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Old 01-05-2006, 09:34 PM   #211  
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Saundra, yeah, I used to tell DH that couscous was just rice. I have never tried bulgar pilaf but it sounds interesting!
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Old 01-05-2006, 09:48 PM   #212  
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Whew! Well, I just finished 31 minutes and it was nearly 300 calories burned! I feel good about that. And guess what I found to watch while Gazelling? American Idol! Yay! It was a rerun of the very beginning of last season; actually after the original interviews and when they were in groups. It was really an interesting perspective to see it from this end of the season!

And I know when the new season starts I'll be getting a whole lot of Gazelle time in too! That was my routine earlier this year and it worked out quite well!
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Old 01-05-2006, 09:51 PM   #213  
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I just put my FitDay in for tomorrow and decided I would take myself to McDonald's for breakfast! It will be 13 points for what I want, but the rest of the day will be relatively light -- plus I'll do another 30 minutes of hard exercise tomorrow night so I should be fine.
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:04 PM   #214  
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melissa, you and aaron are such romantics. i love to read about your going out for hot chocolate. maybe if you exercised you'd have more energy. i know it works that way sometimes.

kathy, thank you for the update on your sil. i wish her the best.

saundra, you do sound excited. i am happy for you. ya'll are going to have a great time. i weighed 45 lbs less when curtis and i went to cancun. it was our second date. i hope ya'll get your jacuzzi suite.

kathy, sounds like you have a good plan for exercising as well as for eating tomorrow. you have made this journey fun. thank you for the inspirations.
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:11 PM   #215  
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i found this archery gif and couldn't resist adding it to my sig. i hope you like it. (my little chickie needs to keep ducking.) (chickie--ducking? )
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:16 PM   #216  
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Sandra, you crack me up. I know that I would definitely have more energy if I would exercise regularly. It's a vicious cycle.

Kathy, sounds like you have a good plan for tomorrow. I'm jealous of your plan.

I hope Vickie's okay, since she hasn't been here tonight. Here's a hug from all of us Vickie!

Well I'm going to bed. So tired!! Goodnight friends.
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:47 PM   #217  
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Hi! I just popped in to say goodnight. I'm really exhausted. I haven't read any posts here on 36 so I hope you are all well. I should be done with my pity party by morning. I am VERY happy that it's nothing life threatening but scared of any kind of surgery regardless. I read a story in this month's WW magazine where someone's inspiration to lose weight was because her obese GF went for routine surgery and died. Thanks! Just what I need to read. I believe I'll be fine but have that nervous feeling in my stomach (no pun intended!) anyway. I'm sure I'll be better in the morning.
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:51 PM   #218  
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Kathy - sorry to hear about the accident - but good to know it doesn't sound like anything too serious - wishing your sil and family a speedy recovery.

You too coco - how scary that must have been for you and dh? Good idea to bring along some better snacks for tomorrow - good luck!

Vickie darling - I am thrilled to see that you finally have a diagnosis - and hope you realize how lucky you are to not have anything supremely serious and to be able to have it taken care of is a blessing and bonus as well! When I had my gall bladder problems - and of course they had trouble diagnosing this as well - I was so worried that it was something horrible and serious and that I was going to die!

The pain was getting worse each week as were the things I could safely consume - so when they finally told me it was gallstones and I needed to get my gall bladder out I was actually thrilled! No need convincing me - just book the surgery date - I knew that finally all the pain would be over....and you will have the same result - sending you good wishes for your upcoming dr appts! (Now of course if you should need surgery and have to absent yourself for a little while, we would still expect good ole Honey Lamb to log on here and provide us with hourly and daily updates on your well being- and once you have recuperated, even if you can't "type" you can always "dictate" your posts to HL who I'm sure will help you out! )

Saundra - I think working at ww would be a wonderful idea - would definitely help keep you on track - you would also provide inspiration to others - and heck a little spending money is always nice!

Sandra - I love your ANIMATED ARCHERY chick - very very cool! (says the one with the crazed leaping pink and purple bunny!)

