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Old 01-09-2006, 09:58 AM   #316  
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Oh, Vickie--
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Old 01-09-2006, 10:31 AM   #317  
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My scale is staying 3 pounds up too, so I'm off to change (or delete?) my stats. Darn it!

I came on into work this morning very early so I could leave early and go to the house. I figured I could get more done over there in the afternoon because they will have a better idea of what they need; and the insurance adjuster will probably have been there by then. I also figured they needed to sleep in this morning. But ... my coworker is out today so I might end up staying here for 12 hours anyway. I guess we'll see how the day goes.

No more menu posting for me the rest of the week! I'm still keeping it in FitDay but am not going to sweat if I happen to go over 1200 calories.
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Old 01-09-2006, 10:47 AM   #318  
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What's happening with your scales down there. I'm up .5 from lowest, but I think it's more my constitution than anything else.

It's snowing again, so roads aren't so good. They talked about freezing rain or ice pellets, but now it seems to be only south of us.

I just got off the phone with oldest ds. He's trying to sell his business and deal with wife and partner at the same time. Last night he sounded really stressed out, which made for a lousy night's sleep for me. We talked this morning and I think he heard my words. Surprising how we never lose the parent worries.

Vickie, hope you WI is a good one. Again, it's only a temporary number.

Melissa, days off are a good thing. Have a good one.

Kathy, 12 hours, still don't know what you do. I know your neighbours appreciate every minute you give to them.

Lisa, I guess we just have to organize ourselves. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to hire someone to do it for us?

Sandra, any plans today? How cold does it get there?

Off to do laundry now, and then maybe Curves, weather permitting.

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Old 01-09-2006, 10:59 AM   #319  
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Oh Saundra, I forgot to answer you the other day when you asked. I do courseware and software engineering, and author instructional media that runs on cockpit procedure trainers. The very, very simplified version is that it's basically driver's ed for B-2 bomber pilots. We take the T.O. for the aircraft and write lessons that the student pilots use to learn all the different subsystems on the aircraft, like electrical systems, radar, weapons, avionics, etc. Depending on the delivery schedule (delivery of a block of training lessons) we can sometimes get very busy and so I work a lot of hours.

And now you know!
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Old 01-09-2006, 11:13 AM   #320  
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Maybe there is a scale conspiracy today. Maybe Vickie's scale won't be in on it.

Kathy, I don't know how you handle working so much. I'd go nuts. I'm already nuts.

Saundra, sounds like you had a tiring evening. Hope you don't have to go out today in the icy conditions!

Off to vacuum...
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Old 01-09-2006, 11:29 AM   #321  
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Old 01-09-2006, 11:54 AM   #322  
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Hi Chicks! I gained .8. It's ok. I'm off to run errands.

Melissa, I think I saw those storage boxes on sale at Lillian
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Old 01-09-2006, 12:15 PM   #323  
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It is a conspiracy!!

Thanks Vickie.
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Old 01-09-2006, 12:18 PM   #324  
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Life is good!

Coffee in! Exercise in! Hamster returned to school! Yea! He was a little noisy at long can they run on those dumb wheels.........seems like FOREVER!! I wish DS would have reminded me that they are nocturnal before I agreed to keep him for the weekend.

My scale was the same. I did 2.2 miles on the eliptical in 30 minutes which said I burned 301 calories. Seems to be more of a workout than the treadmill. I have short legs and can't move too fast on the treadmill. 25th class reunion coming up this fall so I am looking forward to being "hot" for that.

Gotta go. DS needs a friend to come and play.
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Old 01-09-2006, 12:42 PM   #325  
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Definitely a cross-border scale conspiracy going on! - my scale is up a pound, but I know w/the salty dinner and TOM approaching it's not here for long!

Saundra - I absolutely LOVED your statement "it's only a temporary number!" - so simple yet very profound - like a eureka moment for me! You're right - it is almost always a temporary number - not FIXED in any way - so room to move it - I shall try and remember this (I think I have a very hard time subconsciously when I see a higher number I tend to give in and give up - even tho it's probably only "temporary".)

Lisa - sounds like basic organizing - stuff we know yet we still don't do? (I think both dh and I are packrats in some way! altho I am neater than him - ha ha ha). Have you guys ever seen those california closets - gorgeous and amazing - I think having that in my walk-in would really help! ( )

Kathy - hope u do get to leave early!

