.

How is everyone else doing? Stay strong ladies and on least maintence until we get to January. You don't want to have to "re-loose" weight..we can but who wants to do it?!
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Old 12-19-2011, 06:26 PM   #471  
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Sooo nice to see everyone back this week
We had our newest baby-boy's 1st birthday party @ my son's Saturday. Is anyone having sinus/allergy headaches right now? I've had a migraine from the party that lasted 2 days, from somebody that had cat hair on her coat hanging next to mine. So my DH told me he is buying a netti-pot for the car, for travel for me now.
Arabella on 12/13 I asked you: >>Do u make your own 'hummus' & what kind is your fav, the labels get confusing & please tell me about 'tzatziki' TY<< What Province do u live @ in Canada: Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia?
I live in the middle of the mitten in Michigan, 100 mi north of Lansing our capital. Yup, u got it right away I am a people Lover & although I did not know this thread was started for 200#, I Do Luv You'all, who wouldn't I also have 'candy, fast-food, junk-food struggles' & we help each other here, together getting healthier 'sooo I'm staying put' I'm not leaving, unless u tell me to 'go-away'
Chick's Does anyone crochet? I'm going to try it, to keep my hands out-of the brownies & cookies this winter. I really want to make some mittens, I bought a book & the instructions look confusing. If anyone has a easy mitten pattern, please PM me & I'll give you my e-mail, TY.
What creative hobbies is anyone doing? I saw a tubular-beaded-crocheted bracelet @ a craft show & it was gorgeous $15, the girls said it is a popular craft being done in Florida the last couple of years.
Susie Have u ever gone to the zoo that Jack Hanna has in Ohio, I bet it is one of the best in the US. I want to go there in 2012 & take our grandbabes.

Time to go turn-on the Christmas lights outdoors.
Hugs & Christmas Blessings! Dee

Last edited by miniDoodles; 12-19-2011 at 06:32 PM.
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Old 12-20-2011, 02:07 PM   #472  
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I thought I didn't have much left to do... and then I started making a list. Holy crap, I've got a lot to do. I finished a lot of the shopping-related tasks today but still have the grocery and stocking stuffer shopping to do -- and so much more. Will try to wrap a gift here and there so as to not get stuck doing it on Saturday.

Another good day yesterday, got all my steps and made it to I wish they had a less strenuous option -- TIRED today. I'm happy being OP, though, and remind myself from time to time how happy I am about it... so I don't go and blow it!

December 19
Steel-cut oats with cranberries and yogurt
Tuna on rye, snow peas & an apple
Greek salad, 2/3 c. hummus, oven fries

Susie, DH's staff party was on the 9th. I hate those! Although, if I planned them they'd be a heck of a lot more fun. I wore a long black wool skirt with a panne velvet top and dangly, sparkly earrings.

The one last week was his birthday party -- a sit-down dinner for 12. It really worked out beautifully but was SO much work. And I wore the same top with black slacks.

I do feel the benefit of posting my food -- it really helps to keep me on track. I occasionally think I want something or other and then remember that I'm going to have to report it. And then I don't eat it.

Oh MiniD -- I'm afraid we occasionally don't manage to answer every question anyone asks. Re: hummus -- I make it sometimes. This recipe is similar except I use all tahini instead of olive oil: I don't have a favorite brand or type -- we probably don't have the same brands here as there anyway (I'm on Prince Edward Island). Tzatziki is a dip/spread made from thickened yogurt and cucumber.

I think knitting as a distraction from food is a great idea!

K, wimmen, I think I'll do some work and then go wrap a gift or two. Let's make this a good one!

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Old 12-20-2011, 03:55 PM   #473  
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I Luv the holidays but If I was not checking-in & trying to loose more fat Here & at TOPS, I would Definitely be putting on 3#-5# this month, with that being said 'I Am Sooo Happy to B @ 3FatChicks This website Is A Blessing, just like my TOPS club family is Life changing & Life saving!
Re: >> I do feel the benefit of posting my food -- it really helps to keep me on track. I occasionally think I want something or other and then remember that I'm going to have to report it. And then I don't eat it.<< Arabella Has such a wonderful motivator, why don't we ALL Do This here, for 60 days & see if this works for us too B visually Accountable HERE
December 20:
2 c. vanilla flavored coffee.
1 orange.
1 vanilla protein drink w cold water.
tuna w pickles, onions, romaine lettuce & diet dressing on a tortilla shell.
2 dill pickles & 2 sweet pickles.
2 oz. walnuts w 12 chocolate chips.
2 c green tea.
2 c hot low sodium tomato juice w chili powder, onions, mushrooms.
chocolate protein drink w hot skim milk (faux hot cocoa, has 'nutritional' benefits)
8 c water

Activity: 3/4 mi on the treadmill, walking puppies 1 mile, lifting hand-weights 10 minutes.
Christmas Blessings! Dee

Last edited by miniDoodles; 12-20-2011 at 03:59 PM.
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Old 12-21-2011, 10:15 AM   #474  
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MOrning everyone, just stopping in to say "hi", can you believe Christmas is only 4 days away ...geesh ..I get off work at 2 today to try and get the rest of my shopping done dh is becoming the worst to buy for this year, normally I already know what to get him and this year I am wracking my brain and cant think of anything ..think of a few small things but not one big nice gift guys have all of yours done?