Kathy - well done with the 'gazelling'. While I am still very tired and have been chauffeuring the kids around since 2 pm this afternoon (even thru the burger king drive thru which I survived!) and doing groceries, after bringing dd home from dance class (9:30 pm) I convinced myself a walk on the treadmill would be a good thing! It was tough but I did manage 35 mins which I have now logged into my journal! YIPPEE

Too tired to cook so I had 2 scrambled eggs, toasted bagel, sliced tomato and earl grey tea - one of my favorite (and quick and easy!) comfort meals! Also made lunch for tomorrow knowing that if I didn't I would be in a big mess tomorrow!

Roads are getting bad now as ice/slush is freezing as temperatures drop - lots of black ice and cars in the ditch - hope the drive in tomorrow is not too bad!...and I really really wish for a good night's sleep!

Jammie time!

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Old 01-06-2006, 09:15 AM   #219  
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Well, I just read all the posts from yesterday. Sheesh. Whenever I'm not here it seems I miss alot!

Kath, I hope your SIL is feeling much better today. What a scare! It's frightening how one's life can change in the blink of an eye. I'm sure she's going to be very sore. Our car accident messed up my elbow for a good long while. It still hurts from time to time. I'd love to go to breakfast with you today but I do not want to eat light for the rest of the day nor do I want to do 30 minutes of hard exercise tonight! I guess I'll just stay home and eat my oatmeal. I'm proud of you for planning it into your day and compensating with the exercise so that you can still lose. Congratulations for doing 31 minutes on the Gazelle. I'm sure that would have brought me to my knees. I'm guessing your scale is down this morning. Imagine how low you can get if you keep that up a couple of times a week combined with good eating!

Coco, talk about scares! I'm SO happy that your DH did NOT have a heart attack. I hope he's getting great care and I know he really appreciates that you are there with him. And, I also hope the motrin works quickly to give him some relief. It is so sweet of you to think of me and hold me in your prayers. I know hernia is "fixable" and for that I'm VERY grateful. I am, however, a coward and will graciously accept all prayers! Try not to worry about your eating too much. Just be as good as you can. I've lost a post or two also. I've taken to copying the post before I hit "submit" in case it doesn't go through. Then all I have to do is paste it back into a blank screen if something bad happens.

Sandra, I do feel better knowing that I don't have anything horrible. I hope the colonoscopy comes out just as well! I love your archery chick. I wish I could find some cool stuff to add. Maybe I'll start looking around some more.

Melissa, thanks for all the hugs and support. It means alot to me. I know I'm a scaredy cat but I can't help it! I'm sorry that you're so tired but working can take alot out of you. It's even worse when you don't like what you do and triple bad when the situation is stressful and unhappy.

Saundra, I've never tried bulgar pilaf. Is there a recipe for that and how would you serve it? Maybe you could add it to our recipe thread! Since Core, I've been very open to trying new foods. I'd LOVE to work for WW. I'm sure they'd hire me if I could just someday get to my goal weight. I'd be thrilled to make $8.50 an hour since I don't really need the money and I'd be doing something fun.

Frouf, you are too sweet! I just love to read your messages. I'm hoping that you are either already safe and sound at work OR that the roads were so bad that you got to stay home from work in your jammies. You're right....I'm VERY sick of the pain and will probably let the Surgeon do what he needs to do...but I'm gonna be nervous! Jim says he'll try to figure out how to give you guys updates. He's not the greatest with computers but I'm good at giving directions! He might call it bossy! A horribly long day and you still did 35 minutes on the treadmill. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You ARE going to be successful at getting this weight off. There is NO way that eating well and exercise won't work. Now if I could just get back to exercising!

Angela, so I guess in my pity party I haven't been reading the posts closely enough. I see that you had a big loss for your first serious week back on program. I am SO happy that you got it back off so quickly. You know you are my role model. I'm so encouraged to know that this weight loss CAN be maintained!

Well, it's time for me to do my household stuff. I'm hurting pretty bad again today so I'm thinking no treadmill. Maybe tomorrow. I am going to get showered and dressed because I think I'll feel better if I do. I know I'll be back later.
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Old 01-06-2006, 09:37 AM   #220  
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Good morning all. Bernie went to shovel out the driveway at 7:30, he's working till 6:00 today. We'll probably go out tonight and take advantage of gift certificate.

Vikie, hope your day goes well. Don't take in too much information. Things will be okay. My great nephew went through all the tests in November and December, he's 18. They think it might be crones, but still not sure. He'ls okay right now.