I am actually AT HOME today - believe it or not. Went to bed too late, woke up feeling tired and a bit headachey - back to bed and decided they could live without me today at work. I slept in til 11 am!!! WOW. (and I"m home all alone which is a rarity in my world!).

Vickie - sounds like your wi was not too bad...and yes I actually did exercise last night at like 10 pm for 30 mins even tho I was tired - I did reduce my speed tho from my normal 3.2 mph to 3.0 (with no elevation) - so not a supreme workout, but at least I did something!

I have not eaten anything yet and it's 12:30 pm so I shall go find food! I am not going to eating my packed lunch and stuff as it should keep til tomorrow (and it's all ready to go! ).

I might even try to treadmill a bit today (I am busy driving children around tonight and won't be home til after 9 pm), and get a few groceries - and cook the chicken breasts for dinner!

Will check in later!

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Old 01-09-2006, 12:57 PM   #326  
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Kathy, sounds very technical and very impressive. My computer skills are limited to Google research, this on linestuff and accounting. I don't know how to make it do things, just know what I want to make it do.

Vickie, Monday is not my favourite weigh in day. Probably by Wednesday, you'll be down a couple.

Lisa, when my kids were young, we had a family of hamsters and a rat. Of couse, they lived on the first floor, and we slept upstairs. Reunions are great motivators. Unfortunately, every time I go back to Windsor, I'm not where I want to be +10. I ran into old bo last June, and of course, if he could only see me now!

Frouf, sorry to hear that you aren't up to snuff, but today is good to have a day off. Sleeping in is a good thing. I had a chill feeling yesterday, but I think it was due to the dampness out there. You sure are busy with the kids, I remember those days, and don't miss the carpools.

I went to Curves and started chatting with a couple of ladies, and wound up working out for an exta 10 minutes. It felt good. The roads are okay, so I'll pick up a few groceries later. We're having leftover whole wheat pasta with lots of veggies. Maybe I'll do some chicken too.

Time to hit the shower, or maybe I'll have a bath, yes, that sounds good.....
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Old 01-09-2006, 01:10 PM   #327  
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Big news--I actually exercised! Almost 30 minutes on the gazelle. Now I've got to go run those errands!!

Frouf, I hope that you enjoy your day off, and alone at that! That is exciting.

Saundra, sounds like you are so productive and dedicated. I'm very impressed.

Lisa, you too, you sound like you are really doing great. I'm sure you will be extra hot for your reunion!
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Old 01-09-2006, 01:16 PM   #328  
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Hi everyone
Just wanted to check in real quick. Well I am hoping weigh in goes well. I will let you know tonight. The sun has been trying to shine here. But it is awful windy. Said we may get some rain later today. Did the dishes. Got lunch on cooking for the guys. Son has school tonight. So have to fix a late lunch early supper. And going to wash a load of clothes.
Well I hope everyone is having a great day. I will have to try this copy and paste stuff. I didnt try now. So will see what happens.
Everyone take care. Will check in tonight.
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Old 01-09-2006, 01:56 PM   #329  
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Everybody has probably read this before, but it's worth repeating.

Right Now!
We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, and then another.

Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we believe that we'll be more content when they are.

After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.

We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, when we're able to go on a nice vacation, or when we retire.

The truth is there's no better time to be happy than...


If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. Happiness is the way.

So, treasure every moment that you have, and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, (special enough to spend your time with), and remember that time waits for no one.

So, stop waiting...

until your car or home is paid off.
until you get a new car or home.
until your kids leave the house.
until you go back to school.
until you finish school.
until you lose 10 lbs.
until you gain 10 lbs.
until you get married.
until you get a divorce.
until you have kids.
until you retire.
until summer.
until spring.
until winter.
until fall.
until you die.
There is no better time than RIGHT NOW to be happy.
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Old 01-09-2006, 02:11 PM   #330  
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Good words of advice Kathy!
It snowed like crazy here last night ,,,but we're all shovelled out now and its a gorgeous day and and even melting a little. The birds are in the feeders, I can watch them from my window.
Today was an awful day at work,,one little guy didnt want to share anythiing and didnt want anyone to play near him.....ohohoh My poor ears,,,,he screamed all morning. Of course mom kept saying,*we're going to have to go...." but didnt follow thru on it. Kids pick that up very quickly! If you say it ...mean it! (sorry had to vent a little, cuz I hear this all the time and its getting to be a pet peeve of mine at work now)
Have to go back in again tonight,so Im off to the couch for some R&R.
Have a great day everyone.
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