Have a great day all.

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Old 12-22-2011, 09:14 AM   #475  
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FINALLY I am able to get here! I tried and tried yesterday from my home computer and it would just spin and spin. Has anyone else had any issues like that?

So, I'm working today. I have a few things to pick up today--I really, really thought I was done, but I am not. There are easy things to get, a popcorn tin, a gift card to the movie theatre, Starbucks gift card. All of these places are right across the street from where I work so it will be easy to do. Thank goodness!

I'm TIRED ladies. The rush of all the work that had to be done before the holiday's and the fact that I've not been drinking my water as I should..just have not taken the effort to go fill up my glass, has thrown my bladder into a tizzy...and so I'm dealing with a IC flare..those make me very tired. I will get it calmed down..more water, heat on the belly and some of pyridum will help.

Cari: I hope you can figure out what you want to give DH. Maybe just being in the stores when you get off at 2:00 will inspire you!

Dee: I think a food posting 60 day challenge is a good idea and I will start mine today. I was planning on starting today to track my food again in my Lose It app so this fits perfect.

Arabella: Your party going attire sounds lovely!

Hi Mel, Liz and Auntie G...we miss you and hope you post soon!

I have TOPS weigh-in tonight. The scales looked promising this morning for a loss tonight...we shall see
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Old 12-22-2011, 09:43 PM   #476  
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ok, I had my TOPS WI today I yo-yo'd all month from 3 holiday dinners, a party, & a brunch. I gotta lose 1#-2# before New Year's Eve, to party
To everybody who has lost pds this month & kept it off.
Wednesday's menu:
3 c. vanilla flavored coffee.
8 c. water.
I baked Christmas pastry gifts all day & nobody was home w me to do 'quality control'-'taste testing' I was too stuffed to eat a meal & I got a headache & tummy ache from all the sugar, yeast, gluten, etc.

Activities: Baking pastries 8am-3pm. I Walked 1 mile on my treadmill, 1/2 mi. @ 6:30am & 1/2 mi. @ 8pm. I Finished toy shopping for our grandbabes. Walked the doggies 1/2 mile. Finished wrapping all the Christmas gifts @ 12am & went to bed .

We're ready for Santa, I hope he stops @ Kay Jewelers for my angel pendant
'2012' Year's Goal List = 8 of 10 goals: 1. Be Healthier/fit & reach 141#. 2. Continue to volunteer 6 hr monthly. 3. Teach 4 community educational classes: how-to obedience train puppies, + how-to grow a organic gardens in small spaces, + how-to cook w wines, + how-to sew course. 4. Take the Master Gardener Level #3 course @ college. 5. Re-open my store on Etsy & add a home-organizer department w more fabric/embellishment selections + slipcovers. 6. Decide whether to sell/market my natural/organic skincare/make-up products to the public, (freshness of shelf-life) instead of only selling locally. 7. Try more Yoga styles 8. Say bye-bye to 50% of my books (3 bookcases) donate/sell & get a Kindle Fire.

Carri, I know what u mean about your hubby Mine buys what he needs, when he needs it. The hardest gifts were finding special toys the grandbabes wanted.

Susie please take care of yourself & not let yourself/immune system get runned-down. What is IC, an 'inflamed colon' & pyridum? Have u ever gone to the zoo that Jack Hanna has in Ohio? We never have TOPS the last week of December, sooo I have to be accountable, instead of 'eating stupidly' next week & having a gain in January.

Arabella, You said you live on 'Prince Edward Island' when Regis & Kelly taped their TV shows there, did U go see them/U in the audience? I've heard Your Province is Beautiful

No snow yet I want to x-country-ski, go sledding & snowshoe, I want a White Christmas OR else be in Kauai-Hawaii or Puerto-Rico IF I can't have 'Snow on Christmas'. Bye-bye income tax refund

Melanie & Liz U r missed. I hope that Life is being Good to You Please say 'hello' when U drop-in to read.

Christmas Blessings! Dee
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Old 12-23-2011, 10:10 AM   #477  
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Morning Everyone...if I dont get back on here over the weekend I hope you all have a GREAT Christmas !!!

Merry Christmas to all !!!!

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Old 12-23-2011, 03:16 PM   #478  
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Still having issues with getting on here from my home PC. It's something with my Windows Explorer but I can't figure it out. So I downloaded Firefox and it's working fine! Thank goodness! I can't go that many days without you all!

I am happy to report a 2.50 loss at TOPS last night! I am going to work really hard this week to keep that there or maybe, lose a little more.