Frouf, your dedication to the treadmill is fantastic. I don't know how you find the energy. I have errands to run today, so hope the roads are okay. Yeah, $8.50 and hour won't buy me much, but it is something that I can spend on all the gadgets that I love to try.

Kathy, how many calories have you burned so far? I swear, you guys are so inspiring.

Coco, how's hubby today? Please let us know how things go.

Sandra, the archery must be a wonderful thing. I remember doing it years ago. I know what you mean about our up and down weights. I look at some pictures and would destroy them if I could. And yet others are so good. Even though I'm giving myself permission to go off program when away, I vow not to let myself get to place that will get me down. I'm going to come back and get right on the wagon, hopefully with not too much of a gain. (I'm just being honest).

Melissa, Bernie knew right away that it wasn't rice, but he liked the bulgar. I'm going to explore other grains now, since I'm in a creative mood. I think I'll do kasha with whole wheat bowties. (it's an old Jewish dish)

Vick, I just added sauteed onions and muchrooms to the bulgar which I cooked in my new steamer.

I'll check in later to see how you are all doing, I do have to get a life
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Old 01-06-2006, 10:34 AM   #221  
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I love kasha and bow ties - and have made it core by using whole wheat bowties (hard to find tho - sometimes use farfalle - very close substitute!). I usually add sauteed mushrooms and onions and make the kasha using chicken broth (okay now I have a craving and will definitely make this over the weekend!).

Vickie - glad to hear you are trying to cope with the news and that you understand that surgery, while scary, may provide the solution and relief you need - keeping fingers (and toes) crossed that all goes well for you. (and I'm sure Jim doesn't mind you "bossing" him around? )

According to my exercise log I only need 20 more mins to fulfill my weekly commitment - I'm sure I can do that tonight? Saundra - I am usually not this dedicated (trust me - I hate to exercise) but read somewhere that 150 mins of exercise per week was a minimum so I am trying to stick to that goal - and it sure is helping me so far!

My scale is way down and I am so thrilled - of course this helps me stick to it! (Like I didn't know before that eating properly and exercising would help in my weight loss plan right? ha ha ha). Official wi tomorrow so I will post results then.

Best news is I ACTUALLY slept last night! I went to bed at midnight - was feeling tired - and FELL ASLEEP (one minor 4:15 bathroom visit where I thought 'oh no - hope I fall back asleep) - of course had trouble dragging myself out of bed this morning, but I do feel a bit better. The trick is not to stay up too late on the weekend to undo this progress!

Coco - how is your dh doing? Hope all is well in your world (and I also sometimes do as Vickie suggests and copy a post before posting - just in case it disappears into cyberspace!)

Kathy - how are u doing today? Any more news on your SIL? Hope you have something fun planned for the weekend.

Speaking of which I am going to gf's place for dinner tomorrow night - I know she is making a CHEESE FONDUE - which is obviously not core - but will be delish!!!! Not sure what my plan is? I know there will be salad as well so I will try to fill up on this. My feeling is I can splurge for just the one meal - given my current dedication. I will also exercise before I go on saturday to burn off some of the calories.

...and the roads were great this morning - no ice or anything? and not much traffic so not too late even tho I slept in a bit!

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Old 01-06-2006, 10:48 AM   #222  
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Lordy, girls! This is just not a fun day for me, despite the McDonald's stop!

Judd is sick and coughed all night, so I slept (slept??? HA!) on the couch. I am worn out. My eyes are scratchy. My head hurts. I'm tired. My boss is back from cataract surgery today and keeps looking at me funny. I'm thirsty. And did I already say I was tired? If not, I am.

I'll BBL. (Oh yeah, scale was down.)
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Old 01-06-2006, 11:31 AM   #223  
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Frouf, what is Kasha? Is there a recipe for that? guys have me interested in new grains.

Kathy, poor you! At work with no sleep, a headache and a boss who is seeing you for the first time! Hope time goes by quickly for you.
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Old 01-06-2006, 12:09 PM   #224  
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Kasha is actually buckwheat (sometimes comes in different granulations - like fine, medium and coarse - I prefer the medium). We find it here in a box - small brown kernel things!

You can simply follow the recipe on the box? (the brand I usually find here is called Wolff's) - you put the kasha in pot - low heat - add an egg, a bit of salt, and stir till a bit dry and roasted - then add approx 2 cups boiling water (for 1/2 box?) - I use chicken broth, to cover lower heat and simmer about 10 mins - grains should be separate and flaky.

The bowties of course are cooked like any pasta - drain, and add to the buckwheat when done (as mentioned I take a frying pan and also saute some sliced onions and mushrooms and stir this in as well adding salt and pepper to taste!). Very healthy and yummy sidedish!

Kathy - poor you! Sounds like you had the night from **** - at least it's friday? Hope your boss does NOT say anything inappropriate - maybe just getting used to the "new" eyes? Can you leave early? maybe take some painkillers in the meantime?

Lunchtime now - and the sun is trying to come out!

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Old 01-06-2006, 12:19 PM   #225  
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This is some info that I saved.

Kasha are dishes of Eastern European origin, usually made from crushed buckwheat (buckwheat groats). Kasha also is used to refer to the buckwheat groats themselves.

In Poland, kasha is a porridge or thick gruel, and in Russia it is frequently baked into small pancakes in the oven.

How to Cook Whole Grains
Diana Mirkin

Whole grains are easy to cook on the stovetop (as you would cook rice or pasta), or in a countertop steamer. I always cook one pound (2˝ cups) of whole grains at a time (as much as my steamer will hold), since they keep well -- refrigerated or frozen. Leftovers can be reheated in a microwave or used in salads. I make my own "instant grains" by packaging ˝-1 cup portions in baggies and storing them in the freezer. They take a minute or less to thaw in the microwave.
Ignore the instructions on packages of whole grains -- use the charts below instead. The first time you cook a new grain, check them 5-10 minutes before the end of the cooking time to make sure they are not getting mushy. If they aren't tender enough to suit you at the end of the recommended time, cook a little longer. You do not need to rinse or pre-soak whole grains.
Cook grains in bouillon or other flavored liquid; 1 cup bouillon = 1 cup water + 1 bouillon cube or 1 teaspoon bouillon granules, or 1 cup of any other flavored liquid of your choice. If you don't use bouillon that contains salt, be sure to add a little salt to the cooking liquid. Whole grains cooked without salt taste hopelessly flat. Vegetable or chicken flavored bouillon yields neutral-flavored grains that can be used for anything – breakfast cereal, main dishes, salads or desserts.

Chart 1. Cooking Whole Grains in a Steamer
For 2˝ cups (1 lb.) Grains: Amount of bouillon Cooking Time
Wheat Berries 4 cups 75 minutes
Kamut 4 cups 75 minutes
Spelt 4 cups 75 minutes
Rye 4 cups 75 minutes
Triticale 4 cups 75 minutes
Oat Groats 4 cups 75 minutes
Barley 4 cups 75 minutes
Brown Rice 4 cups 65-75 minutes
Wild Rice (˝lb.) 4 cups 75 minutes
Job's Tears 4 cups 75 minutes
Millet 4 cups 40 minutes
Quinoa 4 cups 30 minutes
Amaranth 4 cups 30 minutes
Teff 3 cups 40 minutes
Kasha (Buckwheat Groats) 4 cups 15-20 minutes
Bulgur 4 cups 20 minutes
Cooking whole grains in an electric countertop steamer
If you are serious about following a low-fat, high-fiber diet, I strongly recommend that you invest in one of these handy appliances. This is by far the easiest, most convenient way to cook all of the whole grains. I recommend the Black and Decker Handy Steamer Plus (with an 8-cup capacity rice bucket and 75-minute timer.) Countertop steamers come with instruction booklets with detailed information on cooking vegetables and seafood. Follow these instructions for cooking whole grains, using the times and amounts shown in the chart.
Fill the steamer base with water to the top line. (Do not use the drip tray.) Place the steamer basket on the base. Place the grains and bouillon (use amounts from the Steamer chart below) in the rice bowl and set the rice bowl in the steamer basket. Cover, plug in, set timer. When the timer rings, let the grains sit until cool OR remove the cover carefully to avoid steam burns. Drain the grains in a colander if there is excess liquid. Note: I let the grains sit for at least 20-30 minutes after the timer rings before removing the lid.

Hope it helps
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