When I joined you all last year, I weighed 303.75 lbs and at TOPS last night I weighed 289.25. While for a year that isn't a great deal of weight to loose, I'm pretty darn excited that I have lost 14.50 lbs (and really that is since October when I really got my head in the game!), so I'm happy with it..and can't wait to at least triple that in 2012!

I didn't keep track of my food yesterday like I thought I would but I have today, so here it is so far:

Breakfast: Homemade French Toast (2 slices), with 2 tablespoons of syrup, 2 p of bacon (the only meat I usually eat), water.

Lunch: 2 cups of broccoli, 1 cup of baked butternut squash (left overs), 1 p of bread and butter, water

Dee: Last night at TOPS we were talking about how glad we were to have meetings this year right through the 1st of the year. It is helpful as it can be hard to be accountable to yourself.

You don't have to worry about are accountable here as well..AND you have a fellow TOPS member right here with you! Say your TOPS (or KOPS--I can't remember if you are at goal?) everyday and it will keep you on track!

IC is interstitial cystitis and it is a bladder disease. I was diagnosed about 10 years ago with it. I take a medicine to help with it and do pretty well as long as I take my meds and watch my diet which is to avoid acidic foods and drinks.

Cari: You have a very Merry Christmas!

I need to get in the shower and get ready to go and "do Christmas" with some friends of ours. I have been puttering around the house all day in my nightgown!

See you all soon!
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Old 12-23-2011, 07:39 PM   #479  
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Merry Christmas Arabella, Carri, Liz, Melanie & Susie
Today has been so peaceful & Lovely, everything is done except for cooking to take to Christmas dinner w my grandbabes after Santa leaves on Sunday
My DH just got home & is eating pizza & bread sticks; I'm ignoring the yummy aroma & decided to read & post instead of giving-in & having a slice.
Friday: 4- m & M cookies w. 1 c sk.milk
3 c. coffee 1 vanilla protein drink w. 1 c sk.milk
pickled bologna 4" piece w. 1 handful of lo-salt potato chips
caesar salad w. lo-cal dressing
7 glasses water & about 3 more before bedtime.

Tomorrow DH & I will enjoy the day together & go to church for a evening Christmas service. So I won't b back until Monday to post. Our $ is gone so I won't b @ the after Christmas sales next week, except for JoAnn's Fabric store.
Susie TY for your support w TOPS. I am a 3 yr KOP, my goal is 150#. But since maintaining 150# for 3 yr I decided to get it down lower than 145# & if I can maintain that for 4 months, then I'll lower my goal to 145#. There is a KOPS Leeway (-7# below goal & +3# above goal) to keep the KOPS title. It's easier to lose weight when U r heavy because there is much more water mass that comes off easier than the fat does; the lesser U weigh, the more difficult it is to lose weight/fat, that's why I'm having problems loosing now. The lowest I've weighed since becoming a KOP is 144# for 3 months this summer when I was gardening, etc. my DH loves my curvy body like it is now.
Our club never has a meeting the last week of the year because our Weight Recorder Must get all 34 member Weight Records ready to send into Headquarters in Milwaukee & she also has her holiday family obligations.
I really Love having 'you' & I here 'together' I enjoy our TOPS magazine from headquarters too. Have U ever gone on a TOPS Retreat, or IRD, maybe in 2014 I'll go if I start saving for it a year early. A few of our members went on the cruise in 2007. I almost went to IRD in Milwaukee last week because my oldest son lives there. I met Barb Cady a few yrs ago, she has a wonderful personality, she attended our Michigan SRD when I graduated. Time to go cuddle-up w DH now & watch some holiday tv shows, they'll b gone soon.
Chick's we r all getting Fitter anddd Slimmer in 2012 Together Power in Numbers!
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Old 12-24-2011, 12:21 PM   #480  
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Lazy day here but need to get in gear. We are going to visit my FIL this afternoon and do Christmas with him.

Tomorrow we will attend our morning church service and then we have Christmas with close friends of ours (always do Thanksgiving and Christmas with them). We are taking a ham, deviled eggs, angel food cake and rolls. They will make beef and noodles, mashed potatoes, baked beans and a banana cream pie.

We eat lunch, open gifts, watch movies, nap, talk and then eat again. It is easy and uncomplicated; just the way I like it!

Merry Christmas to all of you; I feel like you are family!

Dee: I have not been on a TOPS retreat or gone to IRD; I would love to do both some day. I have meet Lily Files and Barb Cady--both are GREAT ladies.
Congrats to keeping your KOPS is a hard thing to do!

Food journal for December 23
Breakfast: Homemade French Toast (2 slices), with 2 tablespoons of syrup, 2 p of bacon (the only meat I usually eat), water.

Lunch: 2 cups of broccoli, 1 cup of baked butternut squash (left overs), 1 p of bread and butter, water

Dinner: Grilled cheese, cole slaw, deep fried mushrooms, 1 rootbeer, 1 brownie (we were out to dinner with some friends at a local place)
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